et oH, So! opi re ihe Ih uy * bat 4 SY it My : ts Ii ee ei Hii ! co “4, ih y ) a Th ‘ A Ayn il il F—_ st ; il 7 AME: wv x Wy x, * S <5 ith EA & g, : Ss 45 << i, 4 as, Pa By: < Seat YW! ! HA 5 fi |: i { wk es WO! une 66,513 [a1 34 AH BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PAE ONTOLOG ¥ VOLE xt val 1964 Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York WS: Ay IN MEMORIAM Mrs. Charles S. Lewis (October 10, 1963) Mrs. Floyd Hodson (September 14, 1964) CONTENTS OF VOLUME XLVII Bulletin No. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. Problem of the Geographic and Stratigraphic Distribution of American Middle Eocene Larger Foraminifera By W. Storrs Cole and Esther E. Applin Devonian Foraminifera: Part |, The Louisiana Limestone of Missouri and Illinois By James E. Conkin and Barbara M. Conkin Late Cenozoic Scaphopeds and Serpulid Poly- chaetes from Northern Venezuela By Norman E. Weisbord Eocene and Miocene Foraminifera from Two Localities in Duplin County, North Carolina By Charles W. Copeland The Ammonite Fauna of the Kialagvik For- mation at Wide Bay, Alaska Peninsula I. Lower Bajocian (Aalenian) By Gerd E. G. Westermann Some Neogene Mollusca from Florida and the Carolinas By Axel A. Olsson and Richard E. Petit Index Plates 12-15 44-76 77-83 Pages 1-48 49-160 107-204 205-324 325-504 505-574 575-584 S56 0 4 ou /. cis BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY VOL. XLVEL NUMBER 212 1964 Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York U.S. A. PALEONTOLOGICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTION 1963-1964 PRESIDENT uci Weta bere be ie heads WN Oy Ne BOF Rea ome a Meter AXEL A. OLssoN WVACE=PRESIDENT G20 ec ots Ih Sooke anne de tig. as ea my Ot pee A eed DONALD W. FISHER SEGRETAR Ye URBASURER 12 (42ss0.c/3. Aad cwsncdie forte seacn Mem ect ccah: Mteed REBECCA S. HARRIS TOIRRETOR ieee teh ao 5: okt Le ey Mat a KATHERINE V. W. PALMER (COUNSET rie ote Fe fu ORLY oes ie ou debe tie, ost we UA Men ots ater et ARMAND L. ADAMS REPRESENTATIVE AAAS COUNCIL ..........00..0::c0c0 ee men eelaet .. KENNETH E. CASTER Trustees KENNETH E. CASTER (1960-1966) KATHERINE V. W. PALMER (Life) DoNALD W. FIsHER (1961-1967) WILLIAM B. HERoy (1963-1968) REBECCA S. Harris (Life) AXEL A. OLSSON (Life) SOLOMON C. HOLLISTER (1959-1965) HANs G. KUGLER (1963-1969) JoHN W. WELLS (1958-64) BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY and PALAEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA KATHERINE V. W. PALMER, Editor Mrs. Fay Bnrices, Secretary Advisory Board KENNETH E. CASTER HANS KUGLER A. Myra KEEN JAY GLENN MARKS Complete titles and price list of separate available numbers may be had on application. All volumes will be available except vol. I of Paleontographica Americana, Vol. I to be reprinted by Johnson Reprint Corporation, New York, N.Y. For reprint, Vols. 1-6, 8-16, Bulletins of American Paleontology see Kraus Reprint Corp., 16 East 46th St., New York 17, N. Y., U.S.A. Subscription may be entered at any time by volume or year, with average price of $16.00 per volume for Bulletins. Numbers of Paleontographica Americana in- voiced per issue. Purchases in U.S.A. for professional purposes are deductible from income tax. For sale by Paleontological Research Institution 109 Dearborn Place Ithaca, New York U.S.A. BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY (Founded 1895) Vol. 47 No. 212 PROBLEMS OF THE GEOGRAPHIC AND STRATIGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION OF AMERICAN MIDDLE EOCENE LARGER FORAMINIFERA By W. Storrs COLE Cornell University and U. S. Geological Survey and EsTHER R. APPLIN U. S. Geological Survey, Jackson, Mississippi January 17, 1964 Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York, U.S.A. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: GS 64-130 Printed in the United States of America CONTENTS NDR, successes SoA ae ee a ea [mtroduction .......c...:.s.0.0- PR eR ee Mrrh se SeW Oe NAA CAT Oe tT, Is NE BR a WOGATEHES: «i c.nceeee.ccc-aceoee: Relationship of facies to the distribution of larger Foraminifera . Correlation by larger Foraminifera Rese eee nerr Fe eee ee ee Larger Foraminifera as formational indices . Correlation with Caribbean localities .... Stratigraphic position of species not previously recorded from Florida and Georgia Systematic descriptions .... Asterocyclina monticellensis Cole and Ponton . Camagueyia perplexa Cole and Bermudez Camerina willcoxi (Heilprin) ae ae nee Coskinolina elongata Cole Dictyoconus americanus (Cushman) Dictyoconus floridanus (Cole) Discocyclina (Discocyclina) marginata (Cushman) Discocyclina (Discocyclina) waltonensis Cole and Applin, n. sp. ........... Pabularia matleyt (Vanghan,). ......ccc0ccccscceserseesssssenssveneness Lepidocyclina (Polylepidina) antillea Cushman . Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina) ariana Cole and Ponton Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina) pustulosa H. Douvillé . Lituonella grandicamerata Cole and Applin, n. sp. Pseudochrysalidina floridana Cole Pseudophragmina (Proporocyclina) clarki (Cushman) Pseudophragmina (Proporocyclina) teres Cole and Gravell Pseudophragmina (Proporocyclina) tobleri Vaughan and Cole REPEC CCS meee men ae eae eR Crm SR erage once ec dete creme PALES 5° ok lear Ak BAe st SUES ey, Ls CO ee a er er eee a eee Shae ee PROBLEMS OF THE GEOGRAPHIC AND STRATIGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION OF AMERICAN MIDDLE EOCENE LARGER FORAMINIFERA?? W. STORRS COLE Cornell University and U. S. Geological Survey and ESTHER R. APPLIN U. S. Geological Survey, Jackson, Mississippi ABSTRACT Larger Foraminifera from the middle Eocene of Florida and southern Georgia are discussed, including two new species, and their geographic and_ stratigraphic distribution, not only in the United States, but also at selected localities in the Caribbean Region, is analyzed. Several species not previously reported from the United States are discussed and illustrated. Analysis of the larger Foraminifera suggests that the Inglis limestone can not be separated from the underlying Avon Park limestone and represents the upper part of the Avon Park limestone. The Helicostegina gyralis zone (uppermost zone) of the Oldsmar limestone (lower Eocene) is transferred to the basal Lake City limestone (middle Eocene). INTRODUCTION Cushman (1919, p. 77; 1921, p. 33) was one of the first to discuss middle Eocene larger Foraminifera from wells in Florida, but he misiden- tified Dictyoconus as Orbitolina. Therefore, he considered that most of the sediments, assigned later to the middle Eocene, were Early Cretaceous in age. Vaughan (1923, p. 254) correctly identified these specimens as Dictyoconus and stated, ‘There is no known evidence of deposits of Lower Cretaceous age occurring at relatively shallow depths in Florida, the deposits considered by Cushman as of Lower Cretaceous age being, accord- ing to the material I have examined, of either Oligocene or Eocene age.” Later, Cushman (1927, p. 198) wrote “...a more careful study of species of Orbitolina and of sections of the Florida specimens has con- vinced me that the determination of the latter as Orbitolina was incorrect and that the beds containing them are of Middle Eocene age.’’ Cooke and Mossom (1929, p. 46) in their Geology of Florida did not attempt to sub- divide the Eocene. They stated “It is now supposed that the Eocene lime- stone is several hundred feet thick and that it is underlain by Upper Cretaceous sediments ...”” In 1934 Cole and Ponton described Asterocyclina monticellensis, Fabularia vaughani, and Lepidocyclina ariana from samples from wells in Florida, but they did not specify that these species were obtained from 1Publication authorized by the Director, U.S. Geological Survey. 2The cost of the printed plates was given by the William F. E. Gurley Foundation for Paleontology of Cornell University. 6 BULLETIN 212 middle Eocene sediments. In 1938 almost simultaneously Gravell and Hanna (pp. 1007, 1010) and Cole (pp. 21, 22) published records of the occurrence of Lepidocyclina (Polylepidina) gardnerae Cole (=L. antillea Cushman), and the Discocyclina blanpiedi Vaughan (= Dzscocyclina weaveri Vaughan) —Dzscocyclina cookei Vaughan [= Pseudophragmina (Athecocyclina) stephensoni (Vaughan) } fauna from the Granberry well No. 1 in Jackson County, Florida. Thus, records were definitely established of the occurrence in western Florida of species which elsewhere on the Gulf Coastal Plain of the United States characterized the Claiborne and Wilcox. In peninsular Florida Stubbs (1937, p. 27) tentatively referred a subsurface limestone to the upper part of the middle Eocene, basing this suggestion on Mrs. Applin’s opinion that “ , . . this limestone is probably Upper Claiborne in age.’’ However, the first detailed descriptions of species in peninsular Florida from middle Eocene limestones were the ones by Cole (1941; 1942). He (Cole, 1941, p. 7) suggested that “This section represents the middle Eocene. It is the probable equivalent of the Claiborne section reported from the Granberry Well.” Elsewhere in this same bulletin Cole (1941, p. 16) wrote: ‘‘This limestone may be the deeper water equivalent of the sands described in the paper on the Gran- berry well (W-285) and assigned to the Claiborne.”’ Later, Cole (1944, p. 25) established the presence of the Lepido- cyclina (Polylepidina) antillea zone, previously recognized in western Florida, in a well in northeastern Florida and discussed other middle Eocene larger foraminiferal zones found in this same well. The Applins in 1944 published a comprehensive article on the sub- surface stratigraphy and structure of Florida and southern Georgia in which for the first time formational designations were given to the middle Eocene subsurface units. They proposed that the beds of middle Eocene age below the Ocala limestone (upper Eocene) be named from youngest to oldest, Avon Park limestone, Tallahassee limestone, and Lake City limestone. In 1945 E. R. Applin and Jordan reviewed many of the diagnostic For- aminifera from subsurface formations in Florida and described several new species. Bermudez (1950) was the first to suggest the correlation of Floridian formations with those of Cuba, Cole and Gravell (1952, p. 709), in discussing larger Foraminifera collected from the lowest 6 inches of strata exposed in an abandoned pit near Pefion, Matanzas Province, Cuba, demon- LARGER FORAMINIFERA: COLE AND APPLIN 7/ strated that many of the species which occurred in Florida in separate and stratigraphically separated zones were associated in Cuba. Since then information has been published on middle Eocene for- aminiferal faunas of Mexico, St. Bartholomew, Jamaica, Cuba, and Vene- zuela. An attempt will be made in this article, not only to review and describe species from the middle Eocene of Florida and adjacent parts of Georgia, but also to correlate the occurrences of these species with selected localities elsewhere in the Caribbean region. Certain postulates made here concerning interregional correlations are based upon the insufficiently known stratigraphic ranges of many of the species and may be incorrect. However, the statement of the problems may focus attention upon them so that ultimately a correct solution will be found. The types and other specimens will be deposited in the U. S. National Museum. LOCALITIES Florida Columbia County Loc. 1—City well, Lake City (Fla. Geol, Sur. No. W-299), Sec. 5, T. 4 S., Resi. Es Duval County Loc. 2—City of Jacksonville (Fla. Geol. Sur, No. W-322) in south Jack- sonville, River Oaks Pump Station, Sec. 25, T. 2 S., R. 26 E. Loc. 3—City of Jacksonville, well No. 22 (Fla. Geol. Sur. No. W-541) Day Street, Jacksonville, Sec. 13, T. 2 S., R. 26 E. Loc. 4—City of Jacksonville well (Fla. Geol. Sur, No. W-579) at inter- section of Fifth and Hogan Streets, Sec, T. 2 S., R. 26. E. Loc. 5—St. Johns Ship Building Company well (Fla, Geol. Sur. No. W-649), Jacksonville, 11/4, mi. east of Post Office, Sec, 18, T. 2 S53 R27 5: Franklin County Loc. 6—The California Co.—Coastal Petroleum Co., State Lease 224-A, well No. 2 (Fla. Geol. Sur. No. W-5654), Latitude 29° 47’ 03” N, Longitude 84° 22’ 51” W. Offshore about 6 mi. south of Lighthouse Point, Franklin County, Fla. Monroe County Loc. 7—Florida East Coast Railway well at Marathon (Fla. Geol. Sur. No: W-2), Key Vaca, Sec. 9, T. 66 S., R. 32 E. ILOE: Boe Loc. Loe Loe Loc. Loc. oe BULLETIN 212 8— Peninsular Oil and Refining Company, J. W. Cory well No. 1 (Fla. Geol, Sur. No. W-445) near Pinecrest, Sec. 6, T.55%ss R. 34 E. St. Johns County 9—Florida East Coast Hotel Company, Ponce de Leon Hotel well (Fla. Geol. Sur. No. W-236), Sec. 18, T. 7 S., R. 30 E. Walton County 10—Oil City Corporation, Walton Land and Timber Company well No. 1, (Fla. Geol. Sur. No. W-148), Sec. 12, T. 1 NG Ree 11—Sun Oil Company, Brady Belcher well No. 3, Sec. 33, Tt. SING Ret We Georgia Clinch County 12—Wiley P. Ballard, Jr., Timber Products Company well B-1, Land Lot 306, Land District 7. Pierce County _ 13—Pan-American Production Co. Adams-McCaskill well No. 1, (Ga. Geol. Sur. No. 119), Land Lot 329, Land District 4, Jamaica 14—One-half mile southwest of Sandy River, Clarendon; H. R. Versey, collector. 15—About one mile northwest of Port Maria, St. Mary’s Parish; E. Robinson, collector. France 16—Calcaires de St. Palais, at St. Palais (Le Bureau) in cliff along seaside walk, near Royan, Charente Maritime; H. T, and A. R. Loeblich, Jr., collectors, 26 January 1954, RELATIONSHIP OF FACIES TO THE DISTRIBUTION OF LARGER FORAMINIFERA Regionally, there are two distinct faunal provinces of larger For- aminifera in the middle Eocene in the southern part of the United States. Under most of peninsular Florida the middle Eocene is represented by massive limestones and dolomites in which the characteristic genera are Lituonella, Coskinolina, Dictyoconus, Gunteria, and others. This limestone facies usually does not have Lepidocyclina, Pseudophragmina, or Camerina present. LARGER FORAMINIFERA: COLE AND APPLIN 9 Westward, from Alabama to Texas and the Tampico Embayment area the middle Eocene is represented by a clastic facies in which Lepidocyclina, Pseudophragmina, and Camerina occur, but genera common in the lime- stone facies of peninsular Florida have not been found. In northern Florida and southern Georgia in a zone in which the limestone and clastic facies interfinger, species characteristic of both the limestone and clastic facies occur. Certain of these species may be grouped together in single samples, or more often only a single species may be found at a given stratigraphic horizon. The occurrence of the genera and species within these two major facies seemingly is the result of ecological controls. Dyctyoconus, for example, not only survived in the limestone facies of peninsular Florida but in places flourished so abundantly that its tests comprise large parts of the limestone. Lepidocyclina, on the other hand, became established only in clastic sediments or in marly limestones. However, Lepidocyclina was more tolerant as specimens do occur in marly limestone, whereas Dictyoconus appears to be restricted to limestones. Any attempt to correlate the larger foraminiferal faunas of the lime- stone facies of peninsular Florida with those of the clastic facies of the Gulf Coast westward from Alabama must be based upon an analysis of the faunas in northern Florida and southern Georgia where the faunas of these two distinct facies interfinger, Correlation is, moreover, complicated by lack of data concerning the method, route, and time of migration of the benthonic larger Foraminifera. Cole (1960, p. 15) postulated that larger Foraminifera are distributed by floatation in masses of vegetation which were separated from the substratum by large storm waves. He (Cole, 1960, p. 16) wrote regarding this method of distribution: ‘The migration of the larger Foraminifera would be slow, erratic, and discontinuous. Moreover, under the conditions proposed genera might not be transported to a favorable situation where a colony could be established.” However, if such accidental migrants find suitable ecological con- ditions which are extensive geographically, they seemingly spread rapidly over the entire suitable area and are checked in their spread only where unsuitable conditions are encountered. Thus, these accidental migrants become rapidly widespread within a given ecological province. Moreover, a species once established, if ecological conditions continue to be favorable, may range through a relatively thick stratigraphic section. 10 BULLETIN 212 Gravell and Hanna (1938, p. 1008) reported that the Lepsdocyclina (Polylepidina) zone“. . . has been found tn a few wells through a section of as much as 200 feet.” If local ecological conditions were unfavorable, specimens of Lepidocyclina (Polylepidina) would not be found even in wells near one in which the thick zone was encountered, In other adjacent wells specimens of Lepidocyclina (Polylepidina) might be found in a single sample, thereby giving the impression that this zone was extremely thin. In certain cases genera or species may be introduced into an area, survive for a limited time, and disappear. Yet, in other areas under more favorable ecological conditions these same genera and species may flourish for longer periods of time. Thus, the stratigraphic range of genera and species may be different within the same geographic province depending upon the ecological conditions. Moreover, it may be postulated that during the middle Eocene northern Florida and southern Georgia were at or near the temperature limit at which genera of larger Foraminifera could survive. This would be, therefore, a geographic area in which extreme fluctuations both of colonization and maintenance of populations would occur. Evidence 1s accumulating to suggest that under optimum conditions certain species of larger Foraminifera formerly thought to have rather narrowly restricted stratigraphic ranges may have extended stratigraphic ranges. Cole (19584, p. 262; 1958c, p. 417) demonstrated that species of camerinids and discocyclinids, formerly thought to be restricted to the middle or upper Eocene, range from middle into upper Eocene. Helicolepidina spiralis Tobler is known to range from middle into the upper Eocene (Cole, 1962). At locality 15 (Jamaica) H. spiralis occurs with Lepidocyclina (Polylepidina) antillea (Cushman), a species which in Florida and elsewhere on the Gulf Coast of the United States is restricted to the middle Eocene. In Florida, however, Helicolepidina spiralis has been reported only from the uppermost Eocene where it is associated with Lepidocyclina (Eulepidina) chaperi Lemoine and R. Dou- villé (Moore, 1955, p. 38). Helicolepidina is a distinctive and easily recognized genus which has been reported from many middle and upper Eocene localities in Trinidad, Venezuela, and Panama, yet in the southern United States it is known only from a deep well in Louisiana (Vaughan, 1936) and from a few surface samples in northwestern Florida. LARGER FORAMINIFERA: COLE AND APPLIN ial Although Discocyclina (Discocyclina) occurs abundantly in the Eocene of Cuba and Trindad, it has not been found in Georgia until two species were found in the present collection. These occurrences establish the fact that Discocyclina (Discocyclina) did migrate from areas where it was well established but seemingly did not successfully colonize for any length of geologic time the marginal areas into which it migrated. CORRELATION BY LARGER FORAMINIFERA In the limestone sections penetrated by wells in Florida and Georgia the larger Foraminifera are often the mest easily recognized of the fossils recovered. Therefore, it has been logical to base stratigraphic determina- tions upon the occurrences of these organisms, supplemented in every case possible by an analysis of the associated smaller Foraminifera or other groups of organisms, If the conditions of deposition were uniform within a given area, sub- division and correlation may be useful and practical using larger Foramini- fera. It must be appreciated, however, that correlation between provinces in which different conditions of deposition prevailed may be difficult, and the ranges of species may vary from province to province. Moreover, species which in one province occur in association in single samples may be separated from each other in another province by a con- siderable stratigraphic interval. Thus, in one province several species may be considered to be characteristic of a stratigraphic zone, but in another province these same species may be considered to be stratigraphic markers for several distinct and stratigraphically separated zones. Cole (1942, p. 7) zoned a part of the middle Eocene of Florida recognizing five zones based mainly upon the occurrence of single species at different stratigraphic levels. The Applins (1944, p. 1678, Table 1) and E. R, Applin and Jordan (1945), although maintaining zones based upon single species, broadened correlation by combining zonal species into faunas of formations. Thus, species would be diagnostic of a formation covering a considerable stratigraphic interval rather than markers for limited stratigraphic zones within a given formation. As Cole and Gravell (1952, p. 710) demonstrated, several species in Florida, which had been used either as zonal markers or as being diagnostic of formations, occur together within one six-inch thick laver at Pefion Seep, Matanzas Province, Cuba. Therefore, if larger Foraminifera are used for correlation between separate provinces, an adequate explanation for these 12 BULLETIN 212 differences of association and stratigraphic position must be stated as we have attempted to do in the preceding section. LARGER FORAMINIFERA AS FORMATIONAL INDICES Although Cole (1941, pp. 7, 16) and the Applins (1944, p. 1678, Table 1) placed the top of the middle Eocene upon the first appearance in wells of such characteristic species as Litwonella floridana, Dictyoconus floridanus (=Coskinolina floridana), Discorimopsis gunteri, and others, this decision has been challenged. Bermudez (1950, p. 248) correlated the Avon Park limestone with the Jabaco formation, stating that the most important species common to both formations were Litwonella floridana and Dictyoconus floridanus (=Cos- kinolina floridana). The Jabaco formation is considered by Bermudez to be lower upper Eocene in age. On the other hand Katherine V. W. Palmer (in Richards and Palmer, 1953, p. 9) stated “The evidence of the identifiable gastropods corroborates a middle Eocene or Lutetian age of the Avon Park limestone .. . ” Dictyoconus floridanus, Discorinopsts gunteri, Lituonella floridana, Pseudochrysalidina floridana, and Spirolina coryensis in Florida are char- acteristic markers for the Avon Park limestone (upper middle Eocene), but they have not been reported from the Ocala limestone (upper Eocene). In Trindad (Vaughan and Cole, 1941) and in Panama (Cole, 1952) they do not occur in the upper Eocene although numerous samples have been examined. In Cuba (Bermudez, 1950, p. 248) and Jamaica (Cole, 1956, Table 5) certain of these species, but not all, have been reported from samples assigned to the upper Eocene. These samples in which middle Eocene species occur should be reexamined as they may have been improperly assigned to the upper Eocene. However, such species, as Fabiania cassis and Lepidocyclina pustulosa, definitely range from the middle into the upper Eocene. Thus, there is the possibility that species, such as Dictyoconus floridanus, Lituonella floridana, and others, have more extensive ranges in other geographic areas than study of wells in Florida would indicate. Moreover, the possibility of reworking must not be ignored. It has been well established (Cole and Bermudez, 1947, p. 192) that Upper Cretaceous larger Foraminifera have been reworked into the Eocene in Cuba. LARGER FORAMINIFERA: COLE AND APPLIN 13 Vernon (1951, p. 115) defined as the Inglis member of the Moodys Branch formation the basai part of strata which Applin and Jordon (1945, p. 130) discussed as “the lower member of the Ocala limestone” and also included in this unit the upper part of strata in wells which Cole (1942, p. 6) and the Applins (1944, p. 1752, fig. 37) considered to be middle Eocene in age. Puri (1957, p. 24) raised the Inglis member to formational rank and presented (p. 29) a chart showing the ranges of Foraminifera and Ostra- coda in the Inglis limestone ana the Williston formation of Vernon (1951). Puri (1957, p. 50) remarked concerning the distribution of certain of the Foraminifera and Ostracoda “‘all these forms were originally described from the middle Eocene, but are also abundant in the Inglis formation, The fauna of the Inglis formation is transitional between the middle and the upper Eocene... ’ Moreover, there does not seem to be agreement concerning the stratt- graphic ranges of certain species. Vernon (1951, p. 118) wrote concerning the fauna of the Inglis: “Only one large Foraminifera, Camerina vander- stoki (Rutten and Vermunt), is present and it is limited to the upper few feet.” On the other hand Puri (1957, p. 180) recorded Nammautlites vanderstoki (=Camerina striatoreticulata) as occurring only in the upper Williston formation and in the Crystal River formation of Purt (1953). If the distributional lists of Foraminifera, especially the larger and distinctive species, such as Discorinopsis gunteri, Spirolina coryensis, and others, given by Vernon (1951, Table 10) and Puri (1957, Table 1) are analyzed, the major break in faunal sequences occurs at the top of the Inglis. Richards and K. V. W. Palmer (1953, p. 59) in their well-organized discussion of the molluscan fauna reached two conclusions: 1) “The study of the gastropods and pelecypods from the Avon Park limestone supports the view that this formation is of middle Eocene (Lutetian) age; 2) The fauna from the Inglis member of the Moody’s Branch formation shows a strong affinity with the middle Eocene (Lutetian=Claiborne), as well as with the upper Eocene (Jackson). It is probable that the age of the Inglis is lower Jackson, as suggested by Vernon (1951, p. 112).” Although more data are necessary for a complete understanding of the geographic and stratigraphic distribution of the Foraminifera, there is more information available concerning these organisms than there is con- cerning the Mollusca, If the Foraminifera alone are considered, the major 14 BULLETIN 212 discontinuity in foraminiferal faunas occurs between the Inglis and the Williston. The foraminiferal faunas of the Lake City, Avon Park, and Inglis are essentially a unit in peninsular Florida composed of such genera, as Lit- uonella, Dictyoconus, Spirolina, and Fabularia, The fauna of the overlying Ocala limestone lacks these genera and consists of Camerina, Lepido- clina, Asterocyclina, and Pseudophragmuina. As the major break in foraminiferal faunas occurs at the top of the Inglis, and as we can not discover any criteria in continuous sections of well samples whereby the Inglis could be separated from the Avon Park, in the authors’ opinion, the Inglis should be abondoned and these strata included in the Avon Park limestone. Thus, the stratigraphic order would be the same as that proposed by the Applins (1944). Although Richards and Palmer (1953, p. 59) stated the probable age of the Molluscan fauna of the Inglis is lower Jackson, they emphasized that this fauna has “. . . a strong affinity with the middle Eocene...” As the Foraminifera are the same kinds that occur throughout the strata which underlie those from which the Mollusca were obtained, we consider that the evidence is such that this entire section which we refer to the Avon Park limestone is middle Eocene in age. As Cole (1942, p. 13) as early as 1942 pointed out, the “.. . faunas of the middle Eocene of peninsular Florida more nearly resemble those of Mexico and the West Indian region than those of the Gulf Coast of the United States.” Later, Richards and Palmer (1953, p. 59) reemphasized this origin of the faunas of peninsular Florida by stating “The discovery of the unusual Avon Park and Inglis faunas in Florida strongly suggest an extension of the Tethyan fauna from the West Indies to Florida.” The final solution to the correlation of the middle Eocene of peninsular Florida may be found when the sequences in Cuba are known in detail. The problem of selecting a guide fossil or fossils to distinguish the top of the Oldsmar limestone (Wilcox equivalent, lower Eocene) from the base of the overlying Lake City limestone (middle Eocene) by For- aminifera is even more difficult than deciding upon the indices for the top » of the middle Eocene. The Applins (1944, p. 1699) chose for the top of the Oldsmar lime- stone “. . . the presence of abundant specimens of Helicostegina gyralis Barker and Grimsdale... .’’ There is no question that the H, gyralis zone is present in numerous wells, or that it occurs below such characteristic LARGER FORAMINIFERA: COLE AND APPLIN 15 Lake City species as Dictyoconus americanus, Lepidocyclina antillea, and others in Florida. However, the Applins (1944, p. 1693) suggested that the H. gyral7s zone might eventually prove to be basal middle Eocene in age. The difficulty of using H. gyralis arises when its occurrence elsewhere in the Caribbean Region is examined. The types of H. gyrals are from beds referred by Barker and Grimsdale (1936, p. 237) to... the top of the lower or the base of the middle Eocene...”’ Later, Barker and Grims- dale (1937, p. 173) found H. gyralzs in association with Pseudolepidina trimera in beds which they stated are known “ ... to be near the base of the middle Eocene.” Cole and Gravell (1952, p. 713) reported H. gyralis from Cuba where it occurs with such distinctive species as Gunteria floridana in a bed assigned to the middle Eocene. In Jamaica (Cole, 1956, Table 4) H. gyralis was found in strata assigned to the middle Eocene, and in St. Bartholomew (Cole, 19582, p. 190) it occurred with Lepidocyclina (Poly- lepidina) antillea. As H. gyralis has not been reported from elsewhere in the Caribbean Region below the base of the middle Eocene, the suggestion is made that the Helicostegina gyralis zone be included in the basal part of the Lake City limestone. If this suggestion is followed, the index species for the top of the Oldsmar limestone would be Pseudophragmina (Proporo- cyclina) zaragosensis (Vaughan) (=P. (P.) cedarkeysensis Cole). Coskinolina elongata Cole occurs in Florida (Applins, 1944) in several wells either below the first occurrence of Psewdophragmina (Pro- porocyclina) zaragosensis (Vaughan), or, where that species is absent, at the top of the Oldsmar limestone as redefined in this bulletin. In Jamaica C. elongata occurs with Fabularia matleyi (Vaughan) and Coskinolinoides jamaicensis Cole (1956, Table 4) in strata which are assigned to the base of the “yellow” limestone (Hose and Versey, 1956, Text-fig. 1). Coskinolinoides jamaicensis has not been reported from Florida. Fabularia matleyi in Florida ranges through the Lake City and Avon Park limestones, and Coskinolina elongata is known only from the Oldsmar limestone. These data suggest that Fabularia matleyi has a long stratigraphic range from lower through the middle Eocene, and that there is the pos- sibility that the basal part of the “yellow” limestone may be lower rather than middle Eocene in age. 16 BULLETIN 212 Obviously, however, this is another case in which more data must be obtained before exact correlation can be made between Florida and localities elsewhere in the Caribbean region, Table 1 gives the distribution of selected species from the limestone facies (Lake City limestone) of peninsular Florida, and Table 2 shows the distribution of selected species from the clastic facies of northern Florida and southern Georgia. Lepidocyclina cedarkeysensis (=L. pustu- losa) has been reported from wells in both facies and serves to interrelate these two tables, All the depths given represent the depth of the first reported occurrence of the species as the samples were examined downward from the well mouth. Table 3 records the species of larger Foraminifera found in samples from wells in Duval and Columbia Counties, Florida. There appears to be order in the occurrences of these species in spite of certain irregularities. The basal part of the Lake City limestone (lime- stone facies) has as characteristic fossils Amphistegina parvula (Cushman), Gunteria floridana Cushman and Ponton, and Helicostegina gyralis Barker and Grimsdale (see Table 1). Lepidocyclina (Polylepidina) antillea Cushman and Camerina willcoxi (Heilprin) (Table 2) occur above this basal zone and are best developed in the clastic facies of the Lake City formation. These species, however, if they occur in peninsular Florida, have not been reported. The uppermost zone of the clastic and limestone facies of northern Florida is characterized by the occurrence of Asterocyclina monticellensis Cole and Ponton, Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina) ariana Cole and Ponton, and L. (L.) pustulosa H. Douvillé (Table 2). Above these three broad zones, and developed only in the limestone facies, another zone occurs characterized by Dictyoconus floridanus (Cole), Discorinopsis guntert Cole, Lituonella floridana Cole, L. grandicamerata, n. sp., and Spirolina coryensis Cole. This zone is the Avon Park lime- stone. Species, such as Fabularia matleyi (Vaughan), range from the upper- most zone of the Lake City into the Avon Park limestone. Other species, such as Dictyoconus americanus (Cushman), seemingly have less extended ranges, but this species ranges at the minimum from the Lepidocyclina antillea zone throughout the uppermost zone of the Lake City limestone. However, the species which seemingly have the shortest stratigraphic ranges appear in stratigraphic order, and may be used not only for cor- LARGER FORAMINIFERA: COLE AND APPLIN 17 Table 1—Depths (feet) of occurrence of selected species from the Lake City limestone (after Applins, 1944) 1 z 3 4 5 6 7 8 Dictyoconus americanus 811 590 890 —— 525* 945 915 1540 (Cushman ) Lepidocyclina pustulosa 833 925 990 915 —— H. Douvillé Linderina floridensis Cole 983 —— _ 1145 915 1790 Gunteria floridana 983 1225 1170 1930 1064 Cushman and Ponton Amphistegina parvula 1301 925 1281 —— —— 1285 —— 1880 (Cushman) Helicostegina gyralis 1308 1350 1430 2165 1085 1480 —— 1960 Barker and Grimsdale *First sample Florida Oil and Development Company Sholtz well No. 2, Levy County, Fla. Florida Oil and Development Company, Putnam Lumber Company well No. 1, Dundee Petroleum Company “Bushnell well,’’ Sumter County, Fla. R. V. Hill’s “Oldsmar well,’ Hillsborough County, Florida. Florida Oil and Development Company, Putnam Lumber Campany well No. 1, Dixie County, Florida. 6. St. Mary’s River Oil Corporation, Hilliard Turpentine Company well No. 1, Nassau County, Florida. 7. J. S. Cosden’s W. L. Lawson well No. 1, Marion County, Fla. 8. Pioneer Oil Company, Hecksher-Yarnell well No. 1, Polk County, Fla. A mw ue relation within a limited geographic area, but also for broad correlations between different areas. CORRELATION WITH CARIBBEAN LOCALITIES Table 4 lists 11 characteristic species of the Lake City limestone and six species from the Avon Park limestone. Nine of these 17 species occur in association in a six-inch thick layer at Penon Seep, Matanzas Province, Cuba (Cole and Gravell, 1952, p. 710). Six of the species have been recorded thus far from the middle Eocene of St. Bartholomew and nine from Jamaica. Four species occur at all of the localities. Three of the nine species common to Florida and Pefion Seep, Cuba, occur in the Avon Park limestone and six occur in the Lake City lime- stone. The Pefion Seep locality 1s assigned by Bermudez (1950, p. 240) to the Loma Candela formation of middle Eocene age and is correlated 18 BULLETIN 212 Table 2—Depths (feet) of occurrence of selected species from the clastic and limestone facies equivalent to the limestone facies of the Lake City limestone (after Applins, 1944) 1 2 3} 4 5 6 W/ Fabularia matleyi (Vaughan) —— 1260 1005 1740 —— —— 1757 Lepidocyclina ariana — 1260 1065 1740 ——- —— 1757 Cole and Ponton pustulosa H. Douvillé —— 1260 990 —— —— —— —— Asterocyclina monticellensts ——— 130) G40) = —— Cole and Ponton Lepidocyclina antillea 220 2010 1245 1740 755 645 —— Cushman Camerina willcoxi (Heilprin) 220 1580 1140 —— 755 645 —— 1. Hammond's Granberry well No. 1, Jackson County, Fla. California-Coastal No. 2, State Lease 224-A, St. George Sound, Franklin County, Florida (loc. 6 of this article). 3. St. Mary’s River Oil Corporation, Hilliard Turpentine Company well No. 1, Nassau County, Fla. 4. Southern States Oil Corporation, Miller and Gossard well No. 1, Jefferson County, Fla. 5. Oil City Corporation, Walton Land and Timber Company well No. 1, Walton County, Fla. 6. Escambia Oil Campany, State Line Land and Timber Company well No. 1, Escambia County, Alab. 7. Brown and Ravlin, V. G. Philips well No. 1, Wakulla County, Fla. i) by him with the Lake City limestone and the Cook Mountain formation of Claiborne age. If the three species, Dictyoconus walnutensis, Discorinopsis guntert, and Spirolina coryensis, found at Pefion Seep and in the Avon Park lime- stone of Florida, are considered to be migrants into Florida later than the other species, the Penon Seep locality would correlate approximately with the middle, or Lepidocyclina antillea zone, of the Lake City limestone. This postulate is based upon the occurrence at Pefion Seep of Helicostegina giralis and Gunteria floridana of the lower Lake City zone and Aster- ocyclina monticellensis of the upper Lake City zone, In addition, Psewdophragmina (Proporocyclina) flintensis occurs at Pefion Seep. This species is recorded from the Cook Mountain of Texas, the Guayabal formation of Mexico, and in Jamaica (see faunal list of loc. 15) often in association with Lepidocyclina antillea. LARGER FORAMINIFERA: COLE AND APPLIN 19 Table 3—Occurrence of species in well samples from Duval and Columbia Counties, Florida Duval Co. Columbia Co. Locality* aa ; Dent (Gt) a ee oR en at! 895-905 1165-1180 1220-1230 825-835 610-628 Amphistegina parvula x (Cushman) Camagueyla perplexa x xX Cole and Bermudez Dictyoconus americanus x x xX (Cushman) floridanus (Cole) xX X Fabiania cassis x (Oppenheim) Fabularia matleyi (Vaughan) x x x Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina) pustulosa H. Douvillé x x x (Polylepidina) antillea x Cushman Lituonella floridana Cole x L. grandicamerata, n. sp. Xx Pseudochrysalidina floridana Cole Spirolina coryensis Cole |r PP *See Introduction—Localities Beckmann (1958, p. 418) found seven species of planktonic For- aminifera in association with the larger Foraminifera at Penon Seep, Matanzas Province, Cuba. He correlated this locality with the Hantkenina aragonensis zone of lower middle Eocene age and stated ‘This places the fauna of Pefion Seep just below the first occurrence of Lepdocyclina...” However, of the seven species which he listed, only Globorotalia pseudomayer Bolli is known to date to be confined to this zone. The Pefon Seep locality might be equivalent to the Globigerapsis kugleri zone as the range of this one species could be more extensive than data available indicate. Beckmann (1958, p. 420) identified specimens of Lepidocyclina (Polylepidina) antillea as occurring in Cuba ‘ . in the upper part of the Globigerapsis kugleri zone and in the lower part of the Globorotalia lehneri zone.” Although Lepidocyclina (Polylepidina) has not been re- ported from Pefion Seep, species of larger Foraminifera, such as Psewdo- bhragmina flintensis and Asterocyclina monticellensis, do occur there. As 20 BULLETIN 212 Table 4—Occurrence of Lake City and Avon Park limestones species at selected Caribbean localities Cuba!) St. Bartholomew (2) Jamaica(3) Lake City limestone Amphistegina parvula (Cushman) P.S. 1S. Asterocyclina monticellensis Cole and Ponton Camagueyia perplexa es Cole and Bermudez Dictyoconus americanus P.S. xe (Cushman ) Fabtania cassis (Oppenheim) PS). x Fabularia matleyi (Vaughan) Gunteria floridana PS. Cushman and Ponton Helicostegina gyralis ES. >. x Barker and Grimsdale Lepidocyclina antillea x x Cushman pustulosa ILa((2)) H. Douvillé Linderina floridensis Cole x Avon Park limestone Dictyoconus floridanus (Cole) J walnutensis (Carsey ) RAS: PS J x xX me Mm Discorinopsis gunterit Cole Lituonella floridana Cole Pseudochrysalidina floridana x Cole Spirolina coryensis Cole IS. (1)Cole and Gravell, 1952, p. 710; P.S.—Pefion Seep; L. = Loma Candela for- mation; J] = Jabaco formation. (2)Cole, 19584, p. 190. (3)Cole, 1956, Table 4; see also this article under L. antillea. these species are associated with Lepidocyclina (Polylepidina) antillea elsewhere, we suggest that Penon Seep might as reasonably be correlated with the Globigerapsis kugleri zone of Trinidad. The zone of Lepidocyclina antillea in the Lake City limestone cor- relates with the Lepidocyclina antillea zone of Jamaica (Hose and Versey, 1956, p. 23). They wrote (p. 31): ‘The upper yellow Limestone belongs in the L. antillea zone,” and on page 32 stated ‘The foraminifera occurring in the limestones here are Yaberinella jamaicensis, Linderina floridensis Cole, Fabiania cubensis, a wide variety of Lepidocyclina antillea, Borelis cf. jamaicensis, and an undetermined nummulitid.”” The specimens identified as Borelis cf. jamaicensis are Fabularia matleyi. LARGER FORAMINIFERA: COLE AND APPLIN Dil The St. Barthoiomew limestone of St. Bartholomew correlates with the Lepidocyclina antillea zone of the Lake City limestone, but the upper- most zone of the Lake City limestone has not been reported from St. Bartholomew. STRATIGRAPHIC POSITION OF SPECIES NOT PREVIOUSLY RECORDED FROM FLORIDA AND GEORGIA Discocyclina (Discocyclina) marginata (Cushman) from locality 12, Pierce County, Georgia, occurs at Penon Seep, Matanzas Province, Cuba (Cole and Gravell, 1952, p. 714), and at numerous other Cuban localities, in the St, Bartholomew limestone (Cole and Gravell, 1952, p. 715, pl. 93, fig. 2), and in Barbados (as D. (D.) harrison’). The age is middle Eocene, Pseudophragmina (Proporocyclina) teres Cole and Gravell occurs at localities 12, Clinch County and 13, Pierce County, Georgia, in association with Lepidocyclina antillea, This species was described from Penon Seep, Matanzas Province, Cuba (Cole and Gravell, 1952, p. 725), im association with Gunteria floridana and many other species, and later (Cole, 19584, p. 190) was found in the St, Bartholomew limestone. The as:ociation of species suggests that P. (P.) teres may be another marker for the Lepido- cyclina antillea zone of the Lake City limestone. Pseudophragmina (Proporocyclina) tobleri (Vaughan and Cole) found at localities 10 and 11, Walton County, Florida, is known else- where only from Soldado Rock, Trinidad. Cole (1959, p. 381) wrote concerning the occurrence in Trinidad ‘‘Thus, the P. (P.) tobleri zone may be assigned provisionally to the middle Eocene.” The Applins (1944, p. 1742, fig. 27) considered the section of the well (loc. 10) at which P. (P.) tobleri occurred at 1752 feet to be in “Beds of Wilcox age” (lower Eocene), and represented the “Top of the Salt Mountain.” Although the assignment of these beds to the lower Eocene may be correct, they also might be lower middle Eocene in age. There are not sufficient data available as yet to be absolutely certain. How- ever, it is extremely doubtful if the strata at this depth are equivalent to the Salt Mountain limestone. P. (P.) tobleri occurs at locality 11 in this same county (Walton) at a depth of 1600-1630 feet, At locality 11 at 2270-2300 feet poorly pre- served specimens occur which are identified as Psendophragmina (Athe- cocyclina) stephensoni (Vaughan). Cole (1959, p. 386) considered Dis- 22 BULLETIN 212 cocyclina cookei Vaughan, a species described from the Salt Mountain limestone, to be a synonym of P, (A.) stephensoni. If this is correct, the Salt Mountain limestone equivalent in the Sun Oil Co., Brady Belcher well No, 3, in Walton County would be at approximately 2300 feet. Pseudophragmina (Proporocyclina) clarki (Cushman) from locality 11 is a middle Eocene species not previousiy reported from the Caribbean region or the Gulf Coast of the United States. The evidence indicates that it occurs in the well in Walton County, Florida, in strata of middle Eocene age. As Discocyclina (Discocyclina) waltonensis, n. sp., occurs with P. (P.) tobleri in the sample at 1752 feet (loc. 10), its stratigraphic position in Florida is uncertain. It could be another marker for the P. (P.) tobleri zone which may be either middle or lower Eocene in age. Lituonella grandicamerata, n. sp., is associated with species (Table 3, loc. 5) which characterize the Avon Park limestone in Duval County, Florida. The available data suggest that it occurs in the basal part of the Avon Park limestone and is geographically restricted to northeastern Florida. SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTIONS (Genera and species are arranged alphabetically) Asterocyelina monticellensis Cole and Ponton Pl. 4, figs. 1,2,8,10 1934. Discocyclina (Asterocyclina) monticellensis Cole and Ponton, Amer. Mid- land Nat., v. 5, No. 2, pp. 141, 142, pl. 2, figs. 6-11. 1952. Asterocyclina monticellensis Cole and Ponton, Cole and Gravell, Jour. Paleont., v. 26, No. 5, p. 718;-pl. 95, fig. 4; pl. 96, fig. 2; pl. 97, figs. 1-11. 1956. Asterocyclina monticellensis Cole and Ponton, Cole, Bull. Amer. Paleont., v. 36, No. 158, p. 214, pl. 29, figs. 4,5. Occurrence elsewhere.—St. Bartholomew ; Jamaica Remarks.—The type locality of this species is a sample at a depth of 1740 feet in the Southern States Oil Corporation well (W-19) located about one and one-half miles north of Monticello, Jefferson County, Florida, This sample contained in addition to A. monticellensis namerous specimens of Lepidocyclina ariana Cole and Ponton, Fabularia matleyi (Vaughan) (=F. vaughani), and Dictyoconus americanus (Cushman). The Applins (1944, p, 1695; fig. 28A) considered this sample represented the top of the Lake City limestone in this well. In the Ravlin-Brown, V. G. Philips, well No. 1 (W-440) near Wa- kulla, Wakulla County, Florida, Cole (1945, p. 93) found numerous LARGER FORAMINIFERA: COLE AND APPLIN NO We specimens of A, monticellensis at 1757-1768 feet associated with Camague- yia perplexa Cole and Bermudez, Discorbis imornatus Cole, Febularia matleyi (Vaughan), and Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina) ariana Cole and Ponton. The top of the Lake City limestone is recorded by the Applins (1944, p. 1697; fig. 23) in this well as being at a depth of 1750 feet. In northeastern Florida in Nassau County in the St. Mary’s River Oil Corporation, Hilliard Turpentine Company well No. 1 (W-366) Cole (1944, p. 34) found specimens of L. (Lepidocyclima) ariana Cole and Ponton at a depth of 1065-1070 feet. The first specimens of A. monticell- ensis appeared at a depth of 1198-1200 feet, and specimens of Lep/do- cyclina (Polylepidina) antillea Cushman were found at a depth of 1245- 1250 feet. In this well the top of the Lake City limestone was given by the Applins (1944, p. 1697; fig. 30) as occurring at 945 feet at which depth the first specimens of Dictyoconus americanus (Cushman) appeared. In the California-Coastal well No. 2 drilled off shore in St. George Sound, Franklin County, Florida, A. monticellensis was found at a depth of 1880-1890 feet in association with Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina) pus- tulosa H. Douvillé. L, (Polylepidina) antillea occurred first in this well at a depth of 2010-2020 and appeared in other samples to a depth of 2340- 2350 feet. From the data on Florida wells it would appear that A. monticellensis occurs at a stratigraphically higher horizon than L. (P.) antillea. How- ever, in St. Bartholomew (Cole, 19584, p. 190; Hanzawa, 1959, pp. 843, 844) and Jamaica (Cole, 1956, Table 4; 19584, p. 191) A. monticellensis and L. (P.) antillea occur in the same samples. Camagueyia perplexa Cole and Bermudez Pl. 4, figs. 5,6 1944. Camagueyia perplexa Cole and Bermudez, Bull. Amer. Paleont., v. 28, No. 3), Ds Do Gy folG dwes, Ty 1945. Camagueyia perplexa Cole and Bermudez, Cole Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. PAX, jor, Wi folly Sy, soles, 24 1945. Camagueyia perplexa Cole and Bermudez, Cole Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. Res., Sp. Publ. No. 25, p. 96. Occurrence elsewhere.—Cuba: Dominican Republic. Remarks.—An axial (Pl. 4, fig. 6) and a transverse (Pl. 4, fig. 5) section of specimens which conform to the type of C. perplexa are illustra- ted Figure 4 of Plate 4 is a transverse section of a specimen which is identical to the type of Discorbis inornatus Cole. The structure of the outer wall in the specimen of D. vornatus is the same as that of C. perplexa, and the arrangement of the chambers within the tests is similar. 24 BULLETIN 212 These two species occur together at locality 2. Specimens of D. inornatus are more abundant than those which would be assigned to C. perplexa. The association of these two species at this locality, the similarity of the wall structure, and the general configurative of the tests is sugges- tive that these two species may, in reality, be only forms of a single species in which some individuals develop tests which are axially elongated (per- plexa type), where others are compressed (/nornatus type). A number of well-oriented axial sections would be needed to demonstrate whether this postulate is correct, Camerina willeoxi (Heilprin) Pl. 4, figs. 9, 14-16 1958. Operculinoides willcoxi (Heilprin), Cole, Bull. Amer. Paleont., v. 38, No. 173, pp. 273-276, pl. 33, figs. 1, 3-12 (references). Occurrence elsewhere —Mexico; Panama; Peru; Curacao; upper middle to upper Eocene. Remarks.—Cole (1960a, p. 190) classified all camerinids with un- divided chambers, formerly placed in several genera, as Camera, The specimens (PI. 4, figs. 9, 14-16), although small, are all assigned to this species. Figure 15, Plate 4 is probably a microspheric individual, whereas the others are megalospheric. Coskinolina elongata Cole PAL IL, satees WPS IL Po saves OST 3 irae. 4 1942. Coskinolina elongata Cole, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 20, pp. 20, 21, pl. 3, figs. 15-17; pl. 4, figs. 1-3; pl. 5, figs. 2-7; pl. 16, fig. 6. 1956. Coskinolina elongeta Cole, Cole, Bull. Amer. Paleont., v. 36, No. 158, Dp ZS, pol, B45 mess, Gals jolla sls wires, E77 Occurrence elsewhere.—J]amaica, Remarks.—Several additional illustrations of this species from locality 14, Jamaica, are given for comparison with Dictyoconus floridanus (Cole) which was originally assigned to the genus Coskinolina, _ Figure 8, Plate 2 is a section parallel to the dorsal surface of the test of D. floridanus which just penetrates the marginal trough. Figure 9, Plate 2 is a comparable section of C. elongata. Although the pattern is the same, the wall structure is different. As Douglass (1960, p. 255) discovered, the wall structure of D. floridanus ‘... is not like that of Coskinolina, but is typical of the Orbito- linidae.” D. floridanus was originally placed in the genus Coskinolina by Cole (1941, p. 25) because of the simplicity of the subdivisions of the marginal zone. LARGER FORAMINIFERA: COLE AND APPLIN 25 The structure of the wall of C. elongata is similar to that of Lituonella grandicamerata and L. floridana. However, transverse sections (PI. 3, figs. 4, 8) of C. elongata have the marginal trough subdivided into chamberlets, whereas comparable transverse sections (Pl. 1, fig. 8; Pl. 3, fig. 9) of L. grandicamerata and of L. floridana (PI. 1, fig. 6) have an open undi- vided marginal trough. Dictyoconus americanus (Cushman) Plt 2; figs; 356 1956. Dictyoconus americanus (Cushman), Cole, Bull. Amer. Paleont., v. 36, No. 158, pp. 217, 218, pl. 25, figs. 8-11. Occurrence elsewhere —Widely distributed in the middle Eocene of the Caribbean region. Remarks.—The transverse section (Pl. 2, fig. 6) was made through the embryonic chambers for comparison with similar sections of Litwonella grandicamerata (PI. 2, figs. 1, 4; Pl. 1, fig. 9). The complex subdivision of the marginal trough in Dictyoconus americanus is shown by the trans- verse section (PI. 2, fig. 6) and the axial section (PI. 2, fig. 3). Dictyoconus floridanus (Cole) RIS2s fess 255, 8 1941. Coskinolina floridana Cole, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 19, pp. 24, 25, pl. 3, figss lepopl.4, fies. 1-9; pl. 5, figs. 1-5, 11; plv18, fg. 9. 1960. Dictyoconus floridanus Cole, Douglass, Micropaleont., v. 6, No. 3, p. 258, pl. 5, figs. 13-16 (references). Occurrence elsewhere —Lower Cretaceous of Florida, Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Mexico, Venezuela, and Switzerland (as Coskinolina sunnilandensis Maync); Eocene of Cuba and Jamaica (as C. floridana). Remarks.—Douglass (1960, p. 258) transferred this species to the genus Dictyoconus as ‘The wall structure of D. floridanus is unlike that of Coskinolina, however, and is typical of the structure found in other Orbitolinidae.”’ Discoeyelina (Disecocyelina) marginata (Cushman ) Pl. 10 1952. Discocyclina (Discocyclina) marginata (Cushman), Cole and Gravell, Jour. Paleont., v. 26, No. 5, pp. 714-716, pl. 93, figs. 1-9; pl. 94, figs. 1-8; pl. 95, figs. 7, 8 (references). 1959. Discocyclina (Discocyclina) marginata (Cushman), Cole, Bull. Amer. Paleont., v. 39, No. 182, pp. 381, 382. Cole and Grave'l (1952, p. 714) discussed this species whose type came from the middle Eocene of St. Bartholomew. Although the speci- mens from locality 12 (Ballard well), Clinch County, Georgia, are smaller than the specimens from St. Bartholomew and Cuba illustrated by Cole 26 BULLETIN 212 and Gravell, they possess the same internal structure. Occurrence elsewhere.—D. marginata occurs in St. Bartholomew in association with Lepidocyclina antillea and other species, and in Cuba with Gunteria floridana and other species which in Florida have been recorded from the Lake City and Avon Park limestones, D. marginata has been recorded elsewhere in Cuba as D. crassa and D. cubensis, in Barbados as D, harrisoni, and in California as D. calzfornica. Remarks.—Although in the older literature there are records of the presence of Discocyclina in Florida and Georgia, all of these species belong to other genera of the discocyclinids. Therefore, the discovery of D. marginata in Georgia and D. waltonensis in Florida is the first authen- ticated record of the occurrence of Discocyclina 5. 5. in these states. Caudri (1944, p. 35) was the first to state that Drscocyclina (Dis- cocyclina) probably did not range into the American upper Eocene and presumably had a stratigraphic range from Paleocene through middle Eocene in the Caribbean region. So far no evidence has been found to contradict this assumption. Discocyelina (Discocyelina) waltonensis Cole and Applin, n. sp. Pl. 11; figs> 1237-9 The test is small with a diameter of about 1.0 mm and a thickness at the center of about 0.5 mm. The surface is densely covered by small slightly projecting papillae. The initial embryonic chamber is spherical with an internal diameter of about 35 ,, and is partly embraced by a reniform second embryonic chamber. The internal distance across both chambers is 80 to 90 y. The equatorial chambers are square and arranged so that the radial chamber walls in adjacent annuli alternate in position. The openings of the lateral chambers are slitlike and not arranged in regular tiers. The roofs and floors of the lateral chambers are thick. There are between five and eight layers of lateral chambers on each side of the equatorial layer at the center of test. Small pillars are present (PI. 11, fig. 3), and an occasional specimen (PI. 11, fig. 1) has a relatively thick pillar in the central area. Occurrence.—Locality 10 at 1752 feet in association with specimens identified as Psewdophragmina (Proporocyclina) tobleri Vaughan and Cole. Remarks.—The equatorial sections of this new species most nearly resemble those of D. (D.) barkeri Vaughan and Cole (see: Cole and LARGER FORAMINIFERA: COLE AND APPLIN Dy Bermudez, 1947, pl. 5, figs. 9, 10). The vertical sections are similar to those of D. (D.) crassa (Cushman) (see: Vaughan, 1945, pl. 24, fig. 1), a species which Cole and Gravell, 1952, p. 714) placed in the synonymy of D. (D.) mar ginata. Fabularia matleyi (Vaughan) Jl, Ge sore, Sh gy sill} il5/ 1929. Borelis matleyi Vaughan, Jour. Paleont., v. 3, pp. 377, 378, pl. 40, figs. 2.9% 3a: 1929. Borelis jamaicensis Vaughan, ‘dem, pp. 378, 380, pl. 40, figs. 4-10. 1929. Borelis jamaicensis truncata Vaughan, idem, pp. 380, pl. 40, figs. 11, 12. 1934. Fabularia vaughani Cole and Ponton, Amer. Midland Nat., v. 15, pp. 139-141, pl. 1, figs. 1-9. 1937. Fabularia vaughani Cole and Ponton, Hanzawa, Jour. Paleont., v. 11, pp. 111-113, pl. 20, figs. 1-4. 1945. Fabularia vaughani Cole and Ponton, Cole, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 28, pp. 98-101, pl. 15, fig. 6; pl. 16, figs. 1-10. 1945. Fabularia gunteri Applin and Jordan, Jour. Paleont., v. 19, pp. 137, 138, pl. 18, figs. 12a, 6. 1956. Fabularia matleyi Vaughan, Cole, Bull. Amer. Paleont. v. 36, No. 158, pp. 218, pl. 26, figs. 7-14. Occurrence elsewhere.—Jamaica Remarks.—Cole (1956, p. 218) restudied specimens from Jamaica which Vaughan (1929) had placed in the genus Bore/7s and concluded that they should be referred to the genus Fabuwlaria, At the same time Cole decided that specimens from Florida which had been named Fabwlaria vaughani represented the same species as the one Vaughan had described under the name ‘‘Borelis” matleyi. During this study several sections were prepared from topotype speci- mens (PI. 4, figs. 3, 7, 11-13, 17) of Fabuwlaria gunteri. These specimens are unusually well preserved, and the species F. gwnter7 was based mainly on superficial differences in ornamentation between these specimens and specimens which had been referred to F. vanghani. However, the internal structure of F. gunteri is the same as that of F. vaughani and F. matleyi. Therefore, F. gunter7 is another synonym of F. matleyz. In Florida the stratigraphic range of F. matley is from the Lake City limestone into the Avon Park limestone. Lepidocyelina (Polylepidina) antillea Cushman PINS fies 2S RINGs fee 3: Pl. 7, figs. 2, 4-6; Pl. 9) figs. 5, 6. 1960. Lepidocyclina (Polylepidina) antillea Cushman, Cole, Contrib. Cushman Found. Foram. Res. v. 11, Pt. 2; pp, 60, G61, pl. 12, figs. 1-8; pl.°13, figs. 1, 2, 4, 5 (references). 1963. Lepidocyclina (Polylepidina) antillea Cushman, Cole, Bull. Amer. Paleont.. w246, No: 205, pp: 20; 36, pls 5; fig: 5; pl. 7; figs: 5, 6. 28 BULLETIN 212 Occurrence elsewhere.—St. Bartholomew ; Jamaica; Mexico. Remarks.—Five specimens (Pl. 5, fig. 2; Pl. 7, figs. 2, 5; Pl. 9, figs. 5, 6) are illustrated from the Florida wells. Three specimens (PI. 6, fig. 3; Pl. 7, figs. 4, 6) are from Jamaica (loc. 15). Cole (19582, p. 191) recorded some of the species which occur at this locality in Jamaica. A revised list from this locality (15) follows: Asterocyclina monticellensis Cole and Ponton Camerina floridensis (Heilprin) striatoreticulata (L. Rutten) Dictyoconus walnutensis (Carsey) Fabiania cassis (Oppenheim) Helicolepidina spiralis Tobler Lepidocyclina (Polylepidina) antillea Cashman Pseudophragmina (Proporocyclina) flintensis (Cushman) perkins? (Vaughan) The specimens from Jamaica identified here as Lepidocyclina (Poly- lepidina) antillea Cushman were classified originally (Cole, 1958a, p. 191) as Eulinderina semiradiata Baker and Grimsdale as an occasional specimen had one or more periembryonic chambers with an amphistegine kind of aperture. However, this kind of aperture occurs in specimens of L. (P.) antillea from many geographic localities (Cole, 1963, p. 20). The specimen (Pl. 9, fig. 5) has two sets of embryonic chambers. Although this development has been found in several species of Lepido- cyclina, this is the first specimen of the subgenus Polylepidina in which “twinned” embryonic chambers have been found. The specimen (PI. 9, fig. 6) shows the well-developed partial coil of large periembryonic chambers which is one of the outstanding structures in the subgenus Polylepidina. Lepidocyelina (Lepidocyelina) ariana Cole and Ponton PI. 5, figs. 4, 7, 10-12 1945. Lepidocyclina (Pliolepidina) ariana Cole and Ponton, Cole, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 28, pp. 111-115, pl. 15, figs. 1-3; pl. 17, figs. 1-6; pl. 22, figs. 9-14 (references). 1963. Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina) ariana Cole and Ponton, Cole, Bull. Amer. Paleont., v. 46, No. 205, p. 20, pl. 1, fig. 4. Occurrence elsewhere.—Mississippi (as L. clatborensis Gravell and Hanna) in the ‘Cook Mountain, Claiborne Eocene, about 55 feet above the Lepidocyclina (Polylepidina) gardnerae Cole zone” (Gravell and Hanna, 1940, p. 416). LARGER FORAMINIFERA: COLE AND APPLIN 29 Remarks.—Cole (1944, p. 61, 62) demonstrated that L. claibornensis is a synonym of L. ariana. Figure 10, Plate 5 represents a specimen with lateral chambers with thin floors and roofs and open cavities (type L. ariana), whereas figures 7, 11 represent specimens with lateral chambers with thick floors and roofs and low openings (type L. claibornensis). Lepidoeyclina (Lepidocyeclina) pustulosa TH. Douville ; IL, 5, tes Il, 3 Sy te, Gh Oe Plt 6. fies.1, 2) 4-83 Ple 7. figs, 1-3 1963. Lepidocyclina pustulosa H. Douvillé, Cole, Bull. Amer. Paleont., v. 46, No. 205, pp. 21-35, pl. 1, fig. 5; pls. 2-4; pl. 5, figs. 1-4; pl. 10, figs. 1-4 (references ). Occurrence elsewhere. This species is widely distributed in the upper middle and upper Eocene of the Caribbean region, Remarks.—Cole (1963, pp. 32-35) placed the following species in the synonomy of L. pustulosa: L. cedarkeysensis Cole, L. peruviana Cush- man, and L. r. dowvillei Lisson. All of these species had been identified as occurring in the middle Eocene of Florida, In addition, Cole (1963, p. 33) considered that Triplalepidina veracruziana Vaughan and Cole was another synonym of L. pustulosa. A number of illustrations of specimens of Lepidocyclina, all of which we consider to be L. pustulosa, from various well samples used in this study are given to demonstrate variation between specimens of this species. All the equatorial sections are identical. Superficial differences appear mainly in the vertical sections, but even in such sections the essential internal structures are the same. As Cole (1963, p. 32-35) has discussed in detail the reasons for the consolidation of these formerly recognized species under one specific name, additional proof is not needed. Lituonella grandicamerata Cole and Applin, n. sp. PW, Ines Sy GO, ile Pile 2eifigss 1, 4.77 Rie Se hese le35-75.9 The test is relatively small with diameters from 1.0 to 4.0 mm., and heights from 0.75 to 2.0 mm, The dorsal surface may be gently convex (PI. 1, fig. 3) or strongly convex (PI. 1, fig. 11). The ventral (apertural) surface is always moderately convex. In some specimens (PI. 3, fig. 6) the convexity of the dorsal and ventral surfaces are about equal. In plan view (transverse) the test is circular. The dorsal surface of the test shows a series of concentric circles of lighter colored shell material which mark the juncture of the floors and roofs of the marginal trough with the outer wall of the test. At the dorsal 30 BULLETIN 212 apex of the test most specimens have two distinct, round, slightly inflated areas which reflect the underlying bilccular embryonic chambers, The ventral surface is covered by a sequence of small round apertures which are arranged in concentric circles. Transverse sections (PI. 1, fig. 9) through the dorsal apex of the test expose the bilocular embryonic chambers. The initial chamber is relatively large and nearly spherical. The second chamber ts slightly smaller and reniform in shape. These chambers are surrounded by chambers of the kind which form the marginal trough so arranged that they form a rude incomplete spiral around the embryonic chambers (PI. 1, fig. 9). Beyond this rude initial spiral the floors and roofs of the marginal trough appear as concentric circles. Transverse sections (PI, 2, fig. 4) whose plane is slightly lower than the one just described may encounter in the zone immediately beyond the embryonic chambers the stolons through the roofs and floors of the central shield. This zone is followed by the open marginal troughs arranged in concentric circles. Transverse sections (PI. 2, fig. 1) whose plane, although still retaining the embryonic chambers, is cut sufficiently into the body of the test to ex- pose the floors and roofs of the central shield and associated structures so that such a section resembles transverse sections made below the embryonic chambers. The measurements of the embryonic chambers of these three trans- verse sections are given in Table 5. Table 5—Measurement of embryonic chambers of Lituonella grandica- merata in transverse section PAL, Pl 1 Specimen a Lee ee Betieral fig. 4 fig. 9 Diameters of initial chamber. ae & 340x500 400 x 450 510 x 510 Diameters of second chamber Pe 350) % 500) 160) 490 20050 Distance across both chambers ..................... # 750 600 730 Tehicknesseotmvwallieecema eaten ee ee bu 30 20 40 Transverse sections (Pl. 3, fig. 7), whose plane is just below the embryonic chambers, demonstrate the spiral arrangement of the chambers adjacent to the embryonic chambers. The transverse sections (PI. 1, fig. 8; Pl. 2, fig. 7) are ones whose plane is below the embryonic chambers. The section (PI. 1, fig. 8) was LARGER FORAMINIFERA: COLE AND APPLIN 31 made from a specimen which had a steeply convex dorsal surface so that the greater part of the section shows the open circular chambers of the mar- ginal trough. The other section (PI. 2, fig. 7) was made from a less con- vex specimen and shows mainly the structure of the central shield. The section (Pl. 3, fig. 5) resembles the section (PI. 2, fig. 7) just described. The section (PI. 3, fig. 9) is an intermediate one which exposes the central shield as well as the marginal trough. In this section (PI. 3, fig. 9) the development of the sequence of joined, semicircular pores from the floor of the marginal trough (on the left hand side) suggest the manner in which the openings through the floors of the central shield develop. The internal structure of the test in axial section is illustrated by figures 3, 11, Plate 1; figures 1-3, 6, Plate 3. It should be emphasized that in transverse section and in broken specimens the chambers of the marginal trough are not subdivided and internally are open completely around the test. Measurement of the axial sections are given in Table 6. Table 6——Measurements of axial sections of Litvonella grandicamerata Pa, il Pl. 3 Specimen fig. 3 fig. 11 fig. 1 fiz,2 “fips 3 fig. 6 TO RUaAE ETE gccac obobonemeecear cena mm. 2.4 1.95 2.9 15} 1.67 3.7 THISTEUINE Sooscoscacssoaucessesdevcon0s00 mm. 1.4 5) sis O57) 0.93 1.9 Embryonic chambers: Diameters of initial chamber .... _f& 370x470 350x410 | 260x420 —M—- —— 260 x 230 Diameters of second Ghambereeee ee eee [BR BOSF2) ISOs 320 || WyOs 200) —= == 90 x 110 Distance across both chambers ..... ee ae 580 500 470 270 270 380 Marginal trough: \Waiait ai 22555 cteeence eonempeccceee fH 150-400 150-350 90-290 120 90-140 130-320 LEIGWELOKE - 2coas iocaasaaasesennno5sI00s Le 60-70 50-70 50-70 70-80 40-100 70-90 Thickness of floors ..... sell 20 20-40 20-40 20 20 20-40 Comparison with Lituonella roberti Schlumberger.—Specimens of L. roberti Schlumberger and H. Douville, collected in France by H. T. and A. R. Loeblich, Jr, and deposited in the U. S. National Museum, have been made available by R. C. Douglass and K. N. Sachs. Sections cut from these specimens are illustrated (PI. 1, figs. 4, 5, 10; Pl. 3, fig. 10). These illustrations of L, roberti may be supplemented by the ones given recently by Poignant (1960, pl. 1, figs. 1-6; pl. 2, figs. 1-7). He 32 BULLETIN 212 considered that the specimens illustrated by his figures 1-7, plate 2 were a new species which he named L, cuvillieri. However, we consider that they are well within the specific limits of L. roberts. The transverse section (PI. 1, fig. 4) through the embryonic chambers of L. roberti shows a distinct partial coil around the embryonic chambers similar to the one in L. grandicamerata. The transverse section (PI. 1, fig. 10) is not entirely satisfactory but does have the same general con- struction as does comparable sections of L. grandicamerata. ‘The arrange- ment of the internal structures (Pl. 1, fig. 5; Pl. 3, fig. 10) of L. roberti are similar to those of L. grandicamerata, but in L, grandicamerata these struc- tures are less coarse. Comparison with American species of Lituonella—Thtree sections (PI. 1, figs. 1, 6, 7) of L. floridana are illustrated. The composition of the test is the same as that of L. grandicamerata, and the arrangement of the internal structures is similar. However, the central shield is extremely small so that the marginal trough occupies the major part of the test internally. Pseudochrysalidina floridana Cole Pl: Jochen 1941. Pseudochrysalidina floridana Cole, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 19, p. 36, pl. 1, ies. UO, WS jill, Dal, 2h 1956. Pseudochrysalidina floridana Cole, Cole, Bull. Amer. Paleont., v. 36, No. USES, jon BUS, joll, B25 inves; il, Bs jollh Bs, wes, ih), Occurrence elsewhere.—Jamaica., Remarks.—The composition of the wall of this species is similar to that of Litwonella. Pseudophragmina (Proporocyelina) clarki (Cushman) JA GS) sores. ile! 1958. Psendophagmina (Proporocyclina) clarki (Cushman), Cole, Bull. Amer. Paleont., v. 38, No. 176, pp. 419, 420, pl. 52, figs. 3-11 (references). Occurrence elsewhere.—California; Oregon; Washington; Peru. Remarks.—The embryonic chambers of this species are large and the equatorial chambers are Type IT (Cole, 1958c, 413). The illustrations (PI. 9, figs. 1-4) should be compared with the ones given by Vaughan (1945, pl. 39, figs. 1-4) of P. (P.) peruviana, a species which Cole (1958, p. 419) considered to be a synonym of P. (P.) clarki, and with the specimens of P, (P.) clark illustrated by Cole (1958c; pl. 52, figs. 3-11). The sections which are illustrated have been compared with specimens from California and Peru, and no significant difference could be observed. We We LARGER FORAMINIFERA: COLE AND APPLIN It should be noted that this species was found at 1000-1030 feet in the Brady Belcher well (loc. 11) and at 1300-1330 feet in this same well, The specimens from the sample at 1300-1330 feet are suspected of being “cavings’ from the thousand foot level. Pseudophragmina (Proporocyelina) teres Cole and Gravell PSs 1952. Pseudophragmina (Proporocyclina) teres Cole and Gravell, Jour. Paleont., v. 26, No. 5, pp. 725, 726, pl. 100, figs. 3, 10-12, 14; pl. 101, figs. 6-8. This species is characterized by possessing Type I equatorial chambers (Cole, 1958c, p. 413), and slitlike, irregularly arranged, lateral chambers whose roofs and floors are thick and flat. Occurrence elsewhere.—This species was described from Penon Seep, Matanzas Province, Cuba, where it was associated with numerous other species (Table 4). Later, it was found in St. Bartholomew in association with Lepidocyclina antiliea among other species (Table 4). Pseudophragmina (Proporecyclina) tobleri Vaughan and Cole Pl. 11, figs. 4-6, 10-12 1941. Pseudophragmina (Proporocyclina) toblert Vaughan and Cole, Geol. Soc. Amer., Sp. Pap. 30, p. 62, pl. 21, fig. 6; pl. 22, figs. 3, 4. 1945. Pseudophragmina (Proporocyclina) tobleri Vaughan and Cole, Vaughan, Geol. Soc. Amer., Mem. 9, p. 94, pl. 37, figs. 4, 5. 1959. Pseudophragmina (Proporocyclina) tobleri Vaughan and Cole, Cole, Bull. Amer. Paleont., v. 39, No. 182, pp. 385, 386, pl. 32, figs. 5-12. Although several equatorial sections were made, they did not photo- graph satisfactorily. However, one of equatorial sections 1s illustrated as figure 10, Plate 11. Detailed study of the equatorial sections proved that the equatorial chambers are Type II (Cole, 1958c, p. 413). The vertical sections (Pl. 11, figs. 4-6, 11, 12) were compared with topotype specimens (Cole, 1959, pl. 32, figs. 5, 6, 8) and are identical. Occurrence elsewhere.—This species is known from its type locality on Soldado Rock, Trinidad, and one other locality also on Soldado Rock. Remarks.—Although Vaughan and Cole (1941, p. 27) considered that P. tobleri occurred in Trinidad “ . . . at a horizon above the typical ‘Jacksonian’ of Kugler section,” Caudri (1944, p. 35) postulated that this species came from “. . . a high-Paleocene (or perhaps lower or middle ?) Eocene marl...” Recently, Cole (1959, p. 381) stated “ .. . the P. tobleri zone may be assigned provisionally to the middle Eocene’ as he found Discocyclina (Discocyclina) anconensis Barker, a supposedly middle Eocene species, in a sample from Soldado Rock in association with P. tobleri. 34 BULLETIN 212 The Applins (1944, p. 1742, fig. 5) assigned the sample at 1752 feet in the Oil City Corporation Walton Land Timber Company well No. 1, Walton County, Florida, which contained P. tobleri to “Beds of Wilcox age’ (lower Eocene). In this same well they recorded the top of the lower Eocene as occurring at approximately 1508 feet and the top of the Paleo- cene at approximately 2010 feet. The other sample which contained P. tobler? came from a depth of 1600-1630 feet from the Sun Oil Company Brady Belcher well No. 3 which was drilled also in Walton County, Florida. In this well at a depth of 2270-2300 feet there were specimens which were identified as Pseudo- phragmina (Athecocyclina) stephensoni (Vaughan), a species which Cole (1959, p. 380) suggested “ .. . is a high Paleocene species.” From the data available it would appear in Florida that P. tobleri marks a zone within the lower Eocene although there is the possibility that these strata may be lower middle Eocene. REFERENCES Applin, P. L., and Applin, E. R. 1944. Regional subsurface stratigraphy and structure of Florida and southern Georgia. Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol., Bull., vol. 28, No. 12, pp. 1673-1753, 5 pls., 38 text figs., 1 table. Applin, E. R., and Jordan, L. 1945. Diagnostic Foraminifera from subsurface formations in Florida. Jour. Paleont., vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 129-148, pls. 18-21, 2 text figs. Barker, R. W., and Grimsdale, T. F. 1936. A contribution to the phylogeny of the orbitoidal Foraminifera with descriptions of new forms from the Eocene of Mexico. Jour. Paleont., vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 231-247, pls. 30-38, 4 text figs. Ni et Ree, RA in te eee , and Grimsdale, T. F. 1937. Studies of Mexican fossil Foraminifera. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 10, vol. 19, pp. 161-178, pls. 5-9, 2 text figs. Beckmann, J. P. 1958. Correlation of pelagic and reefal faunas from the Eocene and Paleo- cene of Cuba. Eclogae geol. Helvetiae, vol. No. 2, pp. 416-421, 2 text figs. Bermudez, Pedro J. 1950. Contribucion al estudio del. Cenozoico Cubano. Mem. Soc. Cubana Hist. Nat., vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 205-375, numerous tables. Caudri, B. 1944. The larger Foraminifera from San Juan de los Morros, State of Guarico, Venezuela. Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 28, No. 114, pp. 5-54, pls. 30-34. Cole, W. S. 1938. Stratigraphy and micropaleontology of two deep wells in Florida. Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 16, pp. 1-73, 12 pls., 3 text figs. LARGER FORAMINIFERA: COLE AND APPLIN 35 1941. Stratigraphic and paleontologic studies of wells in Florida. Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 19, pp. 1-91, 18 pls., 4 text figs., 1 table. 1942. Stratigraphic and paleontologic studies of wells in Florida—No. 2. Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 20, pp. 1-89, 16 pls., 4 text figs. 1944. Stratigraphic and paleontologic studies of wells in Florida—No. - Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 26, pp. 1-168, 29 pls., 5 text figs. 1945. Stratigraphic and paleontologic studies of wells in Florida Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 28, pp. 1-160, 22 pls. 1952. Eocene and Oligocene larger Foraminifera from the Panama Canal Zone and vicinity. U.S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 244, pp. 1-41, 28 pls., 2 text figs. (1953). 1956. Jamaican larger Foraminifera. Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 36, No. 158, pp. 205-233, pls. 24-31. 1958a. Names of and variation in certain American larger Foraminifera No. 1. Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 38, No. 170, pp. 179-213, pls. 18-25. 19586. Names of and variation in certain American larger Foraminifera, particularly the camerinids—No. 2. Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 38, No. 173, pp. 261-284, pls. 32-34. 1958c. Names of and variation in certain American larger Foraminifera, par- ticularly the discocyclinids—No. 3. Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 38, No. 176, pp. 411-429, pls. 50-53. 1959. Faunal associations and the stratigraphic position of certain American Paleocene and Eocene larger Foraminifera. Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 39, No. 182, pp. 377-393, pls. 32, 33. 1960. Problems of the geographic and stratigraphic distribution of certain Tertiary larger Foraminifera. Sci. Rep. Tohoku Univ., ser. 2 (geol.), Sp. Vol. No. 4, pp. 9-18, 1 table. 1960a. The genus Camerina. Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 41, No. 190, pp. 189-205, pls. 23-26. 1962. Periembryonic chambers in Helicolepidina. Contrib. Cushman Found. Foram. Res., vol. 8, pt. 4, pp. 145-151, pls. 23-27. 1963. Illustrations of conflicting interpretations of the biology and classifica- tion of certain larger Foraminifera. Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 46, No. 205, pp. 6-63, pls. 1-14. W No. a [000C0GS CCRSOC HDR EERE OT EEC o Ere eeeTTEe , and Bermudez, P. J. 1947. Eocene Discocyclinidae and other Foraminifera from Cuba. Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 31, No. 125, pp. 191-224, pls. 14-20. 35 CO PSO CEEEDC IEE ERENCE Ooty PERE EEC LCR ESEEEE , and Gravell, D. W. 1952. Middle Eocene Foraminifera from Penon Seep, Matanzas Province, Cuba. Jour. Paleont., vol. 26, No. 5, pp. 708-727, pls. 90-103. 55S NE OS BO ASSES OSI ELE OCS ERE , and Ponton, G. M. 1934. New species of Fabularia, Asterocyclina, and Lepidocyclina from the Florida Eocene. Amer. Midland Nat., vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 138-147 pls. 1, 2. Cooke, C. W., and Mossom, S. 1929. Geology of Florida. 12th Ana. Rept. Florida State Geol. Sur., pp. 37-227, 29 pls., geol. map. Cushman, J. A. 1919. The age of the underlying rocks of Florida as shown by the Foramini- fera of well borings. 12th Ann. Rept. Florida State Geol. Sur., pp. 77-103, text fig. 2. 1921. Foraminifera from the deep wells of Florida. 13th Ann. Rept. Florida State Geol. Sur., pp. 33-69, 3 pls. 1927. The occurrence of Lituonella and Coskinolina in America. Washington Acad. Sci., Jour., vol. 17, No. 8, pp. 198-200. 36 BULLETIN 212 Douglass, R. C€. 1960. Revision of the family Orbitolinidae. Micropaleont., vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 249-270, 6 pls., 3 text figs., 1 table. Gravell, D. W., and Hanna, M. A. 1938. Subsurface Tertiary zones of correlation through Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida. Amer. Assoc. Petrol Geol., Bull., vol. 22, No. 8, pp. 948- 1013, 7 pls., 5 text figs. 1940. New larger Foraminifera from the Claiborne of Mississippi. Jour. Paleont., vol. 14, No. 10, pp. 412-416, pl. 57. Hanzawa, S. 1959. Occurrence of the foraminiferal species, Acervulina linearis Hanzawa from St. Bartholomew Island, French West Indies. Jour. Paleont., vol. 33, No. 5, pp. 843-845, pl. 117. Hose, H. R., and Versey, H. R. 1956. Paleontology and lithological divisions of the lower Tertiary limestones of Jamaica. Colonial Geol. and Mineral Res., vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 19-39, 6 pls., 1 text fig. Moore, W. E. 1955. Geology of Jackson County, Florida. Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 37, pp. 1-101, frontispiece, 5 pls., 27 text figs., 3 tables. Poignant, A. 1960. Apercu sur la microfaune de l’Eocéne supérieur du Médoc. Revue de Micropaléont., vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 31-36, 2 pls. Puri, H.S. 1953. Zonation of the Ocala group in peninsular Florida (abs.). Jour. Sed. Petrology, vol. 23, p. 130. 1957. Stratigraphy and zonation of the Ocala group. Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 38, pp. 1-248, 33 pls., 30 text figs., 4 tables. Richards, H. G., and Palmer, K. V. W. 1953. Eocene mollusks from Citrus and Levy Counties, Florida. Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 35, pp. 1-95, 13 pls. Stubbs, S. A 1937. A study of the aviesian water supply of Seminole County, Florida. Florida Acad. Sci., Proc., vol. 2, pp. 24-36, text figs. Vaughan, T. W. 1923. Studies of the larger Tertiary Foraminifera from tropical and sub- tropical America. Nat. Acad. Sci., Proc., vol. 9, pp. 253-257. 1929. Additional new species of Tertiary larger Foraminifera from Jamaica. Jour. Paleont., vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 373-382, pls. 39-41. 1936. Helicolepidina nortoni, a new species of Foraminifera from a deep well in St. Landry Parish, Louisiana. Jour. Paleont., vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 248-252, pls. 39, 40. 1945. American old and middle Tertiary larger Foraminifera and corals: Pt. I—American Paleocene and Eocene larger Foraminifera. Geol. Soc. Amet., Mem. 9, pp. 1-175, 46 pls., 11 text figs., tables. wtesestit desetercoseencec sue recctenecceee Metess , and Cole, W. S. 1941. Preliminary report on the Cretaceous and Tertiary larger Foraminifera of Trinidad, British West Indies. Geol. Soc. Amer., Sp. Pap. 30, pp. 1-137, 46 pls. Vernon, R. 0. 1951. Geology of Citrus and Levy Counties, Florida. Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 33, pp. 1-256, 2 pls., 40 text figs., 20 tables. PLATES 38 Figure iL, bo Bry (Sh Wh JUL 4, 5, 10. i BULLETIN 212 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 1 Beaituonell say Clovicar ay WOle esses eereece cece ceee ec cseen seen 1,7. Axial sections; 1, X 20; 7, X 40. 6. Transverse section, X 40, near the apertural end. Pseudochrysalidina floridana Cole......:.....:::ccccccccccccseeeseeeeeeees Axial section, X 20. Lituonella grandicamerata Cole and Applin, n. Sp..--..-. 3,11. Axial sections; 3, type, X 20; 11, X 40. 8. Transverse section, X 40, just below embryonic cham- bers. 9. Transverse section, X 20, through embryonic chambers. 11. Axial section, X 40. Lituonella roberti Schlumberger.......ccccccccccccsssccsteceestseesteeeeeseees 4. Transverse section, X 20, through embryonic chambers. 5. Axial section, X 20. 10. Transverse section, X 20, near the apertural end. Coskinelinay.elongata, Cole s-c.<:ic2ccs5.0c1000.35¢s0ssec0s cs ee Axial section, X 20. 1-3, 6-9, 11. Loc. 5 at a depth of 825-835 feet. 45, 10. Loc. 16. A, oye, i) 28 PLATE 1 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 47 Figure ae ere i) er) LARGER FORAMINIFERA: COLE AND APPLIN EXPLANATION OF PLATE 2 Lituonella grandicamerata Cole and Applin, M. Speer 1,4. Transverse sections, X 20, through embryonic chambers. 5. Transverse section, X 20, just below embryonic chambers. Dictyoconus floridamus (Cole)... eee eects ett eceecceeetenees 2. Axial section, X 40. 5. Transverse section, X 40. 8. Section, X 40, to illustrate the internal structure of the mar- ginal troughs just below the exterior wall of the test. Dictyoconus americanus (Cushman)... cect ieee 3. Axial section, X 20. 6. Transverse section, X40, through the embryonic chambers. Coskinolina elongata Cole........::ccccceee eee es eee eteeeeceneeeneetnnestiss Section, X 40, to illustrate. the internal structure of the mar- ginal troughs just below the exterior wall of the test. 1. Loc. 9 at a depth of 640 feet. 2,4,5,7,8. Loc. 5 at a depth of 825-835 feet. 3. Loc. 8 at a depth of 2070-2080 feet. 6. Loc. 7 at a depth of 2000 feet. On alloc: 14. 29 21 21 20 40 BULLETIN 212 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 3 Figure 1-3, 5-7,9. Lituonella grandicamerata Cole and Applin, 1, Sp... 1-336.) Axialesections\) 1,6. 80 20> 253. 36 40) 5. Transverse section, X 20, just below embryonic cham- bers. 7. Transverse section, X 20, below embryonic chambers, but within the initial zone of coiled chambers. 9. Transverse section, X 20, near the apertural end. 4,8. Coskinolina elongata Cole........... das betetienvukrast snag Re 4,8. Transverse sections, X 20, near the apertural end. 10. Lituonella roberti Schlumberger..:...ccccccccccccccccececceccsceececsececseceeese.. Axial section, X 20. 1,5,6,9. Loc. 5 at a depth of 825-835 feet. 2. Loc. 9 at a depth of 610 feet. 3,7. Loc. 1 at a depth of 610-628 feet. Aly. Ihoye, let. HOR OGG: 25 PLATE 3 iL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 47 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 47 LARGER FORAMINIFERA: COLE AND APPLIN EXPLANATION OF PLATE 4 Figure 1,2,8,10. Asteroeyelina monticellensis Cole and Ponton....-.... 1,2. Vertical sections, X 20. 8,10. Equatorial sections, X 20. 4. Discorbis imormatus Colle...............cccccceceessescecersceeeeneeeeseeseees 4. Transverse section, X 40, of a typical specimen of this species. 5,6. Camagueyia perplexa Cole and ee 5. Transverse section, X 40, of a specimen similar to the one illustrated as figure 6. 6. Axial section, X 40, of a specimen similar to the type of Camagueyia perplexa. 3,7, 11-13.17. Fabularia matleyi (Vaughan)... tte 3.7. Axial sections, X 20, of topotypes of Fabularia gunteri Applin and Jordan. 11,13,17. Transverse sections of topotypes of Fabularia gunteri Applin and Jordan; 11,13,X 20; 17, X 40. 12. Transverse section, X 40, of the kind of speci- men formerly identified as Fabularia vaughani Cole and Ponton. 9,14-16. Camerina willeoxi (Heilprim) --.-.---:-:::- certs 9,14,15. Transverse sections; 9, 15, X 40; 14, X 20; 9,14, megalospheric specimens; 15, microspheric specimen. 16. Median section, X 20, of a megalospheric specimen. 1,2,8-10,14-16. Loc. 6; 1 at a depth of 2010-2020 feet; 2,8,10 at 1880-1890 feet; 9,15 at 1580- 1590 feet; 14,16 at 2100-2120 feet. 3,7,11,13,17. Loc. 1 at a depth of 515-520 feet. 4-6,12. Loc. 2 at a depth of 895-905 feet. 41 19 23 20 sy No BULLETIN 212 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 5 Figure 1,5, 5,6,8,9. Lepideeyelina (Lepidocyclina) pustulosa H. Douvillé........ 1. Equatorial section, X 20. 3,8. Vertical sections, X 40, of specimens similar to those illustrated as Lepido- cyclma_ cedarkeysensis Cole; compare with figures 1-6, plate 12, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 20, 1942. 5. Vertical section, X 40, of a specimen with a double layer of equatorial chambers in the peripheral zone (top of specimen) similar to specimens formerly identified as Triplalepidina veracruziana Vaughan and Cole; com- pare with figure 3, plate 14, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 46, No. 205, 1963. 8,9. Vertical sections, X 40, of specimens similar to those illustrated as Lepido- cyclina peruviana Cushman (see: fig- ures 1-7, plate 15, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 26, 1944). 2. Lepidocyelina (Polylepidina) antillea Cushman................ Vertical section, X 20, to illustrate the rapid increase in height of the equa- torial chambers. 4,7, 10-12. Lepidocyclina (Lepidceyelina) ariana Cole and Ponton.. 4,7,11. Vertical sections, X 20, of specimens previously called Lepidocyclina clai- bornensis Gravell and Hanna (see: fig- ures 17, 18, plate 57, Jour. Paleont., Wt IN ONE) s 194.0) 2 10. Vertical section, X 40, of a specimen similar to the type. 12. Equatorial section, X 40. 1,2,4,5,7,9,10,12. Loc. 6; 1,5,7, at a depth of 1260-1270 feet; 2, at 2340-2350 feet; 4 10,12, at 1580-1590 feet; 9 at 1880-1890 feet. 3,6,8. Loc. 3 at a depth of 1165-1180 feet. 11. Loc. 12 at a depth of 820-840 feet. ’ ’ 24 PLATE 5 ILL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 47 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 47 LARGER FORAMINIFERA: COLE AND APPLIN 43 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 6 Figure Page 1.2.48. Lepidocyelina (Lepidoeyelina) pustulosa TH. WO UvilliliGseeseesesenes: a) 1,5,6-8. Equatorial sections: 1,7,X 20; 5,6,8,X% 40. 2,4. Vertical sections, X 40. to 3. Lepidocyelina (Polylepidina) antillea Cushman... Vertical section, X 20, of a specimen in which the equatorial layer has a double row of chamberlets in the peripheral zone. 1,2. Loc. 12; 1, at a depth of 820-840 feet; 2, at 1090-1140 feet. 3, Ibyoye, id). 46,7. Loc. 6; 4, 6, at a depth of 1880-1890 feet; 7, at a depth of 1260-1270 feet. 5,8. Loc. 3 at a depth of 1165-1180 feet. 44 BULLETIN 212 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 7 Figure Page 1,3. Lepidocyelina (Lepidocyelina) pustulosa H. Douvillé............... 25 Vertical sections, X 40. 2,4-6. Lepidocyelina (Polylepidina) antillea Cushman.......c...ccceeceeee 3 2,4. Vertical sections, X 40. 5,6. Equatorial sections, X 40. 1,2. Loc. 3 at a depth of 1165-1180 feet 3. Loc. 12 at a depth of 1090-1140 feet. ALG, Ibyoxe, U5); Loc. 6 at a depth of 2340-2350 feet. 7 4 VOL. ad 1LL. AMER. PALEONT Te gO gsheern i; as BFS D345 4 i %, iG aA : my ‘ti (2G 1 % a Md : elec he ree ECAR — * ~~" ¢ a’ . ae ae o ® Gi Ge ORB aes a a ite r oe » TENN a ty. 7g ¥. ie e249 “i ™ is vd : Atle 4 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 47 a? en tt DAs 4», 02'o™ Sipe - Bx Ee ie ; of. baa 24 > a a bg ee ae? o - - 2 LARGER FORAMINIFERA: COLE AND APPLIN EXPLANATION OF PLATE 8 Figure 1-7. Pseudophragmina (Proporocyeclina) teres Cole and Gravell 1,3-5. Vertical sections;1, X 40; 3-5, X 20. 2,6-7. Equatorial chambers; 2,7, X 20; 6, X 40. 1,3,6. Loc. 13 at a depth of 1480-1500 feet. 2,4,5,7. Loc. 12 at a depth of 1410 feet. 45 Figure BULLETIN 212 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 9 1-4. Pseudophragmina (Proporocyelina) elarki (Cushman)... ie Vertical section, X 40. Vertical section, X 40, of a specimen with multiple sets of embryonic chambers. Parts of equatorial sections, X 40. 5,6. Lepideeyelina (Pelylepidina) antillea Cushman.........ccccccceeee De 6. 1-4. D0: Part of an equatorial section, X 40, of a specimen with two sets of embryonic chambers. Part of an equatorial section, X 40, of a specimen with a single set of embryonic chambers. Loc. 11; 1,3,4, at a depth of 1300-1330 feet; 2, at 1000-1030 feet. Loc. 6; 5, at a depth of 2340-2350 feet; 6, at 2200-2220 feet. | et AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 47 PLATE 9 | BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 47 PLATE } 4s ? con! eta, eo ae 2 ree ee ae A 4% oy Zs Y pence letelngg Ge in LARGER FORAMINIFERA: COLE AND APPLIN 47 EXPLANATION. OF PLATE 10 Figure Page 1-8. Diseoeyelina (Diseocyclina) marginata (Cushmat) ..c es 21 1,2,6,7. Vertical sections of megalospherie specimens; 1,7, X 40, 2,6, X20; 2,7, the same specimen at different enlarge- ments, 3.4. Vertical sections of microspheric specimens, X 20. 5,8. Equatorial sections, X 40. 1-8. Loc. 12 at a depth of 1690-1700 feet. 48 BULLETIN 212 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 11 Figure Page 1-3, 7-9. Diseoeyelina (Diseocyelina) waltonensis Cole amd Aplin» Me SPiecrsese cs a1... oes hy hats eee 11.00 Peruvian Tertiary Mollusca. (Nos. 64-67) .’.=286 pp:j 29) plsiic(. ives. desis od nee 11.00 Mainly Tertiary Mollusca and Cretaceous corals. (No. 68) 3.272 pps 24. pls. oe Pana bees 10.00 Tertiary Paleontology, Peru. (Nos. 69-70C).. 266 pp., 26 pls. ....c..ce.ceccccesse dcsescesceneesserseees 10.00 Cretaceous and Tertiary Paleontology of Peru and Cuba. (Nose 7i-t2N.) 3 2b pps 12 pisses sik scdsiscgeccaeletoeaees tones 11.00 Paleozoic Paleontology and Stratigraphy. (Nos, \73-76).. © 2356 pp’ 31. pls. 0.) cost i aate sete eee 12.00 Paleozoic Paleontology and Tertiary Foraminifera. (Nos; 34299) <= 7251 ‘pp. 35 pls. yoda ain ere 10.00 Corals, Cretaceous microfauna and biography of Conrad. (Nos,; 80-87)... 2334 pp, 27 pls. \si.cclenciiocud Sassen isha ccecsteoeveyels 10.50 Mainly Paleozoic faunas and Tertiary Mollusca. (Nos. 88-94B).<> 306\pp:, 30 pls. 3... cdecuee hen 10.00 Paleozoic fossils of Ontario, Oklahoma and Colombia, Meso- zoic echinoids, California Pleistocene and Maryland Mio- cene mollusks. (Nos,. 95-100). '; 420: pp., 58. pls. 305.) hts eaten 11.00 Florida Recent marine shells, Texas Cretaceous fossils, Cuban and Peruvian Cretaceous, Peruvian Eogene corals, and geology and paleontology of Ecuador. (Nos. 101-108). 376 pp., 36 pls. oo... ccccccsccscssee ssessseeesesececteenes 12.00 Tertiary Mollusca, Paleozoic cephalopods, Devonian fish and Paleozoic geology and fossils of Venezuela. €Nos./109-114);* 412 pp, 54. pls. ih. fcc le abe 12.00 Paleozoic cephalopods, Devonian of Idaho, Cretaceous and Eocene mollusks, Cuban and Venezuelan forams. (Nos. 115-116) 2.738 pps 52 ples... -. 52s cccateiesetlp eke eee 18. 00 Bowden forams and Ordovician cephalopods. (Noy, 197)3 S63 pp... 6S. pls ini ca eee 15.00 Jackson Eocene mollus (Nos. 118-128) . "458 pp., 27 pls. \...8 ci. cake 12.00 Venezuelan and California mollusks, Chemung and Pennsyl- vanian crinoids, Cypraeidae, Cretaceous, Miocene and Recent corals, Cuban and Floridian forams, and Cuban fossil local- - ities. (Nos; .129-138).°; 294-.pp.. 39. pls. oo. .caieic,.otenasSucghemven 10.00 Silurian cephalopods, crinold studies, Tertiary forams, and Mytilarca. (Noa.°134-150) ; 448 pp., ‘51 ips. 600). oh ae 12.00 Devonian annelids, Tertiary mollusks, Ecuadoran stratigraphy paleontology. 573 abe 5 BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY * VOL. XLVII * NUMBER 213 1964 Paleontological Research Institutio: Ithaca, New York PALEONTOLOGICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTION 1963-1964 RESTOR RR TE ate aR a eu rile ee Pa UW A ea et AXEL A. OLSSON VIGE-PRESIDEN Td ee eeye ad Ree C8 3 eM en Cae the Sera lee Aataeey aan DoNALD W. FISHER SECRETARY- TREASURER =i... 2i5/a0) 15 CRE os ee tet end ie eontaes, eee REBECCA S. HARRIS DIRECTOR Aoi: Teds OM es ip Oa an ERD Sh KATHERINE V. W. PALMER COUNSHT Me ie a eh te MAU ce: Baie Mle. Meat pak By tae ARMAND L. ADAMS REPRESENTATIVE AAAS! GOUNGID sick cottten secure seach. seddccubsorgacers KENNETH E. CASTER Trustees KENNETH E. CASTER (1960-1966) KATHERINE V. W. PALMER (Life) DoNALD W. FISHER (1961-1967) WILLIAM B. HERoy (1963-1968) REBECCA S. Harris (Life) AXEL A. OLSSON (Life) SOLOMON C. HOLLISTER (1959-1965) HaANs G. KUGLER. (1963-1969) JoHN W. WELLS (1958-64) BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY and PALAEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA KATHERINE V. W. PALMER, Editor Mrs. Fay Briaes, Secretary Advisory Board KENNETH E. CASTER HANS KUGLER A. Myra KEEN Jay GLENN Marks Complete titles and price list of separate available numbers may be had on application. All volumes will be available except vol. I of Paleontographica Americana. Vol. I to be reprinted by Johnson Reprint Corporation, New York, N.Y. For reprint, Vols. 1-6, 8-16, Bulletins of American Paleontology see Kraus Reprint Corp., 16 East 46th St., New York 17, N. Y., U.S.A. Subscription may be entered at any time by volume or year, with average price of $16.00 per volume for Bulletins. Numbers of Paleontographica Americana in- voiced per issue. Purchases in U.S.A. for professional purposes are deductible from income tax. For sale by Paleontological Research Institution 109 Dearborn Place Ithaca, New York USS.A. BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY (Founded 1895) Vol. 47 No. 213 DEVONIAN FORAMINIFERA: PART I, THE LOUISIANA LIMESTONE OF MISSOURI AND ILLINOIS By JAMES E. CONKIN and BARBARA M. CONKIN University of Louisville March 20, 1964 Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York, U.S.A. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: GS 64-131 Printed in the United States of America TABLE OF CONTENTS in js Sills aS TUL lua Page Abstract ing One Senne Stach Cee eee Pe ee OOS RE cy yas Ct RE, 53 MGRUGOGMCEIOM « secee cevccenendesncssooress ses NP DS aor Neate oro ie eet, et ere eee ee eee 54 Acknowledgments .......... NEA Co eae ee onsen ncco a eee coe RE Ree 54 IPTEWJOUS! WOLK) Teen CONE a Rar Epp A AMEN ian A Oecd ty Peace GRA baseeat el 55) resent work) oucc. eee 56 TLASE GHP OG RIES aie: SNe rare a Orr Sia ne er fe tee eee ea et ne et RE ee re ee 58 IReayoyMlll: INE apccsscoacecenouoe Bar Aa tec mee A Bacay ame ond yeh oe Vac eae ah et oe 60 PAP Cro t ate ME OUIS Taman lTMIESEOME coh denjt dsc. 05. g-oek cae Sead cas cabee CS ooebas en hanse ods cheosueeees 63 IRAE (OVSHAWOSO. Gascassencocnooaecds scence: Per Saar eats Se a Fe Meee 63 PLES CItaRO LIVI O Meee te lc eee ce te ee cea ese eR rae ee te ore Oe ars eno si coat 66 al EOECOLOS Ve eeeee ete aes PRCA Bd oil fet, ane dee Sa ae er Seo 69 SYSLeMatieEpaleontOlOgyame seers nereterene ree eT hee tee Sai tat nem ees aS 70 Crithionina psammosphaeraeformis, n. sp. EE ieee iets cee ; 70 Thuramminoides sphaeroidalis Plummer, 1945 eet: ‘Contin 1961 . 71 VATE DILL CTL OLAANEDS CRACRU:. Me SP ovr igeak 2 vacader ion vewnnagotecacdsee thactea te telcsdaceat eee es 73 VAAL CNE OLR MUI PIRGIE) MI SPs 0. tce.cgsthdescececs aseeasscetas tena setiod ee enaeeath Sac 74 AN oP UEP OTE Ota So hah RE ee AI Aa ne LC Aes PD a as eee Ve 75 TP RF EOS HACIA G. Si Day «Nae are ae Pe ST En ee eae OM OE eee et ee 72) AE OGPOG WEA IGN a) ch coe Ee OT Ee Pe 76 ASCPUTILOS PG LENAIOES 1) Gap een ret See ENN Pe Ts Bare apne A et ee rs | eRe ee V7 EDULE ATI LIANG AATIESE MEMES Pie het eNOS. sae ssh scree a sat tas has nc Asch eens Ty TL DEREETPLLE SPECIA IO, 18s. SiBq oes canensenesenoepocees sn aesenandedeseseanephpedéoscecpahosses0e030046 79 Hyperammina sappingtonensis Gutschick, 19620 20000.00..cccccccccccccteeeeeeee trees 80 VAS GM ERLONEN A NOMIS HANG, «AN SP). o ene lidecsyis. oeess escent ven: ss 83 Genus OxzvosamGutschicky 19 G2vemends sao. seeccens hee eeeeeeee sees: 85 Oxinoxts ligula (Gutschick, Weiner, and Young), 1961 emend. ........ 87 Ammodiscus longexsertus (Gutschick, and Treckman), 1959 00... 91 Tolypammina bulbosa (Gutschick and Treckman), 1959 emend. . 92 Tolypammina cyclops Gutschick and Treckman, 1959 . 95 Tolypammina gersterensis Conkin and Conkin, 1964 .......0.0000.0......... 96 Tolypammina jacobschapelemsis Comkin, 1961 ........0...0c.cc0cc0cccccceceseeceseeveeeeeees 97 IRGHELEDICCS IRE A rmren oea fede Seana Ae AE We Vl Br ie Chea Ae RS Teyad UNE e ae 98 Neg SMP cece SS ANN ee MRR ec Mags cid nas Sher et caine a Messe conn Bie Gsuees pease skoneeeaice 101 This work is dedicated to the late Colonel Lucien Beckner, D. Sc., Kentucky geologist and humanitarian (1873-1963). DEVONIAN FORAMINIFERA: PART I, THE LOUISIANA LIMESTONE OF MISSOURI AND ILLINOIS JAMES E. CONKIN AND BARBARA M. CONKIN University of Louisville ABSTRACT The foraminiferal fauna of the Louisiana limestone of northeastern Missouri and western Illinois is described with the following taxa: five families, nine genera (Crithionina, Thuramminoides, Amphitremoida, Psammosphaera?, Thurammina, Hyperammina, Oxinoxis, Aschemonella, Ammodiscus, and Tolypammina), and 18 species (six new and four unidentifiable) ; Oxznoxis Gutschick, 1962, O. ligula (Gutschick, Weiner, and Young), 1961, and Tolypammina bulbosa (Gutschick and Treckman), 1959 are emended. One species, Saccammina ligula Gutschick, Weiner, and Young, 1961, is reallocated as the type species of the genus Oxinoxis Gutschick, 1962. Two species are placed in synonymy: Tolypammina sperma Gutschick, Weiner, and Young, 1961 is a junior subjective synonym of T. jacobschapelensis Conkin, 1961; Tolypammina continuus Gutschick, 1962 is a junior subjective synonym of 7. bulbosa (Gutschick and Treckman), 1959. Hyperammina sapping- tonensis Gutschick, 1962 is probably a junior subjective synonym of H. kahlleitensis Blumenstengel, 1961, but the synonymy is not formalized. Amphicervicis Mound, 1961 is probably congeneric with Amphitremoida Eisenack, 1937. This paper re- ports for the first time the occurrence of Amphitremoida in North America and of Aschemonella in the Paleozoic. Although age determination of the Louisiana limestone based on arenaceous Foraminifera is difficult as a result of the occurrence in the Louisiana of species common to the Devonian and Mississippian and the fact that Devonian foraminiferal faunas are little known and are just beginning to be described, we are able to supply foraminiferal evidence which allows us to relegate the Louisiana limestone to the Upper Devonian. The striking similarities between the foraminiferal faunas of the Louisiana lime- stone, the lower Sappington formation of Montana, and the McCraney limestone of Illinois are analyzed. Four genera and one species of arenaceous Foraminifera (Ammobaculites, Trepeilopsis, Ammovertella, Reophax, and Hyperammina_ rock- fordensis) which occur widely and commonly in the Lower Mississippian of North America are not found in either the Louisiana or lower Sappington faunas. All of them, however, are found in the Hannibal formation which overlies the Louisiana, and Ammobaculites, Reophax, and Trepeilopsis have been found in the basal Lodge- pole limestone which overlies the Sappington formation. We have, in our pre- liminary work on the McCraney limestone, recognized the genus Ammobaculites which serves to distinguish the Kinderhookian McCraney fauna from the Louisiana and lower Sappington faunas. The lithographic aspect of the Louisiana limestone, the absence of any evidence of appreciable agitation of the bottom sediments during deposition, the general diminutive character of the macrofossils, the dolomitic nature of the intercalated thin shales and the upper beds of the limestone, and the limited geographic extent of the formation combine to supply evidence which lends itself to an interpretation of deposition of the Louisiana in a quiet and restricted environment of near shore, shallow, and tropical and somewhat hypersaline marine waters, perhaps lagoonal in nature; the water was charged with carbonates, and the bottom sediments were well aerated. The lithographic limestone of the Louisiana contained rather modest amounts of fine silt grains which the arenaceous Foraminifera used to build their tests, and indeed, such sufficiency of adventitious particles in a sediment meets one requirement for the promotion of arenaceous foraminiferal life in some abundance (Conkin, 1961). 54 BULLETIN 213 INTRODUCTION Our first collections from the Louisiana limestone were made in the summer of 1958 when we sampled the Mississippian System of Missouri under a program initiated to describe the foraminiferal faunas of the type Mississippian of North America. Detailed sections of the Louisiana lime- stone at Louisiana and Hannibal, Missouri, and Teneriffe, Illinois, were measured in the spring of 1962, and at Hamburg, Illinois, in the summer of 1962. Limestone samples were dissolved in dilute hydrochloric acid; samples from the few intercalated shales in the Louisiana were washed through a 200-mesh sieve. During this study we have not felt compelled to study the limestone in thin section in order to assess its foraminiferal content on fragmentary bases, but rather we wished to exemplify the fauna on the basis of the best preserved material that could be obtained. We are not depreciating the thin-section method in instances where calcareous forms are present or important, nor do we deny the inherent stratigraphic poten- tialities of the thin-section method in regard to the arenaceous Foraminifera (even in the case of the Louisiana limestone). Photomicrographs were made with a Bausch and Lomb Stereo-Zoom microscope, a Nikon F-1 camera, Adox KB-14 film, and Kodabromide paper F-5; photographs are not retouched. All figured specimens are deposited in the Cushman Collection, United States National Museum, Washington 25, D. C. The remaining specimens are retained by us. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Funds for collecting and photography were available through National Science Foundation Research Grant No. G-15987, a larger program now underway to describe the arenaceous Foraminifera of the Silurian and Devonian of Kentucky and southern Indiana. We also wish to acknowl- edge financial aid from the Research Committee of the University of Louisville, Our sincere thanks go to Dr. Thomas Beveridge, State Geolo- gist of Missouri, for initial support of field work during 1958, and to Drs. H. B. Willman and Charles W. Collinson of the Illinois Geological Survey, who supplied reprints of pertinent papers concerning the stratig- raphy and age relationships of the Louisiana and McCraney limestones. Particular thanks go to Dr. William Huffman, Dean of the University DEVONIAN FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN AND CONKIN 55 College of the University of Louisville, for support and encouragement of geological science here. Finally, we are grateful to Mr. James Pike, graduate student at the University of Louisville, for his pleasant company and efficient aid in measuring sections at Louisiana and Hannibal, Missouri. PREVIOUS WORK Early work on the Louisiana limestone was summarized by Williams whose study of the Louisiana stratigraphy and macrofauna (1943, 1957) is the most ambitious to date. We make no effort here to list or summarize previous work on the Louisiana but mention only those works which are particularly pertinent to the present study, Branson and Mehl (in Branson, et al., 1938), Branson (1944), Scott (1961), and Scott and Collinson (1961) worked on the Louisiana conodont fauna. Conkin and Conkin (1964) briefly considered the Louisiana limestone and its correlation in their discussion of the Chouteau group of Missouri. There has been no previous systematic description of the foraminiferal fauna of the Louisiana. The first report of Foraminifera in the Louisiana limestone was that of Williams (1943, pp. 29, 55) who indicated that Foraminifera were rare and listed three genera: Hyperammuinoides (Hyper- ammina as emended by Conkin, 1954) , Lituotuba, and Ammodiscus. Work- man and Gillette (1956) identified the following six genera in the Louisiana: Ammodiscus, Lituotuba, Hyperammina, Bathysiphon, Tolyp- ammina, and Aschemonella? and indicated that other genera were also present. Gutschick (1962) in his work on the Foraminifera of the lower Sappington formation of Montana listed seven genera and nine species from the Louisiana limestone and remarked upon the similarity of the foraminiferal faunas of the lower Sappington and the Louisiana. The species reported by Gutschick from the Louisiana are: Psewdastrorhiza delicata Gutschick and Treckman, 1959, Saccammina ligula Gutschick, Weiner, and Young, 1961, Hyperammina sappingtonensis Gutschick, 1962, Oxinoxis botrys Gutschick, 1962, Ammodiscus longexsertus (Gutschick and Treckman), 1959, Tolypammina continuus Gutschick, 1962, and T. extenda Ireland, 1956. All species except P. delicata were also reported from the Sappington formation by Gutschick who also reported Thar- amminoides sp. and Lituotuba sp. from the Louisiana limestone. We believe that the Sappington and Louisiana tolypamminid identified as T. extenda Ireland by Gutschick (1962) belongs to another species. 56 BULLETIN 213 Figure 1 clarifies the taxonomic relationships between genera and species of Foraminifera in the Louisiana limestone as previously reported and the genera and species as interpreted by us. Details of taxonomic changes are discussed in the Systematic Paleontology portion of this paper. WORKMAN & CONKIN & et aces ae CONKIN, ee | Hyperammina | Hyperammina Hyperamminoides——{ Hyperammina sappingtonensis sappingtonensis Bathysiphon Aschemonella? —— Oxinoxis botrys Oxinoxis ligula Saccammina ligula ; f | Ammodiscus Ammodiscus mmodiseus AIISETS SHE longexsertus longexser tus Lituotuba | Eiotaba et Lituotuba Tolypammina | Tolypammina continuus bulbosa Tolypammina ——_ (not found) extenda Tolypammina jacobschapelensis Tolypammina cyclops Tolypammina gersterensis Tolypammina Thuramminoides sphaeroidalis Thuramminoides Psammosphaera ? sp.A Pseudastrorhiza delicata —+ (not found) Figure 1. Taxonomic relationships between genera and species of Foraminifera in the Louisiana limestone as previously reported and as interpreted in this paper. PRESENT WORK We will concern ourselves primarily with the systematic description of the foraminiferal fauna of the Louisiana limestone and secondarily with age assignment of the Louisiana based on the evolution of the arenaceous Foraminifera ; paleoecological interpretations are briefly considered. DEVONIAN FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN AND CONKIN 7 ILLINOIS | ¢ QUINCY HANNIBAL n (e) r-< —I — Figure 2. Location of measured sections and collecting sites. 58 BULLETIN 213 LIST OF LOCALITIES Collections were made from five localities (Figure 2). Thirty-seven samples were collected, and three sections were measured, All samples were found to contain Foraminifera. For details of lithology in the measured sections, see Figures 3-5. Locality 1. Section measured at Lovers Leap, overlooking the railroad yards at Hannibal, Marion County, Missouri. Locality 2. Section measured at Clinton Springs, Clinton Hill, just south of Noix Creek, on State Highway 79, at south edge of Louisiana, Pike County, Missourt. Locality 3. Samples taken from the lower one-foot thick bed of the Louisiana limestone in road cut at the base of Pinnacle Hill, along State Highway 79, Clarksville, Pike County, Missouri. Locality 4. Samples taken from the five-foot interval of the Louisiana limestone above the Saverton shale in the bank of Hamburg Creek, immediately behind the Methodist Church on High Street in Hamburg, Calhoun County, Ilinois, Locality 5. Section measured immediately east of State Highway 100, one-half mile south of Teneriffe School, Hardin Quadrangle, Jersey County, Illinois. LOCALITY | Siltstone in upper 2/3rds, olive gray to gray, HANNIBAL | 66' e wer Third . Limestone, beds |' thick in upper 2 , fine-grained, dolomitic; light brown to buff, weathers buff; no fossils noted. 4. Limestone, dolomitic, fine-grained, buff, thin- exposed alt | 3. Limestone, dolomitic, fine-grained, buff to tan, weathers buff to tan, thin-bedded; no fossils. 34' 2. Limestone, dolomitic, fine-grained, light brown to tan buff, weathers buff to tan to light brown, thin—bedded; no megafossils noted. |. Limestone, semi-lithographic to fine-grained, dolomitic limestone, buff to light brown; LOUISIANA agage | CHAT HH 1 no megafossils noted. covered to road level Figure 3. Measured section taken at Lovers Leap, Hannibal, Missouri. DEVONIAN FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN AND CONKIN 59 LOCALITY 2 Mostly covered. Shale, ochre-colored; no fossils noted; about |' exposed. 26. Limestone, lithographic, gray to buff, calcite vugs; rare fossils. - Limestone, lithographic to semi-lithographic, some laminae slightly dolomitic and tan-brown, mostly gray to buff; rare fossils. * Limestone, semi-lithographic to lithographic, tan to gray; rare fossils. - Limestone, semi-lithographic to lithographic, tan to buff, weathers buff to tan; no fossils noted. . Limestone, semi-lithographic to fine-grained, rare lithographic beds, dolomitic, tan to light-brown-sugar-colored; rare fossils. Limestone, semi-lithographic to lithographic, some dolomitic beds, buff to light tan, weathers buff; no fossils. Limestone, semi-lithographic, calcite vugs, tan, somewhat dolomitic; unfos, 19. Limestone, lithographic to semi-lithographic, slightly dolomitic, gray to buff, weathers buff; no fossils noted. 18. Limestone, semi-lithographic to fine-grained, tan to light-brown— uJ (mibab sugar-colored, dolomitic; no fossils noted. Ze (—) =| 2 A CT Itt. '!7. Limestone, semi-lithographic, slightly dolomitic, buff to light tan, (ep) Seceues weathers buff, calcite vugs; no fossils noted. = >? 6" zt 6. Limestone, lithographic. to semi-lithographic, some layers dolo— = rt mitic, tan to brown-sugar—colored; very rare fossils. = 3! asses ese 15. Limestone, lithographic to semi-lithographic, dolomitic, gray to ad tL light tan, weathers buff; no fossils noted. le | .--| = BIOSTROME S = SW) nnn nn nn an eS a | D | R R A mw | & | GRASSY CREEK ee GRASSY CREEK = Chart 2. Stratigraphic relationships of the formations in Missouri, Illinois, and Montana which are considered in this paper. 64 BULLETIN 213 Various lines of evidence for assigning the Louisiana to either the Kinderhookian or Upper Devonian were presented by Williams (1943) whose work was largely done prior to 1933, Williams’ conclusion as to the age of the Louisiana favored the Kinderhookian primarily on the basis of the overall aspect of the macrofauna. We should be inclined to agree with Williams’ age assignment on the basis of the macrofossils; however, Williams (1943, p. 38) noted that the faunas are, in part at least, facies controlled and he discussed at some length the faunas reported from the Glen Park, Louisiana, and Saverton as time markers and facies indicators: If it is correct [rocks of different lithologic characters were deposited at the same time}, conspicuous differences between faunas within the Kinderhookian may be more correctly ascribed to facies and environmental differences than to time differences; and correlations based solely on numerical superiority of common species or genera of fossils will not be reliable. The difficulty of making close faunal correlation of the Louisiana with other Kinderhookian formations [Williams con- sidered the Louisiana to be early Mississippian in age} is in part also caused by the lack of published recent work on the descriptive paleontology and the zonal dis- tribution of the fossils of these other formations. The deficiency of recent published work of this type for the Hannibal and Chouteau formations in Missouri and the formations exposed at Kinderhook, Ill., and at Burlington, Iowa, especially hinders the correlation of the Louisiana. It may be noted here that our plan to describe the foraminiferal fauna of each Mississippian formation in the type area is in the spirit of the above statement; Part I, the Northview formation of Missouri, is already pub- lished (Conkin and Conkin, 1964). Five more parts of this series are nearing completion: the Hannibal, Chouteau, Fern Glen, Pierson, and McCraney. Williams considered the Louisiana limestone to be Kinderhookian (1943, p. 47) and equivalent to part of the lower Waverly, particularly the Berea sandstone. Conkin (1961) made an intensive study of the Waverly rocks in southcentral Ohio and their equivalent beds in Kentucky, southern Indiana, and northern Tennessee and presented descriptions of foramini- feral faunas different from the foraminiferal fauna of the Louisiana lime- stone. Of course, there are no Devonian or Lower Mississippian rocks to be found in the eastcentral United States which even approximate the lith- ology of the Louisiana limestone except the Rockford limestone, but the foraminiferal fauna of the Rockford of northern Indiana (Gutschick and Treckman, 1959) and of southern Indiana (Conkin, 1961) is different from that of the Louisiana limestone. Of interest is Williams’ statement (1943, p. 48) that the Louisiana macrofauna has closer affinities to the Middle Devonian (Hamilton) DEVONIAN FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN AND CONKIN 65 faunas of the eastern United States than to the Upper Devonian faunas of eastern United States. Williams pointed out that H, S. Williams and others believed that faunal elements of the Hamilton “recur” in several horizons in the Upper Devonian and that these Hamilton faunas perhaps migrated westward to become the progenitors of the Saverton shale- Louisiana limestone faunas. We find one prominent element of the Hamil- ton foraminiferal faunas (Oxinoxis ligula) in the Louisiana foraminiferal fauna. Branson and Mehl (in Branson, ef a/., 1938) and Branson (1944), primarily on the basis of the geologic range of conodonts, placed the Louisiana in the Devonian, with the Devonian-Mississippian boundary at the base of the Bushberg-Hannibal sequence. Mehl (1960, p. 70) indicated that the so-called Bushberg is not all of the same age everywhere, and he would restrict the name Bushberg to its type area where it 1s Late Devonian in age; Mehl proposed the name Bachelor for the basal Missis- sippian sandstone and considered the Louisiana limestone to be probably of Late Devonian age. Weller, ef al., (1948) placed the Louisiana in the Fabius group of Devonian or Mississippian age. The most recent age determination of the Louisiana limestone comes from the conodont studies of Scott (1961), Scott and Collinson (1961), and Collinson, Scott, and Rexroad (1962) which present evidence support- ing a Late Devonian age for the Louisiana limestone. Conodont workers rely rather heavily on European conodont zones and their relationships to goniatite zones for placement of the Devonian- Mississippian boundary, Collinson, Scott, and Rexroad (1962, pee tO) believe that the Gwathodus kockeli-G., n. sp. B zone in the lowermost Hannibal and “Glen Park” formations is roughly a time equivalent to the Gnathodus kockeli-Pseudopolygnath%s dentilineata zone of Voges (lower part of the Gattendorfia Stufe, cul) and indeed call the “Glen Park’’— lowermost Hannibal fauna the Grathodus kockeli-Psendopolygnathus den- tilineata fauna of Voges (1962, p. 14) ; however, G. kockeli first appears in the Louisiana and uppermost Saverton. It is, in large measure, the absence of the Lower Mississippian conodont genera, Siphonodella, Elicto- gnathus, and Pseudopolygnathus, that has indicated relegation of the Louis- iana to the Upper Devonian (Wocklumeria Stufe, toV1) (Scott and Collinson, 1961, p. 117) ; however, such age assignment is tentative inas- much as the equivalent of the Louisiana-upper Saverton conodont fauna 66 BULLETIN 213 has not been reported from Germany, but the Louisiana-upper Saverton may “represent the time equivalent of the unfossiliferous portion of the Hangenberg-Schichten of the Rheinisch Schiefergebirge that lies between the highest occurrences of Wocklumeria and the lowest occurrence of Gattendorfia’’ (Collinson, Scott, and Rexroad, 1962, p. 14) in Germany, the standard reference area for conodont zonation in Europe. PRESENT OPINION Attempts to judge the age of the Louisiana limestone by means of its contained arenaceous Foraminifera are beset with difficulties in common with age determinations of the Louisiana on the basis of the macrofossils and conodonts, in that some Louisiana foraminiferal species are known from the Devonian as well as the Lower Mississippian. Furthermore, the Devonian foraminiferal faunas of North America are little known and their descriptions have only begun. The known geologic ranges of previously described Foraminifera which occur in the Louisiana are given in Chart 3. No formerly described Louisiana species is known to be restricted to strata of Devonian age; how- ever, two species from the Louisiana fauna are known to range into definite Devonian beds: Thuramminoides sphaeroidalis which occurs wide- ly from Silurian through Permian (Conkin, 1961, p. 245) and Oxinoxis ligula, which we have found well represented in the Middle Devonian (Hamilton) Sellersburg formation in Kentucky and southern Indiana. A third species, Hyperammina sappingtonensis Gutschick, 1962, originally described from the lower Sappington formation of Montana, is almost certainly a junior subjective synonym of H. kahlleitensis Blumenstengel, 1961 which was described from the undoubted Upper Devonian of Germany; however, discrepancies between the measurements and figures of H. kahlleitensis preclude formal recognition of this probable synonymy at present. Tolypammina gersterensis and T. jacobschapelensis have previously been found only in the Lower Mississippian. The three remaining species (Ammodiscus longexsertus, Tolypam- mina bulbosa, and T. cyclops) on Chart 3 were formerly known from only the Lower Mississippian and the lower Sappington formation (subunit E, the algae-sponge biostrome of Gutschick, Suttner, and Switek, 1962) of Montana. The age of subunit E of the Sappington has not been definitely deter- DEVONIAN FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN AND CONKIN 67 mined, whether Lower Mississippian or Upper Devonian, but Gutschick (1962) noted the similarity between the foraminiferal faunas of subunit E of the lower Sappington and the Louisiana limestone of Missouri, Al- though the foraminiferal faunas are indeed similar (the Louisiana fauna, according to our interpretation of Gutschick’s work, contains five of the six definitely identified species from the Sappington), the Louisiana fauna is apparently larger in number of species and individuals. We have begun a study of the Foraminifera of the McCraney limestone of Illinois and Iowa and have, after preliminary study, found several of the same species in the McCraney limestone at Seehorn Creek, about one-half mile north of Seehorn, Illinois (Figure 2), that are found in the Louisiana and Sapping- Hyperammina sappingtonensis Tolypammina jacobschapelensis Ammodiscus lon gexsertus Thuramminoides sphaeroidalis Tolypammina gersterensis Tolypammina bulbosa Tolypammina cyclops Oxinoxis ligula EAE cower TT ITT sue Uo ROCKFORD & WELDEN ee Se EAE OSAGIAN SAPPINGTON Co eee eh wos | | TEE TL moe ele le | HO ep Chart 3. Occurrence in the Devonian, Kinderhookian, and Osagian of previously described Foraminifera which are found in the Louisiana limestone. KIN DER- DEVONIAN | [ince 68 BULLETIN 213 ton. The McCraney fauna consists of Oxinoxis ligula, Hyperammina sappingtonensis, Tolypammina bulbosa, T. cyclops, Ammodiscus longex- sertus, T. jacobschapelensis, Psammosphaera? sp., and Ammobaculites sp.; the first five species occur in the Sappington and all but Ammobaculites are found in the Louisiana. Thus, while the Sappington foraminiferal fauna is similar to the Louisiana foraminiferal fauna, it is also similar to the McCraney foraminiferal fauna. Gutschick (1962) accepted a Lower Mississippian age for the Sap- pington formation, but subsequently Gutschick, Suttner, and Switek (1962) suggested an Upper Devonian age for the lower part of the Sappington (subunits A-E) largely on the basis of the similarity of the foraminiferal fauna of subunit E of the lower Sappington to the foraminiferal fauna of the Louisiana limestone. As noted under “Past Opinion,” the Louisiana limestone has been placed tentatively in the Upper Devonian on the basis of conodonts by Scott (1961), Scott and Collinson (1961), and Collinson, Scott, and Rexroad (1962). Inasmuch as the Sappington foraminiferal fauna is also similar to the Kinderhookian McCraney foraminiferal fauna, the resemblance between the Louisiana and Sappington foraminiferal faunas might seem less significant. Still, several genera of arenaceous Foraminifera which occur rather widely and commonly in the Mississippian of North America are not found in either the Louisiana or lower Sapping- ton faunas; these genera are: Ammobaculites, Trepeilopsis, Ammovertella, and Reophax. All of these genera are found in the Kinderhookian Hanni- bal formation (Conkin, Conkin, and Pike, in manuscript) which overlies the Louisiana and underlies the McCraney, and all except Ammovertella occur in the basal Lodgepole limestone which overlies the Sappington formation (Gutschick, Weiner, and Young, 1961). We believe that the upper Sappington (subunits F-H) above the algae-sponge biostrome may be found to contain at least some of these Lower Mississippian Foramini- fera. This upper shale-siltstone portion of the Sappington was noted by Gutschick, Suttner, and Switek (1962) to resemble the Hannibal forma- tion in lithology and fauna. As noted earlier in this discussion, we have found the genus Ammo- haculites in the McCraney foraminiferal fauna; thus, in preliminary study, the McCraney fauna is distinguishable from the Louisiana and Sappington faunas. We do not know of any record of Ammobaculites, Trepeilopsis, Ammovertella, or Reophax in pre-Mississippian rocks in North America; DEVONIAN FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN AND CONKIN 69 however, Ammoverteila and Reophax have been reported from the Devon- ian of Eastern Europe (fide Toomey, 1961, 1963). To our minds, the absence in the Louisiana limestone of a species of Hyperammina, H. rockfordensis Gutschick and Treckman, 1959, is signifi- cant. H. rockfordensis is widely distributed geographically and of com- mon occurrence in Kinderhookian rocks (limestones as well as shales) in the United States, from Kentucky to New Mexico, but this species has not been found in the Louisiana or lower Sappington faunas. H, rock- fordensis does occur in the Hannibal formation (unpublished manuscript) . It has been reported in the Upper Devonian only as a single occurrence in the Blackiston member of the New Albany shale in eastern Kentucky (Conkin, 1961, p. 269, Charts 8, 17, 22). Im addition, Blumenstengel reported a single specimen of H. rockfordensis in the German Upper Devonian. In conclusion then, we, like the conodont workers who tentatively place the Louisiana in the Upper Devonian partly on the absence of Lower Mississippian conodont genera, place the Louisiana in the Upper Devonian largely on the basis of absence of the aforementioned post-Devonian Fora- minifera, Ammobaculites, Reophax, Trepeilopsis, Ammovertella, and Hy- perammina rockfordensis. PALEOECOLOGY The lithographic character of the bulk of the Louisiana limestone, the absence of any real evidence of agitated waters, the predominance of diminutive elements of the macrofauna, the dolomitic nature of the inter- calated thin shales, and the limited geographic extent of the Louisiana lime- stone point to deposition of sediments in a quiet and restricted environ- ment of near shore, shallow, tropical, and probably hypersaline marine water, perhaps lagoonal in nature. This interpretation as to the nature of the environmental conditions prevailing during the time of deposition of the Louisiana limestone is consistent with hypotheses concerning the paleogeography as outlined by Williams (1943, pp. 49-52). The bottom water and immediately underlying sediments were undoubtedly well oxy- genated as there is an absence of incompletely oxidized organic material and there is no evidence in the limestone of stagnation, The source area for the Louisiana sediments must have been composed largely of carbonate rocks inasmuch as the insoluble residues of the limestone beds of the Louisiana are small in quantity, being composed mostly of gray-cream argillaceous matter, orangish-red oxides of iron, and small silt-sized grains of quartz. 70 BULLETIN 213 Rather good ecological conditions for the promotion of foraminiferal life were present on the sea bottom during Louisiana sedimentation. The fine-grained silt in the calcareous mud was available to the arenaceous Foraminifera for construction of their grainy tests. The abundance of carbonates in the water was not harmful to foraminiferal life nor was the presence of iron ions detrimental. We are not concerned here with the nature of the original cement secreted by the protoplasm of the Foraminifera; our thoughts on_ this matter have been presented previously (Conkin, 1961, pp. 235, 236, 255- 260, 275-277, 318-321). The point which we wish to stress now is that arenaceous Foraminifera must have grains of silt or sand-sized particles with which to construct their tests, regardless of type of original cement secreted by the protoplasm. We have found in the central and eastcentral United States that extremely pure calcium carbonate limestones, with vir- tually no siltaceous or fine arenaceous particles, contain no or nearly no arenaceous Foraminifera, whereas sediments (either shales or carbonates) which contain proportionally moderate or even modest amounts of siltace- ous or fine arenaceous particles are apt to contain arenaceous Foraminifera in greater or lesser numbers (some sediments are of course barren of arenaceous Foraminifera for other and various ecological reasons). The relative abundance of arenaceous Foraminifera in the Louisiana limestone thus substantiates the conclusion reached by Conkin (1961, pp. 233, 234) concerning the relationship of lithology to the probability of occurrence of arenaceous Foraminifera in Paleozoic sedimentary rocks. SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Order FORAMINIFERA Family ASTRORHIZIDAE Genus CRITHIONINA Goés. 1894 Crithionina psammosphaeraeformis, new species Pl. 12;sheseni2=5 Description —Test free, subspherical, globose to tumidly discoidal ; apertures large, rounded or with rough margins, rather irregularly placed or situated somewhat equatorially on some specimens, and numbering from two or three to ten? or more; interior of test labyrinthic with irregular partitions of adventitious material in the form of pillar-like structures between the labyrinthic passages; exterior of test smooth, of fine siliceous grains in siliceous cement; color of test, white to buff. DEVONIAN FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN AND CONKIN 71 Measurements.—See Table 1 for measurements of Crithionina psam- mosphaeraeformis, and Table 2 for range in measurements, Table 1. Measurements of figured specimens of Crthionina psammo- Sphaeraeformis, 1 mm, Plate 12 max, min, thick- diam, of locality and diam. diam. ness apertures sample numbers fig, 12 .218 185 Abul .025-.042 2 2 fig. 13 193 185 aS .025-.050 ye al hg. 14 193 185 allel .017-.025 4-1 hg. 15 190 185 L160 .017-,025 | Table 2. Range in measurements of nine specimens of Crithionima psam- mosphaeraeformis, in mm, max. diam, .143-,218 min, diam. 126-.185 thickness -L01-.160 diam, apertures 017-050 Comparison and affinities.—Crithionina psammosphaeraeformis differs from all other species of Crithionina in possessing a regularly shaped test like that of a Psammosphaera, in having more regularly rounded apertures, and a smoother exterior, Type locality—The holotype is from the lower one-foot-thick bed (sample 2) of the Louisiana limestone at Locality 2 at Louisiana, Missouri, Stratigraphic occurrence.—Crithionina psammosphaeraeformis was found in the Louisiana limestone in three samples from three localties; all occurrences are from the lowermost part of the Louisiana limestone, See Chart 1 for details of occurrence. Remarks.—The genus Crithionina has been divided into three genera by Loeblich and Tappan (1961, pp. 217, 218) ; however, at this time the exact relationships between the three are not clear to us, Although the present species may belong in Dastrona Loeblich and Tappan, 1961, we place this new species in Crithionina 5. 1. Genus THURAMMINOIDES Plummer, 1945, emend, Conkin, 1961 Thuramminoides sphaeroidalis Plummer, 1945, emend, Conkin, 1961 Pl, 12, figs. 36-38 Thuramminoides sphaeroidalis Plummer, 1945, Univ, Texas, Pub, 4401, pp. 218, 219, pl. 15, figs. 4-10; Crespin, 1958, [Australia] Bur. Mineral Res., Geol. and Geophys., Bull. 48, pp. 40, 41, pl. 3, figs. 9-11; pl. 31, figs. 1, 2; Conkin, 1961, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol, 43, No. 196, pp. 243-247, pl. 17, figs. 1-10; pl. 18, figs. 1-4; pl. 26, figs. 1-3; Fig. 1; Conkin, Conkin, and McDonald, 1963, Micropaleont., vol. 9, No. 2, p. 221, pl. 1, figs. 16, 17; Conkin and Conkin, 1964, Micropaleont., vol. 10, No. 1, p. 32, pl. 1, figs. 51-54, 72 BULLETIN 213 Thuramminoides teicherti (Parr), Crespin, 1958, {Australia} Bur. Mineral Res., Geol. and Geophys., Bull. 48, pp. 41, 42, pl. 3, figs. 12, 13. Description.—Test free, unilocular, originally spherical, but preserved as flattened disk to lens-shaped, roughly circular forms; vestiges of the internal centripetal tube structure may be seen on the interior surface of broken tests in the form of small pitlike depressions; test wall thin where internal structure is destroyed, to moderately thick, and composed of fine siliceous grains in a moderate to large amount of siliceous cement ; color of test, white to gray to buff. Measurements.—See Table 3 for measurements of Thuramminoides sphaeroidalis and Table 4 for comparison with previously described forms. Table 3. Measurements of figured specimens of Thuramminoides sphaeror- dalis, in mm. Plate 12 min. max. thick- locality and diam. diam. ness sample numbers fig. 36 586 640 : hot fig. 37 302 344 084 24 fig. 38 537 586 201 at Table 4. Range in measurements of five specimens of T’huwramminoides sphaeroidalis, in mm. max. diam. .344-.660 min. diam. .302-.640 thickness .084-.201 Comparison and affinities —The specimens of Thuramminoides spha- eroidalis from the Louisiana limestone are identical in all respects with previously described specimens. Gutschick (1962, p. 1294) reported Thuramminoides to be “‘com- mon” in the Louisiana limestone. Inasmuch as we found T. sphaeroidalis rather uncommonly in the Louisiana, it is possible that Gutschick’s reference may actually be to another more common form which we have tentatively placed in Psammosphaera? sp. A; this latter form externally resembles Thuramminoides, but lacks the internal structure of Thwramminoides. Stratigraphic occurrence —T huramminoides sphaeroidalis ranges from the Middle Silurian to the Permian (Conkin, 1961). It was found in nine samples of the Louisiana limestone from four localities, but nowhere in abundance. See Chart 1 for details of occurrence. DEVONIAN FORAMINIFERA:.CONKIN AND CONKIN 73 Genus AMPHITREMOIDA Fisenack, 1937 Amphitremoida eisenacki, new species Pl 12) fics) 8-10 Description.—Test free, consisting of a single fusiform chamber with a small aperture at each end; all tests presently compressed; length/width ratio of test ranges from 2.09 to 3.10; apertural ends of test somewhat extenuated but are blunt immediately adjacent to the apertural opening; wall smooth to slightly rough, composed of fine siliceous grains in siliceous cement; color of test, white to pale rusty white. Measurements.—See Table 5 for measurements of Amphitremoida eisenacki, and Table 6 for comparison with A. citroniforma Eisenack, 1937 and A. huffmani, new species. Table 5. Measurements of figured specimens of Amphitremoida eisenacki, in mm. Plate 12 length diam. thick- diam. apertural length/ locality and ness ends width sample nos. fig. 8 WES .244 109 .067, .084 3:10 ILD) fig. 9 554 .218 118 .058, .033 255) il = vat fig. 10 525 .201 .118 .050, .084 2.68 Demin ills) Table 6. Range in measurements of six specimens of Amphitremoida eisenacki and comparison with measurements of 28 specimens of A, huffmani, and with A. citroniforma Eisenack, 1937, in mm. A. eisenacki A. huffmani A. citroniforma length .319-.745 .185-.235 .180-.360 diameter .134-.244 .095-.176 .120-.240 length/width 2.09-3.10 1.34-2.15 1-28-2510 diam. apert. ends .033-.084 Comparison and affinities —Amphitremoida eisenacki differs from pre- viously described species of Amphitremoida in being proportionately more slender and in having more extenuated apertural ends. In addition, A. eisenacki is larger than other species of Amphitremoida, except for A? sp. Type locality—The holotype is from sample 4 of the Louisiana lime- stone at Locality 1, Hannibal, Missouri. Stratigraphic occurrence.—This is the first definite notice of the genus Amphitremoida in North America. We have found Amphitremoida in the Silurian of Kentucky and believe the new genus Amphicervicis Mound, 1961 is a junior subjective synonym of Amphitremoida Eisenack, 1937; this subject will be considered in detail in our future paper on the Silurian and Devonian Foraminifera of Kentucky and southern Indiana. 74 BULLETIN 213 Amphitremoida eisenacki was found rarely in the Louisiana limestone in four samples from three localities. See Chart 1 for details of occurrence. Remarks.—Amphitremoida is given incorrectly as Amphitremotdea by Cushman (1948, p. 72); there has been a recent usage of Cushman’s erroneous spelling. This species is named for Professor Doctor Alfred Eisenack in rec- ognition of his efforts to make known the microfauna of the Lower Paleozoic of Europe and for his kindness to us during preparation of this paper. Amphitremoida huffmani, new species Pl. 12, figs. 1-7 Description.—tTest free, consisting of a single fusiform chamber with a small round aperture at each end; length/width ratio of test ranges from 1.34 to 2.15; some tests are compressed, producing a greater width in proportion to the length than the test would have had in its original con- dition; uncompressed tests have a length/width ratio of 1.46 to 1.91; ends of test slightly blunt around the apertures; wall smooth, composed of fine siliceous grains in siliceous cement; color of test, white to pale rusty white. Measurements.—See Table 7 for measurements of Amphitremoida huffmani, and Table 6 for comparison with A. citroniforma Eisenack, 1937 and A, e/senacki, new species. Table 7. Measurements of figured specimens of Amphitremoida huffmani, in mm. Plate 12 length diam. thickness length/width locality and sample numbers figs. 1a,b 255) sl Syil 134 1.56 2 = 21 figs. 2a,b .226 .168 .126 52 )5) 2 omilis) figs. 3a,b .201 134 101 Sil 2-2 fig. 4 .210 .118 101 1.78 > NP fig. 5 .168 101 101 1.66 Be Dp fig. 6 252 451 084 1.68 Dial fig. 7 2255 176 101 1.34 2-22 Comparison and affinities —Amphitremoida huffmani is similar to the type species of the genus, A. citroniforma Eisenack, 1937, in size and general shape, but it differs in lacking the wartlike apertural structures of A, citroniforma. Type locality —The holotype is from sample 21 of the Louisiana lime- stone at Locality 2, Louisiana, Missouri. Stratigraphic occurrence—Amphitremoida huffmani was found fairly commonly in the Louisiana limestone in nine samples from two localities. See Chart 1 for details of occurrence. DEVONIAN FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN AND CONKIN 75 Remarks.—This species is named for Dr. William Huffman, Dean of the University College of the University of Louisville in recognition of his past help. Amphitremoida? sp. Piei2sonet Description —Test free, consisting of a single, originally somewhat inflated, elongate chamber with an aperture surrounded by a thickened lip at each end; test presently compressed; length/width ratio of two spect- mens is 2.4 and 2.8; test fractured at closely spaced intervals across its width probably due to compression; wall fairly thick and rather rough, composed of fine siliceous grains in siliceous cement; color of test, buff. Measurements—See Table 8 for measurements of Amphitremoida? sp. Table 8. Measurements of figured specimen of Amphitremoida? sp., in mm. Plate 12 length diam. diam. apert. ends diam. apert. fig. 11 930 386 .151-.168 033, .033 Comparison and affinities —The three present specimens are similar to some of the figured specimens of Hippocrepinella biaperta Crespin (1958, pp. 37, 38, pl. 1, figs. 4-8) from the Permian of Australia, but the present form is smaller, has a proportionately smaller aperture, and a thicker wall. Stratigraphic occurrence.—Only three specimens of this form were found in the Louisiana limestone, in three samples from two localities. See Chart 1 for details of occurrence. Family SACCAMMINIDAE Genus PSAMMOSPHAERA Schultze, 1875 Psammosphaera? sp. A Pl. 12, figs. 39-41 Description —Test free, spheroidal to inflated discoidal, of small to moderate size; no apertures noted; no protuberances on test; test wall thin to moderately thin, composed of fine to medium-grained quartz in siliceous cement; color of test, white to buff. Measurements.—See Table 9 for measurements of figured specimens of Psammosphaera? sp. A, and Table 10 for range in measurements of this form. Table 9. Measurements of Psammosphaera? sp. A, in mm. Plate 12 max. diam. min. diam. thickness locality and sample numbers fig. 39 .226 Dig 126 4-1 fig. 40 403 302 193 5-1 fig. 41 510 386 269 2520 76 BULLETIN 213 Table 10. Range in measurements of five specimens of Psammosphaera? sp. A, in mm. max. diam. .185-.510 min. diam. .160-.386 thickness .126-.285 Comparison and affinities—The true affinities of this form will not be known until a detailed analysis of the various species of Psammosphaera and related genera from the Lower Paleozoic (of several authors) has been completed. This problem will be considered in our paper on the Silurian and Devonian Foraminifera of Kentucky and southern Indiana. Stratigraphic occurrence—Psammosphaera? sp. A was found com- monly in the Louisiana limestone in 30 samples from five localities. See Chart 1 for details of occurrence. Psammosphaera? sp. B Pl. 12, figs. 28-33 Description—Test subglobose to flattened discoidal in shape; medium to coarse-grained; outer surface generally rough with small amounts of light brown organic material between the quartz grains in some parts of most tests; siliceous cement abundant; color of test, white to gray to light brown to tan, depending upon the amount of residual organic material in the test. Measurements—See Table 11 for measurements of Psammosphaera? sp. B, and Table 12 for range in measurements of this form. Table 11. Measurements of figured specimens of Psammosphaera? sp. B, in mm. Plate 12 max. min. thick- average size locality and diam. diam. ness of grains sample numbers fig. 28 436 386 .168 .02-.08 2 =4 fig. 29 =3)3)) 302 )D) .02-.04 ies) fig. 30 369 335 .218 .02 or less 2 - 14 fig. 31 .470 453 294 .02-.05 ic 3) fig. 32 436 All 369 02-.03 2229 fig. 33 604 335 218 02-.03 2-16 Table 12. Range in measurements of 13 specimens of Psammosphaera? sp. B, in mm. max. diam .185-.692 min. diam. .168-.554 thickness .084-.369 av, size grains .017-.08 DEVONIAN FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN AND CONKIN Vi Comparison and affinities —This form somewhat resembles Blastam- mina Eisenack, 1932, particularly in a few specimens which have the flatter surfaces of the quartz grains parallel to the surface of the test and which display more residual organic material in the test wall than do other spect- mens of this form. There are excellently preserved and numerous spect- mens of Blastammina in the Hannibal shale of Missouri and western Illinois. Inasmuch as we are preparing a report on the Foraminifera of the Hannibal, we prefer to withhold formal specific designation of the present form until relationships of Psammosphaera and Blastammuina can be fully investigated. Stratigraphic occurrence.—Psammosphaera? sp. B was found in the Louisiana limestone in 11 samples from four localities. See Chart 1 for details of occurrence. Psammosphaera? sp. C Pl. 12, figs. 34, 35 Description.—Test free, somewhat compressed, ellipsoidal; no aper- tures apparent; wall thin, composed of fine siliceous grains in siliceous cement; color of test, buff to white. Measurements.—See Table 13 for measurements of Psammosphaera? sp. iC. Table 13. Measurements of figured specimens of Psammosphaera? sp. C, in mm. Plate 12 max. diam. min. diam. thickness locality and sample numbers fig. 34 218 118 084 213) fig. 35 369 185 084 Dia D Comparison and affinities —The exact affinities of this form are not known now. It resembles Amphitremoida huffmani, new species, but no apertures can be seen and the shape of the test is less regular. Stratigraphic occurrence.—Psammosphaera? sp. C was found in the Louisiana limestone in two samples from one locality. See Chart 1 for details of occurrence. Genus THURAMMINA Brady. 1879 Thurammina adamsi, new species Pi oerticsss20-27 Description.—Test free, perhaps originally nearly spherical, but pres- ently more or less collapsed and compressed, especially in larger specimens ; apertures at ends of numerous small, pointed, irregularly spaced protuber- 78 BULLETIN 213 ances which vary in size and length and which appear to be partially bro- ken off in some instances; protuberances appear to be more numerous along the edges of the compressed tests, but perhaps compression has flattened other protuberances lying in the direction of compression; test wall thin, composed of fairly fine siliceous grains in siliceous cement; color of test, buff to white. Measurements—See Table 14 for measurements of Thuarammina adamst and Table 15 for comparison with T. echinata Dunn, 1942, T. subsphaerica Moreman, 1930, and T. pustulosa Gutschick, Weiner, and Young, 1961. Table 14. Measurements of figured specimens of Thurammina adamsi, in mm, Plate 12 min. diam. max. diam. thickness locality and sample numbers fig. 20 352 436 235 eo) fig. 21 260 302 101 D= 22 files, DP 328 386 .168 DE23. fig. 23 352 394 218 Pi) fig. 24 328 369 185 ee fig. 25 386 445 118 Bel fig. 26 420 453 218 424 fig. 27 .428 604 .218 Table 15. Range in measurements of 13 specimens of Thurammina adamsi and comparison with T. echinata, T. subsphaerica, and T. pustulosa, in mm. T. adamsi T. echinata T. subsphaerica T. pustulosa min. diam. .201-.420 - - .47-.60 max. diam. .235-.470 XE, BO, 62 84, 1.20 Ee 57/3) thickness .101-.252 - - - nature of small, pointed, broad, short, apertures pointed, tubular, nipple-like uniform in irregularly almost size and spaced covering shape surface Comparison and affinities —T hurammina adamsi resembles T. echinata Dunn (1942, p. 331, pl. 43, figs. 20, 21, 23) and the specimen which Ireland (1939, figs. A—27) identified as T. echinata on the basis of Dunn’s unpublished material. In addition, T. adamsi is similar to T. subsphaerica Moreman (1930, p. 52, pl. 5, fig. 16). T. adamsi differs from T. echinata in having fewer and shorter protuberances, and differs from T. subsphaerica in having more pointed protuberances and in being much smaller. DEVONIAN FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN AND CONKIN 79 Thurammina adamsi somewhat resembles T. pustulosa Gutschick, Weiner, and Young, 1961, but the projections on T. pwstulosa are uniform in size and apparently are more abundant than those on T. adamsi. T ype locality —The holotype ts from the Louisiana limestone (sample 1) at Locality 4 at Hamburg, Ilinois. Stratigraphic occurrence—Thurammina adamsi was found fairly com- monly in the Louisiana limestone in six samples from two localities. See Chart 1 for details of occurrence. _. Remarks.—Thurammina adamsi is named for Dr. Carl E. Adams, Chairman of the Natural Science Division of the University of Louisville, for his unfailing interest in and support of geological research at the University. Thurammina strickleri, new species Pl. 12, figs. 16-19 Description.—Test free, small, nearly spherical to slightly polygonal, somewhat compressed; apertures tiny and round, generally clearly visible, at ends of short, rather regularly spaced, more or less prominent, nipple- like protuberances, six to 12 of which can be seen from one viewpoint; protuberances less clearly seen on more compressed tests; wall smooth, composed of fine siliceous grains in siliceous cement; color of test, white to buff. Measurements.—See Table 16 for measurements of Thuwrammina strickleri, and Table 17 for comparison with T. delicata Ireland, 1939, T. papillata Brady (Moreman, 1930), and T. hexagona Dunn, 1942. Table 16. Measurements of figured specimens of Thurammina strickleri, in mm. Plate 12 min. max, thick- no. of apertures locality and diam. diam. ness seen from one sample numbers viewpoint fig. 16 .260 .269 195 12 Be 1 fig. 17 235 252 143 i De fig. 18 Th .285 143 ila DZi=e2 fig. 19 .218 22 elit 8? Dey 7 Comparison and affinities —Thurammina strickleri is similar in appear- ance to T. delicata Ireland (1939, p. 196, figs. A—28, 29) and to the form which Moreman (1930, p. 51, pl. 5, fig. 13) referred to T. papillata Brady, but which probably is another species, as Crespin (1958, p. 40) also noted. T. strickleri differs from T. delicata in having more prominent apertural 80 BULLETIN 213 protuberances and from Moreman’s T. papéllata Brady in having only about one-half as many protuberances and in being considerably smaller. Thurammina hexagona Dunn (1942, p. 332, pl. 44, fig. 15) is some- what similar to T. strickleri, but T. hexagona has fewer and more slender protuberances, is larger, and is apparently more coarse grained. Type locality—The holotype is from the lower one-foot-thick bed of the Louisiana limestone (sample 1) at Locality 3, Clarksville, Missouri. Stratigraphic occurrence.—Thurammina strickleri occats rather com- monly in the seven samples from three localities in which it was found. See Chart 1 for details of occurrence. Remarks.—This new species is named for Dr. Woodrow M. Strickler, Executive Vice-President of the University of Louisville, who has been generous in supporting our research. Table 17. Range in measurements of 21 specimens of Thurammina strick- Jeri and comparison with T. delicata, T. papillata, and T. hex- agona, 1n mm. T. strickleri T. delicata T. papillata T. hexagona min. diam. 222 - - - max. diam. .185-.294 .200, .300 .840 .460, .510 thickness .084-.195 - - - no. of apertures 6-12 6?, 9? 23 62, 2 seen from one view- point Family HYPERAMMINIDAE Genus HYPERAMMINA Brady, 1878, emend. Conkin, 1954 Hyperammina sappingtonensis Gutschick, 1962 Pl. 14, figs. 1-20 Hyperammina sappingtonensis Gutschick, 1962, Jour. Paleont., vol. 36, No. 6, pp. 1298, 1299, pl. 174, figs. 1-17;.pl.175,figs..16, 18; text-figs. 30ers Description.—Dimorphism exhibited with easily recognizable megalo- spheric and microspheric forms; megalospheric form has a distinct, small, spherical to subspherical proloculus followed by a gradually enlarging elongate second chamber; test slightly to strongly constricted at irregular intervals; apertural lip present in some specimens; aperture slightly con- stricted; color of test white to cream to buff; test composed of fine siliceous grains in siliceous cement. Microspheric form longer and larger than megalospheric form, the test forming a sharply pointed extremely elongate cone; proloculus small DEVONIAN FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN AND CONKIN 81 and pointed; second chamber expands gradually for about half its length, thereafter expanding even more gradually; test curved, particularly in the initial portion of some specimens; aperture and composition and color of test as in megalospheric form. Measurements —See Table 18 for measurements of megalospheric and microspheric forms of Hyperammina sappingtonensis from the Louisiana limestone, and Table 19 for comparison with the original types from the Sappington formation and with H. nitida Gutschick and Treckman, 1959, H. constricta Gutschick and Treckman, 1959, and H, kahlleitensis Blaumen- stengel, 1961. Table 18. Measurements of figured specimens of Hyperammina sap ping- tonensis, 1 mm. Plate 14 length diam. diam. tube diam. form locality and proloc. max. min. apert. sample numbers fig. 1 897 - seve O/B} 075 micro. D2 fig. 2 830 - HO —OUS} - - De os fig. 3 814 - 067) 2015 Dae fig. 4 .800 O15 BLOM OS Diane: fig. 5 1.445 : 084 .017 Die fig. 6 SUPA 025 ALS) 2025 - Dies 2: fig. 7 .665 010 087 .010 .050 Do PB fig. 8 .738 .020 095.020 = 2 2 Il fig. 9 en 25 015 075.015 DED fig. 10 1.417 - 084 .025 - DNs PA fig. 11 487 042 084 .033 033 meg. Do 9) fig. 12 520 O50 067 .038 033 ¢ Pm Pd fig. 13 302 054 067.038 033 Dien? fig. 14 .478 .067 071 .042 .033 Dee. fig. 15 .714 .046 067 .029 - D2 fig. 16 586 050 075 .029 - 33/1 fico) 487 .050 084 .029 042 2s D fig. 18 586 059 067.038 025 Dew fig. 19 .860 .058 101 .030 .050 a) al fig. 20 I S .050 1092))5.033 - Seal Comparison and affinities —The specimens of Hyperammina sapping- tonensis from the Louisiana limestone are identical with the original types from the Sappington formation of Montana, except the Louisiana produced several longer microspheric forms. Hyperammina sappingtonensis is similar to H. constricta Gutschick and Treckman, 1959 in having an elongate, slender, tapering test; how- ever the constrictions in H. sappingtonensis are not regular nor are they pronounced as in H. constricta. The proloculus of H. constricta has not been observed. 82 BULLETIN 213 Table 19. Range in measurements of 12 microspheric and 19 megalo- spheric specimens of Hyperammina sap pingtonensis and com- parison with the original types, with H. ntida, H. constricta, and H. kahlleitenszs. length max. diam. diam. proloc. micro. megalo. micro. megalo. micro. megalo. H. sappingtonensis up to up to .067- .067- .010- .038- 1.445 .860 134 101 .025 .070 original types 850 up to 085 .080- 023 .025- 1.07 sl) .060 H. nitida .800-.990 .120-.150 .030-.045 H. constricta up to 2.200 .090-.110 - H. kahlleitensis 1.120-3.540 .140-.220 .080-.180 Hyperammina sappingtonensis is also similar to H. nitida Gutschick and Treckman, 1959, but H, sappingtonensis differs in having a more con- stricted and proportionally more slender test and a microspheric form with a pointed, dartlike test. Blumenstengel (1961) described a form from the Upper Devonian of Germany, Hyperammina kahlleitensis, which appears to be identical with H. sappingtonensis; however, there ts a marked discrepancy between the stated measurements and the figured specimens of H. kahlleitensis. We have attempted to learn the answer to this problem but have been unsuccessful at this date. From the stated measurements, the smallest specimens of H. kahlleitensis are larger than the largest specimens of H. sappingtonensis (this difference in size could be due to environmental control or even perhaps to the subtleties of subspeciation as viewed only dimly through the expanse of time). In any event, the figures of H. kahlleitensis are stated to be at X 50 and as such would seem to be identical with H. sappingtonensis, but from the measurements given, the figures seem to be at about X 25, Until this matter is cleared up we refer our specimens to H. sappingtonensis rather than to consider this species a junior subjective synonym of H. kahlleitensis Blumenstengel, 1961. Stratigraphic occurrence.—Hyperammina sappingtonensis was otrig- inally described from the lower Sappington formation of Montana. We have, in addition, found H. sappingtonensis in the Kinderhookian Mc- Craney limestone at Seehorn Creek, Illinois. H. sappingtonensis occurs abundantly in the Louisiana limestone and was found in 33 samples from five localities. See Chart 1 for details of occurrence. DEVONIAN FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN AND CONKIN 83 Family REOPHACIDAE Genus ASCHEMONELLA Brady, 1879 Aschemonella louisiana, new species Pl 13), figss 126 Description. —Test free, consisting of from one to four chambers (in present specimens) ; chambers generally sausage-shaped or lobe-shaped and inflated, with a small simple aperture at end of chamber; chambers ap- parently added in a budlike fashion, with no set arrangement, although some are uniserially arranged; chambers connected by a short to long, fairly broad, stoloniferous neck which merges with the inflated chambers ; some broken specimens consist of an inflated lobe-shaped chamber with a small aperture at one end and a larger opening at the opposite end where the neck between chambers was broken off; one specimen consists of an elongate, sausage-shaped chamber which is constricted in the middle (may be considered as two chambers) with a simple small aperture at one end and a small aperture with a short, tapering, slender neck at the other end; apertures not visible on a few specimens, but readily seen, though small, on most specimens, one aperture at each extremity of the test; wall thin, composed of fine siliceous grains in siliceous cement; color of test, white, with ferruginous staining on some tests. Measurements.—See Table 20 for measurements of Aschemonella louisiana, and Table 21 for range in measurements. Table 20. Measurements of figured specimens of Aschemonella louisiana, in mm. Plate 13 length diam. chambers diam. necks diam. apert. locality & sample nos. fig. 1 487 .244, .201 .185 AOF/ Dewe, fig. 2 369 168, .143 118 . 3-1 fig. 3 403 168 046 025 Died fig. 4 675% 118, .126, ANT/D5 allattss .020, .025 2) 2 iL .460 alll By 126 jae A87 .138, .134 .105 LOADS LOG 3) = Ih fig. 6 745 Ses siSvil, LOSS .025 2-2 Table 21. Range in measurements of nine specimens of Aschemonella louisiana, in mm. length of test 352-9180 diam. of chambers MIsS=2295 diam. of necks .046-.185 diam. of apertures .017-.025 Comparison and affinities——The assignment of these specimens to 84 BULLETIN 213 Aschemonella was made with some difficulty. The type description by Brady (1879, p. 44) is worth quoting in this connection inasmuch as it makes the nature of Aschemonella more understandable. Test free, consisting of one or more chambers of irregular size and shape. Chambers inflated, often with more than two tubulated apertures, any of which may produce a fresh segment. Walls thin, compactly built; exterior slightly rough, sometimes acerose with partially embedded sponge-spicules. Segments variable in size; length 1 inch (3 millim), more or less. This is a type the nature and affinity of which it is very difficult to com- prehend. The form and size of segments might almost seem to be a matter of accident, and yet when a number are seen together they bear a quite un- mistakable general resemblance to each other, not only in shell-texture and substance, but in their habit of growth. It is impossible to describe the multiplicity of forms the chambers assume. Sometimes they are elongate, straight or curved, with rounded or tapering ends, either unconstricted or constricted at intervals, as though tied up crookedly. More commonly, instead of the two terminal apertures, that the chambers of the polythalmus Foraminifera usually present, the lobes have three or four, or even five, tubulations, any one of which may give rise to a new segment, for which it forms the stoloniferous passage. Very often the segments are forked, and each branch terminates in an aperture. A large proportion of the specimens have only one chamber, but probably this is in part due to fracture, the connecting tubes being narrow and slender in proportion to the weight of the lobes, but many have two, and occasional examples have been found with three segments. In point of size the variation is equally marked; the individual segments vary from very small dimensions up to one-fifth of an inch or even more in length. The present specimens of Aschemonella louisiana vary among them- selves in shape and size, but all conform to a general pattern of having one or more inflated sausage-shaped or lobe-shaped chambers with a small simple aperture at the end of each chamber; multiple chambers are joined by a broad stoloniferous neck. Aschemonella louisiana is somewhat similar to the type species of Aschemonella, A. catenata (Norman), 1876 (Brady, 1884, pl. 27, figs. 1- 11), but A. lowisiana differs in having broader necks between chambers, in usually lacking apertural necks at the extremities of the test, in being smaller, and in having fewer apertures on any one chamber. However, the central chamber of the specimen of A. Jouisiana in figure 4, Plate 13 evidently had three apertures before the three additional chambers ‘‘bud- ded” from it. Workman and Gillette (1956) reported Aschemonella? from the Louisiana limestone. We believe their reference was to the numerous specimens of Oxinoxis inasmuch as Aschemonella is rare in the Louisiana, and specimens of O. //gula are seen in some abundance in nearly every sample of the Louisiana which we have examined. DEVONIAN FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN AND CONKIN 85 Forms which are somewhat similar to Aschemonella have been des- cribed and referred to other genera (Cronersella Dunn, 1942; Gastroam- mina Dunn, 1942; Shidelerella Dunn, 1942; and Ordovicina Eisenack, 1937); the relationship between these forms is not known, but there seems to be some kinship. Type locality —The holotype is from the lower one-foot-thick bed of the Louisiana limestone (sample 1) at Locality 3, Clarksville, Missouri. Stratigraphic occurrence.—Vhe genus Aschemonella was reported by Cushman (1948, p. 90) to range from the Cretaceous to Recent, with similar forms which may belong in Aschemonella extending back as far as the Silurian. This new species is the first Paleozoic species known to us which is described under the generic name Aschemonella, We have not yet recognized this form in any other Devonian or Mississippian formation. A, louisiana was found in two samples from the lower part of the Louisiana limestone at two localities. See Chart 1 for details of occurrence. Genus OXINOXIS Gutschick, 1962, emend. Oxinoxis Gutschick, 1962, Jour. Palecnt., vol. 36, No. 6, pp. 1299, 1300, pl. iaetics. 25,26: plal jo. figs. 1-8, 12. T4stext-fies. 4Ay Bi Saccammina Gutschick, Weiner, and Young, 1961, Jour. Paleont., vol. 35, No. 6, p. 1207, pl. 150, figs. 3, 6, 8, 11; text-figs. 3—14, 18-22; Gutschick, 1962, Jour. Paleont., vol. 36, No. 6, p. 1297, text-fig. 2A-C. Type species, Oxmmoxis ligula (Gutschick, Weiner, and Young), 1961 —=Oxinoxis botrys Gutschick, 1962 (monotypic genus). Gutschick (1962) erected Oximoxis for multilocular, attached, uni- serial, arenaceous tests, with O. botrys Gutschick, 1962 as the type species. In 1961 Gutschick, Weiner, and Young described a unilocular attached form, “Saccammina” ligula, which we believe represents only one chamber of the multilocular form O. “‘botrys’. The multilocular forms are com- paratively less frequently found in their entirety as the chambers are in many instances broken apart at the neck which joins them. We are unable to distinguish the unilocular “S.”’ /7gwla from one chamber of the multilo- cular O. “‘botrys”. We consider “S.” ligula to be the type species of the monotypic genus Oxinoxis, and O. botrys to be a junior subjective synonym of O. ligula. Gutschick (personal communication, April, 1963) would agree with this interpretation. Our emended description of Oxinoxis follows: test consists of from one to several chambers which are attached to a greater or lesser degree; 86 BULLETIN 213 chambers range from hemispherical or hemipyriform to nearly spherical or nearly pyriform in shape, with a tubular or hemitubular apertural neck; chambers of multilocular tests are joined by overlapping the preceding chamber partially or by overlapping the apertural neck entirely or partially to form an irregular to regular uniserial series; chambers enlarge pro- gressively; attachment of the test takes place variously, being seen on the same side of all chambers in some tests, on various sides of the chambers in other tests, and in some chambers but not in other chambers in still other tests; in a few instances the test appears to be nearly free; the object of attachment served as the wall of the test along the surface of attachment ; apertural neck may have a lip; wall arenaceous, composed of siliceous grains in siliceous cement; wall of test not entirely solid in most specimens, so that there are irregularly shaped holes in the wall; a few specimens have been seen which are filled with secondary ferruginous material which bulges out through these holes in such a way as to indicate that originally a flexible chitinous lining covered the protoplasm, with the siliceous material of the test enclosing the softer parts like a net; indeed, a few tests are seen to possess a chitinous lining. Oxinoxis has certain characteristics in common with several other genera (e. g. Aschemonella, Saccammina, Hormosina, and Reophax), as indicated by Gutschick (1962, p. 1300), but Oximoxis differs from all in being an attached form. In addition, Oxinoxis is similar to some species of Placopsilina, such as P. redoakensis (Galloway and Harlton), 1928 and P. ciscoensis Cushman and Waters, 1930, from the Pennsylvanian of Oklahoma and Texas, in being an attached, uniseral form. Barnard (1958, pp. 117, 118) discussed some Mesozoic adherent Foraminifera, including the arenaceous, attached, polythalmus Placopsilina, and indicated that two forms are found within that genus: ... one having an initial coiled stage followed by an uncoiled portion .. . and the other having no initial coil. In the former the chambers in later stages of the test abut directly against one another, with no well-marked constriction along the septa, whereas in the latter the chambers tend to be hemispherical, with constricted necks connecting them... . The problem arises as to what d’Orbigny’s original specimens [of Placopsilina cenomana, the type species, which were unfigured} looked like. Both Reuss and Chapman figure P/. cenomana d’Orbigny as having a well-marked initial coil, and if these figures are a correct interpretation of d’Orbigny’s speci- men, then the material from the Jurassic, having hemispherical chambers, should be assigned to a different genus. However, the present author thinks that it is undesirable to take this step until more evidence is available. It seems that the specimens of Placopsilina which Barnard mentioned DEVONIAN FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN AND CONKIN 87 as perhaps needing assignment to a different genus might well fit in Oxi70X15. Oxinoxis ligula (Gutschick, Weiner, and Young), 1961 emend. ; [PALS lS), soles, ilazhl Saccammina ligula Gutschick, Weiner, and Young, 1961, Jour. Paleont., vol. 35, No. 6, p. 1207, pl. 150, figs. 3, 6, 8, 11; text-figs. 314, 18-22; Gutschick, 1962, Jour. Paleont., vol. 36, No. 6, p. 1297, text-fig. 2A-C. Oxinoxis botrys Gutschick, 1962, Jour. Paleont., vol. 36, No. 6, pp. 1300, 1301, pl. 174, figs. 25, 26; pl. 175, figs. 1-8, 12, 14; text-figs. 4A, B. Description.—Test consists of from one to five (perhaps more), more or less attached chambers, generally hemispherical to hemipyriform in shape, with a slender to fairly broad apertural neck on each chamber; chambers joined by overlapping of preceding chamber partially or by over- lapping the neck of preceding chamber entirely or partially; tests display great variety in the nature of the wall, shape of the chambers, arrangement of the chambers, and amount and position of attachment; unilocular tests vary in shape from a nearly free and complete, spherical to pyriform chamber with a slender to rather stocky tubular neck (producing an overall shape resembling a light bulb) to a sievelike or netlike roughly hemispherical or hemipyriform chamber showing attachment im one or more places and with a hemitubular or tubular apertural neck ; multilocular tests also vary in shape from forms composed of nearly free and complete, spherical to pyriform chambers which progressively increase in size and are arranged in a rectilinear series and are joined by tubular necks, to forms composed of sievelike chambers of roughly hemispherical or hemipyriform shape which increase in size and show attachment in various places and which are joined at various places by necks which are visible or invisible externally depending on how closely the chambers are joined, forming an irregular to regular uniserial series; in general, the tests having the greater amount of attachment are more irregular in the arrangement of the cham- bers, probably because they were attached to a more or less irregular sur- face; chambers were added to the preceding chamber at angles varying up to as much as 180°; many tests of both unilocular and multilocular forms show attachment on only one side so that the chambers are in general hemipyriform or hemispherical, but this is not a constant characteristic; some tests show attachment in some chambers, but not in others, and not necessarily in the early portion of the test; an attached chamber does not necessarily have a hemitubular attached neck, nor does an unattached chamber necessarily have a tubular neck; the object of attachment ap- 88 BULLETIN 213 parently served as the wall of the test along the surface of attachment; wall composed of fine to moderately coarse siliceous grains in siliceous cement; most tests have holes of various rounded shapes in the wall where an inner chitinous lining bulged through as indicated by the ferruginous filling in some tests (PI. 15, fig. 14) which bulges through the holes and by the actual chitinous lining being seen in a few tests; tiny slits in some tests seem to indicate that these particular tests incorporated slender cal- careous spicules in the wall, or that these tests were attached in part to slender objects, or to slender portions of the larger object of attachment; color of test, white to buff to gray. Measurements —See Table 22 for measurements of Oximoxis ligula from the Louisiana limestone and Table 23 for comparison with forms from the Sappington formation of Montana (Gutschick, 1962) and the Welden and Chappel limestones (Gutschick, Weiner, and Young, 1961). Comparison and affinities —We are unable to distinguish the uni- locular “Saccammina” ligula as described and figured by Gutschick, Weiner, and Young (1961) and Gutschick (1962), and our unilocular specimens from the Louisiana limestone from single chambers of the multilocular Oxinoxis “botrys”’ as described and figured by Gutschick (1962), and our multilocular specimens from the Louisiana limestone. Gutschick (1962, p. 1295) reported both species from the Louisiana limestone. We have recently (April, 1963) discussed this matter with Gutschick, and he would agree that the unilocular and multilocular forms probably belong in the same species; thus, we place both forms in Ox/noxis ligula, having demonstrated the wide range of variation in O. Jigula. Oxinoxis ligula vaguely resembles Sorosphaera adherens Crespin, 1961 and Colonammina imparilis Crespin, 1961, both from the Upper Devonian of Western Australia. However, the chambers of S. adherens are not connected by a neck and are not always in a uniserial arrangement. C. imparilis resembles unilocular forms of O. /igula, but differs markedly in having a chitinous apertural neck. Neither of the Australian forms has holes in the test wall as do most specimens of O. ligula. Stratigraphic occurrence.—Gutschick, Weiner, and Young (1961, p. 1207) reported unilocular forms of Oximoxis ligula from the Kinder- hookian Welden limestone of Oklahoma, the Osagian portion of the Chappel limestone of Texas, and the ‘upper Rockford shale’ of southern Indiana. Gutschick (1962) reported both unilocular and multilocular forms from the lower Sappington formation of Montana. In addition, DEVONIAN FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN-AND CONKIN 89 Table 22. Measurements of figured specimens of Oxinoxis ligula, in mm. Plate 15 length diam. length diam. length no. of locality and test chamber chamber neck neck chambers sample nos. foams 201 sitsyil 185 .042 1 Dix? fig. 2 .244 201 244 .067 - 1 2-2 fig. 3 EZDZ a 1UfS35) 20k .050 - 1 Dime, fig. 4 239) .185 .185 .067 .042 1 D7? fig. 5 .285 .176 201 .042 .067 1 Di= is) fig. 6 22. 134 =O 1025 .0O50 i 2-2 fig. 7 487 .285 302 01 .185 1 2-16 fig. 8 .330 201 .262 .067 -050 il 2-2 fig. 9 335 .226 22/35 LOL -101 1 Dre: fig. 10 ey) .218 201 .067 .092 1 2-2 fig. 11 490 394 Biol | 1264 4168 1 Ded fig. 12 185 .126 143 050 .042 1 2-2 fig. 13 386 302 344.075 : 1 DED fig. 14 436 302 335 «10%. to 2 DED) 93 .218 - - fig. 15 521 453 453 : : 1 EPA fig. 16 503 22 .260 084 092 Z; 2-24 ESO) .285 101 .168 fig. 17 436 eae: .260 sllSpil wllsjal 1 2-14 fig. 18 640 244 .269 118 .185 3 all 218 .201 118 - 176 134 - - fig. 19 604 386 369 168 .235 1 ia fig. 20 .162 ith aail9) 092 .168 3 DMS) 193 201 - - 176 134 - fig. 21 857 453 436 134 218 2 AS 5) .269 .260 fig. 22 906 302 402 143 - 4 1-1 .302 185 269 185 - 269 .218 168 - fig. 23 780 310 22 126 168 2 1-1 .226 22 118 084 fig. 24 974 403 420 151 4 joa 285 235) - 235 5) 1 - 134 101 fig. 25 762 436 420 201 369 a) fig. 26 840 302 302 109 302 2 2-18 .185 .201 084 235 fig. 27 503 360 7 118 151 1 DD, ca Py fig. 28 La25 360 ao 126 Di2 4 2-26 285 .285 151 235 - 101 fig. 29 875 570 .675 235 185 1 5-1 fig 30 1251: 394 .420 176 386 3 ices il 403 35> 143 134 fig. 31 WES) BS 369 118 201 3 Meal 269 285 134 101 90 BULLETIN 213 Table 23. Range in measurements of over 300 specimens of Oxinoxis ligula and comparison with previously described specimens, in mm. Oxinoxis ligula Gutschick, Weiner, and Young Louisiana ls. (1961) and Gutschick (1962) Oxinoxis “botrys” “Saccammina’ ligula length of test .168-1.231 .950-1.500 .380-.460 diam. of chamber .092-.570 .150-.750 .250-.340 length of chamber .118-.675 .270-.800 - diam. of neck .033-.235 .060-.220 .080-.090 length of neck .033-.470 .060-.250 2 we have found O. /igu/a in the Middle Devonian Sellersburg limestone (Silver Creek and Beechwood members) of southern Indiana and Ken- tucky, in the Kinderhookian McCraney limestone at Burlington, Iowa, and Seehorn Creek, Illinois, and in the Chouteau limestone at Jonesboro, Illinois, We find unilocular and multilocular forms of Oxznoxis ligula to be abundant in the Louisiana limestone of Missouri and Illinois; in a few samples there are many tiny unilocular forms along with fewer multilocular forms. We believe that further study would reveal multilocular forms in those formations from which thus far only unilocular forms have been reported. Oxinoxis ligula was found in 32 samples of the Louisiana limestone from five localities. See Chart 1 for details of occurrence. Remarks.—We found several small unilocular specimens in the Lou- isiana limestone (Plate 15, figs. 1-4, 8, 13) which have solid-walled tests and are apparently unattached, and which resemble Proteonina cumber- landiae Conkin, 1961, a Mississippian species. However, since some chambers of Oxinoxis ligula are found to be free and lack holes in the walls, we prefer to assign these above-mentioned few specimens to O. ligula. Gutschick, Weiner, and Young (1961) and Gutschick (1962) sug- gested the possibility that the holes in the test wall of Ox/noxis ligula were due to the solution during acidization of calcareous fragments which had been incorporated in the wall. We were rather inclined to agree with this interpretation until we discovered specimens with ferruginous filling which bulges out through the holes, indicating that the chitinous lining bulged through the holes in the wall originally, with the siliceous test serving as a net to hold the animal to the object of attachment. DEVONIAN FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN AND CONKIN 91 Fanily AMMODISCIDAE Genus AMMODISCUS Reuss, 1862 Ammodiscus longexsertus (Gutschick and Treckman), 1959 Pl. 14, figs. 28-36 Involutina longexsertus Gutschick and Treckman, 1959, Jour. Paleont., vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 241, 242, pl. 35, figs. 10-14; Gutschick, 1962, Jour. Paleont., vol. 36, No. 6, p. 1301, pl. 174, figs. 28, 29; text-figs. 5A, B. Involutina longexserta Gutschick and Treckman, 1959, Conkin, 1961, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 43, No. 196, pp. 288-290, pl. 22, figs. 7, 9; pl. 26, fig. 18; fig. 22. Lituotuba? sp., Gutschick, 1962, Jour. Paleont., vol. 36, No. 6, pp. 1301, 1302, pl. 174, fig. 30; text-fig. 6. Description.—Test regularly to irregularly planispiral, becoming un- coiled; coiled portion circular to elliptical; second chamber expands grad- ually from a delicate inner portion and ts coiled for from two to six whorls before uncoiling at more or less a right angle to the preceding whorls and in the same plane; length of uncoiled portion of the second chamber in unbroken tests 1s greater than the diameter of the coiled portion; coiling somewhat irregular in many specimens perhaps due to secondary distortion ; extended portion may be distorted, probably secondarily, and may overlap previous portion of test or extend in an irregular fashion; delicate inner- most portion of whorls missing in some specimens; tests vary considerably in size; tubular chamber is smooth in some specimens but irregularly con- stricted in others, perhaps secondarily; aperture circular, at open end of tubular second chamber; wall composed of fine siliceous grains in a moder- ate amount of siliceous cement; color of test, white to buff. Measurements —See Table 24 for measurements of Ammodiscus long- exsertus, and Table 25 for comparison with the original types, with forms described by Conkin (1961), and with specimens from the Sappington formation (Gutschick, 1962). Table 24. Measurements of figured specimens of Ammodiscus longexsertus, in mm. Plate 14 diam. coiled length max. diam. no. of locality and portion test tube whorls sample numbers fig. 28 193 310 042 4 DAD fig. 29 .188 .269 050 3 2-2 fig. 30 .260 D2 058 4? 5-2 fig. 31 530 685 134 ? BaD fig. 32 319 Se 075 5 1-4 fig. 33 189 538 050 3 DED fig. 3 210 554 067 4 DP) fig. 35 302 638 067 51/, Neo, fig. 36 490 .762 134 5 Doli 92 BULLETIN 213 Table 25. Range in measurements of 19 specimens of Ammodziscus longex- serfus, ad comparison with the original types, with specimens from the Sappington formation, and with specimens described by Conkin (1961). diam. length max. diam. no. of coiled part test tube whorls A, longexsertus .160-.530 .252-.974 .042-.134 2-6 original types .210-.270 .500-.910 .060-.070 “several”’ Sappington “generally slightly smaller than” original types Conkin, 1961 .269-.470 .394-.899 - 2-3 plus Comparison and affinities —The present specimens compare well with the previously described specimens of the species. Gutschick (1962) identified some specimens from the lower Sapping- ton formation as Litwotuba? sp. and reported Lituotuba from the Louisiana limestone. In view of the numerous distorted specimens in the Louisiana limestone, which are identical with undistorted specimens of Ammodiscus longexsertus in every other respect, we believe, as Gutschick (1962, p. 1301) suspected in regard to the Sappington specimens, that the specimens showing irregularity in coiling do not belong in L/tuotuba but rather are irregular forms of A. longexsertus, Stratigraphic occurrence—Ammodiscus longexsertus is known from the lower Sappington formation (Gutschick, 1962) and from the Lower Mississippian Sanderson formation, Eulie shale, Bedford shale, Sunbury shale, and lower New Providence formation (Conkin, 1961). The report of the species from the Upper Devonian New Albany formation (Conkin, 1961, p. 289) seems to be in error (the species was found in the Kinder- hookian Sanderson member of the New Albany formation). We have, in addition, found Ammodiscus longexsertus in the Mc- Craney limestone at Seehorn Creek, Hlinois, and at Burlington, Iowa. Ammodiscus longexsertus was found abundantly in the Louisiana limestone, in 35 samples from five localities. See Chart 1 for details of occurrence. Genus TOLYPAMMINA Rhumbler, 1895 Tolypammina bulbosa (Gutschick and Treckman), 1959, emend. Pl. 13, figs. 12-17 Ammovertella bulbosa Gutschick and Treckman, 1959, Jour. Paleont., vol. 33, No. 2, p. 247, pl. 37, figs. 4, 5, 8, 9; Gutschick, Weiner, and Young, 1961, Jour. Paleont., vol. 35, No. 6, p. 1218, pl. 150, fig. 4. Tolypammina sp. A Gutschick and Treckman, 1959, Jour. Paleont., vol. 33, No. 2, Pp. 247; pli37; hese Ow Te Tolypammina sp. B Gutschick and Treckman, 1959, Jour. Paleont., vol. 33, No. 2: P0247 plao 7, ole DEVONIAN FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN AND CONKIN 93 Tolypammina continuus Gutschick, 1962, Jour. Paleont., vol. 36, No. 6, p. 1302, pl. 174, fig. 24; pl. 175, figs. 15, 17, 19, 21. Description.—Test consists of a prominent spherical free proloculus and a long, irregularly winding, more or less attached second chamber which is tubular where free and hemitubular where attached; no two tests exhibit identical patterns of winding of the second chamber, but the tube does not in any instance wind planispirally around the proloculus, rather it extends a short to long distance from the proloculus before winding ; wind- ing may assume a variety of haphazard forms; attachment apparently took place in varying amounts, ranging from at only a few places along the length of the second chamber to along the entire preserved length of the second chamber; the test apparently was attached to objects of varying shape, from plane to highly irregular; in all cases the tube winds in a tolypamminid fashion, that is the winding is haphazard and rather loose so that the tube does not meander adjacent to itself to become a compact unit as does the test in ammovertellids (Conkin, 1961, pp. 299, 300) ; wall of test composed of fine to moderately coarse siliceous grains in a moderate amount of siliceous cement; color of test, white io buff to gray. Measurements.—See Table 26 for measurements of Tolypammina bulbosa from the Louisiana limestone, and Table 27 for comparison with the forms which we place in synonymy with T. bulbosa. Table 26. Measurements of figured specimens of Tolypammina bulbosa, in mm, Plate 13 diam. length diam. tube locality and proloc. test max. min. sample numbers fig. 12 Si : 118 075 ils i fig. 13 118 335 134 084 ED, fig. 14 .118 875 .168 od OL 5) 3} fig. 15 All 5\7/ .604 elit 084 ile=sel! fig. 16 134 .604 185 084 iL2 il fig. 17 .160 586 SlSyil 101 wh Table 27. Range in measurements of eight specimens of Tolypammina bul- bosa and comparison with “Ammovertella’ bulbosa and T. sp. B from the Rockford limestone, and with JT. continuus from the Rockford and Sappington formations. T. bulbosa "A”’ bulbosa IL, So, 1B T. continuus diam. proloc. .118-.160 .143-.300 .160-.180 .193-.275 min. diam. tube O75 101 .084-.140 .070-.101 .090-.140 max. diam tube .118-.185 .134-.340 mie.) -201-.300 length test -335-.875 .554-2.00 ASE AAO) .680-4.00 (broken) 94 BULLETIN 213 Comparison and affintties.—Gutschick and Treckman (1959, p. 247) described three forms which they named Ammovertella bulbosa, with a free spherical proloculus and an attached winding hemitubular second cham- ber, Tolypammina sp. A, also with a free spherical proloculus and a wind- ing second chamber attached “by a very small area,’ and T. sp. B, with a large free spherical proloculus and a loosely spiralled attached tubular second chamber. Paratypes of these three forms in our possession as well as the published figures, indicate that the amount of attachment and pat- tern of winding varies considerably in all, so that one cannot be differ- entitiated from another in practice. Gutschick (1962, p, 1302) referred T. sp. A to a new species, T. continuus, and reported the species from the Louisiana limestone. However, based on all specimens available to us and on the figures of T. (““Ammovertella’) bulbosa, T. sp. A and B, and T. continuus, we believe all these forms should be placed in synonymy. Gut- schick (personal communication, April, 1963) would agree with this. Tolypammina bulbosa resembles T. nexuosa from the Upper Devon- ian of Australia (Crespin, 1961) but differs especially in having a much more prominent spherical proloculus. The present specimens from the Louisiana limestone are on the whole slightly smaller in the diameter of the proloculus than some of the pre- viously described forms, but their measurements fall within the range of published measurements and within the range of measurements of original types of Tolypammina bulbosa in our possession. Tolypammina bulbosa is similar to T. cyclops Gutschick and Treck- man, 1959, in possessing a prominent spherical proloculus, but the attached second chamber in T. cyclops makes one planispiral whorl about the pro- loculus before extending and winding in an irregular fashion, while the second chamber of T. bu/bosa does not wind planispirally around the pro- loculus. Tolypammina bulbosa is similar to T. jacobschapelensis in the nature of the second chamber, but the two species differ in that the proloculus of T. jacobschapelensis is attached and is a pointed egg- or heart-shape, while that of T, bulbosa is free and spherical. Stratigraphic occurrence.—Tolypammina bulbosa is known from the lower Sappington formation of Montana and in the Lower Mississippian from the Rockford limestone of Indiana (Gutschick, 1962), Chappel lime- stone of Texas, Welden limestone of Oklahoma (Gutschick, Weiner, and Young, 1961), and uppermost Chattanooga shale of southwestern Missouri DEVONIAN FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN AND CONKIN 95 (Conkin and Conkin, 1964). In addition, we have found this species in the McCraney limestone at Seehorn Creek, Illinois. Tolypammina bulbosa was found sparingly in the Louisiana limestone, in three samples from three localities. See Chart 1 for details of occur- rence. Tolypammina cyclops Gutschick and Treckman, 1959 Pl. 13, fig. 11 Tolypammina cyclops Gutschick and Treckman, 1959, Jour. Paleont., vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 245, 246, pl. 36, figs. 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 10-14; Conkin, 1961, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 43, No. 196, pp. 301-303, pl. 22, figs. 14, 15; pl. 27, fig. 3; fig. 25; Gutschick, Weiner, and Young, 1961, Jour. Paleont., vol. 35, No. 6, p. 1217, pl. 150, figs. 5, 7, 9, 10; text-figs. 3—15, 16; Gutschick, 1962, Jour. Paleont., vol. 36, No. 6, pp. 1302, 1303, pl. 174, fig. 27; pl. 175, figs. 9-110, 22, 24. Description.—Test consists of a free spherical proloculus and an attached hemitubular to tubular second chamber which winds for one planispiral whorl and then extends in an irregular manner; prolocults 1s raised above the level of the planispiral whorl; wall moderately coarse- grained, of siliceous grains in siliceous cement; color of test, white. Measurements.—See Table 28 for measurements of Tolypammuina cyclops and for comparison with the original types. Table 28. Measurements of To/ypammina cyclops, in mm. and comparison with the original types. Plate 13 length diam. diam. diam. tube locality and test proloc. whorl max. min. sample numbers fig. 11 537 105 252 Foie 2058 2-2 original up to .O75- .150- .060- - types 2.00 150 260 .200 : Comparison and affinities —This single specimen compares perfectly with the original types of Tolypammuna cyclops. Tolypammina cyclops is similar to T. bulbosa except that the second chamber of T. cyclops makes one planispiral whorl around the proloculus before extending in an irregular manner, while the second chamber of T. bulbosa extends and winds in an irregular manner immediately after leav- ing the proloculus. Stratigraphic occurrence.—Tolypammina cyclops has previously been reported from the Lower Mississippian Rockford limestone, Jacobs Chapel shale, lower New Providence formation, and lower Cuyahoga formation of eastcentral United States (Conkin, 1961), and the Welden, Chappel, and Lodgepole limestones of western United States (Gutschick, Weiner, and 96 BULLETIN 213 Young, 1961). In addition, we have found T,. cyclops in the McCraney limestone at Seehorn Creek, Illinois. Gutschick (1962) reported this species from the lower Sappington formation of Montana, Only one specimen of Tolypammina cyclops was found in the Lou- isiana limestone, in sample 2 from Locality 2. Tolypammina gersterensis Conkin and Conkin, 1964 Pl. 13, figs. 7-10 Tolypammina gersterensis Conkin and Conkin, 1964, Micropaleont., vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 37, 38, pl. 2, figs. 42-44. Description.—Test consists of a small hemispherical or hemiellips- oidal proloculus and a hemitubular, gradually enlarging second chamber which winds planispirally for one and one-half whorls and then extends away from the early portion in an irregular manner; wall moderately coarse-grained, composed of siliceous grains in siliceous cement; color of test, white to buff. Measurements—See Table 29 for measurements of Tolypammina gersterensis and for comparison with the original types. Table 29. Measurements of Tolypammuina gersterensis in mm. and com- parison with the original types. Plate 13 diam. coiled diam. max. diam. length locality and part proloc. tube test sample numbers fig. 7 420 109 168 570 eal fig. 8 sIlGI5) .067 118 .675 2-14 fig. 9 487 084 134 E Sal fig. 10 403 101 .118 - Dimee unfig. .244 .033 084 - a) ill original .537- .185- .269- - types .780 .201 386 Comparison and affinities —The present specimens are smaller than the original types in all respects; otherwise they are similar. Tolypammina gersterensis is similar to T. irregularis Blumenstengel, 1961, from the Upper Devonian and Lower Carboniferous of Germany, but T. zrregularis has two to three planispiral whorls while T. gersterensis has only one and one-half planispiral whorls. The two species appear to be similar in other respects. Stratigraphic occurrence—Tolypammina gersterensis was originally reported from the Northview and Sedalia formations of southwest-central Missouri (Conkin and Conkin, 1964). This species occurs rarely in the Louisiana limestone, in five samples from three localities. See Chart 1 for details of occurrance. DEVONIAN FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN AND CONKIN 97 Tolypammina jacobschapelensis Conkin, 1961 Pl. 14, figs. 21-27 Tolypammina jacobschapelensis Conkin, 1961, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 43, No. 196, pp. 303-305, pl. 22, figs. 16-21; pl. 27, fig. 5; fig. 23. Tolypammina sperma Gutschick, Weiner, and Young, 1961, Jour. Paleont., vol. 35, No. 6, pp. 1217, 1218, pl. 150, fig. 12. Description —Test consists of an attached proloculus and an irregular- ly winding hemitubular to partially tubular second chamber; proloculus in the shape of half an egg, usually pointed at the initial end, though in some specimens the initial end is rounded; in some specimens the edges of the proloculus curve under and leave only a slitlike opening where attachment took place, apparently to a slender object; the original types were described as having the larger end of the egg-shaped proloculus initially, while several of the present specimens have the smaller end initially, giving the pro- loculus more of a heart-shape as described by Gutschick, Weiner, and Young (1961) under Tolypammina sperma; in addition, some present proloculi are equally rounded in outline with a pointed end; tube enlarges gradually and rather irregularly from its initial diameter which is about one-half to three-fourths the diameter of the proloculus; second chamber broken in all present specimens so its original length is not known, but fragments of tolypamminids (PI. 13, figs. 18-20) found in the samples indicate by their great diameter that the tests may have been quite long; the attached side of the tube may be partially or entirely covered with a thin floor, or the floor may be absent; wall finely granular, of siliceous grains in siliceous cement; color of test, white to buff. Measurements.—Table 30 gives the measurements of Tolypammina jacobschapelensis from the Louisiana limestone, and Table 31 gives a comparison with the original types and with its junior synonym, T. sperma Gutschick, Weiner, and Young, 1961. Table 30. Measurements of figured specimens of Tolypammina jacobs- chapelensis, in mm. Plate 14 diam. length diam. tube length locality and proloc. proloc. max. min. test sample numbers fig. 21 134 Si 176 101 1.020 = NG fig. 22 126 134 .168 084 1.090 2-19 fig. 23 252 302 185 134 Sail Dee ID fig. 24 .134 252. - O55 - fig. 25 S185 .294 118 .058 657 Sen fig. 26 o> 436 say) mS) 1.370 De 28) fig. 27, asjal .218 118 .067 586 > 3) Plate 13 fig. 18 - - 302 - 1.700 3 - fig. 19 - : 386 : 1.445 3-1 fig. 20 - - SBN) - 1.125 B= Il 98 BULLETIN 213 Table 31. Range in measurements of 24 specimens of Tolypammina jacobschapelensis and comparison with the original types and with T. “sperma”, in mm. T. jacobschapelensis T. “sperma” Louisiana original types diam. proloc. .0O50-.335 .084-.269 -085-.150 length proloc. .134-.436 101-.285 .095-.350 min. diam. tube .033-.185 .050-.201 = max. diam. tube .084-.319 .084-.285 .130-.450 length of test up to 1.370 up to 2.10 up to 2.85 Comparison and affinities —The specimens of Tolypammina jacobs- chapelensis from the Louisiana limestone compare well with the original types and with its junior synonym, 7. sperma, which was noted by Guts- chick, Weiner, and Young (1961) to occur in the “upper Rockford shale” of southern Indiana; the type locality for T. jacobschapelensis is at Jacobs Chapel in southern Indiana, in the Rockford limestone. There can be no doubt of the conspecificity of the two forms. Stratigraphic occurrence.—Tolypammina jacobschapelensis is known from several Lower Mississippian formations: the Rockford limestone of southern Indiana and the lower New Providence formation of Kentucky (Conkin, 1961), the Welden limestone of Oklahoma and the Chappel limestone of Texas (Gutschick, Weiner, and Young, 1961), the Compton, Sedalia, and Pierson formations of Missouri (Conkin and Conkin, 1964), and the McCraney limestone at Seehorn Creek, Illinois. Tolypammina jacobschapelensis was found abundantly in the Louisiana limestone, in 30 samples from five localities. See Chart 1 for details of occurrence, REFERENCES Barnard, T. 1958. Some Mesozoic adherent Foraminifera. Palaeontology, vol. 1, pt. 2, pp. 116-124, pls. 22-25. Blumenstengel, V. H. 1961. Foraminiferen aus dem Thiiringer Oberdevon. Geologie, vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 316-335, 3 pl., 1 text-fig. Brady, H. B. 1879. Notes on some of the reticularian Rhizopoda of the Challenger Expedi- tion. Pt. III, Quart. Jour. Micrs. Sci., vol. 21, pp. 31-71. 1884. Report on the Foraminifera dredged by H. M. S. Challenger during the years 1873-1876. Reports of the scientific results of the voyage of H. M. S. Challenger, vol. 9 (Zoology), pp. 1-814, 22 text-figs., 2 maps, 116 pls. DEVONIAN FORAMINIFERA: CONKIN AND CONKIN 99 Branson, E. Bb. 1944. The geology of Missouri. The Univ. Missouri Studies, vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 1-535, figs. 1-51, pls. 1-49. Branson, E. B., and Mehl, M. G. 1933. Conodonts from the Grassy Creek shale of Missouri. The Univ. Missouri Studies, vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 171-259, pls. 13-21, 3 text-figs. Branson, E. B., Mehl, M. G., Miller, A. K., Peck, R., Keyte, I. A., and Furnish, W. M. 1938. Stratigraphy and paleontology of the Lower Mississippian of Missouri, Pt. II. The Univ. of Missouri Studies, vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 1-242, pls. 21-48. Collinson, C., Seott, A. J., and Rexroad, C. B. 1962. Six charts showing biostratigraphic zones, and correlations based on conodonts from the Devonian and Mississippian rocks of the upper Missis- Sippi Valley. Illinois State Geol. Surv., Circ. 328, pp. 1-32, 6 charts. Conkin, J. E. 1954. Hyperammina kentuckyensis, n. sp. from the Mississippian of Kentucky, and discussion of Hyperammina and Hyperamminoides. Cushman Found. Foram. Research, Contr., vol. 5, pt. 4, pp. 165-169, pl. 31. 1961. Mississippian smaller Foraminifera of Kentucky, southern Indiana, northern Tennessee, and southcentral Ohio. Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 43, No. 196, pp. 135-368, 23 charts, 1 map, figs. 1-43, pls. 17-27. (pub. Dec. 1, 1961) Conkin, J. E., and Conkin, B. M. 1964. Mississippian Foraminifera, Pt. I: The Northview formation of Missouri. Micropaleontology, vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 19-46, pls. 1, 2, 17 text- figs. Crespin, I. 1958. Permian Foraminifera of Australia. {Australia} Bur. Min. Res., Geol. and Geophys., Bull. No. 48, pp. 1-207, 33 pls. 1961. Upper Devonian Foraminifera from Western Australia. Palaeontology, vol. 3, pt. 4, pp. 397-409, pls. 64-67. Cushman, J. A. ; 1948. Foraminifera, Their classification and economic use. Cambridge, pp. 1-605, 9 text-figs., 31 text-pls., 55 key pls. Dunn, P. H. 1942. Silurian Foraminifera of the Mississippi Basin. Jour. Paleont., vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 317-342, pls. 42-44. Gutsehick, R. C. 1962. Arenaceous Foraminifera from oncolites in the Mississippian Sapping- ton formation of Montana. Jour. Paleont., vol. 36, No. 6, pp. 1291-1304, pls. 174, 175, 6 text-figs. Gutschiek, R. C., and Treckman, J. F. 1959. Arenaceous Foraminifera from the Rockford limestone of northern Indiana. Jour. Paleont., vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 229-250, pls. 33-37, 3 text-figs. Gutschick, R. C., Weiner, J. L., and Young, L. 1961. Lower Mississippian arenaceous Foraminifera from Oklahoma, Texas, and Montana. Jour. Paleont., vol. 35, No. 6, pp. 1193-1221, pls. 147-150, 5 text-figs. (Publication date, Dec. 28, 1961) Gutschick, R. C., Suttner, L. J.. and Switek, M. J. 1962. Biostratigraphy of the transitional Devonian-Mississippian Sappington formation of southwest Montana. Billings Geol. Soc., Thirteenth Ann. Field Conf. Guidebook, pp. 79-89, figs. 1-10, pls. 1, 2. 100 BULLETIN 213 Ireland, H. A. 1939. Devonian and Silurian Foraminifera from Oklahoma. Jour. Paleont., vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 190-202, 75 text-figs. Keyes, C. R. 1892. The principal Mississippian section. Geol. Soc. Amer., Bull., vol. 3, pp. 283-300. Loeblich, A. R. and Tappan, H. 1961. Remarks on the systematics of the Sarkodina (Protozoa), renamed homonyms and new and validated genera. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., vol. 74, pp. 213-234. Meek, F. B., and Worthen, A. H. 1861. Remarks on the age of the goniatite limestone at Rockford, Indiana. Amer. Jour. Sci., 2nd ser., vol. 32, pp. 167, 168; Letter to the editor. p. 288. Mehl, M. G. 1960. The relationships of the base of the Mississippian system in Missouri. Jour. of the Scientific Lab., Denison Univ., vol. 45, art 5, pp. 57-107, figs. 1-8. Moreman, W. L. 1930. Arenaceous Foraminifera from the Ordovician and Silurian limestones of Oklahoma. Jour. Paleont., vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 42-59, pls. 5-7. Scott, A. J. 1961. Three new conodonts from the Louisiana limestone (Upper Devonian) of western Illinois. Jour. Paleont., vol. 35, No. 6, pp. 1223-1227, 2 text- figs. Scott, A. J., and Collinson, C. 1961. Conodont faunas from the Louisiana and McCraney formations of Illinois, lowa, and Missouri. Guidebook, Twenty-sixth Ann. Field Conf. of Kansas Geol. Soc., pp. 110-136, pls. 1, 2, figs. 1-5. Swallow, G. C. 1855. Geology of Missour7, First and second ann. repts., Missouri Geol. Sur., pp. 1-207, 1-239. Toomey, D. F. 1961. Annotated bibliography of Precarboniferous Foraminifera. Cashman Found. Foram. Res., vol. 12, pt. 2, pp. 33-46, 1 text-fig. 1963. Annotated bibliography of Paleozoic nonfusulinid Foraminifera, adden- dum I. Cushman Found. Foram. Research, Contr. vol. 14, pt. 3, pp. 77-94, text-figs. 1, 2. Weller, J. M., et al. 1948. Correlation of the Mississippian formations of North America. Geol. Soc. Amer., Bull., vol. 59, No. 2, pp. 91-196, 2 pls., 7 figs. Williams, J. S. 1943. Stratigraphy and fauna of the Louisiana limestone of Missouri. United States Geol. Surv., Prof. Paper 203, pp. 1-133, pls. 1-9, figs. 1-9. 1957. Paleoecology of the Mississippian of the upper Mississippi Valley region. Geol. Soc. Amer., Memoir 67, pp. 279-324, 2 pls., 4 figs. Workman, L. E., and Gillette, T. 1956. Subsurface stratigraphy of the Kinderhook Series in Illinois. Illinois State Geol. Surv., Rept. Invest. 189, pp. 1-46, 2 pls., 20 figs., pl. 1. PEAWES 102 BULLETIN 213 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 12 Figure All figures approximately X 50 Page 1-7. Amphitremoida hhuffmani,, 1. Sp .c any itherl mee ba im ‘a a ant 1 7; ql : iy F 7 iv wi = ; ' é i, ( i , ; P 1 as 5 7 Ps J Won y - J ro mi en i 7 ; iy, > f an 7 Lh ‘ ’ i Ay La ‘ rie ‘ on nay y . mf * he pee > he / heath ide, ao hs tae : Ait N@ek + oT ae Ne aU Na bth, ra. Pore | bans, nee f ‘bi XXXIV. XXXV. XXXVI. XXXVII. XXXVIII. XXXIX. XL. XLI. XLII. XLII. XLIV. XLV. XLVI. XLVII. Volume I. I. (Nos: 140-145). 400) pp) 19 pls. oi.) iciaceeleeesepnested vases Trinidad Globigerinidae, Ordovician Enopleura, Tasmanian Ordovican cephalopods and Tennessee Ordovician ostra- cods and conularid bibliography. (Nos. 246-154). °386\pp,) (31) pls oni. cee Lae t ala G. D. Harris memorial, camerinid and Georgia Paleocene Foraminifera, South America Paleozoics, Australian Ordo- vician cephalopods, California Pleistocene Eulimide, Vol- utidae, and Devonian ostracods from Iowa. CNOS 255-160) 402 pp /S3ipls ne ee AZO Globotruncana in Colombia, Eocene fish, Canadian Chazyan fossils, foraminiferal studies. (Nos. 1GE-1G4)..0 "486. pp. 37 plsy) a Neal Antillean Cretaceous Rudists, Canal Zone Foraminifera, Stromatoporoidea. (Nos: -189-176) 5-447 ppl, 53 pls. rae ee ee Venezuela geology, Oligocene Lepidocyclina, Miocene ostra- cods, and Mississippian of Kentucky, turritellid from Vene- zuela, larger forams, new mollusks, geology of Carriacou, Pennsylvanian plants. (Noa. 177-183)... A248) pph’36 pls. foci nA ee lateness Panama Caribbean mollusks, Venezuelan Tertiary formations and forams, Trinidad Cretaceous forams, American-Eur- opean species, Puerto Rico forams. (No. 184). 996 pp., 1 pls. ..... Type and Figured Specimens P.R.I. (Nos. 185-192). S81 Spp..'95 psy Abu ee hee ie Ae Australian Carpoid Echinoderms, Yap forams, Shell Bluff, Ga. forams. Newcomb mollusks, Wisconsin mollusk faunas, Camerina, Va. forams, Corry Sandstone. Ay Fang RU I 57 ft oe MAU | Rl OP Venezuelan Cenozoic gastropods. (Nos: 194:198):\\427 pp), 39. pls) se OE lu Ordovician stromatoporoids, Indo-Pacific camerinids, Missis- sippian forams, Cuban rudists. (Noa./199-203);/ 365; pp 68 pls.) teak Ie sh i ts Puerto Rican, Antarctic, New Zealand forams, Lepidocyclina, Eumalacostraca. ON05208) 564 pp 63), plsa en Ae She. EO ee Venezuela Cenozoic pelecypods (Nos. 209-211). )'-A19 pp.) 70 pls de No uae. een cecdeanecastbdyesealh. Large Foraminifera, Texas Cretaceous crustacean, Antarctic Devonian terebratuloid, Osgood and Paleocene Foraminifera, Recent molluscan types. (No. 212). 48 pp., 11 pls. AMM Mies tvaln AES La Eocene Foraminifera. PALAEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA (Nos. 1-5). 519 pp., 75 pls. Monographs of Arcas, Lutetia, rudistids and venerids. CNOS 6:12) 53 T pile BT DIST Aen oh RUE NN te be a Heliophyllum halli, Tertiary turrids, Neocene Spondyli, Pale- ozic cephalopods, Tertiary Fasciolarias and Paleozoic and Recent Hexactinellida, Nasi 13-25)).: SES. pp; 61 plsy a NGue Ae a A ee Paleozoic cephalopod structure and phylogeny, Paleozoic siphonophores, Busycon, Devonian fish studies, gastropod studies, Carboniferous crinoids, Cretaceous jellyfish, Platy- strophia, and Venericardia. (Nos. 26-31). | 295 pp., 42 pls. 0.0. ds Rade aan ME Rudist studies, Busycon, Dalmanellidae, Byssonychia, De- vonian lycopods 12.00 12.00 13.50 15.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 13.50 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 2.00 21.00 25.00 15.50 CONDENSED TABLE OF CONTENTS OF BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY AND PALAEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY Vols. I-VI. VIII-XV. See Kraus Reprint Corp. Vil. XVI. XVII. XXVI. XXXI. XXXII. XXXII. af (Nos. 109-114). (NOo.):32)3:5'730 pp2 90 pls. 2820. eS ek A Claibornian Eocene scaphopods, gastropods, and cephalopods. (Nos. 59-61). 140 pp., 48 pls. . sitet Rite Venezuela and Trinidad Tertiary “Mollusca. (Nos. 62-63)... -283 ‘pp2*'33 pls 34. Nu cdc thes 11.00 Peruvian Tertiary Mollusca. (Nos.;'64-67).) - 286.pp); 29pls) 6 ne Ae 11.00 Mainly Tertiary Mollusca and Cretaceous corals. (No. 68) 30.272 pp. Ae pis) eee, Se 10.00 Tertiary Paleontology, Peru. (Nos, 69-700). \\ 266 pp., 26 pls) ...ccici.. ecsscsosds seccescenesesosdiacte 10.00 Cretaceous and Tertiary Paleontology of Peru and Cuba. (Nos, -S8-02) 0°\5323- pagel? pls ccs ee 11 00° Paleozoic Paleontology and Stratigraphy. CNOSEAS-76). > 356 pies \plss ices Ze eee 12.00 Paleozoic Paleontology and Tertiary Foraminifera. (Nos 27-79)... 25 ops. 357 plist accent 10.00 Corals, Cretaceous microfauna and biography of Conrad. (Nos. .'80-87) 334 pp.,. 27 pls. ke Oe ee 10.50 Mainly Paleozoic faunas and Tertiary Mollusca. (Nos, 88-94B) 306 pp.,. 30 pls. je. 3.03250. o ees 10.00 Paleozoic fossils of Ontario, Oklahoma and Colombia, Meso- zoic echinoids, California Pleistocene and Maryland Mio- cene mollusks. (Nos. 95-100). 420 pp., 58 pls. 2 ..cccceclce Liccescsecoeptetenee Florida Recent marine shells, Texas Cretaceous fossils, Cuban and Peruvian Cretaceous, Peruvian Eogene corals, and geology and paleontology of Ecuador. (Nos. 101-108). <(376 pp., 36 pls: 65 ln kc ee. Tertiary Mollusca, Paleozoic cephalopods, Devonian fish and Paleozoic geology and fossils of Venezuela. $12 Bp. DA DIS a kos oy gh Paleozoic cephalopods, Devonian of Idaho, Cretaceous and Eocene mollusks, Cuban and Venezuelan forams. (Nog. 115-116) <.- 738. pp:, 52 plse.2o isos peice Bowden forams and Ordovician cephalopods. (No. 123). 563. pp GS pls ei ake Ie ee ne Jackson Eocene mollusks. (Nos. 118-128)).)~ 458: pp... 27. pls... 2... .ciscik nse pke ze es eves Venezuelan and California mollusks, Chemung and Pennsy]l- vanian crinoids, Cypraeidae, Cretaceous, Miocene and Recent corals, Cuban and Floridian forams, and Cuban fossil local- ities. (Nos. 129-133). 294 pp., 39 pls. Silurian cephalopods, crinold studies, Tertiary forams, and Mytilarca. (Nos... 134-438);,." 448 pp., S52 psc yaks: diva. ae eigen Devonian annelids, Tertiary mollusks, Ecuadoran stratigraphy paleontology. 6.00 11.00 12.00 12.00 18.00 15.00 12.00 10.00 12.00 WL6.S/ 3 23 936 BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY VOL. XLVII yr i * NUMBER 9214 A 1964 Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New Yor PALEONTOLOGICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTION 1963-1964 PRESIDENT f/f aaa sae aes AY seas) De NN CY NGS Gia DB AXEL A. OLssoN WWIGE-PRESIDENT 3.09 chi uscs RE, oe OAS Mods dig on Ra DONALD W. FISHER SECRETARY: UREASURER. «(302 5.00) nog. Msn ti NMP cdineustehr ast ated REBECCA S. HARRIS DIRE GOR Ce Pees I I a OL Fa Pe TY KATHERINE V. W. PALMER GOUNSEE (hs. Gog ei Re Uh ak Sites ORR Tine Haken Cc Mc ae Ae ARMAND L. ADAMS REPRESENTATIVE AAAS ‘COUNCIL, 00/2). cceiliese Nave lat peeedeest KENNETH E. CASTER Trustees KENNETH E. CASTER (1960-1966) KATHERINE V. W. PALMER (Life) DoNALD W. FISHER (1961-1967) WILLIAM B. HERoy (1963-1968) REBECCA S. Harris (Life) AXEL A. OLSSON (Life) SOLOMON C. HOLLISTER (1959-1965) HaNs G. KUGLER (1963-1969) JoHN W. WELLS (1958-64) BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY and PALAEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA KATHERINE V. W. PALMER, Editor Mrs. Fay Brices, Secretary Advisory Board KENNETH E. CASTER HANS KUGLER A. MyrA KEEN Jay GLENN Marks AXEL A. OLSSON Complete titles and price list of separate available numbers may be had on application. All volumes will be available except vol. I of Paleontographica Americana. Vol. I to be reprinted by Johnson Reprint Corporation, New York, N.Y. For reprint, Vols. 1-6, 8-16, Bulletins of American Paleontology see Kraus Reprint Corp., 16 East 46th St., New York 17, N. Y., U.S.A. Subscription may be entered at any time by volume or year, with average price of $16.00 per volume for Bulletins. Numbers of Paleontographica Americana in- voiced per issue. Purchases in U.S.A. for professional purposes are deductible from income tax. For sale by Paleontological Research Institution 109 Dearborn Place Ithaca, New York U.S.A. BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY (Founded 1895) Vol. 47 No. 214 LATE CENOZOIC SCAPHOPODS AND SERPULID POLYCHAETES FROM NORTHERN VENEZUELA By NORMAN E. WEISBORD The Florida State University June 19, 1964 Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York, U.S.A. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: GS 64-132 Printed in the United States of America CONTENTS PART I. SCAPHOPODS Page Abstract . Ge: f. sf Ea sere cere — 111 Introduction See ee eae Sh Re earthen tana outta sene tees ala Acknowledgments _...... ona ak Pe Mee orn ee en acannon eer CII TL@CAUINBIES see adehteaet abbsceotntdede Dente Ssease daub dbaddon ticuae teeasoeeeeeee cossbnchb obi eoccdcdarbo acerca eee lite List of scaphopods collected in northern Venezuela ............... eee we 113 Analysis of the scaphopod fauna .... a ae beaten trae en: Hare gw LALA) Systematic esGripttOMS ae.a-s.-cyeeee-res-ocsseacereee. Pia en Rar aon Cent ner ee Predera 118 Bibliography ............ DEES ooo e eas tne tine ee neti fo tanec a heb sctocriepnees 136 Ri atesureen sees: i eae Pelector eee De. Aitert ME et a OF ee ere 141 PART II. SOME SERPULID POLYCHAETES FROM CABO BLANCO, VENEZUELA PASSE Gta er os Sh Sara ras eds SSN ere re ep ae ene aeaae see aa cet eM SEM aaa ce 145 ARELOCIIGEIO MCE ee gt Ee ORNS erat. oe tea ort: aes tacaaes 145 PSR AMCI WT FOC OTTTCINES RM Meare lees cate Me cong see tesa ates negate areas coast vas jonat sasha Ate ae a 145 Car 1 CS Pam ete ae aa ae came eae NSO ear econ eae teat ah ont Sse uennestbsmatudeserse sarees 146 Serpulids collected ini the Gabo: Blanco area «oc. tocce..5..2-ctesaceenoree>sveoeaeenveettencserensarnien: 147 RESTO MES Hira tho Papa. cectestee sete ceeseeeae tes cach cdeocteeveSsresorane,enecuttanessucsaeees Le eee 147 Analysis of the invertebrates of the Cabo Blanco group ..........:::ccccccsseee essences 148 Vermetid gastropods compared with serpulid polychaetes 0.000000... 149 ‘Tavs: Svevarsall WG M6 ove Paes pimene serene ner canes tees cen sa ae eRe Slice RPE eo ceer eect een merce cee 152 SyStemabiere EsGhi pti MSi yc. assseescscee meeaacec seen ese corternee eee oe aace se soanctece suet 5 Sacre: 152 [EU Le) Gye 08 7 eile Mee he ee Ec OP ee tee 167 Tate SMM eA eee satan een eect ena iee ate ecco es inne co Seesam ena Mennntvnine suaterensasesePio sees eressaceser- 199 LATE CENOZOIC SCAPHOPODS AND SERPULID POLYCHAETES FROM NORTHERN VENEZUELA NORMAN E. WEISBORD Department of Geology The Florida State University Research Associate, Paleontological Research Institution PART 1. SCAPHOPODS ABSTRACT Fifteen fossil forms, including three new species, are described and illustrated. Two of the forms occur in the Guaiguaza clay, the others in the Mare and Playa Grande formations of the Cabo Blanco group. The scaphopods, though few in number, and often too fragmentary for definitive diagnosis, tend to confirm the age of the Guaiguaza clay as late Pliocene and the Mare and Playa Grande formations as early Pliocene. INTRODUCTION This is the third of a series of papers by the author dealing with late Cenozoic marine invertebrates from northern Venezuela. The first two papers were concerned, respectively, with the Gastropoda and Pelecypoda (Weisbord 1962, 1964), and the present one treats of the Scaphopoda! and Polychaetia. The scaphopods described and illustrated in the present work were collected by the writer in 1955 and 1956 from the Playa Grande and Mare formations in the Cabo Blanco area, Distrito Federal, and from the Guaiguaza clay at La Salina de Guaiguaza west of Puerto Cabello in the State of Carabobo. Based on the per cent of gastropods and pelecypods that have survived to Recent time, and on the evidence of stratigraphy (Weisbord, 1957), the Playa Grande and Mare formations of the Cabo Blanco group are believed to be early Pliocene in age, and the Guaiguaza clay late Pliocene. The scaphopods tend to confirm these age determina- tions though few of them are complete enough to permit a definitive diagnosis to be made. The work on the scaphopods was begun in August 1962, and the manuscript completed in May of 1963. For comparative studies and con- sultation of literature the writer visited the American Mueseum of Natural History, the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, and the U. S. National Museum. The types and figured specimens are deposited with the Paleontological Research Institution, and duplicate specimens are in the paleontological collection of the Dept. of Geology at Florida State Univer- sity. 1Appreciation is expressed to the National Science Foundation for its support of this study through its Research Grant NSF-8699, awarded 15 November 1959. The monograph on the pelecypods was written under this same grant. eee BULLETIN 214 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS A number of colleagues have been helpful to me in the execution of this work, and among those, I wish to express my appreciation to William K. Emerson of the American Museum of Natural History for examining several of the Venezuelan scaphopods which I brought to the Museum for his diagnosis: to R. Tucker Abbott, Horace G. Richards, Robert Robertson, and Virginia Orr of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia for placing at my disposal the Academy’s Recent and fossil collections of Scaphopoda in which are contained many of the types of the late Henry A. Pilsbry; to Harald A. Rehder and Joseph Rosewater of the U. S. National Museum who afforded me every facility for studying the Museum’s ex- tensive collections, including that of John B. Henderson; and to Katherine V. W. Palmer of the Paleontological Research Institution for editing the manuscript and attending to its publication. LOCALITIES The localities from which the scaphopods were collected, and the formation exposed at each locality are listed below. The letter preceding the locality description is also given as a prefix to each species in the collec- tion. All of the localities except La Salina de Guaiguaza are shown on the geologic map accompanying the writer's paper (Weisbord, 1957) titled “Notes on the geology of the Cabo Blanco area, Venezuela.”” On the 1957 map field stations are designated by the letter ‘“W’’, and some of the locality descriptions refer to these stations. For a complete list of all of the locali- ties from which the northern Venezuelan collections were made, the reader is referred to the author’s publications of 1962 and 1964. C. Near south shore of La Salina de Guaiguaza, 5.6 kilometers west of Puerto Cabello, State of Carabobo. The fossils were collected in the Guaiguaza clay in a drainage ditch about one meter in depth. F. Hillside above west bank of Quebrada Mare Abajo at W-14. Upper Mare formation. G. Hillside above west bank of Quebrada Mare Abajo near W-14. Mare formation. H. 15 meters south of axis of Punta Gorda anticline at W-25. Mare formation. I. Hillside above west bank of Quebrada Mare Abajo at W-13. Lower Mare formation. VENEZUELAN CENOZOIC SCAPHOPODS: WEISBORD 113 J. Banks of small dry stream 100 meters west of Quebrada Mare Abajo and 125 meters west-southwest of the intersection of Quebrada Mare Abajo and the coast road. Lower Mare formation. . Bluff 125 meters west of the intersection of the Playa Grande Yachting Club road and coast road, and about 95 meters due south of shoreline. Playa Grande formation (Catia member). . Dip slope 100 meters west of Costa fault and 130 meters south of shoreline at W-22. Playa Grande formation (Catia member). . Quebrada Las Pailas at, and in the vicinity of W-14. Playa Grande formation (Maiquetia member) . - Quebrada Las Bruscas at W-26, approximately 125 meters up- stream from junction with Quebrada Las Pailas. Playa Grande formation (Maiquetia member). . Near and on Lithothamnium bioherm at W-23, north flank of Punta Gorda anticline. Playa Grande formation (Maiquetia mem- ber). . Banks of stream 250 meters south-southwest of the mouth of Quebrada Las Pailas and 255 meters east-northeast of wireless station. Upper Mare formation. . Quebrada Las Pailas at W-3, south side of Mare Abjao fault near its intersection with the Bruscas fault. Playa Grande formation (Maiquetia member). LIST OF SCAPHOPODS COLLECTED IN NORTHERN VENEZUELA The scaphopods described in the present work are listed below. Under the heading of Formation, the abbreviation Sal refers to the Guat- guaza clay, Ma to the Mare formation, PGm to the Playa Grande forma- tion (Maiquetia member), and PGc to the Playa Grande formation (Catia member). Geologic range Species Formation of known species Dentalium (Dentalium) cf. texasianum rioense Henderson Sal Recent Dentalium (Graptacme) semistriolatum Guilding Ma Recent Dentalium (Antalis) disparile d’Orbigny Ma Recent Dentalium (Antalis) aff. antillarum d’Orbigny PGm Pliocene-Recent Dentalium (Antalis) sp. Sal Dentalium (Antalis?) sp. Ma 114 BULLETIN 214 ? Denialium sp. indet. PGc Fustiaria (Laevidentalium ?) venezuelana Weisbord, n. sp. PGm Fustiaria (Laevidentalium) perlongum ? Dall Ma; PGm_ Recent Fustiaria (Laevidentalium) sp. Ma Cadulus (Gadila) bruscasensis Weisbord, n. Sp. Ma; PGm Cadulus (Gadila) playagrandensis Weisbord, Nn. Sp. Ma; PGm Cadulus (Polyschides) quadridentatus (Dall) Ma;PGm Upper Miocene-Recent Cadulus (Polyschides) tetraschistus ? (Watson) PGc Recent Cadulus sp. indet. PGc Recent ANALYSIS OF THE SCAPHOPOD FAUNA The scaphopods in themselves are too few in number to permit age determinations to be made, but based on the percentage of species that have survived to Recent time, they seem to confirm the ages established from the gastropods and pelecypods. No scaphopods were found among the Recent invertebrates collected on the beaches nor were any found in the Abisinia formation of Pleistocene age. However, two or more species have been described from the Guaiguaza clay, from the Mare formation, and from the Playa Grande formation. A synthesis of all of the data thus far considered suggests that the Guaiguaza clay is late Pliocene in age, and that the Mare and Playa Grande formations are early Pliocene in age. Guaiguaza clay This is a gray and brown clay lying immediately below the surface at the south end of Salina de Guaiguaza. The scaphopods found therein are the following: Geologic range Geologic range of Species of known species nearest related species Dentalium (Dentalium) cf. texasianum rioense Henderson Recent Dentalium (Antalis) sp. Upper Miocene-Recent One, and possibly both, of the two fossil scaphopods found in the Guaiguaza clay also occur in the Recent fauna. This represents at least 50 per cent of the species which have survived to Recent time and is roughly the same percentage that obtains for the combined total of gastro- pods and pelecypods, as shown in the composite summary following: VENEZUELAN CENOZOIC SCAPHOPODS: WEISBORD iS TABLE 1. MOLLUSCA OF THE GUAIGUAZA CLAY Total number of Number of species Per cent of Class Species examined known to be still living Recent species Gastropoda 25 9 36 Pelecypoda 14 11 78 Scaphopoda 2 1 50 Total 41 21 51 With roughly 51 per cent of the mollusks from the Guaiguaza clay still living, and with many of the other fossils distinct from, but analogous to forms that are living today, it is postulated that the clays were deposited before the Pleistocene epoch and relatively late in Pliocene time. Mare formation. The Mare formation is 12 to 19 meters thick and consists mostly of soft homogeneous siltstone, with 2 few meters of coarse friable sandstone at the base. The Mare formation is disconformably overlain by the Abisinia formation and is underlain by the Playa Grande formation. Where observed, the contact between the Mare formation and the underlying Playa Grande formation is one of unconformity. The Mare formation 1s highly fossiliferous, containing 144 species of gastropods, 82 species of pelecypods, and 8 species of scaphopods. The scaphopods are the follow- ing: Geologic range Geologic range of Species of known species nearest related species Dentalium (Graptacme) semistriolatum Guilding Recent Dentalium (Antalis) disparile d Orbigny Upper Miocene-Recent Dentalium (Antalis) ? sp. Middle Miocene (?)-Recent Fustiaria (Laevidentalium) perlongum ? Dall Recent Fustiaria (Laevidentalium) sp. Lower-middle Miocene; Recent Cadulus (Gadila) bruscasensis Weisbord, n. sp. Lower-middle Miocene; Recent Cadulus (Gadila) playagrandensis Weisbord, n. sp. Lower-middle Miocene; Recent Cadulus (Polyschides) quadridentatus (Dall) Upper Miocene (?)-Recent Of the eight scaphopods described from the Mare formation, four, or 50 per cent are also Recent, four are closely related to species in the Miocene and Recent, and one is probably the same as a lower-middle Miocene species from the Dominican Republic and Haiti. The proportion of Mare mollusks that have continued to Recent time is given in the following table. 116 BULLETIN 214 TABLE 2. MOLLUSCA OF THE MARE FORMATION Total number of Number of species Per cent of Class species examined known to be still living Recent species Gastropoda 144 25-50 17-34 Pelecypoda 82 32-38 39-46 Scaphopoda 8 4 50 Total 234 61-92 26-39 As there is a judgment factor involved in determining whether a fossil species is the same as, or different than a closely related living species, the proportion of Mare mollusks that are still living is given in the range of 26 to 39 per cent. To the writer this suggests that the Mare formation occupies a lower Pliocene position in the time scale. Playa Grande formation (Maiquetia member). The Playa Grande formation underlies the Mare formation and is separated from the Mare formation by a distinct stratigraphic unconformity. This unconformity, however, is not sensitively reflected in the fossils, as many of them are common to the two formations; also, the percentage of species of all of the Mollusca that have survived to Recent time is roughly the same in both formations. The upper complex of the Playa Grande formation, known as the Maiquetia member, is about 34 meters thick and is made up of shales, siltstones, sandstones, conglomerates, and occasional bioherms of calcareous algae. Mollusks are moderately abundant, and among those the following six species of scaphopods have been described: Geologic range Geologic range of Species of known species nearest related species Dentalium (Antalis) aff. antillarum d Orbigny Pliocene-Recent Fustiaria (Laevidentalium ?) venezuelana Weisbord, n. sp. Recent Fustiaria (Laevidentalium) perlongum ? Dall Recent Cadulus (Gadila) bruscasensis Weisbord, n. sp. Lower-middle Miocene-Recent Cadulus (Gadila) playagrandensis Weisbord, n. sp. Lower-middle Miocene-Recent Cadulus (Polyschides) quadridentatus (Dall Upper Miocene (?)-Recent Three of the six scaphopod species (50 per cent) are living to-day, and three of the species are new but closely related to Recent forms. The number of mollusks described from the Maiquetia member and the percentage of the species which are also Recent are given in the follow- ing table. VENEZUELAN CENOZOIC SCAPHOPODS: WEISBORD aly TABLE 3. MOLLUSCA OF THE MAIQUETIA MEMBER (PLAYA GRANDE FORMATION) Total number of Number of species Per cent of Class species examined known to be still living Recent species Gastropoda 82 8-23 10-28 Pelecypoda 53 23-31 43-58 Gastropoda 6 3 50 Total 141 34-57 24-40 Playa Grande formation (Catia member) Because of faults and Quaternary cover, the stratigraphic relationship of the Catia and Maiquetia members of the Playa Grande formation ts not clearly established. Indirect evidence, however, suggests that the Catia member constitutes the lower and more preponderant part of the Playa Grande formation. The Catia member is made up of assorted rock types including calcareous siltstones and sandstones, conglomerates, shales, and limestones. Many of the beds are fossiliferous, and there are some thin coquinas. The thickness of the Catia member is 156 to 233 meters, and it overlies the nonfossiliferous Las Pailas formation with pronounced angular unconformity. Geologic range Geologic range of Species of known species nearest related species Cadulus (Polyschides) tetraschistus ? (Watson) Recent Cadulus, sp. indet. ? Cadulus tetraschistus (Watson) is a living shallow-water species rang- ing from Brazil to Argentina in depths of 7 to 25 fathoms. The single specimen from the Catia formation is poorly preserved but seems so similar to C. tetraschistus that it is tentatively identified as that species. The species of all Mollusca collected from the Catia member, and the percentage of those occurring in the Recent fauna, are given in Table 4, below. TABLE 4. MOLLUSCA OF THE CATIA MEMBER (PLAYA GRANDE FORMATION) Total number of Number of species Per cent of Class species examined known to be still living Recent species Gastropoda 6 0-2 0-33 Pelecypoda 26 8-10 31-40 Scaphopoda 2 1 50 Total 34 9-13 27-40 Correlating the data in Tables 1-4 with available stratigraphic informa- tion, the writer concludes that the Guaiguaza clay is of late Pliocene age and the Mare and Playa Grande formations of early Pliocene age. 118 BULLETIN 214 SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTIONS SCAPHOPODA DENTALIIDAE Dentalium (Dentalium) cf. texasianum rioense Henderson Pl. 16, fig. 19PIE 1sshoael 1920. Dentalium (Dentalium) texasianum rioense Henderson, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 111, p. 29, pl. 2, figs. 2-3. 1949. Dentalium (Dentalium) texasianum rioense Henderson, Lange de Morretes, Mus. Paranaense, Arq., vol. 7, art. 2, p. 53. 1953. Dentalium (Dentalium) texasianum rioense Henderson, Haas, Fieldiana- Zoology, vol. No. 20, p. 203. Fragments representing the posterior portion of the tube are hexagonal in cross section around the circumference and circular within the annulus. The shell is white, opaque, and strong, the thickness gradually decreasing anteriorward, the diameter slowly increasing anteriorward. The angulation is produced by six sharp longitudinal ribs, separated by wide, hardly con- cave to flat, interspaces. The interspaces forming the dorso-lateral faces of the tube are nearly imperceptibly narrower than the other four faces which are about equal. The shell is smooth save for transverse growth lines and faintly impressed annular growth marks at unequal intervals. One of the specimens (C301a) has a regrown tube within the posterior orifice. On none of the fragments is the posterior tip or the anterior end of the tube present. Dimensions.—Specimen C301a, length of fragment 3.8 mm.; di- ameter at larger end 0.8 mm. Locality—Guaiguaza clay, near south shore of La Salina de Guaiguaza, six kilometers west of Puerto Cabello, State of Carabobo. Five incomplete specimens. Remarks.—I have examined the types of D. texastanum rioense (U.S. Nat. Mus., No. 96114), and so far as they can be compared the Venezuelan fossils are precisely the same as the Recent form described by Henderson. It must be noted, however, that the posterior end of the Venezuelan tube is also similar to such other species with a hexagonal tip as D. fexaszanum texasianum Philippi, D. gouldii Dall, and D. rebeccaense Henderson from the Western Atlantic, although in my judgment the best match is with D. t. rioense. Along the Pacific coast from Baja California to Colombia is yet another analagous species—D. oerstedii Mérch (1861, Malakozool. VENEZUELAN CENOZOIC SCAPHOPODS: WEISBORD 119 Blatter, vol. 7, p. 177)—but Recent specimens of D. oerstedii from Colon, contained in the collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Phil- adelphia, attain a larger size than the D. texaszanum group and the inter- stitial riblets originate nearer the posterior end of the tube than on D. f. rioense. .Dentalium oerstedii has been recorded also from the Pleistocene of Magdalena Bay, México, by Jordan and Hertlein (1936, Contrib. Dept. Geol. Stanford Univ., vol. 1, No. 4, p. 148). Range and distribution —tvThe Recent D. texasianum rioense Hender- son has been reported from east of Rio de Janeiro at a depth of 50 fathoms, in blue mud; from the littoral of Ilha Grande, Rio de Janeiro; and from San Sebastian, also in Brazil. If the identity is established this is the first notice of the occurrence of D. f. rioense as a fossil. Dentalium (Graptaecme) semistriolatum Guilding Pl. 16, figs. 3-6 1819. 2? Dentalinm semistriatum Turton, A Conchological Dictionary of the British Islands, p. 39, pl. 18, fig. 68. 1826. ? Dentalium nebulosum Deshayes, Soc. Hist. Nat. Paris, Mém., vol. 2, p. 369, pl. 16, fig. 20. Not of Gmelin. 1834. Dentalium semistriolatum Guilding, Linnean Soc. London, Trans., vol. 17, INo- 5; p: 34, pl. 3; figs. 1-5. 1843. Dentalium semistriolatum Guilding, Linnean Soc. London, Trans., vol. 17, p. 8, pl. 3, fig. 12. Not of Deshayes. 1843. 2? Dentalium nebulosum Deshayes, Chenu, Illustrations Conchyliologiques, voll 35 p: 5,-pl: 8; fig. 4. 1843. Dentalium semistriolatum Guilding, Chenu, Illustrations Conchyliologiques, vol. 3, p. 7, pl. 4, figs. 14-15. 1850. Dentalium semistriolatum Turton, Forbes and Hanley, A History of the British Mollusca and their Shells, vol. 2, p. 454. 1860. 2 Dentalium nebulosum Deshayes, Sowerby, Thes. Conchyl., vol. 3, p. 98, ply 225, 1s. 58: 1864. ? Dentalium semistriatum Guilding, Krebs, The West Indian Marine Shells, pols 1873. ? Dentalium nebulosum Deshayes, Sowerby, [in] Reeve, Conch. Icon., vol. is jolly 7 Se, Doe 1878. ? Dentalium semistriatum Guilding, Mérch, Catalogue of the West-India Shells, p. 14. 1891. ? Dentalium semistriatum Guilding, Baker, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc., vol. 43, p. 49. 1896. ? Dentalinm nebulosum Deshayes, Clessin, Syst. Conchylien-Cabinet, vol. 6, Pip 19s plo Sa tiga: 1897. 2 Dentalium (Graptacme) semistriatum Turton, Pilsbry and Sharp, Man. Conch., vol. 17, p. 90, pl. 16, figs. 51-53. 1920. Dentalium (Graptacme) semistriolatum Guilding, Henderson, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 111, pp. 69-70, pl. 11, figs. 1-3, 8-9. 1922. Dentalium (Graptacme) semistriolatum Guilding, Maury, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 9, No. 38, p. 37. 1934. Dentalium (Graptacme) semistriolatum Guilding, Johnson, Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., Proc., vol. 40, No. 1, p. 61. 1937. Dentalium semistriolatum Guilding, Smith, East Coast Marine Shells, p. 725, pl. 595 figs. 13317 - 120 BULLETIN 214 1954. Dentalium (Graptacme) semistriolatum Guilding, Abbott, American Sea- shells, p. 331. 1955. Dentalium (Graptacme) semistriolatum Guilding, Turner, Woods Hole Oceanogr. Inst., Contrib., No. 779, p. 313. 1958. Dentalium (Graptacme) semtstriolatum Guilding, Abbott, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Mon. No. 11, pp. 108-109. 1959. Dentalinm semistriolatum Guilding, Nowell-Usticke, A Check List of the Marine Shells of St. Croix, p. 90. 1961. Dentalium (Graptacme) semistriolatum Guilding, Warmke and Abbott, Caribbean Seashells, p. 224, text fig. 34a. The Venezuelan fossil referred to this species is broken away, with but the posterior fourth or so remaining, that, however, in excellent preser- vation. The shell is moderately thick, gently arched, slowly and evenly tapering, subvitreous but becoming dense and white at the anterior termini of the longitudinal riblets. Cross section circular. Posterior orifice regrown, bearing an apical slit on the side about midway between the dorsal and ventral faces, the slit extending down the side for a distance of 3.7 mm. from the apex. The sculpture consists of fine longitudinal riblets, more or less equal, but in places with a minor thread between them. In all there are about 40 riblets around the tip and about 56 at their termination some 7 mm. below the apex of the tube. The anterior end of the specimen is smooth except for faint, fairly regular, transverse growth lines which traverse the whole of the tube. The tube is also encircled by opaque milky white bands or maculations. Dimensions.—Specimen 1366a, length (approx. one-fourth of total) 8.3 mm.; diameter at larger end 1.25 mm. Specimen T304a, length of fragment 3.6 mm.; diameter at larger end 0.9 mm. Localities —Lower Mare formation at W-13, on hillside above west bank of Quebrada Mare Abajo. One specimen. Upper Mare formation, in stream 250 meters south-southwest of the mouth of Quebrada Las Pailas. Two specimens (fragments). Remarks.—Although only the posterior fourth or so of the complete shell is present on specimen 1366a, the characters are identical with those of the Recent D. semistriolatum of Guilding. The lateral location of the apical slit serves to distinguish D. semistriolatum from the Miocene to Recent D. eboreum Conrad (see Henderson, 1920, pp. 66-68, pl. 10, figs. 3,4,5,8,9; pl. 11, fig. 6) on which the apical slit, if present, occurs on the convex or ventral face. As D. eboreum is similar to D. semistriolatum except in the position of the slit, and as the Recent D. eborenm also extends to the southern Caribbean, references to that species are given below: VENEZUELAN CENOZOIC SCAPHOPODS: WEISBORD AA 1846. Dentalium eboreum Conrad, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc., vol. 3, [sie 1885. Dentalinm leptum Bush, Connecticut Acad. Arts and Sci., Trans., vol. 6, No. 11, pp. 470-471, pl. 45, figs. 18,18a. 1885. Dentalium leptum Bush, U. S. Com. Fish and Fisheries, Rept. of the Commissioner for 1883, p. 586. 1889. Dentalium leptum Bush, Dall, Mus. Comp. Zool., Bull., vol. 17, p. 421. 1889. Dentalinm leptum Bush, Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 37, p. 76. 1889. Dentalinm matara Dall, Mus. Comp. Zool., Bull., vol. 18, p. 420. 1889. Dentalium matara Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 37, p. 76. 1892. Dentalium leptum Bush, Dall, Wagner Free Inst. Sci., Trans., vol. 3, pt. 2, p. 440. 1897. Dentalinm eboreum Conrad, Pilsbry and Sharp, Man. Conch., vol. 17, p. 89, pl. 16, figs. 47,48,49,55,56. 1897. Dentalium leptum Bush, Pilsbry and Sharp, Man. Conch., vol. 17, p. 89, pl. 16, fig. 50. 1897. Dentalium matara Dall, Pilsbry and Sharp, Man. Conch., vol. 17, p. 105, pl. 18, figs. 14-18. 1900. Dentalium (Laevidentalium) matara Dall, Dautzenberg, Soc. Zool. France, Mém., vol. 13, p. 221. 1901. Dentalium matara Dall, Dall and Simpson, U. S. Fish Com., vol. 20 for 1901, pt. 1, p. 456. 1903. Dentalium leptum Bush, Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 37, p. 76. 1903. Dentalinm matara Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 37, p. 76. 1920. Dentalium (Graptacme) eboreum Conrad, Henderson, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 111, pp. 66-68, pl. 10, figs. 3,4,5,8,9; pl. 11, fig. 6. 1921. Dentaliunm eboreum Conrad (?), Pilsbry, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc., vol. 73, p. 400. 1922. Dentalinm (Graptacme) eboreum Conrad, Maury, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 95 IN@s Beh Ds Sule 1934. Dentalinm (Graptacme) eboreum Conrad, Johnson, Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., Proc., vol. 40, No. 1, p. 61. 1936. Dentalinm eboreum Conrad, Lermond, Check List of the Marine Shells of Florida, Gulfport, p. 24. 1937. Dentaliunm eboreum Conrad, Smith, East Coast Marine Shells, pp. 71-72, pl. 65, figs. 18,18a. 1944, Dentalinm eboreum Conrad, Hackney, Nautilus, vol. 58, No. 2, p. 60. 1947. Dentalium (Graptacme) eboreum Conrad, Gardner, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 142-H, pp. 626-627. 1953. Dentalium (Graptacme) eboreum Conrad, Olsson and Harbison, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Mon. No. 8, p. 154. 1954. Dentalium (Graptacme) eboreum Conrad, Abbott, American Seashells, p. 331, fig. 69e. 1955. Dentalium (Graptacme) eboreum Conrad, Turner, Woods Hole Oceanogr. Inst., Contrib., No. 779, p. 313. 1955. Dentalium (Graptacme) eboreum Conrad, Perry and Schwengel, Marine Shells of the Western Coast of Florida, p. 100, pl. 20, figs. 132a,b. 1958. Dentalium eboreum Conrad, Moore, Nautilus, vol. 71, No. 4, p. 128. 1959. Dentalium eboreum Conrad, Nowell-Usticke, A Check List of the Marine Shells of St. Croix, p. 90. 1961. Dentalinm eboreum Conrad, Moore, Gulf Research Repts., vol. 1, No. 1, p. 14. 1961. Dentalium (Graptacme) eboreum Conrad, Warmke and Abbott, Caribbean Seashells, p. 224. 1962. Dentaliunm (Graptacme) eboreum Conrad, Emerson, Jour. Paleont., vol. 36, No. 3, pp. 470-471, pl. 77, figs. 3a-3d. 122 BULLETIN 214 D. eboreum Conrad is said to range from the middle Miocene to Recent. The living species is found from Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, to the Guajira Peninsula of Colombia, South America, at depths of 2 to 100 fathoms. The fossil form of D. eborevm occurs in the Pliocene and middle Miocene of Florida, and questionably in the middle Miocene of the Dominican Republic. Range and distribution—The Recent D. semistriolatum Guilding ranges from southern Florida to the West Indies in depths of 1 to 90 fathoms. This is the first record of its occurrence as a fossil in the Caribbean region. Dentalium (Antalis) disparile d’Orbigny Pl. 16, figs. 7,8; Pl. 17, figs. 1,2; Pl. 18, figs. 4,5 1842. Dentalium disparile dOrbigny, [in} La Sagra, Hist. phys., polit. et nat. l'Ile de Cuba, vol. 2, Mollusques, p. 202, Atlas, pl. 25, figs. 14-17. 1845. Dentalium disparile d’Orbigny, [in] La Sagra, Hist. Fis., Polit. y Nat. Isla de Cuba, pt. 2, vol. 5, Moluscos, p. 274. 1864. Dentalium disparile A'Orbigny, Krebs, The West Indian Marine Shells, p. Sie 1867. Dentalium disparile d’Orbigny, Guppy, Sci. Assoc. Trinidad, Proc., pt. 3, p. 160. 1878. Dentalium disparile Orbigny, Arango y Molina, Contribucién a la Fauna Malacolégica Cubana, p. 232. 1878. Dentalium disparile Orbigny, Mérch, Catalogue of West-India Shells, p. 14, No. 951. 1889. Dentalium disparile Orbigny, Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 37, p. 76. 1889. Dentalium disparile AOrbigny, Simpson, Davenport Acad. Nat. Sci., Proc., Vole sD awO: 1892. Dentalium disparile Orbigny, Dall, Wagner Free Inst. Sci., Trans., vol. 3, pt. 2, p. 440 (part). 1897. Dentalium disparile A Orbigny, Pilsbry and Sharp, Man. Conch., vol. 17, p. 56 (in part), pl. 14, fig. 19. 1897. Dentalium disparile Orbigny, Pilsbry and Sharp, Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila- delphia, Proc., vol. 49, p. 471. 1901. Dentalium disparile AOrbigny, Dall and Simpson, U. S. Fish Com., Bull., vol. 20 for 1900, pt. 1, p. 456. 1903. Dentalium disparile ? Orbigny, Vanatta, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc., vol. 55, p. 757. 1917. Dentalium disparile AOrbigny, Pilsbry and Brown, Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila- delphia, Proc., vol. 69, p. 37. 1920. Dentalium (Antalis) disparile Orbigny, Henderson, U.S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 111, pp. 47-49, pl. 6, figs. 4-8. 1922. Dentalium (Antalis) disparile dOrbigny, Maury, Bull. Amer. Paleont., WOll, O; IN@, Be i. BS. 1934. Dentalium disparile Orbigny, Johnson, Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., Proc., vol. 40, No. 1, p. 60. 1936. Dentalium disparile Orbigny, Lermond, Check List of Florida Marine Shells, Gulfport, p. 24. 1947. Dentalinm (Antalis) disparile @Orbigny, Gardner, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 142-H, pp. 625,626. =" bo eS) VENEZUELAN CENOZOIC SCAPHOPODS: WEISBORD 1949. Dentalinm (Antalis) disparile Orbigny, Lange de Morretes, Mus. Parana- ensenpalrq:. VOlawa arty 1s, py 55. 1953. Dentalium (Antalis) disparile Orbigny, Haas, Fieldiana-Zoology, vol. 34, No. 20, p. 203. 1955. Dentalium (Antalis) disparile dOrbigny, Turner, Woods Hole Oceanogr. Inst., Contrib., No. 779, p. 311. 1958. Dentalium disparile d Orbigny, Olsson and McGinty, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vole3s9: INOy 1577, ips 23> 1961. Dentalium (Dentale) disparile Orbigny, Warmke and Abbott, Caribbean Seashells, p. 225. Shell fairly large, moderately and evenly curved, gently tapering, the narrowed posterior end generally thicker than the anterior end. Tip hexagonal in cross section, the peristome subcircular, the annulus also sub- circular throughout the length of the tube. Apical area sculptured by six, sharp, nearly equidistant, longitudinal ribs separated by smooth nearly flat interspaces. A short distance below the apex the ribs become so disposed as to leave two broader intercostal spaces on the concave and three narrower spaces on the convex side. The intercalation of secondary longitudinal ribs begins nearer the apex in the three intercostal spaces on the convex side of the tube than it does in the two intercostal spaces on the concave side. With growth, additional intercalated riblets appear in all of the interspaces, though near the anterior end there are fewer intercalaries on the concave side than on the convex side. The intercalated or secondary ribs on the convex side ultimately assume equal importance with the primaries, where- as on the concave side, near the anterior end, the secondary ribs are slightly smaller than the principal ones. All of the ribs tend to diminish toward the anterior of the tube but do not lose their identity even around the peri- stome. Interspaces and ribs are smoothish, though transverse lines of growth may be seen with a lens. Many of the adult specimens bear two or more transverse constrictions, and these represent quiescent stages in growth. None of the shells in the collection is complete. Dimensions.—Specimen G297a (broken away at both ends), length of cord between extremities 22.6 mm.; diameter at anterior end 3.2 mm. Specimen G297b (broken away at both ends), length 18.8 mm.; diameter at larger end 3 mm. Localities —Upper Mare formation at W-14, on hillside above west bank of Quebrada Mare Abajo. Ten specimens. Lower Mare formation, in small stream 100 meters west of Quebrada Mare Abajo. One specimen. Comparisons —D. disparile d’Orbigny is characterized by six primary ribs on the tip, D. pélsbryi Rehder by nine. The Miocene to Recent D. 124 BULLETIN 214 antillarum d’Orbigny also has nine primary ribs on the tip, but the tip is more curved than on both D. dssparile and on D. pilsbryi. The Recent D. texasianum Philippi is hexagonal in cross section on both the posterior and anterior ends, the latter area with an intercalated secondary rib in each of the interspaces. The Miocene D. gabbi Pilsbry and Sharp (1897, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc., vol. 49, pp. 470-471, pl. 10, figs. 6,7,13; pl. 11, figs. 1,2), from the Dominican Republic, is somewhat like D. disparile, but D. gabbi differs in shape, with the tip slightly curved and the greater part of the length nearly straight. On fragments of comparable size, D. cartagenense Pilsbry and Brown (1917, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc., vol. 69, pp. 37-38, pl. 5, fig. 10), from the middle Miocene of Colombia, has fewer ribs than the fossil D. dsparile herein described from Venezuela. Range and distribution —The living D. disparile dOrbigny is a shal- low-water species ranging from Florida to Brazil. Asa fossil, D. disparile has been reported from the Pliocene of South Carolina, Florida, and Trin- idad, and from the upper Miocene of North Carolina. Dentalium (Antalis) aff. antillarum d’Orbigny Pl. 17, figs. 3,4: Pl. 18, fig.16 1842. Dentalinm Antillarum dOrbigny, [in} La Sagra, Hist. phys., polit. et nat. l'Ile de Cuba, vol. 2, Mollusques, p. 202, pl. 25, figs. 10-13. 1845. Dentalinm Antillarum dOrbigny, [in} La Sagra, Hist. Fis., Polit. y Nat. Isla de Cuba, pt. 2, vol. 5, Moluscos, p. 274. 1864. Dentalinm antillarum A Orbigny, Krebs, The West Indian Marine Shells, jos Ql. 1867. Dentalinm antillarum dOrbigny, Guppy, Sci. Assoc. Trinidad, Proc., pt. 3, p. 160. 1878. Dentalinm Antillarum Orbigny, Arango y Molina, Contribucién a la Fauna Malacolégica Cubana, p. 232. 1878. Dentalium antillarum Orbigny, Mérch, Catalogue of West-India Shells, p. 14, No. 950. 1889. Dentalium antillarum d’Orbigny, Simpson, Davenport Acad. Nat. Sci., Proc., WOl, Ds fe, WO: 1892. Dentalinm antillarum Orbigny, Dall, Wagner Free Inst. Sci. Trans., vol. 3, pi 2 py Zle 1894. Dentalinm antillarum Orbigny, Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. 17 (1895), p. 686. 1897. Dentaliunm (Antalis) antillarum d’Orbigny, Pilsbry and Sharp, Man. Conch., vol. 17, p. 57, pl. 14, figs. 22-25 (also probably, fide Henderson, figs. 16-18, 20-21). 1901. Dentalinm (Antalis) antillarum d’Orbigny, Dall and Simpson, U. S. Fish Com. Bull., vol. 20 for 1900, pt. 1, p. 456. 1920. Dentalium (Antalis) antillarum Orbigny, Henderson, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 111, pp. 44-46, pl. 5, figs. 1-4, 6-8. 1922. Dentalium (Antalis) antillarum d’Orbigny, Maury, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 9, No. 38, p. 35. 1934. Dentalium antillarum Orbigny, Johnson, Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., Proc., vol. 40, No. 1, p. 60. VENEZUELAN CENOZOIC SCAPHOPODS: WEISBORD 25) 1936. Dentalium antillarum Orbigny, Lermond, Check List of Florida Marine Shells, Gulfport, p. 24. 1937. Dentalium antillarum Orbigny, Smith, East Coast Marine Shells, p. 71, pl. 55, figs. 18a,b. 1942. Dentalium antillarum Orbigny ?, Jaume and Pérez Farfante, Soc. Cubana Hist. Nat. “Felipe Poey’, Mem., vol. 16, No. 1, p. 38. 1954. Dentalinm (Dentale) antillarum Orbigny, Abbott, American Seashells, p. 330. 1955. Dentalium (Antalis) antillarum d’Orbigny, Turner, Woods Hole Oceanogr. Inst., Contrib., No. 779, p. 311. 1958. Dentalium (Dentale) antillarum Orbigny, Abbott, Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila- delphia, Mon. No. 11, p. 108, pl. 5g. 1959. Dentalium antillarum Orbigny, Nowell-Usticke, A Check List of the Martine Shells of St. Croix, p. 90. 1961. Dentalinm (Dentale) antillarum Orbigny, Warmke and Abbott, Caribbean Seashells, p. 224, text fig. 34g. The following description is from two worn and incomplete specimens. Shell solid, slightly curved, moderately tapering, nonagonal-subcircular in cross section, with a nearly circular annulus throughout the length of the tube. Each of the subdued nine angles is represented by a longitudinal primary rib, and, at some distance below the tip, there is a secondary smaller rib in each of the interspaces; in all there are 18 ribs on the posterior portion of the tube below the tip (which is decollate). Crossing the interspaces and ribs are strong concentric striae, rather regularly spaced. Dimensions.—Specimen $298a (a portion of the posterior, without tip), length 3.1 mm.; diameter at anterior end of tube 1.1 mm. Specimen S298b (a portion of the posterior, without tip), length 2 mm.; diameter at larger end of tube 1.4 mm. Locality —Playa Grande formation (Maiquetia member) at W-23, north flank of Punta Gorda anticline. Two incomplete specimens. Remarks.—Although neither of the two specimens is complete nor well enough preserved for definitive comparison, affinity to the D. antillarum group is indicated. As the curvature of the tube appears to be slight, the Venezuelan shell is provisionally referred to D. antillarum rather than to the closly related D. pseudohexagonum Henderson (renamed D. pilsbryi by Rehder, 1942a, p. 69). According to Henderson (1920, p. 47), the shell of D. pseudohexagonum (=D. pilsbryi Rehder) is more regularly tapering and more regularly curved than is D. antillarum. Range and distribution Pliocene to Recent. The living D. antillarum ranges from Florida to Barbados at depths of 1 to 38 fathoms. The fossil D. antillarum is reported (doubtfully) from Cuba in the Pleistocene, and from South Carolina and Trinidad in the Pliocene. 126 BULLETIN 214 Dentalium (Antalis) species Pl..17;,h1g85 The specimen is a section from the middle-anterior of an adult tube. The tube is scarcely curved, gently tapering, a little thicker posteriorly than anteriorly, and nearly circular in cross section at both ends. The sculpture consists of about 24 low longitudinal ribs tending to become obsolescent, but not disappearing entirely toward the anterior extremity. Every fourth tib is slightly higher and narrower than the others which are relatively broad and subequal in size. Some of the broader ribs bear fine longitudinal threads, and crossing the whole of the tube are worn but fairly prominent and regularly spaced transverse lirae. The shell is white, dense, and sturdy. Both extremities of the tube are missing. Dimensions.—Specimen C300a, length 10.3 mm.; diameter at smaller end 2.1 mm.; diameter at larger end 25 mm Locality.—Guaiguaza clay, near south shore of La Salina de Guaiguaza, six kilometers west of Puerto Cabello, State of Carabobo. One incomplete and worn specimen. Remarks.—W ithout the posterior end it is not possible to place this species, but it is not dissimilar to the upper Miocene to Recent D. disparile d’Orbigny and to the Pliocene to Recent D. antillarum d’Orbigny. Dentalium (Antalis?) species Pl. 16; fig 22 6P lle ese Ss The Venezuelan specimen is a short segment representing the middle- anterior portion of the complete tube. The segment is slightly curved and moderately and regularly tapering. The cross section is circular, and the tube is thick, the thickness decreasing gradually anteriorward. The shell is dense, whitish, shiny but opaque, and although smooth on the surface, is gitdled subsurficially by faint revolving lineations running around the tube a little obliquely. The indication is that the adult shell is relatively large and solid. Both ends of the tube are broken away and the characters are not knewn. Dimensions.—Specimen 1364a, length (both ends missing) 4.8 mm. ; diameter at smaller end 1.25 mm.; diameter at larger end 1.7 mm. Locality —Lower Mare formation at W-13, on hillside above west bank of Quebrada Mare Abajo. One incomplete specimen. Remarks.—W/ith both ends of the tube missing it is not possible to compare this form with assurance, but what there is of it resembles both the west American D. (Antalis) pretiosum “Nuttall” Sowerby (1860, Thes. Conchyl., vol. 3, p. 95, pl. 225, fig. 7) and the east American D. (Grap- VENEZUELAN CENOZOIC SCAPHOPODS: WEISBORD 127 tacme) eboreum Conrad (see Henderson, 1920, pp. 66-68, pl. 10, figs. 3-5,8,9; pl. 11, fig. 6). D. pretiosum, which ranges from Pliocene to Re- cent, and is living from Alaska to Baja California, is rather thick at the middle-anterior end, but the tube seems to be more rapidly tapering than the Venezuelan form. D. eboreum, which ranges from middle Miocene (?) to Recent, and is living from Cape Hatteras to South America, 1s similar in shape and texture but is thinner than the Venezuelan tube. ? Dentalium species indeterminate PALS TGs sates! The specimen illustrated 1s an incomplete, small, slightly curved, and gently tapering tube. The cross section at the larger end 1s circular. The shell is thin and subvitreous, the surface rendered drusy by minute calcite crystals. The character of the sculpture, if any, cannot be determined. Dimensions.—Specimen O307a, length 3.6 mm. ; diameter at larger end 0.75 mm, Locality.—Playa Grande formation (Catia member) at W-22, on dip slope 100 meters west of Costa fault. One incomplete specimen. Remarks.—More complete and better preserved examples are needed for a definitive diagnosis. Fustiaria (Laevidentalium ?) venezuelana, new species PIM ies RielSs tiesta7.8 The single specimen is incomplete, and represents the middle-posterior part of the whole tube. The tube is worn, fairly thin but strong, gently curved, and moderately tapering, with a dense white unpolished shell. The cross section is ovate posteriorly, with the slightly narrower diameter of the annulus at the concave face; anteriorly the annulus is oval, and at both ends of the tube the greatest diameter is in the dorso-ventral plane. The surface of the shell is nearly smooth, but under a lens faint transverse growth lineations as well as nearly obsolescent longitudinal riblets may be seen. The tube is filled with fine calcareous sandstone producing an inter- nal cast, and on the cast there are vague impressions of longitudinal ribs, the impressions a little clearer on the convex face of the cast. Both ends of the tube are broken away. Dimensions—Holotype (S302a), length (ends missing) 11.5 mm.; greatest diameter at larger end 2.2 mm. Locality —Playa Grande formation (Maiquetia member) at W-23, north flank of Punta Gorda anticline. One specimen, the holotype. 128 BULLETIN 214 Remarks.—The generic and subgeneric classifications are uncertain as neither the anterior aperture nor the posterior aperture of the tube is present. At the smaller end of the type specimen the concave side of the tube is slightly subangular and cracked, possibly due to distortion from pressure. Comparisons.—Subgenerically F, venezuelana, n. sp. seems to lie be- tween Laevidentalium as represented by the Recent F. (L.) /iodon Pilsbry and Sharp (1897, p. 107, pl. 21, figs. 37-39) and Bathoxiphus as repte- sented by the Recent F. (B.) didymum Watson (see Watson, 1886, pp. 10-11, pl. 1, figs. 11,a-c) and F. (B.) ensiculus Jeffreys (see Jeffreys, 1882, Zool. Soc. London, Proc., p. 660, pl. 49, fig. 4). The subgenus Laevident- alium, however, lacks the longitudinal riblets weakly displayed on the Venezuelan form, and although such ribbing occurs on Bathoxiphus the species of that subgenus are considerably more compressed. The subgenus Bathoxiphus is differentiated from the subgenus Compressidens by the orientation of the long diameter of the annulus: the long diameter of Bathoxiphus is in alignment with the dorso-ventral plane, whereas on Compressidens it is normal to the dorso-ventral plane of the tube. Fustiaria (Laevidentalium) perlongum ? (Dall) Pl. 17, figs. 8-10; Pl. 18, figs. 9-11 1878. Dentalinm perlongum Dall, Mus. Comp. Zool., Bull., vol. 5, No. 16, p. 61 (name only). 1881. Dentalinm perlongum Dall, Mus. Comp. Zool., Bull., vol. 9, p. 36. 1888. Dentalium perlongum Dall, Agassiz, Three Cruises of the Blake, vol. 2, p. 76, fig. 284. 1889. Dentalium perlongum Dall, Mus. Comp. Zool., Bull., vol. 18, p. 419, pl. Pp, 1k, 1889. Dentalium perlongum Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 37, p. 76, pl. 27, fig. 6. 1889. Dentalinm perlongum Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. 12, p. 294. 1897. Dentalium (Laevidentalinm) perlongum Dall, Pilsbry and Sharp, Man. Conch., vol. 17, p. 104, pl. 18, figs. 10-11. 1897. Dentalinm perlongum Dall, Pilsbry and Sharp, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc., vol. 49, p. 472. 1903. Dentalinm perlongum Dall, U.S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 37, p. 76, pl. 27, fig. 6. 1920. Dentalinm (Laevidentalium) perlongum Dall, Henderson, U. S. Nat. Mus., sd, Will, yey, WEG, jal, G, snvss il. 1922. Dentalinm (Laevidentalinm) perlongum Dall, Maury, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 9, No. 38, p. 38. 1934. Dentalinm (Laevidentalinm) perlongum Dall, Johnson, Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., Proc., vol. 40, No. 1, p. 61. 1937. Dentalinm perlongum Dall, Smith, East Coast Marine Shells, p. 72, pl. 63, fig. 6. 1949. Dentaliunm (Laevidentaliunm) perlongum Dall, Lange de Morretes, Mus. Paranaense, Arq., vol. 7, art. 1, p. 54. 1952. Dentalinm (Laevidentalium) perlongum ? Dall, Emerson, Smithsonian Mis. Collections, vol. 117, No. 6, p. 4. 1955. Dentalinm (Laevidentalium) perlongum Dall, Turner, Woods Hole Ocean- ogr. Inst., Contrib., No. 779, p. 313. VENEZUELAN CENOZOIC SCAPHOPODS: WEISBORD 129 Shell long and slender, slightly curved, fairly thin but strong, slowly and regularly increasing in diameter. The tip is subcircular, modified by a small notch which becomes a fine slit on the convex or ventral side of the tube. The cross section at the middle of the tube is circular; the cross section at the anterior end is not known as none of the specimens is com- plete. Surface somewhat shiny, wholly sculptureless. Dimensions.—Specimen R299a, length (broken away anteriorly but with the posterior end intact) 13.7 mm.; diameter at larger end 1.8 mm. The whole specimen would be 30 mm. or more in length. Specimen 1364b, length (posterior end with tip intact) 6 mm.; diameter at larger end 1 mm. Specimen T303a, length of fragment( both ends broken away) 4 mm.; diameter at larger end 1.1 mm. Localities —Playa Grande formation (Maiquetia member) at W-26, in Quebrada Las Bruscas approximately 125 meters upstream from junction with Quebrada Las Pailas. One incomplete specimen. Playa Grande for- mation (Maiquetia member) at W-4, Quebrada Las Pailas. One incom- plete specimen. Lower Mare formation at W-13, on hillside above west bank of Quebrada Mare Abajo. One incomplete specimen. Upper Mare formation at W-14, on hillside above west bank of Quebrada Mare Abajo. One incomplete specimen, the identification tentative. Upper Mare for- mation, in stream 250 meters south-southwest of the mouth of Quebrada Las Pailas. One incomplete specimen, the identification tentative. Remarks.—Compared with the corresponding posterior end of Recent specimens of F. perlongum from off Sarasota and Clearwater, Florida, the Venezuelan fossil specimen R299a matches perfectly, and I would un- hesitatingly refer it to F. perlongum were it not for the fact that indisput- able examples of that species are said to occur in deep water. Other mollusks associated with this fossil dentalid in Venezuela indicate that they were of shallow-water habitat. That the depth range of the Recent F. perlongum may be extended, however, to include shallow waters, is sug- gested by Henderson who reported some defective specimens of F. perlong- um from 20 fathoms off S. Roque, Brazil, and some fragments from off Rio de La Plata in 11.5 fathoms which seemed to him referable to this species. Range and distribution —The living F. perlongum ranges from Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, through the Gulf of México and the Caribbean Sea to as far south as the Rio de La Plata in the Western Atlantic, at depths 130 BULLETIN 214 of 11.5 to 1,330 fathoms. If the identification is correct, this is the first notice of the occurrence of F. perlongum as a fossil in the Caribbean region, Fustiaria (Laevidentalium) species Pl. 18, figs. 12-14 Known only by the tip and apical region. The shell is white, opaque, fairly thick, polished, and sculptureless, the adult possibly attaining a length of 15 to 20 mm. Cross section below apex circular. Projecting through the tip is a regrown inner tube, and this is entirely cut through by a slit which continues a short distance down the convex side of the main tube. The indication is that the curvature of the tube proper is slight. Dimensions—Specimen F670a, length (apical end of tube) 1.9 mm., diameter at larger end 0.6 mm. Locality—Upper Mare formation at W-14, on hillside above west bank of Quebrada Mare Abajo. One incomplete specimen, represented by an intact apex. Remarks.—This is reminiscent of the lower and middle Miocene Dentalium haytense Gabb (see Woodring, 1925, Carnegie Inst. Washing- ton. Publ. No. 366, pp. 202-203, pl. 27, figs. 18-20), from the Dominican Republic and Jamaica, and the Recent Caribbean D. /iodon Pilsbry and Sharp (1897, Man. Conch., vol. 17, p. 107, pl. 21, figs. 37-39). However, it appears to be a thicker shell than both of those and is denser than D. liodon. The tube is also thicker than that of F. perlongum Dall. SIPHONODENTALIIDAE Cadulus (Gadila) bruseasensis, new species Pl. 18, figs. 15,16 Shell small, thin, subhyaline to subtranslucent, glossy, exceedingly slender, moderately curved, the maximum curvature occurring about one- third the distance down from the apex, the tube curved thereafter but slightly. The diameter increases evenly and gradually from the apex for a distance of about three-fourths the length of the tube but remains about the same or decreases imperceptibly therefrom toward the anterior end. The posterior tip is simple and truncate, and both the tip and equatorial area are nearly circular in cross section; the peristome of the type, however, is subcircular with the slightly longer diameter normal to the dorso-ventral plane. Just above the rim of the peristome, the tube is first hardly con- stricted and then slightly swollen, and there is a fine spiral line or two in the constricted area. The shell is virtually sculptureless, but subsurficially VENEZUELAN CENOZOIC SCAPHOPODS: WEISBORD 131 there are faint transverse growth markings running around the tube some- what obliquely. Also there are bands of greater opacity alternating with the wider subhyaline zones. Dimensions.—Holotype (R668a), length of cord between extremities 6.4 mm.; greatest diameter of peristome about 0.5 mm. Type locality —Playa Grande formation (Maiquetia member) at W- 26, in Quebrada Las Bruscas approximately 125 meters upstream from junction with Quebrada Las Pailas. Seven specimens, all but the type broken. Other localities —Upper Mare formation at W-14, on hillside above west bank of Quebrada Mare Abajo. Two specimens. Comparisons.—This species is similar to the Recent Western Atlantic C. acus Dall (1889, Mus. Comp. Zool., Bull., vol. 18, p. 432, pl. 27, fig. 11) and to the lower-middle Miocene C. el/egantissimus Pilsbry and Sharp (1897, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc., vol. 49, p. 473, pl. 11, figs. 28-30) from the Dominican Republic. C. acws is characterized by numer- our circular striae on the posterior third of the shell, whereas the lineations on C. bruscasensis are sparse and ephemeral. Also the tube is more swollen above the peristome on C. acvs than on C. bruscasensis, n. sp. The pert- stome of C. e/egantissimus is oval with the longer diameter in the dorso- ventral plane; on C. bruscasensis the longer diameter of the peristome is normal to the dorso-ventral plane. The type of C. elegantissimus (Acad- emy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, No. 2885) is also more regularly and somewhat more prominently curved than C. bruscasensis, and the maximum diameter is nearer the anterior end than on C. bruscasensis. Cadulus (Gadila) playagrandensis, new species Pl. 18, figs. 17,18 Shell small, moderately sturdy, arcuate with slight asymmetry, rather rapidly tapering from the apex to the equator, which is placed at about the anterior one-fourth, the diameter of the tube nearly constant therefrom to the anterior end. The convex or ventral face is subregularly curved to the equator, thence slightly curved to the anterior end; the concave or dorsal face is regularly curved to the equator, thence imperceptibly curved to the anterior end. The tip is simple and is nearly circular in cross section as are the equator and peristome. The anterior aperture or peristome is very slightly contracted for a short distance above the rim, and there is a fine circular line running around the tube at the posterior end of the contracted atea. The shell substance is moderately dense, and a few specimens are 132 BULLETIN 214 white and opaque. Superficially the shell is sculptureless and somewhat shiny, but subsurficially the tube is girdled by numerous narrow growth bands. There are also faint circular zones of alternating density of the shell. Dimensions.—Holotype (Q669a), length of cord between extremities 3.5 mm.; diameter at anterior aperture 0.35 mm. This is the only complete example; all of the other specimens are broken. T ype locality.—Playa Grande formation (Maiquetia member) at W-4, Quebrada Las Pailas. Thirty-seven specimens. Other localities —Playa Grande formation (Maiquetia member) at W-3, in Quebrada Las Pailas, south side of Mare Abajo fault near its intersection with the Bruscas fault. One incomplete specimen. Playa Grande formation (Maiquetia member) at W-26, in Quebrada Las Bruscas approximately 125 meters upstream from junction with Quebrada Las Pailas. Two specimens. Upper Mare formation at W-14, on hillside above west bank of Quebrada Mare Abajo. Four specimens. Comparisons.—This species is close to the Recent Western Atlantic C. acus Dall and to the lower-middle Miocene C. phenax Pilsbry and Sharp (1897, pp. 472-473, pl. 11, figs. 23-24) from the Dominican Republic. However, the Venezuelan fossil may be distinguished from C. acws by its shorter and somewhat more rapidly tapering tube and from C. phenax (type at Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, No. 2883) by its more slender tube which lacks the slight swelling just above the peristome. C. playagrandensis, n. sp. is also similar to the Recent Caribbean C. dom- mguensis (d’Orbigny) (1842, Jin} La Sagra, Hist. phys., polit. et nat. I’'Ile de Cuba, vol. 2, Mollusques, p. 201, Atlas, pl. 25, figs. 7-9), but the aperture of C. dominguensis is oval whereas that of the Venezuelan fossil is nearly circular. From C. bruscasensis, n. sp., described in this work, C. playagrandensis is differentiated by its denser shell, by the somewhat more pronounced taper of the tube, and by its more circular aperture. Cadulus (Polysehides) quadridentatus (Dall) Pilz, figs. 1is2— Pies etiesemo wo 1881. Siphonodentalium quadridentatum Dall. Mus. Comp. Zool., Bull., vol. 9, p. 36. 1885. Cadulus incisus Bush, Connecticut Acad. Arts and Sci., Trans., vol. 8, p. 471. pl. 45, fig. 20. 1889. Cadulus quadridentatus (Dall), Mus. Comp. Zool., Bull., vol. 18, p. 428, pl. 27, fig. 5. 1889. Cadulus quadridentatus (Dall), U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 37, p. 76, pl. 27, fig. 5. VENEZUELAN CENOZOIC SCAPHOPODS: WEISBORD 133 1889. Cadulus quadridentatus (Dall), U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. 12, p. 295. 1892. Cadulus quadridentatus (Dall), Wagner Free Inst. Sci., Trans. VOlas3sap: 445. 1898. Cadulus (Polyschides) tetraschistus quadridentatus (Dall), Pilsbry and Sharp, Man. Conch., vol. 17, p. 149, pl. 23, fig. 7. 1898. Cadulus (Polyschides) tetraschistus incisus Bush, Pilsbry and Sharp, Man. Gonch-wvols 175 sps 150 sspla25. tres 65: Sie Cadulus quadridentatus (Dall), U.S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 37, p. 76, pl. 41, (eg; FAV: 1920. Cadulus (Polyschides) quadridentatus (Dall), Henderson, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 111, pp. 4,12,18,97-100, pl. 17, figs. 2-3. 1922. Cadulus (Polyschides) quadvidentatus (Dall), Maury, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 9, No. 38, p. 40. 1930. Cadulus aff. C. (Polyschides) quadvidentatus (Dall), Mansfield, Florida State Geol. Sur., Bull. No. 3, pp. 141-142. 1934. Cadulus (Polyschides) quadridentatus (Dall), Johnson, Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., Proc., vol. 40, No. 1, p. 64. 1937. Cadulus quadridentatus (Dall), Smith, East Coast Marine Shells, p. 73, pl. G3N ie. oe ples tie. 20: 1949. Cadulus (Polyschides) quadridentatus (Dall), Lange de Morretes, Mus. Raranaenses Arges, vole 75 atta 1s p: 52. 1953. Cadulus (Polyschides) quadridentatus (Dall), Olsson and Harbison, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Mon. No. 8, pp. 156-157. 1954. Cadulus (Polyschides) quadridentatus (Dall), Abbott, American Seashells, p. 328, fig. 69b. 1955. Cadulus (Polyschides) quadridentatus (Dall), Turner, Woods Hole Ocean- ogr. Inst., Contrib., No. 779, pp. 315,319. 1955. Cadulus quadridentatus (Dall), Perry and Schwengel, Marine Shells of the Western Coast of Florida, p. 101, pl. 45, figs. 315a,b. 1958. Cadulus (Polyschides) quadridentatus (Dall), Abbott, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Mon. No. 11, p. 108. 1959. Cadulus quadridentatus (Dall), Nowell-Usticke, A Check List of the Marine Shells of St. Croix, p. 90. 1961. Cadulus (Polyschides) quadridentatus (Dall), Warmke and Abbott, Carib- bean Seashells, p. 220, text fig. 34c. Shell small, thin, moderately slender, virtually sculptureless. Tube gradually and regularly increasing in diameter to about the anterior third, decreasing slowly therefrom toward the anterior aperture. There is no local swelling, and the exact position of the equator is not defined. The curvature of the tube is slight to moderate, the curve a little more pro- nounced on the posterior third. The convex side is evenly curved, with little modification from the equatorial zone to the extremities; the con- cave side is moderately and evenly arched in the posterior third, but the remainder of the length is nearly straight. Cross sections of the tube at the apex, at the middle, and near the anterior aperture are nearly circular. Apical orifice with four relatively deep notches creating as many lobes. The lobe on the convex side is the highest and is subangular at the crest; the lobe on the concave side is the lowest and is horizontally truncate at its crest; the lateral lobes are subequal and triangular. Anterior aperture 134 BULLETIN 214 not seen. The shell of some specimens is straw-colored, dense, and dull; the shell of others is white, opaque, and somewhat shiny. Dimensions.—Specimen 1365a, length of incomplete tube (posterior end with tip intact) 3.5 mm.; diameter at larger end 0.8 mm. Specimen H299a, length of incomplete tube (posterior end with tip intact) 2.3 mm. ; diameter at larger end 0.7 mm. Specimen $302b, length of apical end (tip intact) 2 mm.; diameter at larger end 0.8 mm. Localities —Lower Mare formation at W-13, on hillside above west bank of Quebrada Mare Abajo. One incomplete specimen. Mare forma- tion at W-25, south flank of Punta Gorda anticline. Three incomplete specimens. Playa Grande formation (Maiquetia member) at W-23, north flank of Punta Gorda anticline. Two incomplete specimens, tips only. Remarks.—Some Recent tubes of C. quadridentatus may be more hyaline and slightly wider at the equator than the Venezuelan fossils here described, but the latter are otherwise identical. Dentalid shells, which are normally hyaline when fresh, are often opaque and dense in old, worn, or fossil specimens. Range and distribution —Upper Miocene (?) and Pliocene of Flor- ida; Recent from Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, to Rio de La Plata, South America, at depths of 2-52 fathoms. C. guadridentatus (Dall) has not been previously recorded as a fossil from South America. Cadulus (Polyschides) tetraschistus? (Watson) PI. 17, fig. 13; Pl. 18, fig. 21 1879. Siphodentalium tetraschistum Watson, Linnean Soc. London Jour., vol. 14, p. 215 Nos 4: 1886. Siphodentalium tetraschistum Watson, Voyage H.M.S. Challenger, Zoology, WO, US), joie, Za foyer, WSG, fall, 1S, iiss, B aac. 1898. Cadulus (Polyschides) tetraschistus (Watson), Pilsbry and Sharp, Man. Conch., vol. 17, p. 148, pl. 23, fig. 1. 1920. Cadulus (Polyschides) tetrachistus {sic} (Watson), Henderson, U. S. Nat. Mus: Bulle lie p97, pla lize ties 1949. Cadulus (Polyschides) tetraschisius (Watson), Lange de Morretes, Mus. Paranaense, Arq., vol. 7, art. 1, p. 52. 1955. Cadulus (Polyschides) tetraschistus (Watson), Turner, Woods Hole Oceanogr. Inst., Contrib., No. 779, p. 314. 1962. Cadulus (Polyschides) tetraschistus (Watson), Emerson, Jour. Paleont., vol. 36, No. 3, pp. 479-480, pl. 80, fig. 4. The single specimen is an internal cast made up of fine calcareous sandstone, the cast coated posteriorly, however, by a thin drusy layer of shell The tube ts slightly curved, with its greatest diameter 7 mm. from the apex and with the equatorial region gently swollen. The convex side VENEZUELAN CENOZOIC SCAPHOPODS: WEISBORD 135 of the tube is evenly and gently arched from the area of maximum caliber to the posterior end; the concave face of the tube is hardly curved poster- iorly and nearly straight anteriorly, and from about the middle to the anterior end the concave face is slightly flattened. Posterior orifice rounded, beveled down, but with an undulatory rim suggesting the presence of lobes on the unworn shell. The anterior aperture is broken away, but near the aperture the cross section is subcircular, with the diameter of the tube a trifle longer normal to the dorso-ventral plane. There are three discon- nected slits on the concave face but these, I believe, are fortuitous and due to corrosion rather than to morphology. The anterior end of the tube is slightly contracted. There are no clearly visible details of sculpture, but under the microscope and in certain light some faint evanescent longitudinal striae may be discerned. Dimensions.—Specimen O308a, length 8.5 mm.; diameter at larger end 1.6 mm.; diameter of posterior orifice 0.8 mm. Locality—Playa Grande formation (Catia member) at W-22, on dip slope 100 meters west of Costa fault. One incomplete and worn specimen. Remarks.—Because of poor preservation and lack of individuals the identity of the fossil is uncertain. Nevertheless the resemblance to C. tetraschistus is striking even to the remote suggestion of the evanescent longitudinal scupture noted by Watson. Range and distribution —Cadulus tetraschistus (Watson) is a shallow- water species ranging from Brazil to Argentina in depths of 7 to 25 fathoms. The validity of its occurrence as a fossil in Venezuela, as herein suggested, requires verification. ? Cadulus species indeterminate Pl 17, fie. 14 Illustrated, for the sake of completeness, is the internal cast of a some- what arcuate, sausage-like form with the greatest diameter nearly midway between the extremities, the tube tapering gently away from the slightly swollen equatorial area. The convex side is asymmetrically arched, but the concave side is nearly straight for much of the length though somewhat curved toward one of the ends. The tube is rounded in cross section at the middle and near the extremities. Both ends are blunt and worn down rendering it uncertain as to which is anterior and which posterior. The cast is composed of tan fine-grained calcareous sandstone. Dimensions.—Specimen 0309a, length 4.7 mm.; max. diameter 1.05 mm. 136 BULLETIN 214 Locality.—Playa Grande formation (Catia member) at W-22, on dip slope 100 meters west of Costa fault. Remarks.—As the shelly material is missing there is not much that can be done taxonomically with this form. BIBLIOGRAPHY Avnimelech, M. 1941. Upper Cretaceous serpulids and scaphopods from Palestine. Geol. Dept. Hebrew Univ. Jerusalem, Bull., vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 1-16, 21 figs. Bellini, R. 1909. Revisione delle Dentalidae dei terreni terziari e quaternari d'Italia. Palaeontogr. Italica, vol. 15, pp. 215-236. Boissevain, Maria 1904. Bettrage zur Anatomie und Histologie von Dentalium. Jena. Zeitschr., vol. 38, pp. 553-572, pls. 17-19. 1906. The Scaphopoda of the Siboga Expedition treated together with the known Indo-Pacific Scaphopoda. Siboga-Expeditie. Uitkomsten op Zoolo- gisch, Botanisch, Oceanographisch en Geologisch Gebied, verzameld in Nederlandsch Oost-Indié 1899-1900 ... , vol. 54 (Livr. 32), pp. 1-76, 6 pls., 39 text figs. Bretnall, R. W. 1921. Two Australian species of Ditrupa. Australian Mus. Sydney, Rec., vol. 13. SDDs 579-351. Brocchi, G. di 1814. Conchiologia fossile subapennina con osservazioni geologiche sugli Apennini e sul suolo adiacente. Milano, vol. 2, pp. 241-712, pls. 1-16. Broggi, J. A. 1946. Las terrazas marinas de la Bahia de San Juan. Soc. Geol. Peru, Bol., vol. 19, pp. 21-33. Burch, B. La Rue 1953. Ilustrated glossary of Gastropoda, Scaphopoda, Amphineura. Min. Conch. Club Southern California, No. 105, pp. 1-55, 111 figs. Caprotti, Erminio 1961. Scafopodi Piacenziani di Castell Arquato (Piacenza). Soc. Italiana Sci. Nat. e Mus. Civ. Storia Natur. Milano, vol. 100, No. 4, pp. 345-359, pls. 19-20. 1962. Altri Scafopodi Piacenziani di Castell’ Arquato. Soc. Italiana Sci. Nat. e Mus. Civ. 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Die Scaphopoden der Deutschen Siidpolar-Expedition 1901-9103. Deutsche Stidpolar Exped. 1901-1903, vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 1-6. Raymond, W. J. 1904. A new Dentalinum from California. Nautilus, vol. 17, pp. 123-124. Rehder, Harald Alfred 1942a. Dentalinm (Antalis) pilsbryi, new name. Nautilus, vol. 56, No. 2, p. 69. 1962. The Pleistocene mollusks of Grand Cayman Island, with notes on the geology of the island. Jour. Paleont., vol. 36, No. 3, pp. 583-585. Rossi Ronchetti, Carla 1952, 1955. I tipi della “‘Conchiologia fossile subappennina’ di G. Brocchi. I. Crostacei, Lamellibranchr. Riv. Italiana Paleont., Mem. 5, pt. 1, pp. 1-89, illustr. (1952). II. Gastropodi, Scafopodi, pt. 2, pp. 91-357, illustr. (1955). Royo y Gomez, José 1959. El glaciarismo Pleistoceno en Venezuela. Assoc. Venezolana Geol., Min., y Petrol., Bol. Informativo, vol. 2, No. 11, pp. 333-353. Sacco, Frederico 1897. I Molluschi dei terrent Terztarii del Piemonte e della Liguria. Pt. 22. Classe Scaphopoda. ‘Turin, pp. 92-118, pls. 7-10. Sars, Michael 1859b. Zoologisk og anatomisk Beskrivelse over Siphonodentalium (en ny Slaegt af Dentaliernes Familie). Vidensk. Selsk. Khristiania, Forhandl. for 1858, pp. 182-184. 1861. Om Siphonodentalinm vitreum en ny Slaegt og Art af Dentalidernes Familie. Univ. Programm for forste halvar, 29 pp., 3 pls. 1865a. Malacozoologiske Jagttagelser. I. Om Dyvret af Cryptodon Sarsii (Axinus) Philippi. II. Nye Arter af Slaegten Siphonodentalium. Vidensk. Selsk. Khristiania, Forhandl., vol. 7, pp. 1-35, pls. 6-7; pp. 283-335. 140 BULLETIN 214 Seifert, F. 1959. Die Scaphopoden des jiingere Tertidrs (Oligozdn-Pliozin) in Norda- westdeutschland. Meyniana, vol. 8, pp. 22-36, 2 pls., figs. Simroth, Heinrich Rudolf 1894-95. Scaphopoda. {In} Bronn, H. G., Die Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier Reichs, vol. 3, pp. 354-467, figs. 46-51, pls. 18-22. Sowerby, George Brettingham IT 1860. Monograph of the genus Dentalinm. Thesaurus Conchyliorum, vol. 3, No. 10, pp. 97-104, pls. 223-225. Stork, H. A. 1934. Scaphopoda der Adria. Thalassia, vol. 1, No. 9, pp. 1-18, 15 figs. Sturany, Rudolf 1896. Berichte der Commission fiir Tiefsee-Forschungen. XVIII. Zoologische Ergebnisse. VII. Mollusken, I. (Prosobranchier und Opisthobranchier; Scaphopoden; Lamellibranchier). Gesammelt von S. M. Schiff ‘Pola’ 1890-1894. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.-Naturwiss Cl., Denkschr., vol. 63, pp. 1-36, pls. 1-2. Tate, Ralph 1887. The scaphopods of the Older Tertiary of Australia. Roy. Soc. South Australia, Trans. and Proc., vol. 9, pp. 190-194. Turner, Ruth D. 1955. Scaphopods of the Atlantis dredgings in the Western Atlantic with a catalogue of types in the Museum of Comparative Zoélogy. Woods Hole Oceanogr. Inst., Contrib., No. 799, pp. 309-320. Turton, William 1834. Description of some nondescript and rare species of shells. Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. 7, pp. 350-353. Watson, Robert Boog 1879. Mollusca of H. M. S. “Challenger’’ Expedition. Il. The Solenoconchia, comprising the genera Dentalium, Siphonodentalium, and Cadulus. Linnean Soc. London, Jour., vol. 14, pp. 508-529. 1886. Report on the Scaphopoda and Gasteropoda collected by H. M. S. Challenger during the years 1873-1876. Voyage of H. M. S. Challenger, Zoology, vol. 15, pp. 1-675; appendix A, pp. 677-680; geographical dis- tribution, pp. 691-722; index, pp. 723-756; pls. 1-50. Weisbord, Norman E. 1957. Notes on the geology of the Cabo Blanco area, Venezuela. Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 38, No. 165, 25 pp., 1 geol. map. 1962. Late Cenozoic gastropods from northern Venezuela. Bull. Amer. Pal- eont., vol. 42, No. 193, 672 pp., 48 pls., text figs. 1-2. 1964. Late Cenozoic pelecypods from northern Venezuela. Bull. Amer. Pal- eont., vol. 45, No. 204, 564 pp., 59 pls., figs. 1-8. Woodring, Wendell P. 1925c. Contributions to the geology and paleontology of the West Indies. Miocene mollusks from Bowden Jamaica. Pelecypods and Scaphopods. Carnegie Inst. Washington, Publ. No. 366, 222 pp., 28 pls. Yamamoto, Gotar6, and Habe, Tadeshige 1962. Fauna of shell-bearing mollusks in Mutsu Bay. Scaphopoda and Gas- tropoda. Marine Biol. Sta. Asamushi T6hoku Univ., Bull., vol. 11, No. 1, 20 pp., pls. 1-3. Yonge, C. M. 1937. Circulation of water in the mantle cavity of Dentalium entalis. Malac. Soc. London, Proc., vol. 22, pp. 333-337, 1 fig. PEATES 142 BULLETIN 214 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 16 Figure Page 1. Dentalium (Dentalium) cf. texasianum rioense Henderson.......--..- 118 Specimen C301la, 26878 PRI. Length 3.8 mm.; diameter at larger end 0.8 mm. Guaiguaza clay. See Pl. 18, fig. 1. o 25 Dentalium (Antalis?) M species! ence 126 Specimen 1364a, 26879 PRI. Length 4.8 mm.; diameter at smaller end 1.25 mm.; diameter at larger end 1.7 mm. Lower Mare formation. See Pl. 18, figs. 2,3. 3-6. Dentalium (Graptacme) semistriolatum Guilding ................000 119 Figs. 3-5, specimen 1366a, 26880 PRI. Length 8.3 mm., diameter at larger end 1.25 mm. Fig. 3, view of side; fig. 4, enlarged view of same side; fig. 5, view of opposite side, showing slit. Lower Mare formation. Fig. 6, specimen T304a, 26881 PRI. Length 3.6 mm.; diameter at larger end 0.9 mm. Upper Mare formation. = oa) Dentalium (Antalis) disparile (@Orbigny .........:::cccceececieeereneeees 122 Specimen G297a, 26882 PRI. Length of cord between extremities 22.6 mm.; diameter at larger end 3.2 mm. Fig. 7, view of side; fig. 8, enlarged view of same side. Upper Mare formation. See Pl. 18, figs. 4,5. PLATE 16 AT AMER. PALEONT., VOL BULL. BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 47 =I 8-10. 11, 12: 13. ge VENEZUELAN CENOZOIC SCAPHOPODS: WEISBORD EXPLANATION OF PLATE 17 Dentalium (Antalis) disparile (’Orbigny «....-.....:::::ccceee ees Specimen G297b, 26883 PRI. Length 18.8 mm.; diameter at larger end 3 mm. Upper Mare formation. Dentalium (Antalis) aff. antillarum d’Orbigny.......... ee Fig. 3, specimen S298a, 26884 PRI. Length 3.1 mm.; diameter at larger end 1.1 mm. Fig. 4, specimen S298b, 26885 PRI. Length 2 mm.; diameter at larger end 1.4 mm. Playa Grande formation (Maiquetia member). See Pl. 18, fig. 6. Wemtaliitnm: CANUGAIIS) |, (SPOCES: <.2sccsccccc- Pik 22) fess 3:4 1941. Pomatoceros minutus Rioja, Inst. Biol. México, An., vol. 12, pp. 734-738, ple os tiess 15226, 162 BULLETIN 214 1942. Pomatoceros minutus Rioja, Inst. Biol. México, An., vol. 13, pp. 130-132, figs. 15-20 1946. Pomatoceros minutus Rioja, Inst. Biol. México, An., vol. 17, pp. 201-202. 1951. Pomatoceros minutus Rioja, Hartman, Inst. Marine Sci. Univ. Texas, Publ., vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 119-120. 1958. Pomatoceros minutus Rioja, Inst. Biol. México, An., vol. 29, p. 296. 1958. Pomatoceros caerulescens Augener, Rioja, Inst. Biol. México, An., vol. 29, p. 296. Not of Augener. 1958. Pomatoceros caeruleus Schmarda, Rioja, Inst. Biol. México, An., vol. 29, p. 296. Not of Schmarda. 1959. Pomatoceros minutus Rioja, Hartman, Allan Hancock Found. Sci. Res., @ccas, Paper, INoy 235 pt 2yp) > 8i- 1962. Serpulorbis catella Weisbord, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 42, No. 143, pp. 156-157, pl. 13, figs. 17-18. The Venezuelan tubes here referred to Pomatoceros minutus Rioja are small, whitish, and calcareous, with the inferior side firmly adherent throughout its length. Initially, the tube is slenderly cornucopia-like, with a curved to nearly coiled apex, but with growth the diameter enlarges gradually and slowly. In its course, the tube is sinuous, sprawling, some- times a little twisted, and generally loosely and randomly looped. An occasional tube is tightly coiled, with the coils appressed one on the other. The attached, or inferior side is flat to slightly concave, and the margins extend out as a thin plastered rim on the object to which the shell is affixed. On the dorsal, or free surface there are three primary longitudinal ridges, of which the middle ridge, situated more or less along the crest, is somewhat more prominent and slightly larger than the ones on either side, the latter either fairly close to, or somewhat distant from the middle one. The ridges are generally sharp in the early stage or posterior end of the tube but become coarser toward the apertural end, and are crossed by numerous fine transverse growth rugae. On specimens from the type locality (Acapulco, México), the medial ridge forms a toothlike hook on top of the aperture, and this is present on one of the Recent Venezuelan tubes. Between the longitudinal ribs, as well as on the sides of the tube, are a regular series of short horizontal rather closely spaced slots or pits so arranged as to impart a reticulate and chainlike appearance. These slots terminate at the projecting rim of the base, and are replaced on the rim by transverse threads which form a fringe effect on the margin. A longitudinal section through the tube reveals that the slots lead into alveolae or cells which in turn are separated from the annulus of the tube by a thin wall. In cross section, the tube is substellate, with the three prongs of the dorsal side representing the three ridges which traverse that side, and with the prong on each side of the base representing the basal rim. Larger tubes VENEZUELAN CENOZOIC POLYCHAETES: WEISBORD 163 may have a minor longitudinal ridglet or two on the lateral surface, and it was to such a tube that I gave the name ‘‘Serpulorbis” catella in the class Gastropoda but which now seems to me to be a variant of Pomatoceros minutus Rioja in the class Polychaetia. Dimensions.—Fossil specimen D77a, length of fragment 2.9 mm. ; diameter of larger end 0.6 mm. Recent specimen A77b (attached to the aperture of Nétidella laevigata (Linnaeus), approximate length of in- complete specimen if straightened out 4.5 mm.; max. diameter at aperture 0.5 mm. Fossil specimen J77a (attached to the interior of Chlamys gibbus antecessor Weisbord), length (straightened out) 10 mm.; diameter at aperture 0.7 mm. Localities—Lower Mare formation, in small stream 100 meters west of Quebrada Mare Abajo. Two specimens. Upper Mare formation at W-14, on hillside above west bank of Quebrada Mare Abajo. Six frag- ments. Abisinia formation at W-30, eastern edge of Playa Grande village. One fragment. Recent, on beach of Playa Grande Yachting Club, Distrito Federal. Fairly common on dead mollusks, attached to (among others) the following species: Nitidella nitida (Lamarck), Nitidella laevigata (Linnaeus), Cheilea equestris (Linnaeus), Capulus intortus (Lamarck), Hipponix antiquatus (Linnaeus), Cantharus auritulus (Link), Ancilla tankerviller (Swainson), Pisania pusio (Linnaeus), Conus mus Hwass, Thais rustica (Lamarck), Arca zebra Swainson, and Arca imbricata Bru- guiére. Recent, on beach southeast of Higuerote, State of Miranda, attached to Solen obliquus Spengler. Remarks.—The Recent and fossil tubes from northern Venezuela are so similar to the excellent descriptions and illustrations of P. minutus Rioja given in 1941, 1942, and 1946, that they must be considered one and the same. In 1958, however, Rioja synonymized his P. minutus with P. cae- rulescens Augener (1922), and the latter, in turn, with P. caeruleus (Schmarda) which was first recorded from South Africa and New Zealand. Rioja’s comments (1958, p. 296), translated from the Spanish, are as follows: We believe that the species described by Augener (1922) and by us (Rioja, 1941) can be assimilated with the species of Schmarda, as well as with others described in tropical seas. Perhaps Pomatoceros paumotanus Chamberlin may be assimilated with it, given the variability that the operculum presents in the species of this genus. Locality: Augener cites this species from Campeche Bank. In 1946 we cited this species from Veracruz, where many examples were collected on algae. On the excursion taken in 1957 we were able to verify its occur- 164 BULLETIN 214 rence on shells, algae and madrepores on the islands of Sacrificios, Verde and Santiaguillo. Comparing Rioja’s P. minutus tabe with that of Placostegus caeruleus Schmarda (1861, pp. 29-30, pl. 21, fig. 178), it is seen that they differ markedly, with P. caeruleus lacking the intercostal slots so characterist:c of P. minutus, and in the blue-tinted shell compared with the white one of P. minutus. This can hardly be ascribed to the variability of tubes of the same species, as all individual specimens of P. mznutus exhibit the slotted structure which is a surprisingly constant one. Also, P. caeruleus has but two longitudinal ribs on the dorsal surface, and they are sharp, nearly equal, and widely separated. P. minutus, on the other hand, has three longitudinal ribs on the dorsal surface, and these are closer together, with the medial one slightly stronger than the others. For these reasons I am persuaded that P. minutus is not the same as P. caeruleus (Schmarda). Inasmuch as Augener neither described nor illustrated the tube of his P. caerulescens it cannot be clearly demonstrated that Rioja’s P. minutus, which has a unique alveolar construction, is the same species. According to Augener, P. caerulescens “is very similar to the Pomatoceros caeruleus Schm., but without buccal setae.” {Translation}. If this similarity includes the tube, then P. caerulescens Augener also differs markedly from P. mznua- tus Rioja, as the tube of P. mnutus is unlike that of Schmarda’s P. cae- ruleus. ‘Therefore, I would consider P. mnutus Rioja a valid species. This view is also held by Hartmann (1951b, 1959) who listed P. caeruleus (Schmarda), P. caerulescens Augener, and P. minutus Rioja as separate species. Range and distribution.—Lower Pliocene to Recent. Pomatoceros minu- ‘us Rioja was first described living at Acapulco, México, where it is com- mon, and occurs singly or in clusters on algae. It was later reported from Mazatlan and from the mouth of Rio Mayo, Golfo de California, at a depth of about 8 fathoms. It is now known to be living on the Atlantic side of México in the Veracruz region where it is attached to shells, algae, and corals. The present notice of its occurrence in Venezuela is the first, hav- ing been found both as a fossil (in the lower Pliocene Mare formation and in the Pleistocene Abisinia formation), and in the Recent in shallow marine waters. All of the Recent tubes collected by the writer were empty. Protula ? playagrandensis, new name PIN2IhiessGu7, 1962. Serpulorbis pallidus Weisbord, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 42, No. 193, p. l62sple 14) fie: 7. VENEZUELAN CENOZOIC POLYCHAETES: W EISBORD 165 The original description of this species under the name of Serpulorbis pallidus was as follows: Shell a coiled, slightly twisted, narrowish tube, rudely subcircular in cross section, the interior smooth, the outer surface a little gnarled or con- stricted here and there, marked with numerous but exceedingly faint con- centric striations and occasional fine concentric growth rifts. Dimensions —Holotype (M81a), diameter of tube 0.35 mm.; length of specimen 2.6 mm. Type locality—Playa Grande formation (Catia member), south side of Playa Grande road, 40 meters southeast of its intersection with the Playa Grande Yachting Club road. One specimen, the holotype, on which the outer coating of the shell is partially peeled away in places. Remarks.—The type (26102 PRI) is a slender calcareous tube with a nearly constant diameter. The tube appears to be made up of two layers of shell, the outer a dull white, the inner a light tan. If it is revealed in better material that there are only two layers of shell, that evidence would indicate that the form is indeed a serpulid polychaete rather than a vermetid gastropod as I had first surmised, as vermetids are built up of three layers of shell. Granting that the tube in question is a serpulid (and this was suggested to me by Dr. Benjamin F. Howell of Princeton University and concurred in by Dr. Meredith Jones of the American Museum of Natural History) the new name of Protula ? playagrandensis 1s proposed. The designation Protula ? pallida (Weisbord) would be invalid as that is pre- empted by Protula pallida Iroso (1921, p. 66) a dissimilar Recent species from the Bay of Naples. Comparisons.—Of the species of Protula with which the present tube has been compared, P. ? playagrandensis exhibits some resemblance to the cold-water Protula americana M'Intosh (1885, pp. 512-414, pl. 54, fig. 3), first reported from south of Halifax, Nova Scotia, at a depth of 85 fathoms and bottom temperature of 35°F. However, aside from its larger size, the tube of P. americana is subquadrate to subtrigonal in cross section whereas the Venezuelan tube is subcircular. Some authors would place P. americana in synonymy with the Recent Swbprotula appendiculata (Sch- marda) (1861, p. 33, pl. 22, fig. 125) from Jamaica, but the illustration of S. appendiculata shows that the forward end of the tube enlarges rather rapidly in diameter, whereas the diameter of P. americana enlarges so gradually as to seem nearly constant. 166 BULLETIN 214 Spirobis (Laeospira) venezuelensis, new species Pl. 19, figs. 7-10; Pl. 20, figs 6,7 Tube small, calcareous, umbilicate, moderately plump, sinistrally and tightly coiled into a subcircular ring. Coils about one and a half in number, the superior coil adherent to and flattened upon the inferior, the inner- most turn completely covered. Umbilicus somewhat off center due to the progressive enlargement of the whorls with growth, and the diameter of the ring is a little greater along the axis which parallels the aperture. Aperture large, suboval, thickened, and rolled outward or reflected at the margin. Entire base of ring flattened from attachment, the base irregularly and sharply carinate at the edge. Free side marked by prominent but low, rounded subequal concentric undulations. On a few undulations of the holotype there appear locally extremely faint microscopic decussations which impart a pseudo-reticulate pattern, but the reticulations are not persistent, and the scupture is essentially concentric. Imbedded and widely scattered on the surface of the coils, as well as on the base, are a few minute grains of sand from the substrate on which the organism dwelt. Dimensions.—Holotype (M76a), maximum diameter 2.2 mm.; min- imum diameter 2 mm.; altitude 1.15 mm.; maximum diameter of aperture 0.95 mm. Paratype (E76a), maximum diameter 1.3 mm.; minimum diameter 1.05 mm.; maximum diameter of aperture 0.8 mm. Type locality.—Playa Grande formation (Catia member) at W-15, south side of Playa Grande road 40 meters southeast of its intersection with the Playa Grande Yachting Club road. One specimen, the holotype. Other localities —Upper Mare formation, 115 meters south-southwest of the crossing of Quebrada Mare Abajo and coast road, and 90 meters southeast of W-12. One specimen, the paratype, attached to a barnacle of the genus Balanus. Upper Mare formation, in stream 250 meters south-southwest of the mouth of Quebrada Las Pailas. One specimen, attached to a barnacle. Remarks.—"‘Sinistral” tubes of Spzrorbis, or tubes which, with the base down, are coiled clockwise toward the aperture, are classified by Fauvel (1927a, pp. 396-404) into three subgenera: Paralaeospira Caullery and Mesnil, Leodora Saint-Joseph, and Laeospira Caullery and Mesnil. As these taxa are based on the soft parts of the animal (Paralaeospira has four thoracic setigerous segments, Leodora and Laeospira three such segments), the subgeneric classification of the fossil S$. venezwelensis, n. sp. is a matter VENEZUELAN CENOZOIC POLYCHAETES: WEISBORD 167 of surmise. However, the subgenus Laeospira is employed in this work as it seems to accord with Fauvei’s description (Fauvel 1927a, p. 399) of the tube which is as follows: “Tube sénestre, calcaire, souvent rugueux et ‘ empaté, décrivant 2 a 4 spires nautiloides autor d’un ombilic assez pro- fond.” I have seen no other form to which S. venezuelensis is closely related, though there is a resemblance to certain variants of S. spirorbis (Linnaeus). S. spirorbis (see Schmidt 1955a, p. 81, for synonyms) is a widespread species living in the North Atlantic to the Mediterranean and ranging as far back in time as the middle Miocene. Illustrations of S. spérorbis show a carina around the umbilicus which is wanting on S. venezwelensis, and the prominent concentric undulations that are present on S. venezuelensis are wanting on S. spzrorbis. BIBLIOGRAPHY Andrew, Warren, and Andrew, Nancy V. 1953. Some annelid and sipunculid worms of the Bimini region. Amet. Mus. Novitates, No. 1617, pp. 1-16, figs. 1-4. 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Systematice sistens Animalia Groenlandiae Oc- cidentalis hactenus indagata, quoad nomen specificum, triviale, vernaculum- que; synonyma auctorum plurium, descriptionem locum, victum, generation- em, mores, usum, capturamque singuli; prout detegendi occasio fuit, maxt- maque parti secundum proprias observations. UHafniae and Lipsiae, xvi + 452 pp., 1 pl. (Polychaeta, pp. 279-315). Fauozi, H. 1931. Tube formation in Pomatoceros triquetra L. Marine Biol. Assoc. Plymouth, Jour., vol. 17, pp. 379-384, 3 figs. Fauvel, Pierre 1902. Annélides Polychétes de la Casamance rapportées par M. Aug. Cheva- lier. Soc. Géol. Normandie, Bull., sér. 5, vol. 5, pp. 59-105, 55 figs. 1910. Sur quelques Serpuliens de la Manche et de la Méditerranée. Assoc. Francaise Avancem. Sci., Congrés de Lille, C. R., vol. 38, pp. 691-698. 1911. Annélides Polychétes du Golfe Persique recueillies par M. N. Bogoyaw- lensky. Arch. Zool. Expér. et Génér., sér. 5, vol. 6, No. 11, pp. 353-439, pls. 19-21. 1914a. 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Report on the Invertebrata of Massachusetts, comprising the Mollusca, Crustacea, Annelida, and Radiata. Cambridge, Folsom, Wells and Thurston, xiii + 373 pp., 213 figs. Gravely, F. H. 1927. Chaetopoda. {In} The littoral fauna of Krusadi Island in the Gulf of Manaar. With appendices on the invertebrates and plants. Madras Govt. Mus., Bull., n. s., vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 55-86, pls. 9-10. VENEZUELAN CENOZOIC POLYCHAETES: WEISBORD 7/7/ Gravier, Charles 1900-1908. Contribution a V’ étude des Annélides de la Mer Rouge. Mus. Nat. Hist. nat. Paris, Nouvelle Archives, sér. 4, vol. 2 (1900), pp. 137-282, pls. 9-14; vol. 3 (1901), pp. 147-268, pls. 7-10, text figs. 160-285; vol. 8 (1906), pp. 123-236, 8 pls., figs. 286-409; vol. 10 (1908), pp. 67-168, text figs. 410-495. 1901. Sur les collections d’invertébrés rapportées de la Guyane Francaise par M. F. Geay. Mus. Nat. Hist. nat. Paris, Bull., vol. 7, pp. 226-227. 1902. Sur trois nouveaux Polychétes d'eau douce de la Guyane Francaise. Soc. Hist. 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Arts and Sci., Trans., vol. 10, pp. 595-671, 1 pl. 1901. Additions to the fauna of the Bermudas from the Yale Expedition of 1901, with notes on other species. Connecticut Acad. Arts and Sci., Trans., VOles ee Dp eel -O2e 1902. The Bermuda Islands; their scenery, climate, productions, physiography, natural history, and geology, with sketches of their early history and changes due to man. Connecticut Acad. Arts and Sci., Trans., vol. 11, pp. 413-911, pls. 65-104. (Vermes, pp. 845-849, 2 figs.). VENEZUELAN CENOZOIC POLYCHAETES: WEISBORD 197 Wade, Bruce 1921. The fossil annelid genus Hamulus Morton, an operculate Serpula. U.S. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. 59, No. 2359, pp. 41-46, pls. 9-10. Warren, W. S. 1942. A survey of the annelid worms of the Grand Isle region. Bios, vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 39-46. Webby, B. D. 1958. A lower Mesozoic annelid from Rock Point, southwestern Wellington, New Zealand. New Zealand Jour. Geol. Geophys., vol. 1, pp. 509-513. Webster, Harrison Edwin 1879. 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Paleont., vol. 45, No. 204, 564 pp., 59, pls., figs. 1-8. Wesenberg-Lund, Elise 1934. The Scoresby Sound Committee's Second East Greenland Expedition in 1932 to King Christian IX’s Land. Gephyreans and Annelids, Medd. Gronland, vol. 104, No. 14, pp. 1-38, 9 figs. 1939. Polychétes et Géphyriens de Tunisie. Océanogr. Stat. Salammbo, Bull., No. 39, pp. 1-20. 1949. Polychaetes of the Iranian Gulf. Danish Sci. Invest. Iran, pt. 4, pp. 247-400, 47 figs., 3 charts, 3 tables. 1950a. The Polychaeta of West Greenland, with special reference to the fauna of Nordre Stromfjord, Kvane-and Bredefjord. Medd. Gronland, vol. 151, No. 2, 171 pp., 37 charts, 4 tables. 1950b. Polychaeta. Danish Ingolf Exped., vol. 4, No. 14, pp. 1-92, 10 pls., 67 charts 2 figs. 1951. Polychaeta. [In} The Zoology of Iceland, vol. 2, pt. 19, pp. 1-182, figs. 1-12, 62 charts. 1952. Serpulidae (Polychaeta) collected by C. Dons along the Norwegian coast. K. Norske Vidensk. Selsk., Skr., No. 6, pp. 1-22, 3 figs. 1958. Lesser Antillean polychaetes, chiefly from brackish water, with a survey and a bibliography of fresh-and brackish-water polychaetes. Studies on the Fauna of Curacao and other Caribbean Islands, vol. 8, No. 30, 41 pp., 15 text figs. Wetzel, Walter 1957. Semiserpula, eine neue Réhrenwurm-Gattung aus dem Alt-Tertiar Chiles. Senckenbergiana Lethea, vol. 38, Nos. 1-2, pp. 29-35, pl. 1. Weyl, R. 1954. Estudios litogenéticos en los manglares de la costa del Pacifico. Inst. Trop. Investig. Cient. San Salvador, Comunic., vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 135-146, 3, pls. 198 BULLETIN 214 Whiteaves, Joseph Frederick 1874. Notes on a deep-sea dredging expedition around the island of Anti- Canadian Natural., vol. 7, pp. 86-100. costi in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. (Annelida, p. 92, by McIntosh). 1880. On some marine Invertebrata from the Queen Charlotte Islands. Geol. Sur. Canada, Pept. for 1878-79, pp. 190B-205B. (Polychaeta, p. 205B). 1901. Catalogue of the marine Invertebrata of Eastern Canada. Geol. Sur. Canada, Rept., pp. 1-272. (Polychaeta, pp. 68-88). Whitten, H. L., Rosene, Hilda F., and Hedpeth, J. W. 1950. The invertebrate fauna of Texas coast jetties; a preliminary survey. Inst. Marine Sci. Univ. Texas, Publ., vol. 1, No. 2 pp. 53-87, 4 text figs., ple von Willemoes-Suhm, Rudolph 1873. Ueber die Anneliden an den Kiisten der Faer-Oeer. Zeitschr. f. Wiss. Zool. Leipzig, vol. 23, pp. 346-349, pl. 18. Willey. Arthur 1902. Report on the collections of natural history made in the Antarctic regions during the voyage of the “Southern Cross’. XII. Polychaeta. London, pp. 262-283, pls. 41-46. 1904. Littoral Polychaeta from the Cape of Good Hope. London, Trans., vol. 9, No. 6, pp. 255-268, pls. 13-14. 1905. Report on the Polychaeta collected by Professor Herdman at Ceylon in Roy. Soc. Rept. Pearl Oyster Fisheries, pt. 4, Suppl. Rept. No. 30, Linnean Soc. 1902. pp. 243-324, pls. 1-8. Williams, Thomas 1851. Report on the British Annelida, il, {Os USSE2Y2, jallS, tleilil. Wilson, Henry V. 1900. Marine biology at Beaufort. 401, pp. 339-360, 5 figs. Wollebaek, A. 1912. Nordeuropeiske Annulata Polychaeta. I. Ammocharidae, Amphictent- dte. Ampharetidae, Terebellidae og Serpulidae. Skr. Vidensk. Khristiania, Math.-Nat. KI., vol. 2, No. 18, pp. 1-144, 51 pls. British Assoc. Adv. Sci., Rept., vol. Amer. Natural. New York, vol. 34, No. Wolleman, August 1899. Die Serpula-Arten des Neocoms der Umgegend von Braunchweig. Vereins Naturw. Braunschweig, Jahresber., vol. 11, pp. 264-270. Wrigley, Arthur s 1950a. Les opercules de serpulidés de l’Eocéne du Bassin de Paris, Soc. Géol. France, Bull., sér. 5, vol. 19, pp. 499-505. 1950b. The difference between the calcareous tubes of vermetids and ser- pulids. Jour. Conchyl., vol. 90, pp. 118-121. 1951. Some Eocene serpulids. Geol. Assoc. London, Proc., vol. 62, pt. 3, pp. 177-202, figs. 1-66. Yokoyama, M. (Revised by Taki, T., and Oyana, K.) 1954. The Pliocene and later faunas from the Kwanto region in Japan. Palaeont. Soc. Japan, Special Papers, vol. 2, pp. 1-68, pls. 7,38,43,48. Zool. Anzeig., Zeigler, H. E. 1914. Aus der Entwicklungsgeschichte eines Réhrenwurmes. vol. 44, pp. 586-592, 17 figs. Zeleny, Charles 1905. The rearing of serpulid larvae with notes on the behavior of the young Marine Biol. Lab. Woods Hole, Biol. Bull., vol. 8, No. 5, pp. animals, 308-312. PEAIES 200 BULLETIN 214 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 19 Figure 2. “Serpulay? catiana, Weisbord) ms Spy cccessscceteeeee ee 152 i Holotype (O80a), 26101 PRI. Diameter of tube at larger end 1.5 mm. Fig. 1, superior or free side; fig. 2, inferior or attached side. Playa Grande formation (Catia member). 3-6, “Serpula;? incompta; (WéeiSbord))) 0) 1S0 (%€ 0) WVHOS (%€0) 1SO J (%20) 1s0 (%b 0) WWYO4 (%%0)1S0 é . (%€0) 9NV19 » (% 20) SOHd Snonaol¥ 43a aoe ease Sree WINSLVW 113HS TWIY3SLVW 1714HS ‘ AV19 GNV LUIS BLVNOSYVO %dd BLVNOBYHVD Med SLVNOSYVD %E6E ZLVNOBYVD %e2sS WYVs XOIMYVE V13M IWYNLVN V13M TVYEOLUN T13M IVYENLYN NOILVWHO4 NI1dNd NOILVWYOS NI1dNO ‘W4 SNAVH 371SV9 LIND Y3MO7) W3 SNAVH 371SV9 LINN ¥3ddn i Oe io} 8 CP Oe I 9) 8 NortH CAROLINA FORAMINIFERA: COPELAND 219 Fifty-nine species of Foraminifera have been identified from the fauna. The assemblage includes forms which have never been reported from the Eocene formations of the southeastern United States. A complete list of the previously described species is shown on the range chart and the 13 new species named from the fauna are listed. STRATIGRAPHIC RELATIONS At the time Miller named the Castle Hayne formation, few investigations of the faunas had been made. The formation was first assigned to the Jackson stage by Cooke (1916, p. 111). Later works on the megafossil faunas by Canu and Bassler (1920), Kel- lum (1926), and Richards (1950) support the Jackson age of the Castle Hayne formation and assign it further to the middle Jack- son horizon of the Eocene. In recent years, LeGrand and Brown (1955) and Brown (1958) reached the conclusion that the Castle Hayne was deposited during Claiborne and Jackson time. Brown (1958), p. 6) said that “the Castle Hayne limestone was deposited during a temporal transgression from Claiborne time into Jackson time, the bulk of deposition having occurred during Jackson time.” Cheetham in a short geologic note (1961, p. 395) stated, “the Castle Hayne fauna, as recognized in the Classical exposures in North Carolina, lived in late Jacksonian time. Downdip, where the term “Castle Hayne” has been applied to a lithological unit in the subsurface, the contained microfauna indicates Claibornian age.” The Castle Hayne formation at Natural Well is of upper Eocene Jackson age as indicated by the ranges of the foraminiferal species (Table 2). The stratigraphic relations of the formation are shown on the correlation chart. The assemblage is composed mainly of fossils representative of the Claiborne and Jackson horizons in the Gulf Coastal Plain, and abundant forms of typical Jackson age are relatively more abundant than the typical Claiborne forms. ‘The assemblage is more of upper lower to lower middle Jackson age. The more abundant fossils in the formation are typical of the Yazoo and Danville Landing formations in the Gulf Coastal Plain which are of middle and upper Jackson age. The works of Bandy (1949, Tables 1, 2) and Howe and Wallace (1932) have shown that TIN 2] BULLE 0 Do € aInstly (924'€S61) 148q)1M PUD (BEBi d'2b61) Aouanw ‘(€b6l) 10 4@ BHOOD 10440 PaljIPOW auojsaw) Vitra Uol;OW04 UoljoW40}4 Uol}OWJ04 88,UDS Saya younsg skpoow | youosg sApoow| youosg shpoow auojsawt| uoljowsoy TOMO AON uoljow40}4 aUKDH 2/}S09 UOljDW4O} || aMuIDg jaquew uol,D WO} uosyoor auoiseWll | ouos 00205 OOzZDA DI0I0 j40W s9d009 uoljDW4104 Buipuo y ajjiAuog ese] [urea [fn] esc Yn ae fe ao] fe arn |e [sa ia] | ee a a | |e | a ik Ea Nigel Sap |e ae cars Se ee Opiso| 4 UID|d ]OJSOOD JI;Ud| IV UID] dg |04S00D 4IND UsaYINOS S2}DIS PalluUM UJa}SOAUNOS auUy UI SUOI}OWIOY aUaD0"q 1addy j4o sDYD UO!}OJa1I09 uoljoWs0y SAJDW IS Aojo Apo ojnoboosbg pjno6oosbd ——i'— jsow soskoy uoljows0} @a4yo2};DYymMoD,20Y4D PajDljuasajjipuy (4 @ued0!1W) UO!}OW4O, UMOJHIOA Ao|2 0}061059 UO! jOW 105 [uoljowsoy unidng DiulBsiA OUIjO1OD YyJON | OUIIO4DDH YINOS owoqgDd\y DuoIsIno7> sOxKal UID}d JOJS0OD D1,UI,Y UID] |OJSD0D 41ND usayynos SO9}D1S Pa}IU Usa}sDaYUINOS ayy UI SUOIJOWIOY aUadOIW Jedd yO jIDYD UOI}D|a1I09 NortH CAROLINA FORAMINIFERA: COPELAND 221 such forms as Valvulineria octocamerata (Cushman and Thomas), Siphonina danvillensis Howe and Wallace, Nonion danvillensis Howe and Wallace, Valvulineria danvillensis (Howe and Wallace), and Valvulineria texana Cushman and Ellisor are especially char- acteristic and abundant in the Yazoo and Danville Landing forma- tions. However, the occurrence of a few abundant typically Clai- borne age fossils suggests that the Castle Hayne formation at Natural Well is slightly older than the Danville Landing formation and the upper portions of the Yazoo formation. The Castle Hayne formation at this locality is probably equivalent in age to the upper part of the Moodys Branch formation and the lower part of the Yazoo formation. In the Cenozoic correlation chart of the formations of the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain (Cooke, et al., 1943), the top of the Castle Hayne formation is drawn below the base of the Yazoo for- mation. After further study the Castle Hayne formation may be proven to extend higher than has been previously shown; accord- ingly the upper limit of the Castle Hayne formation on the corre- lation chart is shown to be indefinite. Correlation with other upper Eocene horizons in the Atlantic Coastal Plain is exceedingly difficult because only six of the Castle Hayne species are known to occur in these formations. A table showing the distribution of the Castle Hayne species in the upper Eocene horizons of the southeastern United States is in- cluded. PALEOECOLOGY The Castle Hayne foraminiferal fauna is characterized by the occurrence of abundant rotaloid and arenaceous forms typical of the open shelf environment. The benthonic genera are commonly found in Recent sediments of the Gulf of Mexico at average depths of 60-150 feet. Planktonic forms occur commonly in the fauna but are not abundant. According to Bandy (1956, p. 187) Globigerina bulloides first occurs at depths of 100-160 feet in the Gulf of Mexico. Shepard and Moore (1955, p. 1539) found that, at depths beyond 120 feet in the Gulf of Mexico, the planktonic species become abundant and constitute the major portion of the samples collected. Mer PSPSPS PS PS PS PS PS SS BULLETIN 215 ‘Wy SulIpuey aT[LAueqd 999 rors rs x K xX yourlg sApooyT ‘ep y-dnois uosyoer alas Ars X atlas “BlV X “ela ‘Wy BlRIO DUDLAL DIMAUIINAPD A DIDLIUINI0JIO DIMIUYNAPD A SISUA]PLAUDP DiULaUYNALD A Sisua}iaunp nurmoydis DQQs nurpnunydngy DAIJUYNQO)H DUuijnungy ppnu nurcydsowhjog pssids ]7]2W01W0 NT SUSWUIUOSYIDE D]JAWOUWO NT snjpunjid wovmo pry Siswa]plaunp WOLlUd Ny Sisloshipoow Durynuib..y fy Sisuanpyanno DUabhoT XG Siaan)] DUabDT X SIUNUMOD DUIINIINL) sapio]]Ng vur4ah1go)4) LaANOY DULUNSSL A X S1SUID0I00 Sapruod A SisuUauUosyaDl NUILDJUAG Xx WUWay,UnYy NUuIYynUIAg sisuasadood nurproigr) DIDUDQUN DULjMDUWOUP alae “BY Pots) easiae sotoedg tadoog qsRoyyNog ayy Jo suoTywULIO aUDD0q Idaddy 94 Ul Saledg ouARP{ o[}SVQ Jo uo4nqIaAysIG 21908, NORTH CAROLINA FORAMINIFERA: COPELAND 99% Table 2 RANGE CHART OF PREVIOUSLY DESCRIBED CASTLE HAYNE SPECIES FROM NATURAL WELL . Alabamina mississippiensis -Anomalina umbonata Cibicidina blanpiedi Cibicidina cooperensis Dentalina budensis Dentalina jacksonensis Ellipsonodosaria silesica . Eponides cocoaensis . Fissurina howei . Globigerina bulloides Il. Globigerina triloculinoides . Globigerinoides topilensis .Globorotalia spinulosa . Guttulina sp Guttulinag communis Lagena fenestrissima . Lagena laevis . Lagena ouachitaensis . Lagena sulcata laevicostata Lagena sulcata spirata Lagena wallacei . Marginulina moodysensis Marginulina winniana | Nonion danvillensis . Nonion mauricensis Nonion planatus Nonionella jacksonensis . Nonionella spissa . Oolina morsei Orbulina sp. cf O universa Planularia georgiana . Polymorphina nuda Quinqueloculina mauricensis apertaexpansa Ramulina globulifera . Raphanulina gibba Robulus deformis Robulus ovalis Sigmomorphina pulchra Siphonina danvillensis Siphonodosaria nuttalli gracillima Spiroplectammina natchitochensis . Textularia eyrei Valvulineria danvillensis . Valvulineria octocamerata Valvulineria texana Virgulina sp. cf. V. dibollensis ODNOODUN — A-Abundant Cc -Common R-Rare SPECIES Post Olig ze aC aaa = S29) = 28) ——2.9) Cretaceous ae eee ess %* Numbers to right of ranges correspond to numerical listing of the species. 40 DPYPODDPDAADAADADAPADOvPIpPp DO DADADMOPFBDADMOBWODADDADAYSvYPD 224 BULLETIN 215 The habitat of the Castle Hayne fauna was probably the inner sublittoral zone at a depth of from 60-120 feet. The substrate, as indicated by the sedimentary data, was composed of limy silt and clay. The average carbonate percentage of 50 percent suggests that deposition took place in warmer marine waters than are now com- mon at this latitude. This view is further substantiated by the foraminiferal fauna which has been identified mainly from the Tertiary deposits of the Gulf Coast area. Megatfossils are absent from the formation at Natural Well, except for a few juvenile gastropods and brachiopods. ‘The absence of the megafossils is possibly explained by the substrate which had an average composition of 15 percent sand, 55 percent silt, and 30 percent clay. This constitutes an unsuitable substrate for most pelecypods, gastropods, and brachiopods. According to Day (1951, p. 63), “soft slurry muds carry a poor macrofauna, largely restricted to the surface, presumably because of the lack of oxygen in the lower layers.” ‘The depth of water is another possible explanation for the lack of megafossils. STRATIGRAPHY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE, DUPLIN, MARE DEFINITION, AREAL DISTRIBUTION, AND STATUS The name Duplin formation was proposed by Dall (1898, p. 338) for the late Miocene marls of Duplin County, North Carolina. The formation consists of unconsolidated sands, arenaceous Clays, and shell marls which represent the latest phase of Miocene deposi- tion in the region south of the Neuse River (Miller 1912, p. 237). A type locality of the Duplin marl has never been designated, but the outcrop in the Natural Well near Magnolia, North Carolina, is generally considered to be the type locality. The Duplin marl crops out mainly in the southwestern corner of Duplin County as a nar- row belt approximately 15 miles in length. Small outliers of the formation occur in Sampson, Bladen, Pender, Columbus, and Wayne counties. North of the Neuse River, the upper Miocene deposits are referred to the Yorktown formation. The status of the Duplin marl as a valid formation has been NortH CAROLINA FORAMINIFERA: COPELAND 225 questioned by LeGrand and Brown (1955, p. 11), who are of the opinion that the Duplin is a shallow water facies of the Yorktown and not a separate formation. The argument of LeGrand and Brown is based on the following reasons: 1) subsurface and surface evidence south of the Neuse River indicate the Duplin marl is confined to updip sections and outcrops, and 2) similarity of the Duplin and Yorktown microfaunas. Brown has based the faunal conclusions mainly on ostracods. Dawson (1958, p. 4), in a comparative study of Duplin and Yorktown megafossils from North Carolina, said that the differ- ences in lithology and fauna make it unlikely that the two belong in a single formation. The present study adds little additional information concern- ing the validity of the Duplin marl as a separate formation. The limited stratigraphic scope of this paper and the lack of detailed studies of the North Carolina Yorktown foraminiferal faunas pre- vents a direct comparison of the Yorktown and Duplin faunas. Cushman and Cahill (1933) described 28 species of Foraminifera from the Yorktown formation in North Carolina, only 7 of which occur in the Duplin marl at the 2 localities studied. DUPLIN MARL AT NATURAL WELL The Duplin marl at Natural Well unconformably overlies the Castle Hayne formation and is exposed on the south and west sides of the well. Immediately overlying the Duplin formation are 10 feet of supposed Pleistocene silty sand. The formation consists of 3-5 feet of whole shells and frag- mentary shells in a matrix of silty sand. Phosphate pebbles and cobbles occur near the base of the formation. Fresh exposures of the formation are medium blue-gray in color. ‘The coarse fraction of the sediment consists primarily of shells and shell fragments with minor amounts of microfossils, quartz grains, quartz pebbles, gar- net, plant fibers, and phosphate nodules of varying sizes. The re- sults of the sedimentary analyses are shown on Figure 2. DUPLIN MARL AT BARWICK FARM Five feet of the Duplin marl are exposed above the water line 226 BULLETIN 215 in the marl pit on the Barwick farm. Fresh, unweathered material. medium blue-gray in color, is obtainable near the base of the ex- posure. The formation consists of whole shells and shell fragments in a matrix of clayey sand, with minor amounts of quartz, glau- conite, plant fibers, microfossils, and phosphate nodules. ‘The phos- phatic materials vary considerably in size. ‘The Duplin marl is overlain by approximately three feet of silty sand of probable Pleistocene age. The lithology of the Duplin marl at Barwick farm differs slightly from the exposure at Natural Well in the higher clay con- tent and lower percentage of shell material. The results of the sedi- mentary analyses are shown on Figure 2. GENERAL ASPECTS OF THE DUPLIN FAUNA The Duplin foraminiferal faunas at the two localities studied are composed mainly of benthonic forms with a minor representa- tion of planktonic species. The Foraminifera, in general, are in an excellent state of preservation with only a few showing the effects of leaching and infiltration. The previously described species are wide ranging geographically throughout the middle and upper Mio- cene formations of the Atlantic Coastal Plain and Florida. Fora- minifera are rare at both localities but do occur in slightly greater numbers at the Barwick farm locality. The Duplin marl microfauna includes 44 species of Foramini- fera, 10 of which are named in this report. A complete list of the previously described species is shown on the range chart. A sep- arate list of the new species is included. STRATIGRAPHIC RELATIONS The Duplin marl has been considered to be equivalent in age to the uppermost portion of the Yorktown formation (Zone 2) by Mansfield (in Gardner 1943, p. 13). Dawson (1958, p. 69) agreed with the correlation of Mansfield and concluded further that the Duplin fauna also correlates with the Cancellaria zone of the Choc- tawhatchee formation of Florida. The Cancellaria zone represents the uppermost portion of the Choctawhatchee and is of upper Mio- cene age. NortH CAROLINA FORAMINIFERA: COPELAND 227 The Duplin marl contains 44 species of Foraminifera (total from both localities); of these, 24 species occur either in the York- town formation of Virginia or the Choctawhatchee formation of Florida. Forty-six percent of the species occur in both the Yorktown and Choctawhatchee, 33 percent occur only in the Choctawhatchee and the remaining 21 percent occur only in the Yorktown forma- tion. The Duplin fauna is slightly more similar to the Chocta- whatchee foraminiferal assemblage. If the analyses of other workers are correct, the Duplin formation is equivalent to uppermost York- town and Choctawhatchee. A precise correlation within the faunal zones of both forma- tions is difficult for the following reasons: 1) the ranges of the Yorktown foraminiferal species within the faunal zones of the for- mation have not been accurately determined; 2) the Duplin foraminiferal fauna is most similar to diagnostic Choctawhatchee species common among all four facies of the formation (Puri, 1953, p. 50); 3) at the present time it is necessary to carry correlations over long distances; and 4) the Duplin foraminiferal fauna is com- posed of only 44 species, 10 of which are new species. A table showing the occurrence of the 24 previously described foraminiferal species common to the Yorktown and Choctawhat- chee formations is included. PALEOECOLOGY The abundant benthonic species in the Duplin formation are Cibicides americanus, Cibicides duplinensis, Discorbis duplinensis, Planorbulinella perforata, Streblus beccarii parkinsoniana, and sev- eral species of Elphidium which collectively are abundant. The only abundant planktonic form in the fauna is Globigerinoides vubra, but other planktonic species do occur. Studies of Recent faunas from the northeastern Gulf of Mexico by Bandy (1956, p. 185) indicate that Streblus and Elphidium are especially characteristic of shallow water in the 8-40 foot depth range. The other benthonic species in the Duplin faunas are characteristic of ocean depths in excess of 40 feet. According to Bandy (1956, p. 187), Globigerinoides rubra is the first of the planktonic species to appear in shallow water transects and then at 298 BULLETIN 215 depths of from 70-100 feet. The foraminiferal fauna seems to be transitional between a true shallow water fauna (above wave base) and those located in slightly deeper water (below wave base). There is no essential difference in the foraminiferal faunas at either locality, and there is no evidence to indicate the transportation of the typically shallow water components (Streblus and Elphidium) into deeper waters. Table 3 Duplin Marl Species Occurring in the Yorktown and Choctawhatchee Formations Yorktown Choctawhatchee Species formation formation Angulogerina occidentalis x Xx Bolwina marginata multicostata x Bolivina paula D.¢ Buccella depressa xe Buliminella elegantissima x x Cancris communis xX xX Cassidulina crassa XG Xx Cibicides americanus Xx xX Discorbis terquemi x Discorbis turritus x Elphidium advena xX x Elphidium poeyanum xX Fissurina orbignyana lacunata x Globigerina apertura x Globorotalia menardii x Guttulina costatula x Laryngosigma williamsoni x Planispirillina orbicularis D.¢ x Pseudopolymorphina rutila D.¢ xX Quinqueloculina seminula ».¢ x Reussella spinulosa x x Robulus americanus >. Sigmomorphina terquemiana D.¢ Streblus bececarit parkinsoniana x The prolific Duplin marl molluscan assemblage is character- istic Of warm shallow water and consists of complete and fragmen- tary specimens. There is no evidence to indicate transportation of the assemblage for any great distance, because the shells and frag- ments do not show the effects of abrasion and the structural details have not been obscured. ‘The shells were probably broken by storm NortH CAROLINA FORAMINIFERA: COPELAND 229 waves. Wave base, during storms, may extend to 30-40 feet in depth according to Shepard (1948, p. 47). The habitat of the Duplin fauna was apparently the inner sublittoral zone (Hedgpeth, 1957, p. 18) at a water depth of from 50-60 feet. The sedimentary data indicate that during upper Mio- cene time the Duplin faunas lived on and within a silty sand substrate. Table 4 RANGE CHART OF PREVIOUSLY DESCRIBED DUPLIN MARL SPECIES FROM NATURAL WELL AND BARWICK FARM. Angulogerina occidentalis . Bolivina marginata multicostata . Bolivina paula . Buccella depressa . Buliminella elegantissima . Cancris communis ? Cassidulina crassa . Cibicides americanus . Discorbis terquemi . Discorbis turritus Elphidium advena Elphidium gunteri . Elphidium poeyanum .Fissurina orbignyana lacunata . Globigerina apertura Globigerina protoreticulata Globigerina triloculinoides Globigerinoides rubra Globorotalia menardii . Guttulina costatula . Laryngosigma williamsoni . Nonion decoratus . Planispirillina orbicularis . Pseudopolymorphina rutila . Quinqueloculina seminula . Raphanulina R. hispida Raphanulina sp. cf. R. laeviglobosa . Reussella spinulosa Robulus americanus . Sigmomorphina terquemiana Streblus beccarii parkinsoniana Textularia cuyleri Textularia T. dollfussi Textularia sp A-Abundant * Numbers to right of ranges € -€ommon correspond to numerical listing R- Rare of the species. BULLETIN 215 SUMMARY The paper includes descriptions and figures of 103 species of upper Eocene and upper Miocene Foraminifera. Thirteen new species have been named from the Castle Hayne formation and 10 new species have been named from the Duplin formation. The lectotype for Sigmomorphina terquemiana (Fornasin}) has been designated. The Castle Hayne formation at Natural Well is composed of silty limestones and argillaceous siltstone. The Castle Hayne formation at Natural Well is of upper lower to lower middle Jackson age and is probably equivalent to the upper portions of the Moodys Branch formation and lower portions of the Yazoo formation in the Gulf Coastal Plain. he Duplin marl is composed of shells and shell fragments in a matrix of silty sand at Natural Well, and a matrix of clayey sand encloses the shells and shell fragments at Barwick farm. The Duplin mar! correlates with the Yorktown formation of Virginia and the Choctawhatchee formation of Florida. The Duplin foraminiferal faunas contain more Choctawhat- chee species than Yorktown species. The habitat of the Castle Hayne fauna was probably the inner sublittoral zone at a depth of from 60-120 feet. The habitat of the Duplin fauna was probably the inner sub- littoral zone at a water depth of from 30-60 feet. SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTIONS The type specimens have been deposited in the Paleontology Laboratory of the University of North Carolina, Department of Geology at Chapel Hill, North Carolina. University of North Carolina catalog numbers have been assigned to all the specimens and are shown in the systematic descriptions. Family SPIRILLINIDAE Reuss, 1861 Genus PLANISPIRILLINA Bermudez, 1952 Planispirillina orbicularis (Bagg) Pl. 34, figs. 6a-c Spirillina orbicularis Bagg, 1898, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 2, No. 10, NorTH CAROLINA FORAMINIFERA: COPELAND 23] p: 338, pl. 2 (22), figs. 2Za-c: Cushman, 1918, U.S. Geol. Sur., Bull. 676, p. 58, pl. 14, fig. 1; Cushman, 1930, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. AP Devil pl Os ties. lan di gby Planispirillina orbicularis Puri, 1953, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 36, p. 130, pl. 20, figs. 1, 2; McLean, 1956, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 36, No. 160, p. 351, pl. 46, figs. 7-8. Test planispiral, consisting of four whorls, convexo-concave, periphery broadly rounded, ventral side with rows of beads par- tially obscuring the whorl sutures, dorsal side convex, inner mar- gins of the sutures serrate, with a single large pore between each serration; wall calcareous, imperforate, except for inner marginal perforations, porcellaneous in appearance; aperture terminal, a high arch, restricted and not of full tubular diameter. Diameter, 0.28 mm.; thickness, 0.09 mm. Common. Duplin marl, at Natural Well and Barwick farm. Species collected from the Duplin marl apparently are better preserved than those reported by Bagg, Cushman, Puri, and Mc- Lean and seem to have dominantly a dextral coil. The specimens are from 0.25 mm.—0.42 mm. in diameter with the other characters remaining constant. Plesiotype.—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3479. Family MILIOLIDAE d’Orbigny, 1839 Genus QUINQUELOCULINA d’Orbigny, 1826 Quinqueloculina mauricensis apertaexpansa Bandy Pl. 23, figs. la-c Quinqueloculina mauricensis apertaexpansa Bandy, 1949, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 32, No. 131, p. 20, pl. 1, figs. 9a-c. Test shghtly more than twice as long as wide, the apertural end produced, subtriangular in apertural view, periphery with dis- tinct narrow keels; chambers distinct, inflated, triangular in cross section; sutures distinct, depressed; wall porcellaneous; aperture terminal, round, with a distinct small lip and simple tooth at the end of a slightly flaring neck. Length, 0.43 mm.; width, 0.20 mm.; thickness, 0.15 mm. Rare. Castle Hayne formation, at Natural Well. The specimens are poorly preserved, grossly recrystallized, and show only minor variation except for size. The forms range from 0.39 mm.—0.62 mm. in length and differ from the type figure in being appreciably smaller. 232 BULLETIN 215 Plestotype-—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3435. Quinqueloculina seminula (Linné) Pl. 34, figs. 7a-c Serpula seminulum Linné, 1758, Systema Naturae, 10th ed., vol. 1, p. "86; pl. 25 figs. la=c: Quinqueloculina seminuium d’Orbigny, 1826, Ann. Sci. Nat., vol. 7, p. 303 Miliolina seminulum Brady, 1884, Challenger Rept., Zoology, vol. 9, 10s ASI, Tolle , aes GO: Quinqueloculina seminulum Cushman, 1918, U.S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 103, p. 78, pl. 27, figs. 4a, 4b; pl. 28, figs. 1-3; pl. 29, figs. la-3; Cush- man, 1918, U. S. Geol. Sur., Bull. 676, p. 22, 70, pl. 1, fig. 8; pl. 28, figs. 2, 4, 5; pl. 29, fig. 1: Cushman, 1929, U. S. Nat. Mus) Bulle UE Oe 5 1s ALS oll, He attrsy 115 Quinqueloculina seminula Cushman, 1930, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 4, p- 19, pl. 2, figs. 1, 2; Cushman and Cahill, 1933, U. S. Geol: Sun, Prof. Paper 175-A, p. 9, pl. 2, figs. 2a-c Quinqueloculina seminulum Bermudez, 1949, Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., Special Pub. 25, p. 102, pl. 6, fig. 6. Quinqueloculina seminula Puri, 1953, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 36, pp. 86, 87. Test longer than wide, greatest width near the middle, peri- phery broadly rounded; chambers distinct, inflated, of uniform character; sutures distinct, depressed; wall smooth, porcellaneous, imperforate; aperture terminal, large, subcircular with a promin- ent simple tooth. Length, 0.48 mm.; width, 0.24 mm.; thickness, 0.18 mm. Rare. Duplin marl, at Natural Well only. The specimen may be different from Linné’s original, though similar, and is identical to what others have commonly considered Q. seminula. It is further possible that those from the Miocene are not conspecific with the Recent representatives of the species. Plesiotype.—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3483. Family TEXTULARIIDAE d’Orbigny, 1846 Genus SPIROPLECTAMMINA Cushman, 1927 Spiroplectammina angulomarginata, new species Pl. 23, figs. 2a-b Textularia mississippiensis alabamensis Cushman, 1935 (not Cush- man, 1923), U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 181, p. 7, pl. 1, figs. 5, 6. Spiroplectammina mississippiensis alabamensis Cushman and Her- rick, 1945 (not Cushman, 1923), Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., vol. 21, pt. 3, p. 56, pl. 9, figs. 1-3; Cushman and Todd, 1945 (not Cushman, 1923), ibid., pt. 4, p. 80, pl. 13, fig. 2; Cushman and Todd, 1945 (not Cushman, 1923), ibid., vol. 22, p. 76, pl. 13, fig. 11. Spiroplectammina alabamensis Stuckey, 1946 (not Cushman, 1923), Jour. Paleont., vol. 20, p. 164, pl. 29, figs. 4, 5. NortrH CAROLINA FORAMINIFERA: COPELAND 233 Test elongate, moderately wide, thickest in the middle, peri- phery acute with a narrow distinct keel; chambers numerous, about nine pairs compose the test, increasing rapidly in height as added, the early coiled portion is greatly reduced; sutures curving slightly downward at the periphery, flush with the surface, indistinct in the early portion of the test, becoming distinct, depressed in the later portion; aperture a small high arch at the base of the aper- tural face. Length, 0.46 mm.; width, 0.33 mm.; thickness, 0.15 mm. Abundant. Castle Hayne formation, at Natural Well. The species occurs abundantly throughout the formation with a considerable amount of variation in size, amount of taper, and in some the periphery is more lobulate. The forms range from 0.53 mm.—0.57 mm. in length, from 0.27 mm.—0.39 mm. in width, from 0.13 mm.—0.17 mm. in thickness, with from 7-9 pairs of chambers. The early coiled portion of many of the specimens is difficult to see. The type figure of Spiroplectammina alabamensis (Cushman) (1923, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 133, p. 17, pl. 1, fig. 4) is diffi- cult to use for identification purposes because the type figure illus- trates a keel which completely covers the apertural face, the aper- ture is not described, nor figured, and the early coiled portion is not mentioned. The Castle Hayne specimens are conspecific with forms identified by Cushman, et. al., as S. alabamensis, but because of the difficulties associated with the type figure of S. alabamensis, the name, S. angulomarginata, 1s proposed for the Castle Hayne species. The specimen figured by Stuckey (see reference in the syn- onymy) appears to have flanged sutures instead of the depressed sutures characteristic of the species. Stuckey’s description of the species, however, mentions the depressed sutures, and so it is in- cluded in Spiroplectammina angulomarginata. Spiroplectammina angulomarginata may be distinguished from S. alabamensis diminutiva Bandy (1949, Bull. Amer. Paleont., voles2,No. 131, p233, pl 45 fig-, 8) by the well-developed keel, relatively indistinct, straighter sutures, more numerous chambers, and relatively thinner test. Holotype.—U.N.G, Cat. No. 3445. 934 BULLETIN 215 Spiroplectammina natchitochensis Howe Pl. 23, figs. 3a-b Spiroplectammina natchitochensis Howe, 1939, Louisiana Dept. Cons., Geols Bulla owclerp lel hiss Gsmte Test elongate, tapering, oval in transverse section; chambers closely appressed, indistinct, planispirally coiled in the early por- tion, becoming biserial, increasing rapidly in size as added; sutures indistinct, flush, only slightly curved; wall coarsely arenaceous obscuring test detail; aperture an elongate narrow slit at the base of the last chamber. Length, 0.69 mm.; width, 0.48 mm.; thickness, 0.34 mim. Rare. Castle Hayne formation, at Natural Well. This species occurs in only one sample and differs from the type figure in the larger, nonlipped aperture, coarsely granular apertural face, more numerous chambers, larger size, and oval apertural profile. Plesiotype-—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3446. Genus SIPHOTEXTULARIA Finlay, 1939 Siphotextularia breviforma, new species Pl. 23, figs. 4a-b Test stout, tapering gradually from the apertural to the blunt initial end, periphery broadly rounded, slightly lobulate; chambers few, indistinct in the early portion, four pairs visible, enlarging rapidly in size; sutures indistinct in the early portion, , slightly curved and depressed in the later portion; wall finely arenaceous with much cement; aperture small, elliptical, with a slight lip, located at the end of a short neck near the base of the septal face. Length, 0.45 mm.; width, 0.26 mm.; thickness, 0.20 mm. Common. Castle Hayne formation, at Natural Well. The specimens range from 0.33—0.51 mm. in length; from 0.21—0.30 mm. in width and from 0.18—0.22 mm. in thickness. The tests are composed of from 4-5 pairs of chambers and in a few specimens the aperture is located slightly higher on the septal face. ‘The early portions of the specimens are planispirally coiled, but this feature may be seen only in thin section. Siphotextularia subcylindrica Finlay (1940, Roy. Soc. New Zealand, Trans. Proc., vol. 69, pt. 1, p. 449, pl. 62, figs. 9-10) differs from S. breviforma in the subparallel sides, subtriangular terminal NORTH CAROLINA FORAMINIFERA: COPELAND 235 chambers, more numerous chambers, and larger size. Siphoterxtu lavia rolshausent Phleger and Parker (1951, p. 4, pl. I, figs. 23-24) differs from 8. breviforma in the lower chambers, thinner test, and nearly horizontal, more depressed sutures. Holotype.—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3444. Genus TEXTULARIA Defrance, 1824 Textularia concisa, new species Pl. 23, figs. 5a-b Test short, stout, thick, increasing rapidly from an acute initial end to a broad apertural end, periphery subacute, oval in apertural view; chambers few, about six pairs compose the test, low, indistinct in the early portion, becoming slightly inflated, dis- tinct in the later portion, the last two pair equal one-half the test length; sutures slightly curved, indistinct in the early portion, slightly depressed, distinct, in the mature portion; wall fine to medium coarsely arenaceous; aperture a medium arch at the base of the last chamber. Length, 0.41 mm.; width, 0.50 mm.; thickness, 0.24 mm. Common. Castle Hayne formation, at Natural Well. The species occurs in the upper seven feet of the formation with only slight variation. Specimens range from 0.28 mm,.—0.41 mm. in length and from 0.24 mm,.—0.30 mm. in width. T. concisa differs from T. hannat Davis (1941, p. 149) in the subacute periphery, shorter test, lower chambers, and smaller size; from T. cuylert Davis (1941, p. 147) in the acute initial end, nar- rower test, and more numerous chambers. Holotype.—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3447. Textularia cuyleri Davis Pl. 34, figs. 8a-b Textularia cuylert Davis, 1941, Jour. Paleont., vol. 15, p. 147, pl. 24, figs. 8, 4. Textularia cuylert (2?) Bergquist, 1942, Mississippi Geol. Sur., Bull. 49 (Fossils), p. 11, pl. 1, figs. 10a, 10b. Textularia cuyleri Cushman and Herrick, 1945, Contr. Cushman Lab. Poram. Resi, vol. 21) pt, 3) p57, pl. 9) fic. 6. Test short, stout, increasing rapidly from a blunt pointed apex to a broad apertural end, periphery rounded; chambers few, low, nine composing the test, increasing rapidly in size as added; sutures slightly depressed, curving slightly toward the periphery; wall arenaceous; aperture a low arch at the base of the last chamber. 236 BULLETIN 215 Length, 0.39 mm.; width, 0.37 mm.; thickness, 0.21 mm. Common at Natural Well and rare at Barwick farm. Duplin marl. The Duplin specimens differ from the type in being less broad with a more acute periphery in apertural view. All previous re- ported specimens are from the Jackson stage of the Eocene. Plesiotype.—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3489. Textularia sp. cf. T. dollfussi Lalicker Pl. 34, figs. 9a-b Textularia dollfussi Lalicker, 1935, Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. IRS. wWOll, Il, jo}, 445), joll, “Yq wales, th, Test compressed, broad at the apertural end, periphery broadly rounded; chambers distinct, five pairs visible, slightly inflated, the last two greatly enlarged; sutures depressed, gently curved; wall coarsely arenaceous; aperture a low arched slit at the base of the last chamber. Length, 0.60 mm.; width, 0.45 mm.; thickness, 0.25 mm. Rare. Duplin marl, at Natural Well and Barwick farm. The specimens found are damaged and an exact determination cannot be made. They differ from the type figure in the gently curved sutures, thinner test, more lobulate periphery, higher term- inal chamber, and appreciably smaller size. Plesiotype.—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3490. Textularia eyrei Finlay Pl. 23, figs. 6a-b Textularia eyrei Finlay, 1947, New Zealand Jour. Sci. Tech., sec. B, vol. 28, No. 5, p. 266, pl: 1, figs! 113-17. Test large, stout, enlarging rapidly from a pointed apex to a broad apertural end, periphery highly irregular, acute; chambers low, about seven pairs compose the test, closely appressed, with irregular margins; sutures broad, limbate, curving sharply in the middle of the test and less sharply at the periphery; wall coarsely arenaceous with much cement; aperture a large low arch at the base of the last chamber. Length, 0.72 mm.; width, 0.54 mm.; thick- ness, 0.42 mm. Common. Castle Hayne formation, at Natural Well. This species is present only in the upper six feet of the forma- tion and varies greatly in size from 0.51 mm.—1.14 mm. in length. Some of the specimens do not taper from the initial to the aper- Q9o-7- Nortru CAROLINA FORAMINIFERA: COPELAND 237 tural end but have parallel sides throughout the mature portion. The specimens are smaller than the holotype and lack the double rows of irregular nodules near the periphery, mentioned in the type description. Plestotype-—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3448. Textularia megaloculata, new species Pl. 35, figs. la-b Textularia gramen Cushman, 1930 (not d’Orbigny, 1846), Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 4, p. 17, pl. 1, figs. 5a, 5b; Puri, 1953 (not d’Orbigny, 1846), Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 36, p. 81, pl. 30, figs. 7, 8. Test stout, large, increasing rapidly from a pointed apex to a broad apertural end, periphery round acute to rounded; chambers few, slightly inflated, about 11 composing the test, the last two large; sutures distinct, depressed, curving toward the periphery: wall medium to coarsely arenaceous; aperture large, a low arched slit at the base of the last chamber. Length, 0.75 mm.; width, 0.514 mm.; thickness, 0.30 mim. Common. Duplin marl, at Natural Well and Barwick farm. The specimens vary greatly in size from 0.41 mm.—0.87 mm. in length, from 0.38 mm.—0.57 mm. in width, from 0.22 mm.—0.30 mm. in thickness, with from 11—14 chambers. The degree of taper from the apex to the apertural end is greater in a few specimens. The distinctive characters of this species are the downward curving sutures which are oblique in the immature portion, decreasing in obliquity toward the mature portion, and the greatly enlarged last two chambers. Textularia megaloculata may be distinguished from T. gramen VOrbigny (1846, Foraminiféres fossiles du bassin tertiaire de Vienne, p. 248, pl. 15, figs. 4-6) by the more rounded periphery, smaller size, more strongly curved sutures, and larger ultimate chambers. If the type description of D’Orbigny is correct, T. gra- men belongs in the genus Bolivina because D’Orbigny described the test as punctate. Other specimens reported from the upper Miocene strata of the Atlantic Coastal Plain as T. gramen d’Or- bigny (Cushman and Cahill, 1933, p. 7 and McLean, 1956, p. 319) are not conspecific with T. megaloculata and differ markedly from the type figure of T. gramen d’Orbigny. Textularia megaloculata may be distinguished from 7. astutia 238 BULLETIN 215 Lalicker and McCulloch (1940, Southern California, Univ. Publ., Allan Hancock Pacific Exped.; vol. 6, No. 2, p. 119) “pladiaziiig=sh) by the thicker test, more rounded periphery, larger ultimate cham- bers, and more strongly curved sutures. Holotype.—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3491. Textularia sp. Pl. 35, figs. 2a-b Test large, thick, tapering, periphery rounded, oval in aper- tural view; chambers low, distinct, increasing rapidly in size as added, the last two greatly enlarged; sutures straight, distinct, slightly depressed; wall coarsely arenaceous; aperture a large, wide slit at the base of the apertural face. Length 0.54 mm.; width 0.40 mm.; thickness 0.27 mm. Rare. Duplin marl at Natural Well only. The specimens found are incomplete but apparently have not been described. Insufficient numbers and incomplete specimens prevent the naming of this species. The specimens most closely re- semble Textularia dollfusst Lalicker (1935, Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., vol. 11, p. 45, pl. 7, figs. 8, 9). The Duplin marl speci- mens differ from the type figure of 7. dollfussi and from speci- mens compared with T. dollfussi from this fauna in the smaller size, narrower test, more angled terminal chambers, and the last few chambers are higher than wide. Plesiotype.—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3492. Family NODOSARIIDAE Schultze, 1854 Genus ASTACOLUS Montfort, 1808 Astacolus magnoliaensis, new species Pl. 24, figs. la-b Test compressed, sides nearly parallel in edge view, with a large proloculus, periphery smooth, subacute, with a narrow keel, chambers closely appressed, rapidly enlarging, six in the last whorl, the last two slightly inflated and beginning to uncoil; sutures strongly curved, beaded in the early portion, becoming strongly limbate, raised, and slightly curved in the later portion; wall hya- line, with medium fine perforations; apertural face long, flat, ex- tending downward almost to the proloculus, aperture erect, at the top of the apertural face, large, round, radiate. Length, 0.44 mm.; width, 0.25 mm.; thickness, 0.15 mm. NortTH CAROLINA FORAMINIFERA: COPELAND 239 Abundant. Castle Hayne formation, at Natural Well. Astacolus magnoliaensis occurs throughout the formation with only minor variation. The specimens range from 0.39 mm.—0.48 mm. in length with from six—eight chambers, six being the most common. Beaded sutures are not common to all specimens. This feature is lacking in a few individuals and varies widely in the de- gree of development. The tendency toward uncoiling is greater in a few specimens causing the base of the apertural face to be slightly removed from the proloculus. This species resembles A. vaughani (Cushman) (1918, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 103, p. 61, pl. 22, fig. 3) but differs in the smaller size, fewer chambers, large proloculus, and erect aperture. Astacolus brantlyi (Garrett) (1941, Jour. Paleont., vol. 15, p. 154, pl. 26, figs. 1-4) differs from A. magnoliaensis in the larger size, spinose pro- jections on the sutures in the early portion, prominent beading on the sutures, and more strongly raised sutures. Holotype—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3397. Genus PLANULARIA Defrance, 1826 Planularia sp. cf. P. georgiana Cushman and Herrick Pl. 24, figs. 2a-b Planularia georgiana Cushman and Herrick, 1945, Contr. Cushman Liab. Foram. Res., vol. 21, pt. 3, p. 57, pl. 9, figs. 7a, Tb. Test small, strongly compressed, periphery round in the later portion, subacute, with a narrow keel in the early portion; cham- bers closely coiled in the early portion beginning to uncoil in the later portion, flat, increasing in length as added, seven in the last whorl; sutures raised in the early portion, strongly curved, becom- ing flush with the surface and slightly curved in the adult portion; wall hyaline, medium perforate; aperture terminal, radial. Height, 0.36 mm.; width, 0.24 mm.; thickness, 0.09 mm. Rare. Castle Hayne formation, at Natural Well. The two specimens found range from 0.36 mm.—0.49 mm. in height and differ from the type figure in the keeled early portion, smaller size, and raised sutures restricted to the first few chambers. Both specimens are poorly preserved, and the surface of the figured 240) BULLETIN 215 specimen is coated with calcite particles which obscure detail and account for its irregular periphery. Plesiotype—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3433. Genus MARGINULINA d’Orbigny, 1826 Marginulina moodysensis Cushman and Todd Pl. 24, fig. 3 Marginulina moodysensis Cushman and Todd, 1945, Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., vol. 21, pt. 4, p. 85, pl. 14, figs. 1, 2. Test elongate, slightly compressed, outer peripheral margin strongly lobulate, inner peripheral margin slightly lobulate; cham- bers inflated, six compose the test, increasing rapidly in height as added, initial chamber large, spherical with a short spine; sutures distinct, depressed, slightly curved, nearly horizontal; wall hyaline, finely perforate, ornamented with about 16 prominent unevenly spaced costae which extend from the base to near the top of the last chamber; aperture peripheral, oblique, round, radiate, at the end of a short neck. Length, 0.82 mm.; width, 0.23 mm. Common. Castle Hayne formation, at Natural Well. This species occurs throughout the formation and ranges from 0.60 mm.—O0.84 mm. in length with from five—eight chambers, six being the most common. A few specimens are slightly curvilinear, and not all have the basal spine. The forms differ from the type figure in the larger size and more numerous costae but otherwise are similar. Marginulina moodysensis Cushman and ‘Todd is distinguished from M. cocoaen- sis Cushman (1925, Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., vol. 1, p. 67, pl. 10, figs. 9, 10) by the depressed sutures, lobulate periphery, smaller size, and less prominent costae. Plestotype.—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3423. Marginulina winniana Howe Pl. 24, fig. 4 Marginulina winniana Howe, 1939, Louisiana Dept. Cons., Geol. Bull. 14, p. 43, pl. 6, figs. 8, 9. Test elongate, slightly compressed, periphery slightly lobulate, gently rounded; chambers few, slightly inflated, four in number, initial chamber large, spherical; sutures distinct, oblique, depressed; wall hyaline, finely perforate, ornamented with about 14 prominent costae which extend from the initial chamber to the base of the NortH CAROLINA FORAMINIFERA: COPELAND 24] last chamber; aperture peripheral, vertical, round, radiate, at the end of a short neck. Length, 0.45 mm.; width, 0.19 mm. Rare. Castle Hayne formation, at Natural Well. The species range from 0.45 mm.—0.60 mm. in length and a few have five chambers; otherwise, they are similar to the type fig- ure. Marginulina winniana Howe is similar to M. moodysensis Cushman and Todd (described on p. 52) but is easily distinguished by the smaller size, less lobulate periphery, fewer chambers, fewer costae, and the erect or vertical aperture. Plesiotype—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3424. Genus OOLINA d’Orbigny, 1839 Oolina morsei (Kline) Pl. 24, figs. 5a-b Entosolenia morsei Kline, 1943, Mississippi Geol. Sur., Bull. 538, p. 48, pleas figs 17. Test globular, round in apertural view, with a short, blunt, apical spine; surface smooth; wall hyaline, finely perforate; aper- ture terminal, round, small, at the end of a short neck, with a faint lip. Length, 0.36 mm.; diameter, 0.27 mm. Rare. Castle Hayne formation, at Natural Well. Due to the preservation of the tests the internal structure is not visible but entosolenial tubes are visible in broken specimens. Recrystallization causes the tests of some specimens to be granular in appearance. Neck widths in the specimens vary and the aper- tural lips vary from narrow to broad and flaring. The Castle Hayne specimens differ from the type figure in the presence of a distinct lip, broader neck, and smaller size. ‘The species was first reported from the Paleocene of Mississippi. Plesiotype.—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3431. Genus DENTALINA d’Orbigny, 1826 Dentalina budensis Hantken Pl 24 fic 6 Dentalina budensis Hantken, 1875, K. Ungar. Geol. Anst., Mitt. Jahrb., Budapest, Ungarn, Bd. 4, Heft 1, p. 34, pl. 3, fig. 12. Test elongate, slightly curved, periphery lobulate, initial end bluntly rounded; chambers five in number, slightly inflated, closely appressed; sutures distinct, oblique, depressed; wall hyaline, finely perforate; aperture terminal, produced, round, radiate. Length, 0.62 mm.; width, 0.14 mm. 949 BULLETIN 215 Rare. Castle Hayne formation, at Natural Well. The Castle Hayne forms vary in length from 0.60 mm.—0.78 mm. in length and differ from the type figure in the smaller size, less produced aperture, and less strongly curved test. Cushman) (1935, Uy S:-Geolz sur..” Prot. Paper 181, p. 20) in- cluded Dentalina budensis Hantken, 1875, in synonymy with his new species, D. hantkeni Cushman (1933, Contr. Cushman Bab: Foram. Res., vol. 9, p. 9, pl. 1, figs. 18, 19). A comparison of the type figures indicates that the two species are different, and Cush- man in placing D. budensis in synonymy with D. hantkeni did not follow the Zoological Rules of Nomenclature. A paratype of D. hantkeni Cushman designated by Cushman (1933, p. 9, pl. 1, fig. 18) is similar to D. budensis Hantken, and I believe it to be a synonym of D. budensis. A form identified later by ‘Todd (1952, p. 12, pl. 2, fig. 7) is D. budensis and not D. hantkeni as she identi- fied it. The type figure of D. budensis Hantken differs from the type figure of D. hantkent Cushman in the more nearly transverse sutures, lower, more inflated chambers, and less curvilinear test. The type figure of D. hantkeni Cushman seems to be of an incom- plete specimen which does not show the terminal chambers. Plesiotype-—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3403. Dentalina jacksonensis (Cushman and Applin) IA BML sales, '7/ Nodosaria jacksonensigs Cushman and Applin, 1926, Am. Assoc. Pet. Geol., Bull., vol. 10, p. 170, pl. 7, figs. 14-16. Dentalina jacksonensis Cushman, 1935, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 181, p. 20, pl. 8, figs. 7-9; Bergquist, 1942, Mississippi Geol. Sur., Bull. 49 (Fossils), p. 43, pl. 5, fig. 13; Cushman and Herrick, 1945, Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., vol. 21, pt. 3, p. 58, pl. 9, fig. 15; Cushman, 1946, Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., Spec. Pub. 16, p. 18, pl. 3, fig. 9; Bandy, 1949, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 32, No. 131, p. 5a. pl. 7%, fLigscas, (bs, Test elongate, tapering, slightly curved, initial end ornamented with a short spine, usually not preserved in the Castle Hayne speci- mens, periphery lobulate; chambers globular, seven in number, loosely appressed; sutures depressed, distinct, composed of clear shell material; wall hyaline, finely perforate; aperture terminal, round, at the end of a short cylindrical neck, with a distinct lip. Length 0.75 mm.; width 0.15 mm. Rare. Castle Hayne formation, at Natural Well. NortTH CAROLINA FORAMINIFERA: COPELAND 243 The specimens range from 0.54 mm.—0.91 mm. in length with from six—nine chambers. Not all of the specimens are orna- mented with an apical spine. Plesiotype.—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3404. Genus NODOSARIA Lamarck, 1812 Nodosaria magnoliaensis, new species Pl, 24. figs, 8a-b Test elongate, cylindrical, initial end with distinct blunt spine; chambers distinct, without ornamentation, slightly inflated, elon- gate, two compose the test; suture distinct, depressed; wall hyaline, finely perforate; aperture terminal, central, simple, round, at the end of a short, produced neck. Length, 0.61 mm.; width, 0.15 mm. Rare. Castle Hayne formation, at Natural Well. The chambers in all specimens are elongate, but in most the initial chamber is larger and more elongate than the last. One speci- men was found with three chambers. ‘The forms range from 0.61 mm.—0.90 mm. in length and are 0.15 mm.—0.21 mm. in width. Nodosaria magnoliaensis differs from N. bulba Howe (1939, pl. 6, fig. 5) in the larger size, distinct spine, longer chambers, and aperture at the end of a short neck. Nodosaria calomorpha Reuss, (1886, K. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.-Naturw. cl., Denkschr. Bd. 25, Abt. 1, p. 129, pl. 1, figs. 15-19) and N. oligostegia Reuss, (1845, Die Versteinerungen der bohmischen Kreide formation. Stuttgart, Deuschland. Abth. 1, p. 27, pl. 13, figs. 19-20) differ from N. magnoliaensis in their larger size and more inflated less elongate chambers. Nodosaria calomorpha may be a junior synonym of N. oligostegia because they are both similar. Holotype.—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3425. Genus LAGENA Walker and Boys, 1784 Lagena altahumerifera, new species Pl. 25, figs. la-b Lagena acuticosta Cushman and Todd, 1945 (not Reuss), Contr. Cush- man Lab. Foram. Res., vol. 21, pt. 4, p. 87, pl. 14, fig. 8. Test pyriform, small, round in apertural view, broad at the base, tapering upward to a shoulder located high on the test, with a short neck; chamber ornamented with 11 prominent costae con- tinuous from the base to the shoulder; aperture terminal, simple, round with a small lip. Length, 0.28 mm.; diameter, 0.19 mm. 944 BULLETIN 215 Rare. Castle Hayne formation, at Natural Well. Lagena altahumerifera resembles L. humerifera Bandy (1949, p. 56, pl. 7, fig. 17) but differs in the less prominent shoulder, lack of bifurcating costae, and the costae do not extend up to the neck. Lagena isabella conscripta Cushman and Barksdale (1930, Stanford Univ., Dept. Geology, Contr., vol. 1, p. 66, pl. 12, fig. 4) differs from L. altahumerifera in the more numerous and intercalated discon- tinuous costae. Holotype.—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3414. Lagena fenestrissima Howe and Ellis Pl. 25° figs=)Za-b Lagena fenestrissima Howe and Ellis in Howe, 1939, Louisiana Dept. Cons., Geol. Bull. 14, p. 50, pl. 6, fig. 18. Test large, globular; chamber ornamented with closely spaced hexagonal pits; aperture terminal, simple, round, on the end of a short, thin neck which is encircled by three nonspiralling collars. Length, 0.41 mm.; width, 0.30 mm. Abundant. Castle Hayne formation, at Natural Well. The species occurs throughout the formation and ranges from 0.36 mm.—0.41 mm. in length. There is considerable variation in the lengths of the necks, which vary from short to relatively long. The forms with long necks occur most abundantly and those with short necks appear to have been damaged. The collars encircling the neck vary from three—six. Weathered specimens lack collars. Plestotype.—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3415. Lagena laevis (Montagu) Pl. 25, figs. 3a-b Serpula (Lagena) laevis ovalis Walker and Boys, 1784, Minute SVavallls,, fos Bi, joll, il, ates, Y Vermiculum laeve Montagu, 1803, Testacea Britannica, p. 524, Lagena laevis Cushman, 1935, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 181, p. 22, pl. 9, figs. 3, 4; Howe, 1939, Louisiana Dept. Cons., Geol. Bull. 14, p. 50, pl. 6, fig. 12; Toulmin, 1941, Jour. Paleont., vol 16, p- 593, pl. 80, fig. 7; Bergquist, 1942, Mississippi Geol. Sur., Bull. 49 (Fossils), p. 51, pl. 5, figs. 7, 8. Test pyriform, round in apertural view, with a short neck; chamber smooth without ornamentation; aperture terminal, simple, round, with a definite lip. Length, 0.35 mm.; diameter, 0.21 mm. Common. Castle Hayne formation, at Natural Well. The character of the neck varies considerably in the Castle Hayne specimens. The neck is constricted immediately below the NORTH CAROLINA FORAMINIFERA: COPELAND 245 lip in some specimens and not in others. Some of the specimens have short, broad, tapering necks and in other specimens the neck is long and thin. The specimens range from 0.33 mm.—0.42 mm. in length. Judging by the synonomy, Walker and Boys would seem to be the author of Lagena laevis, but they can only be credited with the naming of L. ovalis. The nature of the names Serpula (Lagena) laevis ovalis Walker and Boys 1784, seems to be descriptive names not in keeping with binomial nomenclature. This use of descrip- live names is further illustrated by Serpula tenwis ovalis laevis Walker and Boys (1784, Testacea minuta rariora, p. 2, pl. 1, fig. 5), a name not in keeping with the system of binomial nomencla- ture. Montagu (1805, Testacea Brittanica, p. 524) named Serpula laevis in keeping with the binomial system of names and so is credited with the naming of the species. Serpula (Lagena) laevis ovalis Walker and Boys 1784 has since been put in synonomy with Lagena laevis (Montagu). [Not Serpula L., 1758, Verm.] Plesiotype-—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3416. Lagena multicostata, new species Pl. 25, figs. 4a-b Test subspherical, round in apertural view, with a_ short, stout, slightly tapering neck which is ornamented with six prom- inent, horizontal, annulations; surface of the chamber ornamented with about 50 fine, low, rounded costae of varying lengths, most of which extend from the base of the test to the base of the neck; aperture terminal, simple, round. Length, 0.36 mm.; diameter, 0.24 mm. Rare. Castle Hayne formation, at Natural Well. The specimens vary from 0.30 mm.—0.36 mm. in length and from 0.22 mm.—0.27 mm. in diameter. The neck annulations vary from four—six depending upon the length of the neck and the costae vary from 40-50. Lagena multicostata differs from L. striata (d’Orbigny) (1839, Voyage dans l’Amérique méridionale, vol. 5, pt. 5, Foraminiféres, p. 21, pl. 5, fig. 12) in the larger size, more spherical shape of the test, more numerous costae, broader neck, and neck annulations. Holotype.—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3417. 246 BULLETIN 215 Lagena ouachitaensis Howe and Wallace Pl. 25, fig. 5 Lagena ouachitaensis Howe and Wallace, 1932, Louisiana Dept. Cons., Geol. Bull. 2, p. 29, pl. 6, fig. 9; Bergquist, 1942, Mississippi Geol. Sur., Bull. 49 (Fossils), p. 51, pl. 5, fig. 29; Cushman, 1946, Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., Spec. Pub. 16, p. 15, pl. 4, fig. 9. Test pyriform, elongate, round in apertural view with a short tapering neck, base broadly rounded with projecting costae; surface ornamented with nine irregularly spaced, prominent platelike costae, five continuing to near the top of the neck which is orna- mented with three fine annulations; wall hyaline; aperture ter- minal, simple, round, with a distinct lip formed by the uppermost annulation. Length, 0.34 mm.; diameter, 0.15 mm. Rare. Castle Hayne formation, at Natural Well. Castle Hayne specimens are similar to the type figure in size and appearance but differ in having two or three less costae. Plesiotype.—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3418. Lagena sulcata laevicostata Cushman and Gray Pl. 25, figs. 6a-b Lagena sulcata laevicostata Cushman and Gray, 1946, Contr. Cush- man Lab, Foram. Res., vol. 22, p. 68, pl. 12, figs. 13-14. Test subglobose, round in apertural view, with thick elongate tapering neck; surface ornamented with 19 prominent platelike costae, six continuing to the top of the neck in a slightly twisted manner, giving it a flanged appearance; aperture terminal, simple, round, small. Length, 0.48 mm.; diameter, 0.28 mm. Rare. Castle Hayne formation, at Natural Well. Costae of shorter lengths occur singly or in pairs between the six costae which continue to the top of the neck. The short costae terminate at the base of the neck or slightly below it. The costae on the neck vary somewhat in thickness. Plesitotype.—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3419. Lagena sulcata spirata Bandy Pl. 25, figs. 7a-b Lagena suleata Brady (part), 1884, Challenger Rept., Zoology, vol. 9, p. 462, pl. 57, fig. 23; Cushman, 1923, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 104, Din A 105 i jal, ILL, aye, al. Lagena sulcata spirata Bandy, 1949, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol, 32, No. ISHS Fas he TaN, (7h, aunifens ales} Test subglobose, main body of the chamber longer than wide, neck stout, slightly tapering; surface ornamented with about 36 NortH CAROLINA FORAMINIFERA: COPELAND 247 prominent costae varying slightly in length, some extending from the base of the test to the base of the neck which is ornamented with a medium steep, spiral flange; aperture terminal, simple, round. Length, 0.48 mm.; diameter, 0.27 mm. Rare. Castle Hayne formation at Natural Well. The two specimens found differ from the type figure in the following respects; 12 more costae, less spherical shape of the cham- ber, and a less steeply angled neck flange. Lagena multicostata (p. 245) differs from the species of L. sul- cata spirata Bandy found at Natural Well in the more numerous, fine, low costae, smaller size, and horizontal annulations about the neck. Plesiotype —U.N.C. Cat. No. 3420. Lagena torsicostata, new species Pl. 26, figs. la-b Test large, subglobular, round in apertural view, with an elongate tapering neck; surface ornamented with 20 prominent, twisted, round-edged costae of varying lengths, not all of which ex- tend to the base, about six continue to the top of the neck giving it a twisted ribbed appearance; aperture terminal, simple, round. Length, 0.40 mm.; diameter, 0.25 mm. Common. Castle Hayne formation, at Natural Well. Lagena torsicostata occurs throughout the formation and ranges from 0.39 mm.—0.45 mm. in length. The costae vary in number from 12-24, with 20 being most common. In a few speci- mens the costae are of lighter weight than those of the holotype. Lagena tortilis Egger (1895, K. bayer. Akad. Wiss., math- physik. Cl. bd. 18, abth. 2, p. 329, pl. 10, figs. 61-63) differs from L. torsicostata in the smaller size, and fewer less prominent costae, all of which extend to the base. Holotype.—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3421. Lagena wallacei Bandy Pl. 26, figs. 2a-b Lagena sp. (B) Howe and Wallace, 1932, Louisiana Dept. Cons., Geol. Bull. 2, p. 30, pl. 6, fig. 10; Bergquist, 1942, Mississippi Geol. Sur., Bull. 49 (Fossils), p. 53, pl. 5, fig. 26. Lagena wallacei Bandy, 1949, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 32, No. 131, p. ST, ll, “Pfs saves Ie) Test oval, elongate, round in apertural view with a short, tapering, narrow neck; surface ornamented with about 36 fine, nar- 248 BULLETIN 215 row, low, costae; neck ornamented with four fine, slightly oblique, raised annulations; aperture terminal, simple, small, round. Length, 0.39 mm.; diameter, 0.17 mm. Rare. Castle Hayne formation, at Natural Well. The Castle Hayne specimen differs slightly from the type fig- ure in the two less annulations and the annulations are slightly oblique. Plesiotype.—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3422. Genus ROBULUS Montfort, 1808 Robulus americanus (Cushman) Pl. 35, figs. 3a-b Cristellaria americana Cushman, 1918, U. S. Geol. Survey, Bull. 676, p. 50, pl. 10, figs. 5, 6. ; Robulus americanus Cushman, 1930, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 4, p. 24, pl. 3, fig. 7; Cushman and Cahill, 1933, U. S: Geol: Sur gerot Paper 175-A, p. 12, pl. 3, fig. 6; Renz, 1948, Geol. Soc. America, Mema32- ps lbivenple L2sihioss: Test circular, biconvex, umbonal areas raised, periphery sub- acute, smooth, with a narrow keel; chambers flattened, eight in outer whorl; sutures distinct, limbate, raised; wall calcareous, finely perforate, opaque; aperture a large triangular opening at the top of the apertural face. Diameter, 1.02 mm.; thickness, 0.51 mm. Rare. Duplin marl, at Natural Well only. This specimen has been damaged and severely weathered which probably accounts for its opaque appearance, but it seems to be identical with the type figure. Plestotype-—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3486. Robulus deformis (Reuss) Plate 26, figs. 3a-b Robulina deformis Reuss, 1851, Deutsche geol. Gesell. Zeitschr., Bd. 3, p. 70, pl. 4, figs. 30a, 30b. Test subcircular in outline, thick, periphery acute with a dis- tinct keel, smooth; chambers few, three in the last whorl, the first chamber in the last whorl subspherical in shape, later chambers in- creasing rapidly in height as added; sutures indistinct, strongly curved, flush with the surface; wall finely perforate, smooth, white, glossy; aperture slightly produced, an elongate slit at the top of the apertural face, radiate on the upper surface, apertural face is concave with angled margins. Diameter, 0.48 mm., thickness, 0.30 mm. NortH CAROLINA FORAMINIFERA: COPELAND 249 Rare. Castle Hayne formation, at Natural Well. The specimens differ from the type figure in the less distinct sutures, smaller size, and subcircular outline but otherwise are strikingly similar enough to be included in the species. Plesiotype —U.N.C. Cat. No. 3439. Robulus ovalis (Reuss) Pl. 26, figs. 4a-b Cristellaria ovalis Reuss, 1844, Die Kreidegebilde des westlichen Bohmens, ein monographischer Versuch, vol. 2, p. 213; Reuss, 1845, Die Versteinerungen der bohmischen Kreideformation, pt. 1, pl. 8, fie 49) pl. 12, fig: 19- pl. 13; figs: 60-63: Test bulbous, tripyramidal, with two surfaces flat or slightly convex and one surface set back from keel-like flanges; chambers two in number, proloculus large, spherical, smooth, second chamber tripyramidal with three acute edges forming keel-like structures which extend halfway over the proloculus; wall hyaline, finely perforate; aperture terminal, a narrow slit at the top of the aper- tural face, radiate. Height, 0.42 mm.; width 0.30 mm.; thickness, 0.30 mm. Rare. Castle Hayne formation, at Natural Well. The adult form described by Reuss consists of five—six cham- bers, but the young stage which is composed of only two chambers is similar to the Castle Hayne specimens (Reuss, 1845, pl. 13, figs. 63a, 63b). No specimens of R. ovalis were found in the fauna with more than two chambers. Galloway and Morrey (1929, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 15, No. 55, p. 21, pl. 2, figs. 1la, 11b) reported a similar form as Robulus cf. deformis (Reuss) from the upper Eo- cene of Ecuador. Robulus ovalis occurs in the Castle Hayne forma- tion at Natural Well with R. deformis (Reuss) and is possibly a megaspheric example of R. deformis. The species is placed in the genus Robulus because of the char- acter of the apertural face and slitlike radial aperture in spite of the lack of an early coiled portion. Plesiotype.-—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3440. Genus FISSURINA Reuss, 1850 Fissurina howei (Cushman and Todd) Pl. 26, figs. 5a-e Entosolenia orbignyana (Seguenza) var. elliptica (Cushman) in Howe, 1939, Louisiana Dept. Cons., Geol. Bull. 14, p. 64, pl. 9, fig. 14. 250 BULLETIN 215 Entosolenia howei Cushman and Todd, 1945, Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram..Res,, vol. 21, spt. .4,.p. 95, pl. 15, figs 29: Test elongate, pyriform, small, oval in apertural view, with a narrow peripheral keel; wall smooth, finely perforate with a broad, downward curving lip around the aperture; aperture terminal, small, an elongate slit. Length, 0.32 mm.; width, 0.24 mm.; thick- ness. 0.16 mm. Rare. Castle Hayne formation, at Natural Well. The Castle Hayne forms are poorly preserved, and the down- ward curving lip is not visible in all the specimens, but this may be due to recrystallization. The type description is not clear as to whether the lip is a separate structure from the keel or is a part of the keel. In the Castle Hayne specimens the lip around the aperture is formed as a result of broadening of the keel. Plestotype—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3407. Fissurina orbignyana lacunata (Burrows and Holland) Pl. 35, figs. 4a-b Lagena castrensis Brady, 1884 (not Schwager), Challenger Rept., Zoology, vol. 9, p. 485, pl. 60, figs. 1, 2; Balkwill and Wright, 1885, Trans: Roy: Irish Acad., vol. 28 (Sci:), p: 341; ply 12;etiesa aon Lagena lacunata Burrows and Holland in Jones, 1895, Foram. Crag, 10s PAV VOL 0 anes, IPA, IPor. Lagena orbignyana var. castrensis Millet, 1901, Jour. Roy. Mier. Soc., p. 626, pl. 14, fig. 20. Lagena orbignyana var. lacunata Sidebottom, 1910, Mem. Manchester Lit. Philos. Soc., vol. 54, No. 16, p. 19, pl. 2, fig. 14; Cushman, 1913, U.S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 71, pt. 3, p. 43, pl. 20, fig. 1; Cushman, 1930, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 4, p. 32, pl. 5, figs. 13a, 13b; Cushman and Cahill, 1933, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 175-A, p. 16, pl. 5, figs. Zale Fissurina orbignyana lacunata Puri, 1953, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 3105 jos IU, po, PAG, we A, Bh Test oval, minute, inflated, with three peripheral keels and outer flanking raised rims on each side of the primary keels, cham- ber surface ornamented with small ovate pits; wall hyaline, finely perforate; aperture terminal, oval in shape, with an entosolenial tube extending down into the test. Length, 0.24 mm.; width, 0.21 mm.; thickness, 0.13 mm. Rare. Duplin marl, at Natural Well and Barwick farm. The type figure illustrates in side view a form with three pri- mary keels and two flanking rims, but in apertural view only the NortTH CAROLINA FORAMINIFERA: COPELAND 251 three primary keels are illustrated. Unless the form is oriented properly in apertural view the two rims are easily missed. Plestotype —U.N.C. Cat. No. 3470. Family POLYMORPHINIDAE d’Orbigny, 1846 Genus POLYMORPHINA d’Orbigny, 1826 Polymorphina nuda Howe and Roberts Pe 2a tiessadia-b Polymorphina advena nuda Howe and Roberts in Howe, 1939, Louisi- ana Dept. Cons., Geol. Bull. 14, p. 56, pl. 7, fig. 4; Cushman, 1946, Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., Spec. Pub. 16, p. 20, pl. 4, fig. 19. Polymorphina nuda Bandy, 1949, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 32, No. 131, p. 65, pl. 9, figs. 8a, 8b. Test elongate, compressed, sides flat, tapering at both ends, greatest width near the middle, periphery rounded; chambers bi- serial, increasing rapidly in size, six pairs compose the test; sutures nearly straight, flush with the surface; wall hyaline, smooth, finely perforate; aperture terminal, produced, radiate. Length, 0.40 mm.; width, 0.20 mm.; thickness, 0.06 mm. Rare. Castle Hayne formation, at Natural Well. The specimens range from 0.40 mm.—0.57 mm. in length and in a few specimens the initial end is pointed. The other characters remain constant. The type figure differs from these specimens in the smaller size and fewer chambers. The species is atypical for the genus in that Polymorphina typically has a twisted biserial chamber arrangement, whereas P. nuda has a straight biserial chamber ar- rangement. Plestotype.—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3434. Genus PSEUDOPOLYMORPHINA Cushman and Ozawa, 1928 Pseudopolymorphina rutila (Cushman) Pl. 35, figs. 5a-b Polymorphina regina Brady, Parker, and Jones, var. rutila Cushman, 1923, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 133, p. 34, pl. 5, figs. 7, 8. Pseudopolymorphina rutila Cushman and Ozawa, 1930, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. 77, art. 6, p. 100, pl. 26, figs. 3a, 3b; Cushman, 1930, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 4, p. 36, pl. 5, fig. 20; Cushman and Cahill, 1933, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 175-A, p. 19, pl. 6, fig. 11; Puri, 1953, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 36, p. 105, pl. 21, fig. 8; McLean, 1956, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 36, No. 160, p. 335, pl. 41, figs. 6-9, 16, 17. Test elongate, compressed, widest near the base tapering to- wards the aperture, with a prominent basal spine; chambers elon- gate, inflated, alternating, about seven in number, loosely appressed; sutures distinct, depressed; wall hyaline, finely perforate, orna- 252 BULLETIN 215 mented with a few prominent discontinuous costae; aperture termi- nal, broken on this specimen, but probably round and radiate. Length, 1.26 mm.; width, 0.36 mm.; thickness, 0.33 mm. Rare. Duplin marl, at Natural Well and Barwick farm. The Duplin specimens differ from the type figure in being larger, less fusiform, with more elongate chambers whose proximal ends are closer to the proloculus. The figured specimen has one chamber nearly completely destroyed, thereby altering the apparent shape of the test. A second nonfigured specimen differs in having less inflated chambers and nearly parallel edges as seen in side view. McLean (1956, pl. 41) illustrated a considerable variation to the species. Plesiotype—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3482. Genus SIGMOMORPHINA Cushman and Ozawa, 1928 Sigmomorphina pulchra Todd Pl. 27, figs! 2a-c Sigmomorphina pulchra Todd, 1952, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 241, 1, AO, ol, 3h, sees, ale} Test elongate, oval in apertural view, slightly compressed. greatest width near the middle, initial and apertural ends equally acute; chambers slightly inflated, sigmoid, each succeeding chamber added farther from the base, moderately appressed; sutures dis- tinct, slightly depressed; wall hyaline, smooth, finely perforate: aperture terminal, round, radiate. Length, 0.45 mm.; width, 0.20 mm.; thickness, 0.15 mm. Rare. Castle Hayne formation, at Natural Well. The specimens from this locality are smaller but otherwise similar to the type figure. Plesiotype.—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3441. Sigmomorphina terquemiana (Fornasin1) Pl. 36, figs. la-c Polymorphina amygdaloides Terquem, 1878 (not Reuss, 1856), Soc. Géol. France, Mem., sér. 3, tome 1, No. 3, p. 39, pl. 3, fig. 25. Polymorphina amygdaloides Reuss var. terquemiana Fornasini, 1900, Soe. Géol. Ital., Boll., vol. 19, p. 136. Sigmomorphina semitecta terquemiana Cushman and Ozawa, 1930, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. 77, art. 6, p. 129, pl. 34, figs. 2a-c. Test fusiform, compressed, oval in apertural view, initial end subacute, greatest width near the middle of the test; chambers closely appressed, elongate, arranged in a sigmoid series, rapidly en- NortH CAROLINA FORAMINIFERA: COPELAND 253 larging as added; sutures distinct, nearly vertical, slightly depressed: wall hyaline, finely perforate; aperture terminal, large, round, radiate. Length, 0.48 mm.; width, 0.24 mm.; thickness, 0.14 mm. Rare. Duplin marl, at Natural Well only. Terquem in 1878 (Soc. Géol. France, Mem., sér. 3, tome I, No. 3, p. 39, pl. 3, figs. 22-30) described this species using a syn- typic series which undoubtedly includes more than one species. ‘To preserve the taxonomic value of the species this author designates the specimen, fig. 25 of Terquem, as the lectotype. Plesiotype.—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3488. Genus LARYNGOSIGMA Loeblich and Tappan, 1953 Laryngosigma williamsoni (Terquem) PAL Bay nies, 6 Polymorphina lactea oblonga Williamson, 1858 (not P. oblonga Roemer, 1838, nor P. oblonga d’Orbigny, 1846), Rec. Foram. Gt. Britain, p. 71, pl. 6, figs. 149, 149a. Polymorphina williamsoni Terquem, 1878, Soc. Géol. France, Mém., sér. 3, tome 1, No. 3, p. 37. Sigmomorphina williamsoni Cushman and Ozawa, 1930, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. 77, art. 6, p. 188, pl. 38, figs. 3, 4; Cushman, 1930, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 4, p. 36, pl. 6, fig. 4; Puri, 1953, zbid., Bull. 36, p. 110, pl. 28, fig. 7; McLean, 1956, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 36, No. 160, p. 338, pl. 42, figs. 1-4. Laryngosigma williamsoni (Terquem), Loeblich and Tappan, 1953, Smithsonian Inst., Mise. Coll., vol. 121, No. 7, p. 83. Test small, oblong, oval in apertural view, edges broadly rounded; chambers few, distinct, elongate, added in a sigmoid series; sutures distinct, slightly depressed, nearly vertical; wall thin, hyaline, finely perforate; aperture terminal, radiate, with a short entosolenian tube extending into the test. Length, 0.40 mm.; width, 0.19 mm. Rare. Duplin marl, at Natural Well. Two specimens were found and both disintegrated during the photographing process. The tests were extremely fragile. The Dup- lin specimens differed from the type figure in the thicker test, smaller size, fewer chambers, and pointed basal end. The apertural characters were not noted in detail before disintegration of the tests. The specimens found possibly were young forms. Genus GUTTULINA d’Orbigny, 1839 Guttulina sp. Pl. 27, figs. 3a-c Test elongate, acute at the initial and apertural end, greatest width near the middle, compressed, oval in apertural view; cham- 954 BULLETIN 215 bers few, slightly inflated, added alternately, each succeeding one farther from the base; sutures distinct, slightly depressed; wall hyaline, finely perforate; aperture terminal, large, round, radiate. Length, 0.57 mm.; width, 0.30 mm.; thickness, 0.19 mm. Rare. Castle Hayne formation, at Natural Well. The single specimen found cannot be satisfactorily identified with any previously described species. Guttulina caudata dOrbigny as figured by Cushman and Ponton (1932, p. 65, pl. 9, fig. 17) is somewhat similar but differs from the Castle Hayne form in the more numerous chambers and distinct spine on the initial chamber. Guttulina stavensis Bandy (1949, p. 69, pl. 10, fig. 3a-c) differs in the more numerous chambers, lobulate periphery, and the cham- bers are added farther from the base. Plesiotype-—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3413. Guttulina communis (d’Orbigny) Pl. 27, figs. 4a-c Polymorphina (Guttulina) communis d’Orbigny, 1826, Ann. Sci. Nat., ser. 1, vol. 7, p. 266, pl. 12, figs. 1-4; d’Orbigny, 1846, Foramini- feres fossiles du bassin tertiaire de Vienne, p. 224-225. Guttulina irregularis Cushman (not d’Orbigny), 1935, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 181, p. 24, pl. 9, figs. 13-16. Guttulina communis Bandy, 1949, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 32, No. 131, p. 68, pl. 9, figs. 12a, 12b. Test small, slightly wider than long, equilaterally triangular in side view, triangular in apertural view, edges round; chambers few, inflated, elongate, each extending to the base; sutures distinct, slightly depressed; wall hyaline, smooth, finely perforate; aperture terminal, oval, radiate. Length, 0.30 mm.; width, 0.31 mm.; thick- ness, 0.19 mm. Common. Castle Hayne formation, at Natural Well. This species occurs throughout the formation with only slight variation. Most specimens are more elongate than the holotype or the figured Castle Hayne specimen. Bandy (1949, p. 68) included in his synonymy several speci- mens identified incorrectly by Cushman and Bergquist as G. irregu- laris V Orbigny. Plestotype.—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3412. Guttulina costatula Galloway and Wissler Pl. 36, figs. 2a-b Polymorphina (Guttulina) costatula Galloway and Wissler, 1927, Jour. Paleont., vol. 1, p. 57, pl. 9, figs. 10a, 10b. NORTH CAROLINA FORAMINIFERA: COPELAND 255 Guttulina costatula Cushman and Ozawa, 1930, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. 77, art. 6, p. 35, pl. 6, figs. 8a, 3b; Cushman, 1930, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 4, p. 33, pl. 5, fig. 15: Cushman and Cahill, 1933, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 175-A, p. 17, pl. 6, figs. la, 1b; Puri, 1953, Florida Geol. Sur., Buli. 36, p. 106, pl. 21, fig. 7. Test fusiform, short, acute at both ends, with a short blunt prolocular spine, suboval in apertural view; chambers five in num- ber, arranged in a counterclockwise polymorphine spiral, each one removed farther from the base, ornamented with about 30 fine costae some of which are continuous from one chamber to the next; wall hyaline, finely perforate; aperture terminal, medium large, produced, round, radiate. Length, 0.46 mm.; width, 0.27 mm. Rare. Duplin marl, at Natural Well only. The type figure and type description of this form are incon- gruous. The type description speaks of 12-15 low rounded costae and the type figure illustrates about 12 costae per chamber, or a total of 32 costae, in apertural view. The Duplin marl specimen seems to have about 30 costae and is identified as Guttulina costa- iula Galloway and Wissler on the basis of the type figure. Plestotype—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3476. Genus RAPHANULINA Zborzewski, 1834 Raphanulina gibba (d’Orbigny) Pl. 28; figs: lace Polymorphina (Globuline) gibba d’Orbigny, 1826, Ann. Sci. Nat., ser. 1, vol. 7, p. 266, Modele No. 63. Globulina gibba Cushman, 1935, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 181, p. 25, pl. 9, fig. 18; Bergquist, 1942, Mississippi Geol. Sur., Bull. 49 (Fossils), p. 55, pl. 6, fig. 8; Cushman and Todd, 1945, Contr. Cush- man Lab. Foram. Res., vol. 21, pt. 4, p. 88, pl. 14, fig. 13; Cushman, 1946, Cushman Lab Foram. Res., Spec. Pub. 16, p. 18, pl. 4, fig. 16; Bandy, 1949, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 32, No. 131, p. 70, pl. 10, figs. 4a, 4b. Test globular, subcircular in apertural view; chambers few, inflated, three in the last whorl; sutures flush with the surface, oblique; wall smooth, finely perforate; aperture, terminal, round, radiate. Length, 0.33 mm.; width, 0.27 mm.; thickness, 0.21 mm. Rare. Castle Hayne formation, at Natural Well. The Castle Hayne specimens differ from the type figure and from those identified by later workers in the subcircular rather than spherical shape of the test. The suture lines of the test illus- trated in the type figure are strongly curved and the suture lines of Castle Hayne specimens are only slightly curved; however, these 256 BULLETIN 215 specimens seem identical with forms identified by later workers except for the subcircular shape of the test. Raphanulina amplectens (Reuss) (1851, Deutsche geol. Gessell. Zeitscher, Bd. 3, p. 81, pl. 6, fig. 44) is similar to the Castle Hayne species but differs in the larger size, less closely appressed chambers, and the suture lines do not extend as high on the test. Plesiotype.—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3437. Raphanulina sp. cf. R. hispida (Terquem) Pl. 36, figs. 3a-c Globulina hispida Terquem, 1882, Soc. Géol. France, Mém., sér. 3, tome Ay jo, Usil, jo ss, ses 3. Test slightly compressed, edges broadly rounded, lateral cham- ber subangular, suboval in apertural view; chambers closely ap- pressed, four in the last whorl, slightly inflated; sutures distinct, slightly depressed; wall hyaline, finely perforate, hispid; aperture terminal, oval in shape, radiate. Length, 0.36 mm.; width, 0.23 mm.; thickness, 0.18 mm. Rare. Duplin marl, at Natural Well only. The Duplin marl specimen differs from the type figure in the thicker test, more numerous chambers (four instead of three), less produced aperture and different sutural pattern. Raphanulina inaequalis caribaea (dOrbigny) (1839, Foraminiféres, in de la Sagra, Histoire, physique, politique et naturelle de l’ile de Cuba, p. 135, pl. 2, figs. 7, 8) is similar to the Duplin marl species but differs in the smaller size, fewer, more inflated chambers, regular shape, and different sutural pattern. Plesiotype.—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3484. Raphanulina sp. cf. R. laeviglobosa ten Dam Pl. 36, figs. 4a-c Globulina laeviglobosa ten Dam, 1944, Netherlands, Geol. Stichting, Meded., ser. C, vol. 5, No. 3, p. 107, pl. 1, figs. la-c. Test globular, wider than long, edges rounded, oval in aper- tural view; chambers greatly inflated, distinct, four in the last whorl, added alternately, each succeeding chamber extending nearly to the base; sutures distinct, depressed; wall hyaline, smooth, finely perforate; aperture terminal, large, round, radiate. Length, 0.52 mm.; width, 0.57 mm.; thickness, 0.40 mm. Rare. Duplin marl, at Natural Well only. NorRTH CAROLINA FORAMINIFERA: COPELAND 257 The single Duplin marl specimen differs from the type figure in the more broadly rounded chambers, deeply depressed sutures, and greater number of chambers. Plesiotype-—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3485. Raphanulina subglobosa, new species Pl. 28, figs. 2a-c Test oval, slightly compressed; chambers few, three in the last whorl, closely appressed, distinct, added alternately, inflated; su- tures distinct, slightly depressed; wall smooth, finely perforate; aperture terminal, large, round, radiate. Length, 0.50 mm.; width, 0.35 mm.; thickness, 0.30 mm. Rare. Castle Hayne formation, at Natural Well. The specimens range from 0.30 mm.—0.50 mm. in length, from 0.21 mm.—0.35 mm. in width, and from 0.16 mm.—0.30 mm. in thickness. In addition to size variations the specimens have from three-four chambers and a few are slightly more compressed than the holotype. Raphanulina subglobosa may be distinguished from R. inae- qualis (Reuss) (1850, Denkschr. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 1, p. 377, pl. 48, fig. 9) by the smaller size, thicker, less symmetrical test, and the aperture is not attenuated as it is in R. inaequalis. Cush- man and Cahill described a similar form as R. inaequalis (1933, p. 18, pl. 6, figs. 7, 8), but it differs from the Castle Hayne species in having the second chamber extend higher up on the test. A varia- tion has been described as R. inaequalis (Reuss) (see Cushman and Cahill, 1933, p. 18 for a complete synonomy) and most all are dif- ferent from the type figure of R. inaequalis. Holotype.—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3438. Genus RAMULINA Jones, 1875 Ramulina globulifera Brady JPL, 248}, ants, Ss! Ramulina globulifera Brady, 1879, Quart. Jour. Mier. Sci., vol. 19, p. 272, pl. 8, figs. 32, 33; Bergquist, 1942, Mississippi Geol. Sur., Bull. 49 (Fossils), p. 59, pl. 6, fig. 21; Bermudez, 1949, Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., Spec. Pub. 25, p. 164, pl. 11, figs. 10, 11. Test consists of a large globular central chamber from which extend six thin cylindrical tubes of varying lengths; wall hyaline, finely perforate, ornamented with short distinct spines; apertures apparently at the end of the cylindrical tubes. Length, 0.75 mm.; tube diameter, 0.08 mm. 258 BULLETIN 215 Rare. Castle Hayne formation, at Natural Well. The Natural Well specimens are all apparently fragmental portions of a once larger branching network. The specimens vary from 0.57 mm.—0.75 mm. in length and one specimen was found with two spheres. Plesiotype.—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3436. Family NONIONIDAE Reuss, 1860 Genus NONION Montfort, 1803 Nonion danvillensis Howe and Wallace Pl. 28, figs. 4a-b Nonion danvillensis Howe and Wallace, 1932, Louisiana Dept. Cons., Geol. Bull. 2, p. 51, pl. 9, figs. 3a, 3b. Nonion danvillense Cushman, 1939, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 191, [94 By Jol, Ih, save, 18): Nonion danvillensis Bergquist, 1942, Mississippi Geol. Sur., Bull. 49 (Fossils), p. 60, pl. 6, fig. 25. Nonion danvillense Cushman and Todd, 1945, Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., vol. 21, pt. 4, p. 92, pl. 15, fig. 4. Nonion danvillensis Bandy, 1949, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 32, No. 131, p. 72, pl. 10, figs. 10a, 10b. Test higher than wide, compressed, periphery broadly rounded, lobulate, umbilici depressed, papillate; chambers inflated, rapidly enlarging, closely appressed in the early portion, becoming more loosely appressed in the later portion, six in the final volution; sutures distinct, radial, strongly depressed; wall hyaline, finely per- forate; aperture a high broad arch at the base of the apertural face, bordered by a distinct lip. Diameter, 0.30 mm.; thickness, 0.18 mm. Abundant. Castle Hayne formation, at Natural Well. This species occurs abundantly throughout the formation with only slight variation except for size. The forms range from 0.24 mm.—0.30 mm. in diameter. The type figures of N. danvillensis Howe and Wallace and N. micrus Cole (1927, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 14, No. 51, p. 22) are similar, but Cole’s original description and figure do not mention nor illustrate an umbilical filling nor aperture bordered by a definite lip. The Castle Hayne specimens are placed in N. danvillensis Howe and Wallace. Cole’s original figure does not include an apertural view. Plesiotype.—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3426. NortH CAROLINA FORAMINIFERA: COPELAND 259 Nonion decoratus Cushman and McGlamery Pl. 37, figs. la-b Nonion advenum Cushman and McGlamery, 1938, (part) (not Cush- man), U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 189-D, p. 106, pl. 24, figs. 23a, 23b, not fig. 22. Nonion decoratum Cushman and McGlamery, 1939, Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., vol. 15, p. 46, pl. 9, figs. 4a, 4b; Cushman and McGlamery, 1942, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 197-B, p. 69, pl. 5, fig. 9; Todd, 1952, ibid., Prof. Paper 241, p. 21, pl. 3, figs. 19a, 19b. Test subcircular in outline, small, sides nearly parallel in apertural view, periphery broadly rounded, lobulate in the later portion of the test, umbilical areas filled with beaded masses of clear shell material surrounding a prominent central boss; cham- bers slightly inflated, nine in the outer whorl; sutures curved, radial, ornamented with fine granules of shell material near the umbilicus, flush with the surface in the early portion, later sutures becoming depressed; wall hyaline, finely perforate; aperture a low arch at the base of the apertural face. Diameter, 0.30 mm.; thick- ness, 0.14 mm. Rare. Duplin marl, at Natural Well and Barwick farm. The Duplin marl specimens have from 8-10 chambers and range from 0.25 mm.—0.36 mm. in size, differing from the type figure in the less prominent central boss, less lobulate periphery, more curved suture lines, and nonlimbate sutures. Plesitotype-—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3478. Nonion mauricensis Howe and Ellis Pl. 29, figs. la-b Nonion mauricensis Howe and Ellis in Howe, 1939, Louisiana Dept. Cons., Geol. Bull. 14, p. 57, pl. 8, figs. 1, 2; Cushman and Todd, 1945, Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., vol. 21, pt. 1, p. 15, pl. 3, figs. 27, 28; Bandy, 1949, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 32, No. 131, p. 73, pl. 10, figs. 12a, 12b. Test small, higher than wide, sides parallel in edge view, um- bilici flush with the surface, large, papillate, periphery rounded, lobulate; chambers closely appressed, enlarging rapidly, slightly in- flated in the later portion of the test, eight in the last whorl; sutures distinct, radial, slightly curved, depressed; wall hyaline, finely per- forate; aperture a low arch at the base of the apertural face. Di- ameter, 0.33 mm.; thickness, 0.12 mm. Common. Castle Hayne formation, at Natural Well. This species occurs with slight variation throughout the for- 260 BULLETIN 215 mation, such as eight or nine chambers in the outer whorl, the size of the granular umbilical filling and the relative expansion of the terminal chamber. The Castle Hayne specimens differ from the type figure mainly in their larger size. Plesiotype-—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3427. Nonion planatus Cushman and Thomas Pl. 29, figs. 2a-b Nonion planatum Cushman and Thomas, 1930, Jour. Paleont., vol. 4, p. 37, pl. 38, figs. 5a, 5b; Cushman and Dusenbury, 1934, Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., vol. 10, p. 60, pl. 8, figs. 6a, 6b; Cush- man, 1939, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 191, p. 4, pl. 1, figs. 15a, 15b; Bergquist, 1942, Mississippi Geol. Sur., Bull. 49 (Fossils), p. 61, pl. 6, fig, 24; Cushman and Todd, 1945, Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., vol. 21, pt. 1, p. 15, pl. 3, fig. 29; Cushman and Herrick, 1945, ibid., pt. 3, p. 61, pl. 10, fig. 8; Cushman and Todd, 1945, ibid., pt. 4, p. 92, pl. 15, fig. 2; Cushman, 1946, Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., Spec. Pub. 16, p. 21, pl. 4, fig. 24. Nonion planatus Bandy, 1949, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 32, No. 131, p. 74, pl. 11, figs. 1a, 1b. Test large, planispiral, close coiled, umbilici slightly depressed, periphery broadly rounded, smooth; chambers distinct, not inflated, increasing gradually in size, nine in the last volution; sutures dis- tinct, flush in the early portion, slightly depressed in the later por- tion, radial, slightly curved, forming a thickened ring with slight inward projections in the umbilici; wall hyaline, medium perfor- ate; aperture a low arch at the base of the apertural face. Diameter 0.42 mm.; thickness 0.18 mm. Abundant. Castle Hayne formation, at Natural Well. The specimens vary considerably in size from 0.24 mm.—0.42 mm. and have from nine-ten chambers; forms with nine chambers are more prevalent. The relative sizes of the umbilical areas vary from small to moderately large. Plesiotype.—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3428. Genus NONIONELLA Cushman, 1926 Nonionella jacksonensis Cushman Pl. 29, figs. 3a-c Nonionella jacksonensis Cushman, 1933, Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., vol. 9, p. 10, pl. 1, figs. 23a-c; Cushman, 1935, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 181, p. 31, pl. 12, figs. 3, 4; Cushman, 1939, ibid., Prof. Paper 191, p. 29, pl. 8, figs. 2a-c; Howe, 1939, Louisiana Dept. Cons., Geol. Bull. 14, p. 59, pl. 8, figs. 5-7; Bergquist, 1942, Missis- sippi Geol. Sur., Bull. 49 (Fossils), p. 62, pl. 6, fig. 23; Cushman and Todd, 1945, Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., vol. 21, pt. 4, p. 93, pl. 15, fig. 8; Cushman, 1946, Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., Spec. Pub: 16;p.922, pl. 4, fies 26: NorTH CAROLINA FORAMINIFERA: COPELAND 26] Test minute, higher than wide, periphery rounded, dorsal side slightly evolute, ventral side involute; chambers distinct, eight in the final whorl, increasing rapidly in size and elongation as added, last chamber highly inflated, extending across the umbilical area almost to the periphery on the ventral side; sutures distinct, curved, slightly depressed; wall hyaline, finely perforate; aperture peripheral, a low arch at the base of the apertural face. Height, 0.27 mm.; width, 0.20 mm.; thickness, 0.15 mm. Common. Castle Hayne formation, at Natural Well. The species occurs in the lower half of the exposed formation, and all the specimens are abnormally small but otherwise seem identical to the type figure. Cushman (1935, p. 31) reported speci- mens only slightly larger from the Ocala limestone of Alabama and the Cooper marl of South Carolina. Plestotype-—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3429. Nonionella spissa Cushman Pl. 29, figs. 4a-c Nonionella hantkeni spissa Cushman, 1931, Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., vol. 7, p. 58, pl. 7, figs. 13a-c; Cushman, 1939, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 191, p. 380, pl. 8, fig. 5; Cushman and Herrick, 1945, Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., vol. 21, pt. 4, p. 63, pl. 10, fig. 12. Nonionella spissa Bandy, 1949, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 32, No. 131, p. 78, pl. 11, figs. 2a-c, 4a-c. Test higher than wide, subovate in outline, periphery rounded to slightly angled, not lobulate, dorsal side slightly evolute, ventral side involute, umbilical area on the ventral side coarsely granular, with granules extending slightly into adjacent sutures; chambers closely appressed, nine in the last whorl, increasing gradually in size as added, last chamber slightly inflated, extending only to the umbilicus; sutures distinct, radial, gently curved, flush with the surface in the early portion, becoming slightly depressed in the later portion; wall hyaline, finely perforate; aperture peripheral, a low arch at the base of the apertural face, extending slightly toward the ventral side. Diameter 0.39 mm.; thickness 0.15 mm. Rare. Castle Hayne formation, at Natural Well. The specimens vary from the type figure in the slightly smaller size and fewer chambers but are similar to those reported by Cush- man and Herrick (1945, pl. 10, fig. 12) and by Bandy (1949, pl. 262 BULLETIN 215 I], fig. 4a-c). The relative degree of expansion in the last few chambers is variable in the Castle Hayne specimens. Plestotype: U.N.C. Cat. No. 3430. Genus ELPHIDIUM Montfort, 1808 Elphidium advena (Cushman) Pl. 37, figs. 2a-b Polystomella subnodosa Brady, 1884 (not von Munster), Challenger Rept., Zoology, vol. 9, p. 734, pl. 110, figs. 1a, 1b. Polystomella advena Cushman, 1922, Carnegie Inst. Washington, Pub. 311, p. 56, pl. 9, figs. 11, 12. Elphidium advenum Cushman, 1930, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 104, pt. 7. p. 25, pl. 10, figs. 1, 2; Cushman, 1930, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 4. p. 40, pl. 7, figs. 7a, 7b; Cushman and Ponton, 1932, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 9, p. 70, pl. 11, figs. la, 1b; Cushman and Cahill, 1933, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 175-A, p. 22, pl. 7, figs. 10a, 10b; Cushman, 1939, ibid., Prof. Paper 191, p. 60, pl. 16, figs. 31-35; McLean, 1956, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 36, No. 160, p. 341, pl. 43, figs. 5a, 5b. Test higher than wide, compressed, periphery smooth, acute, with a narrow keel, umbilical regions slightly depressed, with sec- ondary calcareous filling; chambers distinct, raised, later ones infla- ted, 10 visible; sutures depressed, radial, curved, with stout retral processes; wall finely perforate, glossy white in appearance; aper- ture composed of a few small round openings at the base of the apertural face. Diameter, 0.42 mm.; thickness, 0.18 mm. Common. Duplin marl, at Natural Well and Barwick farm. Duplin marl representatives range from 0.30 mm.—0.55 mm. in diameter, with from 8-12 chambers. Plestotype.—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3466. Elphidium compressulum, new species Pl. 37, figs. 3a-b Test higher than wide, thin, strongly compressed, periphery rounded, smooth in the early portion, becoming slightly lobulate in the later portion, umbilical areas depressed; chambers flattened in the early portion, becoming slightly inflated; 11 visible in the last whorl; sutures distinct, radial, flush with the surface in the imma- ture portion, becoming slightly depressed in the later portion, with short, broad, retral processes visible on all sutures; wall hyaline, coarsely perforate; aperture composed of small rounded openings at the base of the apertural face and scattered about the apertural face. Diameter, 0.34 mm.; thickness, 0.12 mm. Common at Natural Well, rare at Barwick farm. Duplin marl., NortH CAROLINA FORAMINIFERA: COPELAND 263 The specimens range from 0.26 mm.—0.34 mm. in diameter with from 9-11 chambers. E. translucens Natland (1938, Scripps Inst. Oceanography, Bull., vol. 4, p. 144, pl. 5, figs. 3, 4) differs in the larger size, more numerous chambers, subcircular outline, broader sutures, and thicker test. Holotype.—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3467. Elphidium gunteri Cole Pl. 37, figs. 4a-b Elphidiuwm gunteri Cole, 1931, Florida Geol Sur., Bull. 6, p. 34, pl. 4, figs. 9, 10. Test subcircular in outline, periphery smooth, not lobulate, broadly rounded, umbilical regions filled with clear shell material; chambers distinct, not inflated, 11 visible in the last whorl; sutures distinct, flush with the surface, radial, slightly curved, with raised rectangular retral processes; wall hyaline, finely perforate; aperture composed of a series of small rounded openings at the base of the apertural face. Diameter, 0.41 mm.; thickness, 0.20 mm. Rare. Duplin marl, at Natural Well and Barwick farm. The specimens range from 0.30 mm.—0.47 mm. in diameter with 11-14 chambers. The Duplin marl forms differ slightly from the type figure in the finely perforate wall, reduced umbilical fill- ing, and fewer chambers in some specimens. Plesiotype.—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3468. Elphidium limatulum, new species Plesie higss bap Test subcircular in outline, thick, periphery broadly rounded, slightly lobulate, umbilical areas depressed, filled with clear granu- lar shell material; chambers flattened in the early portion becom- ing slightly inflated in the later portion of the test, nine visible in the last whorl; sutures distinct, depressed, with short, broad retral processes which are indistinct in the early portion of the test; wall white, glossy, finely perforate; aperture composed of small rounded openings at the base of the apertural face. Diameter, 0.42 mm.; thickness, 0.21 mm. Common. Duplin marl, at Natural Well and Barwick farm. This species ranges from 0.36 mm.—0.55 mm. in diameter with 8-11 chambers, 10 being the most common. Elphidium limatulum resembles E. poeyanum (d’Orbigny) 264 BULLETIN 215 but differs in the less lobulate periphery, less distinct retral pro- cesses, and the more finely perforate test. E. nautiloideum Gallo- way and Heminway (1941, New York Acad. Sci., vol. 3, pt. 4, p. 362, pl. 14, figs. 5a, 5b) differs in the greater number of chambers, short- er apertural face, and distinct retral processes. Holotype.—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3495. Elphidium poeyanum (d’Orbigny) Pl. 37, figs. 6a-b Polystomella poeyana d’Orbigny, 1839, Foraminiféres, in de la Sagra, Histoire physique, politique et naturelle de l’ile de Cuba, p. 55, pl. 6, figs. 25, 26. Elphidium poeyanum Cushman, 1929, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 104, pt. 7, p. 25, pl. 10, figs. 4, 5; Cushman, 1930, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 4, p. 39, pl. 7, figs. 3, 4; Cushman and Cahill, 1933, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 175-A, p. 21, pl. 7, figs. 7a, 7b; Cushman, 1939, ibid., Prof. Paper 191, p. 54, pl. 14, figs. 25, 26; Galloway and Hem- inway, 1941, New York Acad. Sci., vol. 3, pt. 4, p. 363, pl. 14, figs. 6a, 6b. Test compressed, periphery slightly lobulate, broadly rounded, umbilical regions depressed; chambers in the later portion of the test inflated, 10 visible; sutures distinct, slightly depressed, with short broad retral processes; wall hyaline, coarsely perforate; aper- ture composed of a series of small rounded openings at the base of the apertural face. Diameter, 0.29 mm.; thickness, 0.12 mm. Common. Duplin marl, at Natural Well and Barwick farm. Duplin mar! species range from 0.29 mm.—0.51 mm. in di- ameter, with 9-12 chambers. Plestotype—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3469. Family ROTALIIDAE Reuss, 1860 Genus GLOBOROTALIA Cushman, 1927 Globorotalia menardii (d’Orbigny) Pl. 38, figs. la-c Rotalia menardii d’Orbigny, 1826, Ann. Sci. Nat., ser. 1, vol. 7, p. 273, model 10. Pulvinulina menardu Brady, 1884, Challenger Rept., Zoology, vol. 9, p. 690, pl. 103, figs. 1, 2. Pulvinulina tumida Brady, ibid., p. 692, pl. 103, figs. 4-6. Globorotalia menardii Cushman, 1930, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 4, p. 60, pl. 12, figs. la-c; Cushman, 1931, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 104, pt. 8, p. 91, pl. 17, fig. la-c; Cole and Ponton, 1932, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 5, p. 45, pl. 11, figs. 4, 5; Cushman and Cahill, 1933, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 175-A, p. 34, pl. 12, fig 5a-c; Bermudez, 1949, Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., Spec. Pub. 25, p. 286, pl. 22, figs. 9-11; Puri, 1953, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 36, p. 150, pl. 25, figs. 4-6. Test plano-convex, small, trochoid, periphery subacute, NortH CAROLINA FORAMINIFERA: COPELAND 265 slightly lobulate, with a definite keel; chambers flattened on the dorsal side, inflated on the ventral side, four in the adult whorl: sutures curved, radial, limbate, and raised on the dorsal side, de- pressed, nearly straight, radial on the ventral side; wall hyaline. medium perforate; aperture ventral, a narrow elongate slit border- ed by a definite lip, between the umbilicus and the periphery at the base of the septal face. Diameter, 0.39 mm.; thickness, 0.20 mm. Rare. Duplin marl, at Natural Well and Barwick farm. Plesiotype —U.N.C. Cat. No. 3475. Globorotalia spinulosa Cushman Pl. 29, figs. 5a-c Globorotalia spinulosa Cushman, 1927, Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., vol. 3, p. 114, pl. 23, figs. 4a-c; Howe, 1939, Louisiana Dept. Cons., Geol. Bull. 14, p. 85, pl. 12, figs 10-12; Loeblich, Tappan, and Bolli, 1957, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 215, p. 168, pl. 38, figs. 6, 7. Test small, thick, consisting of two whorls in a low trocho- spiral arrangement, unequally biconvex, ventral side more strongly convex than the dorsal side, periphery with a spinose keel present on the last three chambers, broadly rounded in the early portion, becoming acute; chambers closely appressed, about 10 in number, five in the last whorl, compressed on the dorsal side, inflated, and rapidly enlarging on the ventral side; sutures curved, radial, becom- ing oblique in adult chambers, slightly depressed on the dorsal side, ventral sutures straight, radial, strongly depressed; wall hyaline, medium perforate, ornamented with small spines which become more prominent near the periphery; aperture umbilical-extraum- bilical, a low elongate slit, bordered by a distinct lip at the base of the last chamber. Height, 0.30 mm.; width, 0.25 mm.; thickness, Q.18 mim. Rare. Castle Hayne formation, at Natural Well. The species occurs with little variation in the upper five feet of the formation. Plestotype.—U.N:C. Cat. No. 3411. Genus CANCRIS Montfort, 1808 Cancris communis Cushman and Todd Pl. 38, figs. 2a-c Pulvinulina sagra Cushman, 1918 (not d’Orbigny), U. S. Geol. Sur., BullS6vGn pe Gbaple22 ties 3 ple2o hig le Cancris sagra Cushman, 1930, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 4, p. 56, pl. 11, figs. da-c; Cushman and Ponton, 1932, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 9, 2°66 BULLETIN 215 p. 94, pl. 14, figs. 3a-c; Ellisor, 1940, Amer. Assoc. Pet. Geol., Bull., vol. 24, p. 474, pl. 6, fig. 6. Cancris sagra communis Cushman and Todd, 1942, Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., vol. 18, p. 79, pl. 19, figs. 8-11; pl. 20, figs. la-c; Dorsey, 1948, Maryland Dept. Geol., Mines, Water Res., Bull. 2, p. 312, pl. 37, figs. 10a-c. Test higher than wide, unequally biconvex, periphery acute, smooth in early portion, becoming lobulate in last two chambers; chambers few, six in the adult whorl, increasing rapidly in size as added; sutures on the dorsal side slightly depressed, gently curved, ventral sutures more strongly depressed and nearly radial; wall smooth, hyaline, finely perforate, with a transparent imperforate space above the aperture on the ventral side; aperture a low arch with slight lip. Height, 0.33 mm.; width, 0.22 mm.; thickness, 0.12 mm. Rare. Duplin marl, at Natural Well and Barwick farm. The Duplin marl specimens are identical with those described by Cushman and Ponton (1932, p. 94, pl. 14, fig. 3a-c) from the Choctawhatchee formation of Florida. The specimens exhibit both dextral and sinistral coiling. Plesiotype.—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3457. Cancris involutus, new species Pl. 30, figs. la-c Test elongate, unequally biconvex, dorsal side flattened, in- volute, terminal chamber extending over umbilicus, ventral side convex, less involute, terminal chamber only partially embracing umbilicus, periphery lobulate, acute, with a narrow keel; chambers nine in number, increasing rapidly in size as added; sutures distinct with medium thin limbation, curved, flush with the surface in the early portion; wall hyaline, finely perforate; aperture a low arch slit extending from the umbilicus on the ventral side to slightly over the periphery nearly to the dorsal edge, with a slight lip. Height, 0.45 mm.; width, 0.33 mm.; thickness, 0.18 mm. Common. Castle Hayne formation, at Natural Well. This species occurs in the upper eight feet of the formation and ranges in size from 0.39 mm.—0.73 mm. The chamber count varies from seven-nine, with eight being the most common number. Sinistrally coiled forms occur most abundantly in a ratio of 2:1. This species is Cancris-like, but the clear area over the umbilicus, NorRTH CAROLINA FORAMINIFERA: COPELAND 267 characteristic of the genus, is not visible and both the dorsal and ventral sides of the species are involute. Cancris involutus differs from C. sagra communis Cushman and Todd (1942, p. 79, pl. 20, figs. la-c) in the involute dorsal and ventral sides and from C. mauryae Cushman and Renz (1942, Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., vol. 18, p. 11, pl. 2, figs. 17a-c) in the less Jimbate sutures, fewer chambers, smaller size, and less prominent extension of the terminal chamber over the umbilicus. Holotype.—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3398. Genus VALVULINERIA Cushman, 1926 Valvulineria danvillensis (Howe and Wallace) Pl. 30, figs. 2a-c Gyroidina danvillensis Howe and Wallace, 1932, Louisiana Dept. Cons., Geol. Bull. 2, p. 69, pl. 18, figs. 3a-c. Test small, thick, trochospiral, consisting of two whorls, dorsal side flattened, ventral side strongly convex, umbilicate, nearly cir- cular in side view, periphery smooth, not lobulate, broadly round- ed; chambers distinct, closely appressed, increasing gradually in size, seven in the last whorl; sutures on the dorsal side slightly curved and oblique to the periphery, flush with the surface in the early portion, becoming slightly depressed, sutures on the ventral side nearly straight, radial, slightly depressed; wall hyaline, finely perforate; aperture a low arch at the base of the apertural face ex- tending from the periphery into the umbilicus, with a lip becoming more flanged toward the ventral umbilicus to form a short broad valve. Diameter, 0.30 mm.; thickness, 0.24 mm. Abundant. Castle Hayne formation, at Natural Well. The specimens occur abundantly throughout the formation with essentially no variation except for size which ranges from 0.24 mm.—90.30 mm. The valvular lip appears to be easily damaged and is not preserved in all specimens. Dextrally and sinistrally coiled forms occur in equal numbers. Valvulineria octocamerata (Cushman and Hanna) also occurs abundantly and resembles this species in some respects but differs in the lobulate periphery, more prominent valvular lip, propor- tionately larger ultimate chambers, thinner test, less closely ap- pressed chambers, and subcircular test. 268 BULLETIN 215 Plesiotype.—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3449, Valvulineria octocamerata (Cushman and Hanna) Pl. 30, figs. 3a-c Gyroidina soldanii octocamerata Cushman and Hanna, 1927, California Acad. Sci., Proe., ser. 4, vol. 16, p. 223, pl. 14, figs. 16-18; Cushman, 1935, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 181, p. 45, pl. 18, figs. 4a-e; Howe, 1939, Louisiana Dept. Cons., Geol. Bull. 14, p. 75, pl. 9, figs. 34-36; Cushman, 1946, Cushman Lab, Foram. Res., Spec. Pub. 16, De ok, pl G, tig setb: Valvulineria octocamerata Bandy, 1949, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 32. No. 131, p. 84, pl. 18, figs. la-c. Test small, trochospiral, consisting of two whorls, dorsal side flattened, ventral side strongly convex, umbilicate, periphery broadly rounded, slightly lobulate; chambers distinct, closely ap- pressed, increasing gradually in size as added, six in the adult whorl; sutures on the dorsal side radial, slightly curved, flush with the surface in the early portion, becoming depressed; wall hyaline, finely perforate; aperture a low arch at the base of the apertural face extending from the periphery into the umbilicus, under a thin valvular lip which partially covers the umbilicus. Diameter, 0.34 mm.; thickness, 0.21 mm. Abundant. Castle Hayne formation, at Natural Well. This species occurs abundantly throughout the formation with only minor variation. The forms range from 0.26 mm.—0.35 mm. in diameter and in number of chambers from six-eight, with seven being the most common number. Dextral and _ sinistrally coiled forms occur in equal abundance. Plesiotype.-—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3450. Valvulineria texana Cushman and Ellisor Pl. 30, figs. 4a-c Valvulineria texana Cushman and Ellisor, 19381, Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., vol. 7, p. 56, pl. 7, figs. 9a-c; Howe and Wallace, 1932, Louisiana Dept. Cons., Geol. Bull. 2, p. 70, pl. 13, figs. 6a, 6b; Bergquist, 1942, Mississippi Geol. Sur., Bull. 49 (Fossils), p. 85, pl. 8, figs. 24, 25; Cushman, 1946, Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., Spec. Pub. 16, p. 31, pl. 6, fig. 13; Bandy, 1949, Bull. Amer. Pale- ont., vol. 32, No. 131, p. 84, pl. 18, figs. 5a-c. Test small, longer than wide, periphery broadly rounded, slightly lobulate; chambers slightly inflated, distinct, five in the adult whorl, with a valvular extension of the last chamber covering the umbilicus on the ventral side; dorsal sutures gently curved and slightly oblique, flush with the surface in the early portion, becom- ing slightly depressed; wall hyaline, smooth, finely perforate; aper- NortuH CAROLINA FORAMINIFERA: COPELAND 269 ture an elongate slit below the valvular lip. Diameter, 0.50 mm.; thickness, 0.14 mm. Abundant. Castle Hayne formation, at Natural Well. Specimens occur abundantly throughout the formation with almost no variation except for slight variation in the valvular ex- tension of the last chamber on the ventral side. In some specimens the valvular extension does not completely cover the umbilicus. Dextral and sinistrally coiled forms occur in equal numbers. Plesiotype.—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3451. Genus BUCCELLA Andersen, 1952 Buccella depressa Andersen Pl. 38, figs. 3a-c, 4a-b Eponides peruvianus Cushman and Parker, 1931 (not d’Orbigny), U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. 80, art. 3, No. 29038, p. 19. Buccella depressa Andersen, 1952, Washington Acad, Sci., Jour., vol. 42, No. 5, p. 145, figs. 7, 8, (Figures of Cushman’s and Parker’s original specimens); McLean, 1956, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 36, No. 160, p. 355, pl. 50, figs. 2-4. Test small, trochoid, subequally biconvex, periphery subacute, slightly lobulate, dorsal side evolute, smooth, ventral side involute, with umbilical area covered by opaque pustulose material; cham- bers flattened on the dorsal surface, three whorls visible, chambers inflated on the ventral side, seven in the last whorl; sutures de- pressed, oblique to the peripheral margin on the dorsal side, more strongly depressed and radial on the ventral side, covered with opaque pustulose material which extends outward along the sutures from the umbilicus; wall hyaline, finely perforate; aperture a low narrow slit at the base of the apertural face, partially covered by pustulose material; slitlike supplementary apertures visible toward the outer ventral sutural margin of each chamber. Diameter, 0.34 mm.; thickness, 0.19 mm. Common. Duplin marl, at Natural Well and Barwick farm. The sutures on the dorsal side of these specimens vary some- what. Some of the forms have slightly oblique dorsal sutures and in others the dorsal sutures are radial. Plesiotype—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3493. Described specimen. Plesiotype—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3494. Specimen with less oblique dorsal sutures. Genus ALABAMINA Toulmin, 1941 Alabamina mississippiensis Todd Pl. 31, figs. la-c 270 BULLETIN 215 Pulvinulinella obtusa Cushman and Todd, 1945 (not Burrows and Hol- land), Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., vol. 21, pt. 4, p. 101, pl. 16, figs. 7, 8; Cushman, 1946, Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., Spec. Pub. 16. p:36, pl. f, fies..-@,8, : Alabamina wileoxensis Cushman and Todd, 1948 (not Toulmin), Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., vol. 24, p. 10. Alabamina mississippiensis Todd, 1952, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 241, p. 42, pl. 6, figs. 8a-c. Test subcircular, dorsal side slightly convex, ventral side more strongly convex, periphery slightly lobulate; chambers flat, five in the last whorl; sutures on the dorsal side indistinct, slightly curved, flush with the surface, tangential to the periphery, ventral sutures distinct, radial, only slightly curved and depressed; wall hyaline, finely perforate; aperture a slit at the base of the septal face extend- ing from the periphery of the apertural fold nearly to the umbili- cus. Diameter, 0.32 mm.; thickness, 0.18 mm. Rare. Castle Hayne formation, at Natural Well. Plestotype: U.N.C. Cat. No. 3394. Genus STREBLUS Fischer, 1817 Streblus beccarii parkinsoniana (d’Orbigny) Pl. 39, figs. la-c Rosalina parkinsoniana d’Orbigny, 1839, Foraminiféres, in de la Sagra, Histoire physique, politique et naturelle de l’ile de Cuba, p. 99, pl. 4, figs. 25-27. Rotalia beccarii (Linné) var. parkinsoniana Cushman and Cole, 1930, Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., vol. 6, p. 100, pl. 18, fig. 14; Cushman, 1930, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 4, p. 56, pl. 11, figs. 3a-c; Cushman and Cahill, 1933, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 175-A, p. 31, pls 115 fies. 3a-c: Streblus beccarui (Linné) var. parkinsoniana Bermudez, 1949, Cush- man Lab. Foram. Res., Spec. Pub. 25, p. 233, pl. 15, figs. 43-45. “Rotalia” beccarii (Linné) var. parkinsoniana Phleger and Parker, 1951, Geol. Soc. Amer., Mem. 46, pt. 2, p. 23, pl. 12, figs. 6a, 6b. Test circular, biconvex, periphery acutely rounded, lobulate, umbilicus on the ventral side depressed, containing a small boss of clear shell material; early chambers flat, later chambers slightly inflated on the dorsal side, two whorls visible, chambers inflated on the ventral side, eight in the adult whorl, inner margins of ven- tral chambers irregular; sutures curved, radial, distinct, depressed, slightly limbate; wall hyaline, finely perforate; aperture a high arch at the base of the apertural face between the periphery and inner margin of the terminal chamber. Diameter, 0.33 mm.; thick- ness, 0.15 mm. NorTH CAROLINA FORAMINIFERA: COPELAND 27] Common at Natural Well, abundant at Barwick farm. Duplin marl. The Duplin marl specimens range in diameter from 0.30 mm. —0.45 mm. with from eight-ten chambers, eight being the most common. Sinistrally coiled forms occur more abundantly in a ratio of 3:2. These forms seem to be identical with those identified by Cushman and Cahill (1933, p. 31, pl. 11, figs. 3a-c) and by Phle- ger and Parker (1951, p. 23, pl. 12, figs. 6a, 6b). Plestotype—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3487. Genus CIBICIDINA Bandy, 1949 Cibicidina blanpiedi (Toulmin) Riesietigs) 2a-e Cibicides blanpiedi Toulmin, 1941, Jour. Paleont., vol. 15, p. 609, pl. 82, figs. 11-13. Cibicidina blanpiedi Bandy, 1949, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 32, No. 131, p. 91, pl. 15, figs. 4a-c. Test subcircular, plano-convex, dorsal side flat, slightly evolute, ventral side conical, involute, periphery smooth, keeled, with an acute peripheral angle; chambers distinct, closely appressed, nine in the final whorl, flat on the dorsal side, inflated on the ventral side, with each succeeding chamber extending slightly over those preceding it; sutures on the dorsal side limbate, flush with the sur- face, strongly curved, radial, ventral sutures sigmoid in shape, radial, flush with the surface; wall hyaline, finely perforate; aper- ture a low arch on the periphery, bordered by a definite lip, re- stricted to the peripheral area, extending to the dorsal side as a slit at the inner margin of the last two chambers. Diameter, 0.28 mm.; thickness, 0.21 mm. Abundant. Castle Hayne formation, at Natural Well. The species occurs with only slight variation throughout the formation. Sinistrally coiled forms occur most abundantly in a fatio of 2:1; Plesiotype-—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3400. Cibicidina cooperensis (Cushman) IAL Bil say Skee Cibicides cooperensis Cushman, 1933, Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., vol. 9, p. 20, pl. 2, figs. 1la-c; Cushman, 1935, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 181, p. 53, pl. 23, figs. 3a-c. Test subcircular, concavo-convex, dorsal side slightly concave, involute, embracing about three-fourths of the earlier whorls, ven- 979 BULLETIN 215 tral side convex with small depressed umbilical plug, periphery round to subacute, slightly lobulate in the later portion; chambers distinct, 814 in the last whorl, closely appressed, inner margins of the chambers on the dorsal side irregular in shape, extending as valvelike projections into the umbonal region; sutures radial, curved, slightly depressed in the last few chambers; wall hyaline, finely perforate; aperture a low arch on the periphery, extending to the dorsal side as a slit at the base of the inner margin of the last chamber with a thin lip. Diameter, 0.40 mm.; thickness, 0.14 mm. Rare. Castle Hayne formation, at National Well. This species is here assigned to the genus Cibicidina Bandy, 1949 because of the involute character of both sides of the test and the fine perforations. The Castle Hayne specimens differ from the type in the smaller size, slightly thinner test, more strongly curved sutures, and less lobulate periphery. Plesiotype —U.N.C. Cat. No. 3401. Cibicidina minuta, new species Pl. 31, figs. 4a-c Test minute, involute, plano-convex, subcircular in outline, dorsal side flat to slightly concave, ventral side convex with a cen- tral small boss in edge view; periphery smooth, back flat, oblique to dorsal edge, with a distinct narrow keel at dorsal margin; chambers numerous, nine in the last whorl, extensions of the inner margins extending almost to the center on the dorsal side, enlarging grad- ually in size as added; sutures distinct, limbate, strongly recurved, flush with the surface on both sides; wall hyaline, finely perforate; aperture a low arch on the periphery at the base of the apertural face, bordered by a distinct lip, and extending on the dorsal side as a slit at the base of the last chamber for a distance of 1-2 chambers. Diameter, 0.27 mm.; thickness, 0.11 mm. Common. Castle Hayne formation, at Natural Well. This species occurs throughout the formation with almost no variation in size. The forms have from eight-ten chambers, with eight being the most common. Dextral and sinistrally coiled forms occur in equal abundance. Cibicidina danvillensis (Howe and Wallace) (1932, p. 77, pl. I4, fig. 5a-c), resembles this species but differs in the much larger NORTH CAROLINA FORAMINIFERA: COPELAND 273 size, fewer chambers, less strongly recurved sutures, thinner test, and lower arched aperture. Holotype.—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3402. Genus DISCORBIS Lamarck, 1804 Discorbis duplinensis, new species Pl. 39, figs. 2a-c, 3a-c Test higher than broad, dorsal side slightly evolute, convex, ventral side involute, slightly concave, periphery lobulate, subacute; chambers slightly inflated, seven in the last whorl; sutures distinct, curved, radial, limbate in. the early portion dorsally, becoming de- pressed in the later portion, ventral sutures slightly depressed; wall hyaline, coarsely perforate on the dorsal side, coarsely perforate near the periphery on the ventral side becoming finely perforate in the umbilicus; aperture ventral, a low arch slit near the umbili- cus with a slight lip. Diameter, 0.47 mm.; thickness, 0.18 mm. Abundant. Duplin marl, at Natural Well and Barwick farm. This species is the most abundant Foraminifera in the Duplin marl of Duplin County, North Carolina, and should prove to be an excellent guide fossil. Dextral and sinistral forms occur with the same degree of abundance. Discorbis duplinensis can be readily distinguished from Dis- corbis warreni Dorsey (1948, p. 310, pl. 37, fig. 5a-c) by the partially evolute character of the dorsal side, as opposed to an involute dor- sal coil in D. warreni, and the more distinct sutures. Discorbis flori- dana Cushman (1922, Carnegie Inst. Washington, Pub. 311, p. 39, pl. 5, figs. 11, 12) differs in that it has fewer chambers, indistinct ventral sutures, and is evolute dorsally. Holotype.—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3462 (figs. 2a-c). Paratype.—U.N.C, Cat. No. 3463 (figs. 3a-c). Discorbis terquemi (Rzehak) Pl. 39, figs. 4a-c Rosalina orbicularis Terquem, 1876, (=junior homonym of R. orbicu- laris d’Orbigny, 1850), Anim. sur la Plage de Dunkerque, p. 75, pl. 9, figs. 4a, 4b. Discorbina orbicularis Brady, 1884, Challenger Rept., Zoology, vol. 9, p. 647, pl. 88, figs. 4-8. Discorbina terquemi Rzehak, (new name for Rosalina orbicularis Ter- quem, not d’Orbigny), 1888, Geol. Reichsanst. Verh., Austria, No. eps 228. 274 BULLETIN 215 Discorbis orbicularis Cushman, 1915, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 71, pt. 5, p. 16, pl. 11, fig. 1; Cushman, 1931, ibid., Bull. 104, pt. 8, p. 27, pl. 6, figs. 3a-c; Cushman and Ponton, 1932, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 9, p. 89, pl. 18, figs. 6a-c. Discorbis mira Cushman, 1930, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 4, p. 52, pl. 10, figs. 2a-c. Discorbis terquemi Puri, 1953, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 36, p. 131. Test small, trochoid, subcircular in outline, convexo-concave, dorsal side forming a low cone, ventral side flattened to concave, periphery subacute with a slight keel; chambers flattened, four in the adult whorl, with a slight lobate extension of the ventral test wall projecting inward over the aperture; sutures on the dorsal side strongly oblique, curved, flush with the surface or slightly raised, ventrally depressed, almost radial; wall hyaline, finely per- forate; aperture an elongate, slightly arched slit under each outer chamber, extending into the umbilicus. Diameter, 0.26 mm.; thick- ness, 0.10 mm. Common. Duplin marl, at Natural Well and Barwick farm. Plesiotype-—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3464. Discorbis turritus Cushman Pl. 40, figs. la-c Discorbis turrita Cushman, 1918, U. S. Geol. Sur., Bull. 676, p. 59, pl. 14, fig. 2; Cushman and Cahill, 1933, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 175-A, p. 30, pl. 10, figs. 6a-c; McLean, 1956, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 36, No. 160, p. 353, pl. 47, figs. 2a-d. Test small, subcircular in outline, trochoid, convexo-concave, periphery slightly lobulate, dorsal side forms a medium cone, ven- tral side concave; chambers slightly inflated, closely appressed on the dorsal side, extending nearly to the center of the umbilicus on the ventral side, five compose the last whorl; sutures slightly de- pressed, curved, oblique on the dorsal side, ventral sutures curved, radial, depressed; wall hyaline, finely perforate; aperture ventral, extends as a low arch from the periphery to the umbilicus, bordered by a definite lip. Diameter, 0.33 mm.; thickness, 0.18 mm. Rare. Duplin marl, at Natural Well. This species was described by Cushman (1918, p. 59, pl. 14, fig. 2) from the Yorktown formation of Virginia and differs from the Duplin marl specimens in having a “definite keel on the ven- tral side,” but no keel is illustrated in apertural or dorsal views; otherwise the forms are identical with the type figure. McLean, in 1956, figured a specimen identified by him (p. 353, pl. 47, fig. NortH CAROLINA FORAMINIFERA: COPELAND 2719 Ya-d) as Discorbis turrita Cushman, which this author believes to be improperly identified even to genus. Plesiotype.—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3465. Genus ANOMALINA d’Orbigny, 1826 Anomalina umbonata Cushman Pl. 32, figs. la-c Anomalina umbonata Cushman, 1925, Amer. Assoc. Pet. Geol., Bull., vol. 9, p. 300, pl. 7, figs. 5, 6; Cushman, 1927, Jour. Paleont., vol. 1, p. 170, pl. 27, figs. 10, 11; Howe, 1939, Louisiana Dept. Cons., Geol. Bull. 14, p. 86, pl. 13, figs. 6-8; Bandy, 1949, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 32, No. 131, p. 102, pl. 18, figs. 3a-c. Test plano-convex, dorsal side slightly concave with a central spiral umbonate mass, ventral side convex with a distinct umbo of clear shell material, periphery rounded, smooth in the early por- tion becoming lobulate; chambers 10 in number in the final whorl, closely appressed, inflated in the later portion; sutures curved, radial, early sutures limbate, flush with the surface, becoming de- pressed and nonlimbate in the later portion, inner edges of dorsal sutures fused in the early portion giving rise to the spiral umbonate mass in the umbilical region; wall hyaline, medium perforate; aperture a low arch on the periphery at the base of the last cham- ber, extending to the dorsal side between the whorls for a distance of at least one chamber. Diameter, 0.36 mm.; thickness, 0.15 mm. Abundant. Castle Hayne formation, at Natural Well. The species occur with only slight variation in all the samples. The size and prominence of the umbo varies. Dextrally coiled forms occur most abundantly in a ratio of 5:2. Plesiotype.—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3396. Genus CIBICIDES Montfort, 1808 Cibicides americanus (Cushman) Pl. 40, figs. 2a-c Truncatulina americana Cushman, 1918, U. S. Geol. Sur., Bull. 676, p. 63, pl. 20, figs. 2, 3; pl. 21, fig. 1. (Not Cushman, 1918, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 103, p. 68, pl. 23, fig. 2.) Cibicides americanus Cole and Gillespie, 1930, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 15, No. 57b, p. 14, pl. 4, fig. 4; Cushman, 1930, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 4, p. 61, pl. 12, figs. 5a-c; Cole and Ponton, 1930, ibid., Bull. 5, p. 48, pl. 7, figs. 5, 6; Cushman and Parker, 1931, Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., vol. 7, p. 15, pl. 3, figs. la-c; Cushman and Cahill, 1933, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 175-A, p. 34, pl. 13, figs. 2a-c. Test plano-convex, dorsal side flat, ventral side convex, peri- BG BULLETIN 215 phery subacute, lobulate, early portion with a slight keel; chambers eight in number, increasing rapidly in size; sutures on the dorsal side flush with the surface, curved; sutures on the ventral side slight- ly depressed, curved; wall smooth, hyaline, finely perforate; aper- ture on the periphery, a low arch, extending to the dorsal side, bordered by a distinct lip. Height, 0.60 mm.; width 0.45 mm.; thick- ness, 0.21 mm. Abundant. Duplin marl, at Natural Well and Barwick farm. Duplin marl species range in size from 0.30 mm.—0.75 mm. in height and both sinistral and dextral forms are present in the fauna with no apparent preference. Plesiotype.—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3459. Cibicides duplinensis, new species Pl. 40, figs. 3a-c Test subcircular in outline, plano-convex, dorsal side flat, periphery smooth, subacute; chambers numerous, 10 in the adult whorl, early chambers concealed dorsally by coarsely perforate sec- ondary umbilical material; sutures broad, distinct, curved, flush with the surface in the early portion of the adult whorl, slightly depressed in the later portion, fusing together in the umbilicus on the ventral side; wall hyaline, fine to medium perforate on the ventral side, coarsely perforate on the dorsal side; aperture on the periphery, a low arch slit bordered by a distinct lip and extending onto the dorsal side. Diameter, 0.30 mm.; thickness, 0.12 mm. Abundant. Duplin marl, at Natural Well and Barwick farm. This species coils both sinistrally and dextrally with no appar- ent preference for either, and the chambers vary in number from eight-ten. The largest specimen found has a diameter of 0.39 mm. and the smallest, a diameter of 0.27 mm. One or several of the adult chambers may be aberrantly lobulate. This species resembles Cibicides floridanus (Cushman), (see Truncatulina floridana Cushman, 1918, U. S. Geol. Sur., Bull. 676, p. 62, pl. 19, figs. 2a-c) but differs in that it has fewer chambers, lacks a keel, has flush to slightly depressed sutures, is smaller in size, and has distinct differences in the pore sizes of the dorsal and ventral test walls. Holotype.—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3460. O77 NORTH CAROLINA FORAMINIFERA: COPELAND FLEET Cibicides eccentricus, new species Pl. 40, figs. 4a-c Cibicides lobatulus Todd, 1952 (not Walker and Jacob), U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 241, p. 45, pl. 6, figs. 19a, 19b. Test probably attached, shape irregular, compressed, plano- convex, dorsal side evolute, flat, ventral side convex, partially evo- lute, periphery gently rounded, with strong irregular lobulation; chambers elongate; flattened on the dorsal side, inflated on the ventral side, expanding rapidly in height and length as added, seven in the adult whorl; sutures distinct, depressed, slightly curved in the early portion, becoming strongly curved; wall hyaline, medium perforate; aperture a low arch with a definite lip on the periphery extending for a distance of one-half chamber on the dorsal side; former apertures visible on the dorsal side at the inner margins of the chambers in the last whorl. Height, 0.61 mm.; width, 0.58 mm.; thickness, 0.16 mm. Common. Duplin marl, at Natural Well and Barwick farm. Cibicides eccentricus is probably an attached form and as a result the specimens are variable in shape, size, and number of chambers. The dorsal side of some forms is strongly curved indi- cating possible attachment to a plant stem or irregular object. The holotype is higher than wide, but the reverse situation exists in other specimens. The persistent characters of this species are the elongate cham- bers, lobulate periphery, partially evolute ventral side in most specimens, and the nature and position of the aperture and former apertures, The species fits into the general category of forms described as Cibicides lobatulus (Walker and Jacob), by Todd, et al. (See Todd, 1952, p. 45 for a complete listing). The type figure (Nautilus loba- tulus Walker and Jacob, 1798) in Adams Essays on the Microscope, (Kanmacher’s ed., p. 642, pl. 14, fig. 36) is unrecognizable and the type description is inadequate. The type figure of C. lobatulus (Walker and Jacob) indicates a uniformly coiled specimen with strong regular lobulation and with a completely involute ventral side and totally evolute dorsal side. C. eccentricus is only partially involute dorsally and ventrally with slightly stronger involution on the ventral side. Because of the confusion in the literature regard- ing the appearance of C. lobatulus (Walker and Jacob) and the 278 BULLETIN 215 impossibility of comparing specimens with the type figure and description, the name C. eccentricus is proposed for the forms found in the Duplin marl. Holotype.—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3461. Cibicides praecipuus, new species Pl. 32, figs. 2a-c Test probably attached, shape irregular, compressed, plano- convex, dorsal side evolute, flat, ventral side convex, involute, peri- phery subacute, slightly lobulate, with a distinct narrow keel; chambers distinct, closely appressed, flattened on the dorsal side, inflated on the ventral side, enlarging gradually in height as added, seven in the last whorl; sutures radial, curved, limbate, flush with the surface in the early portion becoming slightly depressed in the last two or three chambers; wall hyaline, medium perforate; aper- ture a low arch with a definite lip, extending from the periphery for a distance of one-half chamber on the dorsal side; former aper- tures visible on the dorsal side at the inner margins of the cham- bers in the last whorl. Height, 0.45 mm.; width, 0.33 mm.; thick- ness, 0.15 mm. Abundant. Castle Hayne formation, at Natural Well. This species occurs throughout the formation with wide varia- tion in shape, size, and number of chambers. The variation may be attributed to its attached mode of life, which is suggested in some specimens by highly curved, concavo-convex, elongate tests. The forms range from 0.36 mm.—0.75 mm. in height and in num- ber of chambers from six-ten, seven being the most common. The persistent characters of this species are the distinct narrow keel, closely appressed chambers, involute ventral side, and the nature and position of the aperture and former apertures. Cibicides praecipuus differs from C. swblobus (Cushman) (see Truncatulina subloba Cushman, 1918, p. 62, pl. 19, figs. la-c) in the more tightly coiled chambers, low arched aperture, and limbate distinct sutures. C. eccentricus Copeland, n. sp. differs in the more elongate chambers, nonlimbate sutures, partially evolute ventral side, and thinner test in relation to overall height. Holotype.—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3399. NortH CAROLINA FORAMINIFERA: COPELAND 279 Genus EPONIDES Montfort, 1808 Eponides cocoaensis Cushman Pl. 32, figs. 3a-c Eponides cocoaensis Cushman, 1928, Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., vol. 4, p. 73, pl. 10, figs. 2a-c; Cushman, 1935, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 181, p. 47, pl. 19, figs. la-c, 2a-c; Cushman, 1946, Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., Spec. Pub. 16, p. 34, pl. 6, fig. 16. Test large, stout, biconvex, biumbonate, circular in side view, periphery acute, slightly irregular, with a distinct keel; chambers numerous, 10 in the adult whorl, early chambers concealed dorsally by perforate secondary umbilical material; sutures on the dorsal side curved, limbate, slightly oblique, flush with the surface, ventral sutures limbate, raised, strongly curved, radial, fusing together in the umbonal region; wall hyaline, medium perforate; aperture a low slit, bordered by a distinct lip on the ventral side, extending slightly on the dorsal side. Diameter, 0.67 mm.; thickness, 0.30 mm. Rare. Castle Hayne formation, at Natural Well. The specimens range from 0.35 mm.—0.67 mm. in diameter with from eight-ten chambers. The degree of umbonation varies in the Castle Hayne specimens from large and pronounced to small. Species illustrated by Cushman (1935, pl. 19, figs. 1, 2) also have umbos of varying sizes. The Castle Hayne forms differ from the type in the thinner test, more equally biconvex test, and more prom- inent umbos. Plesiotype —U.N.C. Cat. No. 3406. Genus SIPHONINA Reuss, 1850 Siphonina danvillensis Howe and Wallace Pl. 33, figs. la-e Siphonina danvillensis Howe and Wallace, 1932, Louisiana Dept. Cons., Geol. Bull. 2, p. 70, pl. 13, figs. la, 1b; Bergquist, 1942, Mississippi Geol. Sur., Bull. 49 (Fossils), p. 89, pl. 9, figs. 3a-c; Cushman, 1946, Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., Spec. Pub. 16, p. 35, pl. 7, figs. 3, 4; Bandy, 1949, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 32, No. 131, p. 115, pl. 21, figs. 8a-c. Test biconvex, trochospiral, completely involute ventrally, evo- lute dorsally, periphery acute, slightly lobulate, with a thin striate keel; chambers distinct on the ventral side, indistinct on the dorsal side, especially in the spire, five in the last whorl; sutures on the ventral side slightly curved, radial, somewhat depressed, dorsal sutures oblique to the periphery, only slightly depressed, indistinct; wall hyaline, coarsely perforate; aperture elongate, elliptical, posi- 280) BULLETIN 215 tioned more toward the ventral side, at the end of a distinct short neck, with a broad flaring lip. Diameter, 0.35 mm.; thickness, 0.16 mm. Abundant. Castle Hayne formation, at Natural Well. This species occurs throughout the formation with only slight variation except for size which varies from 0.24 mm.—0.44 mm. in diameter. Sinistrally coiled forms occur more abundantly in a ratio of 2:1. The type figure illustrates a specimen with a denticulate keel which occurs in some of the Castle Hayne specimens and is dependent upon preservation. Perfectly preserved specimens have smooth, striate keels, and slightly damaged specimens have denticulate keels. There is slight variation in the keel widths of the specimens; in some the keel is well developed and broad and in others is almost lacking. Plesiotype—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3442. Genus PLANORBULINELLA Cushman, 1927 Planorbulinella perforata, new species Pl. 41, figs. la-b, 2a-b, 3a-b Acervulina sp. ef. A. inhaerens Cushman, 1933 (not Schultze), U. 8. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 175-A, p. 35, pl. 13, figs. 6, 7. Test thin, discoidal, attached, flat, slightly concave or folded on the attached dorsal side, convex on the ventral side, bordered by a narrow keel visible on the dorsal side; chambers inflated, in- creasing gradually in size as added, arranged in an annular series, those of each series alternating with those of the adjacent ones; sutures slightly depressed on the dorsal side, strongly depressed ventrally; wall hyaline, coarsely perforate, with granular material scattered about the test, mainly in the central portion; apertures on the periphery, one at each end of alternate chambers in the last whorl, bordered by distinct lips. Length, 0.80 mm.; thickness, 0.20 mm. Abundant. Duplin marl, at Natural Well and Barwick farm. The specimens are variable in size, shape, amount of granular material present on the test, and the relative number and sizes of the chambers. Many of the forms seem to be fragmentary portions of once larger specimens and this, plus the apparent attached meth- od of growth, accounts for variation in the size and shape of the NortH CAROLINA FORAMINIFERA: COPELAND 281 tests. Granular material is more common in the centers of gerontic specimens than in the centers of younger forms. The two paratypes (PI. 41, figs. 2a-3b) represent the extremes in variation within the species. Figures 2a, 2b, illustrate a specimen which lacks a keel and has numerous small chambers. Figures 3a, $b, illustrate a specimen with a few greatly enlarged chambers which lack granular material. A narrow keel is visible on the dorsal side of this specimen. The specimens figured by Cushman and Cahill (1933, p. 35, pl. 13, fig. 6, 7) are from the Barwick farm locality and do not show the apertures which are present in complete specimens. Holotype.—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3477 (figs. la-b). Paratype-—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3480 (figs. 2a-b). Paratype—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3481 (figs. 3a-b). Family ORBULINIDAE Schultze, 1854 Genus GLOBIGERINA d’Orbigny, 1826 Globigerina apertura Cushman Pl. 41, figs. 4a-c Globigerina apertura Cushman, 1918, U. S. Geol. Sur., Bull. 676, p. 57, pl. 12, figs. 8a-c. Test higher than wide, small, consisting of 2-214 whorls ar- ranged in a low trochospire; chambers few, inflated, about nine in number, four composing the last whorl, loosely appressed; sutures slightly depressed on the dorsal side, strongly depressed ventrally; wall conspicuously spinose; aperture a large semicircular opening into the umbilicus with a narrow lip. Height, 0.33 mm.; width, 0.27 mm.; thickness, 0.21 mm. Rare. Duplin marl, at Natural Well and Barwick farm. Plesitotype—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3471. Globigerina bulloides d’Orbigny Il, phy TS, ZEEE Globigerina bulloides d’Orbigny, 1826, Ann. Sci. Nat., ser. 1, vol. 7, p. 277; d’Orbigny, 1839, Foraminiféres, in Barker-Webb et Berthe- lot, Hist. Nat. Iles Canaries, pl. 2, figs. 1-3, 28; Howe and Wallace, 1932, Louisiana Dept. Cons., Geol. Bull. 2, p. 73, pl. 10, fig. 10; Bandy, 1949, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 32, No. 131, p. 119, pl. 23, figs. 5a-c; Loeblich, Tappan, and Bolli, 1957, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 215, p. 31, pl. 4, figs. la-c; Banner and Blow, 1960, Contr. Cushman Found. Foram. Res., vol. 11, p. 3, pl. 1, figs. 1, 4. Test small, higher than wide, consisting of two whorls arranged in a medium trochospire, subquadrate in dorsal and ventral views; 282 BULLETIN 215 chambers spherical, about 10 in number, four visible on the ventral side, loosely appressed; sutures distinct, depressed; wall hyaline, medium perforate, slightly hispid; aperture a large opening into the umbilicus. Height, 0.24 mm.; width, 0.20 mm.; thickness, 0.18 mm. Common. Castle Hayne formation, at Natural Well. Dextrally coiled forms occur most abundantly in a ratio of 2:1. The species from Natural Well occur throughout the formation with little variation except in the size of the aperture, which varies from small and somewhat constricted to large and open. D’Orbigny (1839, pl. 2, fig. 2) illustrated the aperture of G. bulloides as being a restricted opening into the umbilicus and Loeblich, Tappan, and Bolli (1957, p. 31, pl. 4, fig. la-c) illustrated a large unrestricted aperture opening into the umbilicus. Both types of apertures occur in the Castle Hayne forms and they have the general appearance of forms identified as G. bulloides. Plesiotype.—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3408. Globigerina macrastoma, new species Pl. 41, figs. 5a-c Test thick, higher than wide, consisting of three whorls in a low trochospiral arrangement; chambers inflated, globular, rapidly enlarging, about 14 in number, five in the last whorl, closely ap- pressed; sutures radial, slightly depressed on the dorsal side, strongly depressed ventrally; wall medium perforate, cancellate, forming irregularly shaped depressions; aperture umbilical-extra- umbilical, a large, elongate, semicircular opening bordered by a faint lip. Height, 0.36 mm.; width, 0.30 mm.; thickness, 0.27 mm. Common. Duplin marl, at Natural Well and Barwick farm. The amount of variation in this species is slight. The forms range from 0.27 mm.—0.39 mm. in height with from four—five chambers in the outer whorl. In a few specimens the lip becomes more pronounced. Globigerina hexagona Natland (1938, Bull. Scripps Inst. Oceanography, vol. 4, No. 5, p. 149, pl. 7, fig. la-c) differs in the more strongly cancellate test and the low arched aperture. Holotype-—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3472. Globigerina protoreticulata Hofker Pl. 42, figs. la-c Globigerina protoreticulata Hofker, 1956, Jour. Paleont., vol. 30, p. 954, text-fig. 95. NoRTH CAROLINA FORAMINIFERA: COPELAND 283 Globigerina sp. form A McLean, 1956, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 36, No: 1160; p.9362; pl. 52; figs. Wa-e: Test higher than wide, consisting of 214 whorls in a low tro- chospiral arrangement; chambers inflated, subspherical, rapidly en- larging, loosely appressed, about ten in number, four in the last whorl, the last chamber greatly enlarged; sutures distinct, strongly depressed; wall coarsely cancellate, forming polygonal, relatively deep depressions; aperture umbilical, a low narrow slit at the base of the last chamber. Height, 0.33 mm.; width, 0.27 mm.; thickness, 0.22 mm. Rare. Duplin marl, at Barwick farm only. The specimen identified by McLean (1956, p. 362) from the Yorktown formation of Virginia is similar and seems to belong in this species. Plestotype—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3496. Globigerina triloculinoides Plummer Pl. 33, figs. 3a-c; Pl. 42, figs. 2a-c Globigerina triloba Egger, 1899, Abh. k. bay Akad. Wiss., Cl. 2, vol. 21, pt. 1, p. 171, pl. 21, fig. 8. Globigerina bulloides Cushman, 1920, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper Z285ep. 69 pl. 1 fig. 6. Globigerina triloculinoides Plummer, 1926, Univ. Texas Bull. 2644, p. 134, pl. 8, figs. 10a-c; Jennings, 1936, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 23, No. 78, p. 35, pl. 4, fig. 10; Loeblich, Tappan, and Bolli, 1957, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 215, p. 183, pl. 45, figs. 3a-c. Test higher than wide, small, consisting of three whorls in a low trochospiral arrangement; chambers inflated, rapidly enlarging, about 12 in number, four composing the last whorl, loosely ap- pressed; sutures depressed on both dorsal and ventral sides; wall medium perforate; aperture umbilical, a low broad slit at the base of the last chamber, bordered by a distinct narrow lip. Height, 0.27 mm.; width, 0.22 mm.; thickness, 0.17 mm. Rare. Duplin marl at Barwick farm (Plate 42, figs. 2a-c) and Castle Hayne formation at Natural Well (Plate 33, figs. 3a-c). The Castle Hayne specimens differ in the more closely ap- pressed less globular chambers, and the umbilical-extraumbilical aperture. The dimensions of the Castle Hayne plesiotype: height, 0.28 mm.; width, 0.21 mm.; thickness, 0.21 mm. Plesiotype—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3497 Duplin marl. Plesiotype —U.N.C. Cat. No. 3409 Castle Hayne formation. 284 BULLETIN 215 Genus GLOBIGERINOIDES Cushman, 1927 Globigerinoides cancellata, new species Pl. 42, figs. 3a-c Test thick, higher than wide, shape subequal in all views, con- sisting of two whorls in a low trochospiral arrangement; chambers inflated, globular, loosely appressed, rapidly enlarging, about 10 in number, 314% visible from the ventral side, last chamber large, equal to one half the test height; sutures distinct, strongly depressed; wall conspicuously cancellate, forming deep irregularly shaped depres- sions; primary aperture umbilical, a low elongate slit at the base of the last chamber, secondary sutural apertures prominent on the dorsal side. Height, 0.36 mm.; width, 0.30 mm.; thickness, 0.29 mm. Common. Duplin marl, at Natural Well and Barwick farm. Sinistral and dextral coiling occurs with an apparent prefer- ence for the dextral type; otherwise there is little variation in the forms. This species resembles Globigerinoides subquadrata Bronni- mann (1954 in Todd, et al., Amer. Jour. Sci., vol. 252, No. 11, p 680, pl. 1, figs. 5, 8a-c) but differs in the greater chamber inflation. size of the last chamber, visible initial spire, lower primary aperture, and more distinct sutural apertures. G. sacculiferous immatura LeRoy (Natuurk. Tijdschr. Nederl.- Indié, Batavia, Java, dl. 99, afl. 6, p. 263, pl. 3, figs. 19-21) differs in the larger size, elongate early chambers, noncancellate test, and high arched primary aperture with a distinct lip. Holotype-—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3473. Globigerinoides rubra (d’Orbigny) Pl. 42, figs. 4a-c Globigerina rubra d’Orbigny, 1939, Foraminiféres, in de la Sagra, Histoire, physique, politique et naturelle de Vile de Cuba, p. 82, pl. AIS Salas Globigerinoides rubra Bermudez, 1949, Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., Spec. Pub. 25, p. 281, pl. 21, fig. 52; Loeblich, Tappan, and Bolli, 1957, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 215, p. 32, pl. 4, figs. 2a-c; Bolli, 1957, ibid., p. 113, pl. 25, figs. 12a-13b. Test thick, higher than wide, consisting of three whorls in a moderately high trochospiral arrangement; chambers inflated, glo- bular to oval, loosely appressed, rapidly enlarging, about 12 in number, three chambers and a portion of the early stage visible from the ventral side; sutures distinct, depressed, radial; wall medium NortH CAROLINA FORAMINIFERA: COPELAND 285 perforate, slightly hispid; primary aperture umbilical, large, semi- circular, previous apertures remaining open into the umbilicus, with numerous secondary, smaller, sutural apertures. Height, 0.38 mm.; width, 0.27 mm.; thickness, 0.28 mm. Abundant. Duplin marl, at Natural Well and Barwick farm. The amount of variation in this species is slight. The forms range from 0.26 mm.—0.38 mm. high. In the smaller forms the sec- ondary apertures are not well developed. Examples of sinistral and dextral coiling occur in equal abundance. Plesiotype.—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3474. Globigerinoides topilensis (Cushman) Pl. 33, figs. 4a-c Globigerina topilensis Cushman, 1925, Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., vol. 1, p. 7, pl. 1, figs. 9a-c; Howe, 1939, Louisiana Dept. Cons., Geol., Bull. 14, p. 84, pl. 12, figs. 1-3. Truncorotaloides topilensis Loeblich, Tappan, and Bolli, 1957, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 215, p. 170, pl. 39, figs. 13-16b. Test small, plano-convex, dorsal side flattened except for the last chamber, ventral side inflated, consisting of two whorls in a low trochospiral arrangement; chambers 10 in number, four in the last whorl, loosely appressed, top-shaped, enlarging rapidly in size; sutures distinct, depressed on the dorsal side, more strongly de- pressed ventrally; wall hyaline, prominently hispid; aperture um- bilical to extraumbilical, a low elongate arch with a faint lip, with small secondary sutural apertures on the dorsal side. Height, 0.33 mm.; width, 0.27 mm.; thicknuess, 0.25 mm. Common. Castle Hayne formation, at Natural Well. This species occurs throughout the formation with only slight variation. The forms range from 0.25 mm.—0.33 mm. in height. In some of the smaller specimens the secondary apertures are absent, and the chambers are somewhat globular in shape. No sinistrally coiled specimens were found. The specimens from Natural Well are similar to the type figure and to those reported by Howe from the Cook Mountain formation of Louisiana. Bolli (1957, p. 170) placed this species in the genus Truncoro- taloides, but the Castle Hayne species differ from those figured by Bolli in having more closely appressed chambers, less hispid tests, and smaller secondary apertures. The Castle Hayne species are similar to the type figure and type description except for the secon- 286 BULLETIN 215 dary apertures and so are here assigned to the genus Globigerinoides. Plesiotype.—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3410. Genus ORBULINA d’Orbigny, 1839 Orbulina sp. cf. O. universa d’Orbigny Pl. 34, fig. 1 Orbulina universa d’Orbigny, 1839, Foraminiféres, in de la Sagra, Histoire, physique, politique et naturelle de l’ile de Cuba, p. 2, vol. 8, pl. 1, fig. 1; Loeblich, Tappan, and Bolli, 1957, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 215, p. 35, pl. 7, fig. 3. Test spherical, composed of a single chamber; wall hyaline, finely perforate, with no ornamentation; aperture not visible. Diameter, 0.30 mm. Abundant. Castle Hayne formation, at Natural Well. Specimens from Natural Well are poorly preserved and any early globigerinid structures, which may have been present, are not preserved. Details of the pores on the surface of the tests are absent due to recrystallization, but the test walls seem to be finely per- forate. The specimens are found throughout the formation and range from 0.18 mm.—0.39 mm. in diameter. A few have been compressed and are subspherical in shape. Plestotype—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3432. Family HETEROHELICIDAE Cushman, 1927 Genus BOLIVINA d’Orbigny, 1839 Bolivina marginata multicostata Cushman Pl. 43, figs. la-b Bolivina aenariensis (Costa) var. multicostata Cushman, 1918, U. S. Geol. Sur., Bull. 676, p. 48, pl. 10, fig. 2. Bolivina marginata Cushman var. multicostata Cushman, 1939, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 4, p. 46, pl. 8, figs. 18, 14; Cushman and Cahill, 1933, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 175-A, p. 25, pl. 8, figs. 10a, 10b; Cushman, 1937, Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., Spec. Pub. 9, p. 87, pl. 10, figs. 7-10; Puri, 1953, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 36, 1, Il aL AA, ames, Bh. Test elongate, compressed, tapering gradually from the aper- tural to the initial end, keeled throughout, ornamented with prom- inent costae of varying lengths; chambers numerous, 11 pairs com- pose the test, indistinct in early portion, inflated slightly in later portion; sutures slightly depressed, curving toward the periphery; wall hyaline, medium perforate; aperture elongate, narrow. Length. 0.48 mm.; width, 0.22 mm.; thickness, 0.11 mm. Rare. Duplin marl, at Natural Well and Barwick farm. NorTH CAROLINA FORAMINIFERA: COPELAND 287 Duplin marl specimens range from 0.28 mm.—0.48 mm. in length and are smaller, more regular in outline, and have shorter costae than the type figure. Plestotype—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3454. Bolivina paula Cushman and Cahill Pl. 43, figs. 2a-b Bolivina paula Cushman and Cahill in Cushman and Ponton, 1932, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 9, p. 84, pl. 12, figs. 6a, 6b; Cushman and Cahill, 1933, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 175-A, p. 26, pl. 8, figs. 14a, 14b; Cushman, 1937, Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., Spec. Pub. Osan Oleepladle fiess 9a, 9b: Test minute, compressed, periphery subacute in apertural view, sides slightly tapering from the apertural to the initial end; cham- bers numerous, a total of nine pairs, increasing gradually in height as added; sutures slightly depressed, curving obliquely down toward the periphery; aperture a high arch on the median line of the apertural face. Length, 0.25 mm.; width, 0.11 mm.; thickness, 0.06 mm. Rare. Duplin marl, at Natural Well and Barwick farm. Duplin marl specimens range in length from 0.22 mm.—0.27 mm. and are smaller but otherwise similar to the type figure. Plesiotype.—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3455. Genus LOXOSTOMUM Ehrenberg, 1854 Loxostomum distoloculatum, new species Pl. 43, figs. 3a-b Test elongate, compressed, sides nearly parallel throughout its length, tapering slightly towards the initial end, periphery subacute with a narrow keel; chambers flattened, loosely appressed, five pairs compose the test, early chambers planispirally coiled, ultimate chamber enlarged; sutures curving sharply in the middle of the test, more gently curving toward the periphery, composed of clear shell material, flush with the surface; wall hyaline, finely perforate; aperture terminal, an elongate slit. Length, 0.51 mm.; width, 0.23 mm.; thickness, 0.13 mm. Rare. Duplin marl, at Natural Well and Barwick farm. The specimens vary from 0.40 mm.—0.65 mm. in length and from 0.18 mm.—0.24 mm. in width with no appreciable variation in thickness. The last few chambers in one specimen are slightly twisted and in two specimens the chambers are slightly more closely appressed. Chambers vary in number from five—seven pairs. 288 BULLETIN 215 Loxostomum distoloculatum may be readily distinguished from L. truncatum Finlay (1947, New Zealand Jour. Sci. Technology, vol. 28, p. 280, pl. 6, figs. 91-96) by the greatly enlarged terminal chamber, smaller size, fewer chambers, loosely appressed chambers, and downwardly curving sutures near the periphery. Holotype.—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3498. Family BULIMINIDAE Jones, 1876 Genus REUSSELLA Galloway, 1933 Reussella spinulosa (Reuss) Pl. 43, figs. 4a-b Verneuilina spinulosa Reuss, 1850, Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. IS job. ei, Jolly 27/5 sees, 14. Reussia spinulosa Cushman and Kellet, 1929, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. 75, art. 25, p. 9, pl. 3, figs. 10a, 10b; Cushman, 1930, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 4, p. 48, pl. 8, figs. 17a, 17b; Cushman and Ponton, 1932, ibid., Bull. 9, p. 34, pl. 12, figs. 14-16; Cushman and Cahill, 1923, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 175-A, p. 27, pl. 9, figs. la, 1b. Reussella spinulosa Galloway, 1933, Manual of Foraminifera, Prin- cipia Press, p. 360, pl. 33, fig. 4; Puri, 1953, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. BG, 105 Ws}. Test three-sided, triangular in apertural view, sides slightly concave, angles of chambers and initial end spinose; chambers tri- serial, five rows composing the test; sutures flush with the surface of the test, distinct, slightly curved and oblique; wall hyaline, finely perforate; aperture damaged but probably an elongate slit in the apertural face. Length, 0.39 mm.; width, 0.25 mm. Rare. Duplin marl, at Barwick farm only. Plesiotype.—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3499. Genus VIRGULINA d’Orbigny, 1826 Virgulina sp. cf. V. dibollensis Cushman and Applin Pl. 34, figs. 2a-b Virgulina dibollensis Cushman and Applin, 1926, Amer. Assoc. Pet. Geol., Bull., vol. 10, p. 168, pl. 7, fig. 7a-c; Cushman, 1932, Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., vol. 8, p. 21, pl. 3, fig. 14; Cushman, 1935, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 181, p. 36, pl. 14, figs. 1-3; Cush- man and Herrick, 1945, Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., vol. 21, pt. 3, p. 65, pl. 10, fig. 19; Cushman, 1946, Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., Spec. Pub. 16, p. 26, pl. 5, fig. 6; Bandy, 1949, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 32, No. 181, p. 186, pl. 26, figs 9a, 9b. Test elongate, wide at the apertural end tapering to the sub- acute initial end, periphery broadly rounded, lobulate; chambers lew in number, inflated, about six pairs compose the test, increas- a NorTH CAROLINA FORAMINIFERA: COPELAND 289 ing rapidly in size as added, loosely appressed; sutures distinct, de- pressed, slightly curved; wall hyaline, finely perforate; aperture elongate, narrow. Length, 0.44 mm.; width, 0.20 mm.; thickness, 0.15 mm. Rare. Castle Hayne formation, at Natural Well. The one specimen found at Natural Well differs from the type figure in the lobulate periphery, inflated chambers, and the wider, thicker test. It may be a distinct species, but insufficient numbers are available to allow naming it. It is somewhat similar to V’. dibollensis Cushman (1935, pl. 14, fig. 3) but differs in the higher, more in- flated chambers, more lobulate periphery and nontwisted early portion. Plesiotype —U.N.C. Cat. No. 3452. Genus BULIMINELLA Cushman, 1911 Buliminella elegantissima (d’Orbigny) Pl. 43, figs. 5a-b Bulimina elegantissima d’Orbigny, 1839, Voyage dans 1l’Amérique méridionale, vol. 5, pt. 5, Foraminifeéres, p. 51, pl. 7, figs. 13, 14; Schlumberger, 1882, Feuille Jeunes Naturalistes, vol. 12, p. 28, pl. 1, fig. 14; Brady, 1884, Challenger Rept., Zoology, vol. 9, p. 402, pl. 50, figs. 20-22; Sidebottom, 1905, Manchester Lit. Philos. Soc. Mem. andwbroc:) vole.495 No. 5; sp. Ll, pli 2, fies 6: Buliminella elegantissima Cushman, 1911, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 71, pt. 2, p. 89; Cushman, 1925, Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., vol. 1, p. 40, pl. 6, figs. 5a, 5b; Cushman, 1930, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 4, p. 42, pl. 8, figs. 2, 3; Cushman and Cahill, 1933, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 175-A, p. 23, pl. 7, figs. 138, 14; Bermudez, 1949, Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., Spec. Pub. 25, p. 185, pl. 12, fig. 13. Test elongate, spiral, making about three volutions, initial end tapering; chambers slightly inflated, numerous, eight in the last whorl; sutures distinct, curved, slightly depressed; wall hyaline. smooth, finely perforate; aperture elongate, in a broad depression on the septal face, becoming wider near the middle of the apertura! face. Length, 0.36 mm.; width, 0.15 mm. Common. Duplin marl, at Natural Well and Barwick farm. Dextral and sinistrally coiled forms occur at both localities. Plesiotype.—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3456. Family CASSIDULINIDAE d’Orbigny, 1839 Genus CASSIDULINA d’Orbigny, 1826 Cassidulina crassa d’Orbigny Pl. 43, figs. 6a-c Cassidulina crassa d’Orbigny, 1839, Voyage dans l’Amérique méri- 29() BULLETIN 215 dionale, vol. 5, pt. 5, Foraminiferes, p. 56, pl. 7, figs. 18-20; Cush- man, 1922, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 104, pt. 3, p. 124, pl3263 tiesa7- Cushman, 1929, Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., vol. 5, p. 100, pl. 14, figs. 10a, 10b; Cushman, 1930, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 4, p. 58, pl. 11, figs. 6a, 6b; Cushman and Cahill, 1933, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 175-A, p. 33, pl. 12, figs. 2a-c; Puri, 1953, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 36, p. 127, pl. 23, figs. 3, 4. Test small, subcircular in outline, biconvex, periphery broadly rounded; chambers few, inflated; sutures distinct, slightly depressed. radial; wall hyaline, finely perforate; aperture elongate, narrow. Height, 0.24 mm.; width, 0.20 mm.; thickness, 0.12 mm. Rare. Duplin marl, at Natural Well and Barwick farm. Cassidulina crassa @Orbigny, as figured in this paper and in the papers listed above in the synonomy, are conspecific but vary from the type, especially in their small size, being only one-fourth the size of the type. Plesiotype-—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3458. Family UVIGERINIDAE Galloway and Wissler, 1927 Genus SIPHONODOSARIA Silvestri, 1924 Siphonodosaria nuttalli gracillima (Cushman and Jarvis) Pl. 34, fig. 3 Ellipsonodosaria nuttalli gracillima Cushman and Jarvis, 1934, Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., vol. 10, p. 72, pl. 10, fig. 7; Cushman and Stainforth, 1945, Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., Spec. Pub. 14, p. 56, pl. 9, figs. 14, 15: Cushman and Todd, 1945, ibid., Special Pub. 15, p. 55, pl. 8, fig. 13. Ellipsonodosaria sp. Cushman, 1948, Maryland Dept. Geol., Mines, Water Res., Bull. 2, p. 239, pl. 19, fig. 11. Siphonodosaria nuttalli gracillima Bermudez, 1949, Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., Spec. Pub. 25, p. 226, pl. 14, figs. 22, 23. Test elongate, slightly curved, tapering, periphery lobulate; chambers six in number, widely separated from each other, higher than wide; sutures composed of clear shell material; wall hyaline, finely perforate; aperture terminal, round, on the end of a short. frilled neck. Previous apertures are visible between the chambers. Length, 0.57 mm.; width, 0.08 mm. Rare. Castle Hayne formation, at Natural Well. Specimens from the Castle Hayne formation resemble the type figure but differ in the absence of an apical spine, apertural tooth, and smaller size. A broken spine base does appear apically and the absence of the tooth is probably due to leaching. There is variation in the Castle Hayne specimens in the degree of appression of the NortH CAROLINA FORAMINIFERA: COPELAND 29] chambers and the length of the neck. One of the specimens has more closely appressed chambers than the plesiotype and two have shorter necks. Plesiotype.—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3443. Genus ANGULOGERINA Cushman, 1927 Angulogerina occidentalis (Cushman) Pl. 43, figs. 7a-b Uvigerina angulosa Cushman, 1922 (not Williamson), Carnegie Inst. Washington, Pub. 311, p. 34, pl. 5, figs. 3, 4. Uvigerina occidentalis Cushman, 1923, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 104, pi. 4p. 169; Angulogerina occidentalis Cushman, 1930, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 4, p. 50, pl. 9, figs. 8, 9; Cushman, 1932, Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., vol. 8, p. 46, pl. 6, figs. 15, 16; Cushman and Cahill, 1933, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 175-A, p. 28, pl. 9, figs. 8a, 8b; Puri, 1953, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 36, p. 125, pl. 22, figs. 7, 8. Test small, elongate, triangular in apertural view with lobu- late periphery; chambers distinct, inflated, increasing rapidly in size, all but the last chamber ornamented with prominent costae: sutures distinct, depressed; wall hyaline; aperture terminal, round, at the end of a short neck, with phialine lip. Length, 0.39 mm.: width, 0.18 mm. Common. Duplin marl, at Natural Well and Barwick farm. Plesiotype—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3453. Angulogerina parvaspinata, new species Pl. 34, figs. 4a-b Test minute, stout, triangular in apertural view; chambers distinct, loosely appressed, slightly inflated, increasing rapidly in size, a few of the early chambers ornamented with fine, indistinct costae and spines, later chambers spinose, without costae; sutures slightly depressed; aperture terminal, round at the end of a short neck, with phialine lip. Length, 0.29 mm.; width, 0.16 mm. Common. Castle Hayne formation, at Natural Well. The species ranges from 0.28 mm.—0.36 mm. in length and from 0.15 mm.—0.17 mm. in width and occurs throughout the for- mation. A few specimens are slightly more elongate and narrow than the holotype with slightly less chamber inflation in the last few chambers. The species may be readily distinguished from A. inflata Hussey (1949, Jour. Paleont., vol. 23, p. 133, pl. 27, fig. 2) by the narrower test, less inflated, more loosely appressed chambers, and 292 BULLETIN 215 fine costae on the early chambers. Angulogerina parvaspinata dif- fers from A. agrestis Todd (1948, Univ. Southern California Pub., Allan Hancock Pacific Exped., vol. 6, p. 288, pl. 36, fig. 6) in the stout appearance of the test, smaller size, delicate costae restricted to the early portion, and more delicate spines. Holotype.—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3395. Family PLEUROSTOMELLIDAE Reuss, 1860 Genus ELLIPSONODOSARIA A. Silvestri, 1900 Ellipsonodosaria silesica Jedlitschka Pl. 34, fig. 5 Ellipsonodosaria silesica Jedlitschka, 1930, Naturwiss. Ver. Troppau (C.S.R.), Bd. 36, Nr. 21-22, p. 33, 40, text-figs., la-c. Test elongate, slightly curved, gently tapering, periphery slightly lobulate, initial end rounded, large, elongate; chambers six in number, slightly inflated, closely appressed; sutures indis- tinct, slightly oblique, flush with the surface in the early portion becoming slightly depressed; wall hyaline, finely perforate; aper- ture produced, terminal, eccentric, a narrow crescentic slit. Length, 0.68 mm.; width, 0.13 mm. Rare. Castle Hayne formation at Natural Well. The single specimen found differs from the type figure in the smaller size, fewer chambers, straighter test, and large elongate initial end. The test has been recrystallized which probably ac- counts for the indistinct sutures. Observations from the literature indicate that both curvilinear and rectilinear species are included in the genus Ellipsonodosaria, though the type species is rectilinear. Plesiotype.—U.N.C. Cat. No. 3405. NEW SPECIES FROM THE CASTLE HAYNE FORMATION Angulogerina parvaspinata Pl, 34, figs. 4a-b Named for the numerous small spines scattered about the test. Astacolus magnoliaensis Pl. 24, figs. la-b Named for the Natural Well locality near Magnolia, North Carolina. Cancris involutus Pl. 30, figs. la-c Named for the involute character of the dorsal and ventral sides of the test. Cibicides praecipuus Pl. 32, figs. 2a-c Latin praecipuus meaning peculiar, special, extraordinary. Named for the unusual appearance of the species. Cibicidina minuta Pl. 31, figs. 4a-c Named for the small test size. NortH CAROLINA FORAMINIFERA: COPELAND 293 Lagena altahumerifera Pl. 25, figs. la-b Named for the shoulder located high on the test. Lagena multicostata Pl. 25, figs. 4a-b Named for the numerous costae which are characteristic of the species. Lagena torsicostata Pl. 26, figs. la-b Named for the twisted costae which are characteristic of the species. Nodosaria magnoliaensis Pl. 24, figs. 8a-b Named for the Natural Well locality, near Magnolia, North Caro- lina. Raphanulina subglobosa Pl. 28, figs. 2a-c Named for the nearly globose shape of the test. Siphotextularia breviforma Pl. 28, figs. 4a-b Named for its short, stout character. Spiroplectammina angulomarginata Pl. 23, figs. 2a-b Named for the sharply angled margin characteristic of the species. Textularia concisa Pl. 28, figs. 5a-b Latin concisus, meaning brief, short. Named for the concise, short appearance of the test. NEW SPECIES FROM THE DUPLIN MARL Cibicides duplinensis Pl. 40, figs. 3a-c This species is especially characteristic of the Duplin marl. Cibicides eccentricus Pl. 40, figs. 4a-c Latin eccentricus, meaning different, odd. Named for the strikingly odd appearance of the test. Discorbis duplinensis P|. 39, figs. 2a-c This species is especially characteristic of the Duplin marl. Elphidium compressulum Pl. 37, figs. 3a-b Named for the compressed appearance of the test. Elphidium limatulum Pl. 37, figs. 5a-b Latin limatulus, meaning filed, polished, smoothed. Named for the glossy, polished appearance of the species. Globigerina macrastoma Pl. 41, figs. 5a-c Greek makros, long plus stoma, mouth. Named for the long, open aperture. Globigerinoides cancellata Pl. 42, figs. 3a-c Named for the cancellate appearance of the test. Loxostomum distoloculatum Pl. 48, figs. 3a-b Named for the widely separated chambers. Planorbulinella perforata Pl. 41, figs. la-b Named for the coarsely perforate chambers. Textularia megaloculata Pl. 35, figs. la-b Named for the unusually large terminal chambers in relation to the earlier chambers. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bandy, O. L. 1949. Eocene and Oligocene Foraminifera from Little Stave Creek, Clarke County, Alabama. Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 32, No. 131, p. 1-210, pls. 1-27. 1956. Ecology of Foraminifera in northeastern Gulf of Mexico. U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 274-G, pp. 179-204, pls. 29-31. 294 BULLETIN 215 Bergquist, H. R. 1942. Scott County fossils, Jackson Foraminifera and Ostracoda. Mississippi Geol. Sur., Bull. 49 (Fossils), pp. 1-146, pls. 1-11. Bermudez, P. J. 1949. Tertiary smaller Foraminifera of the Dominican Republic. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., Spec. Pub. 25, pp. 1-322, pls. 1-26. Brown, P. M. 1958. Well logs from the Coastal Plain of North Carolina. North Carolina Dept. Cons. and Dev., Bull. 72, pp. 1-100. Canu, Ferdinand, and Bassler, R. S. 1920. North American early Tertiary Bryozoa. U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 106, 879 pp., 162 pls. Cheetham, Alan 1961. Age of the Castle Hayne fauna (Eocene) of North Carolina. Jour. Paleont., vol. 35, pp. 394-395. Conrad, T. A. 1838. Fossils of the Tertiary formations of U. S. E. G. Dorsey. Philadelphia, pp. 1-138, pls. 1-49. Cooke, C. W. 1916. The age of the Ocala limestone. U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 95, pp. 107-117. Cooke, C. W., Gardner, Julia, and Woodring, W. 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A rich foraminiferal fauna from the Cocoa sand of Ala- a Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., Spec. Pub. 16, pp. 1-40, pls. 1948. Foraminifera from the Hammond Well; in Anderson, J. L., et al., Cretaceous and Tertiary subsurface Geology. Maryland Dept. Geol., Mines, Water Res., Bull. 2, pp. 213-267, pls. 15-26. Cushman, J. A., and Ozawa, Yoshiaki 1930. A monograph of the foraminiferal family Polymorphinidae, Recent and fossil. U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. 77, art. 6, pp. 1- 195, pls. 1-40. Cushman, J. A., and Ponton, G. M. 1932. The Foraminifera of the upper, middle and part of the meer Miocene of Florida. Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 9, pp. 1-147. pls. 1-17. NorTH CAROLINA FORAMINIFERA: COPELAND 295 Cushman, J. A., and Cahill, E. D. 1933. Miocene Foraminifera of the Coastal Plain of the eastern United States, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 175-A, pp. 1-51, pls. 1-13. Cushman, J. A., and Todd, Ruth 1942. The genus Cancris and its species. Contr. Cushman Lab. Foram. 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Master of Science Thesis, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, pp. 1-85, pls. 1-5. Day, J. H. 1951. The ecology of South African estuaries. Trans. Roy. Soe. South Africa, vol. 33, pt. 1, pp. 53-91, Dorsey, Ann 1948. Miocene Foraminifera from the Chesapeake group of south- ern Maryland; in Anderson, J. L., et al., Cretaceous and Ter- tiary subsurface Geology. Maryland Dept. Geol., Mines, Water Res., Bull. 2, pp. 268-317, pls. 30-39. Edwards, R. A. 1944. Ostracoda from the Duplin marl (upper Miocene) of North Carolina. Jour. Paleont., vol. 18, pp. 505-528, pls. 85-88. Fournier, George 1956. New methods and techniques in the photography of micro- fossils. Micropaleontology, vol. 2, pp. 37-56. Gardner, Julia A. 1943. Mollusca from the Miocene and lower Pliocene of Virginia and North Carolina, pt. I, Pelecypoda. U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 199-A, pp. 1-144, pls. 1-23. 1948. Mollusca from the Miocene and lower Pliocene of Virginia and North Carolina, pt. II, Scaphopoda and Gastropoda. U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 199-B, pp. 1-310, pls. 1-38. Hedgpeth, J. W. 1957. Classification of marine environments. Geol. Soc. Amer., Memoir 67, pp. 17-28. Howe, H. V. 1939. Lowisiana Cook Mountain Eocene Foraminifera. Louisiana Dept. Cons., Geol. Bull. 14, pp. 1-122, pls. 1-14. 296 BULLETIN 215 Howe, H. V., and Wailace, W. E. 1932. Foraminifera of the Jackson Eocene at Danville Landing on the Ouachita, Catahoula Parish, Louisiana. Louisiana Dept. Cons., Geol. Bull. 2, pp. 1-118, pls. 1-15. Huddle, J. W. 1940. Notes on the geological section at the natural well near Magnolia, North Carolina. Jour. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc., vol. 56, pp. 227-228. Kellum, L. B. 1926. Paleontology and stratigraphy of the Castle Hayne and Trent marls in North Carolina. U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 1438, pp. 1-56, pls. 1-11. Kerr, W. C. 1875. Report of the geological survey of North Carolina. Vol. 1, pp. 121-161. LeGrand, H. E., and Brown, P. M. 1955. Carolina Geological Society, Guide book of excursion in the Coastal Plain of North Carolina. pp. 1-438. Loeblich, A. R., Tappan, Helen, Beckman, J. P., Bolli, H. M.,; Montanaro Gallitelli, E., and Troelsen, J. C. 1957. Studies in Foraminifera. U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 215, pp. 1-323, pls. 1-74. Mansfield, W. C. 1943. Stratigraphy of the Miocene of Virginia and the Miocene and Pliocene of North Carolina; in Gardner, Julia, Mollusca from the Miocene and lower Pliocene of Virginia and North Carolina, pt. I, Pelecypoda, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 199-A, pp. 1-19. McLean, J. D. 1956. The Foraminifera of the Yorktown formation in the York- James Peninsula of Virginia, with notes on the associated Mol- lusks. Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 36, No. 160, pp. 260-414, pls. 35-53. Miller, B. L. 1912. The Tertiary Formations; in Clark, W. B., et al., The Coast- al Plain of North Carolina. North Carolina Geological and Eco- nomic Survey, vol. 3, pp. 171-266. Murray, G. E. 1947. Cenozoic deposits of central Gulf Coastal Plain. Amer. Assoc, Pet. Geol., Bull., vol. 31, pp. 1825-1850. Olsson, A. A. 1916. New Miocene fossils. Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 5, No. 27, pp. 1-32, pls. 1-3. Phleger, F. B, and Parker, F. L. 1951. Foraminifera species; in Phleger, F. B, and Parker F. L., Ecology of Foraminifera northwest Gulf of Mexico. Geol. Soe. Amer., Mem. 46, pt. 2, pp. 1-64, pls. 1-20. Puri, H. S. 1953. Contribution to the study of the Miocene in the Florida Pan- handle. Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 36, pp. 1-214, pls. 1-30. Richards, Horace G. 1950. Geology of the Coastal Plain of North Carolina, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., vol. 40, pt. 1, pp. 1-83. NorTH CAROLINA FORAMINIFERA: COPELAND 297 Shepard, Francis P. 1948. Submarine Geology. Harper and Brothers, New York, pp. 1-338. Shepard, Francis P., and Moore, D. G. 1954. Sedimentary environments differentiated by coarse fraction studies. Amer. Assoc. Pet. Geol., Bull., vol. 38, pp. 1792-1802. 1955. Central Texas coast sedimentation: Characteristics of sedi- mentary environment, recent history, and diagenesis. Amer. Assoc. Pet. Geol., Bull., vol. 39, pp. 1463-1593. Spangler, Walter B. 1950. Subsurface geology of Atlantic Coastal Plain of North Carolina. Amer. Assoc. Pet. Geol., Bull., vol. 34, p. 100-132. Todd, Ruth 1952. Vicksburg (Oligocene) smaller Foraminifera from Missis- sippi. U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 241, pp. 1-53, pls. 1-6. Wilbert, L. J., Jr., 1953. The Jacksonian stage in southeastern Arkansas. Ark. Re- sources and Dev. Commission, Div. Geol. Bull. 19, pp. 1-125. PLATES 300 BULLETIN 215 Explanation of Plate 23 Castle Hayne Foraminifera from Natural Well Figure 1 Quinqueloculina mauricensis apertaexpansa Bandy ....... a. Side view. b. Apertural view. c. Opposite side; x 90 2. Spiroplectammina angulomarginata, n. sp. a. Apertural view. b. Side view; x 90 Spiroplectammina natchitochensis Howe . a. Side view. b. Apertural view; x 90 Siphotextularia breviforma, n. sp. . a. Side view. b. Apertural view; 4 90 Textularia concisa, n. sp. a. Side view. b. Apertural view; x 90 Textularia eyrei Ena ya eee eee a. Side view. b. Apertural view, x 60 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 47 PLATE 23 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 47 PLATE 24 NorTH CAROLINA FORAMINIFERA: COPELAND Explanation of Plate 24 Castle Hayne Foraminifera from Natural Well Figure 1 2. Astacolus magnoliaensis, n. sp. a. Side view. b. Edge view; x 90 Planularia sp. cf. P. georgiana Cushman and Herrick a. Side view. b. Edge view; x 90 Marginulina moodysensis Cushman and Todd Side view; « 60 Marginulina winniana Howe Side view; < 90 Oolina morsei (Kline) |. a. Side view. b. Top view; x 90 Dentalina budensis Hantken Side view; x 60. Dentalina jacksonensis (Cushman and Applin) Side view; x 60 Nodosaria magnoliaensis, n. sp. mentee a. Side view. b. Apertural view; x 60. 301 Page 238 239 240 240 241 241 242 243 302 BULLETIN 215 Explanation of Plate 25 Castle Hayne Foraminifera from Natural Well Figure Page 1. Lagena altahumerifera, ib Ob shee sie ie etS a. Side view. b. Apertural view; x 90 2. Lagena fenestrissima Howe and Ellis ooo.......0cccocccccccccceeeeeereeeee... 244 a. Side view. b. Apertural view; x 90 3. Lagena laevis (Montagu) ........ set ocrucadavceesllegseo ea Re ee ee a. Side view. b. Apertural view; x 90 4. Lagena multicostata, 11 Vag) © Sana aR or POE RR ES eh cacoatore 245 a. Side view. b. Apertural view; 3K 90 5. Lagena ouachitaensis Howe and Wallace |... 246 Side view; x 90 6. Lagena sulcata laevicostata Cushman and Gray ............................. 246 a. Side view. b. Apertural view; x 90 7. Lagena sulcata spirata Bandy .......... Heke 246 a. Side view. b. Apertural view; x 90 PLATE 25 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 47 QA t |e 4S ~— nt PLATE 26 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 47 NORTH CAROLINA FORAMINIFERA: COPELAND 303 Explanation of Plate 26 Castle Hayne Foraminifera from Natural Well Figure Page 1. Lagena torsicostata, n. sp. 247 a. Side view. b. Apertural view; x 90 2. Lagena wallacei Bandy .... : 247 a. Side view. b. Apertural view; x 90 3. Robulus deformis (Reuss) 248 a. Side view. b. Edge view; x 90 4. Robulus ovalis (Reuss) ................ 249 a. Side view. b. Edge view; x 90 5. Fissurina howei (Cushman and Todd) 249 a. Side view. b. Apertural view. c. Lateral view; « 90 304 BULLETIN 215 Explanation of Plate 27 Castle Hayne Foraminifera from Natural Well Figure 1. Polymorphina nuda Howe and Roberts a. Side view. b. Apertural view; « 90 2. Sigmomorphina pulchra Todd . , a. Side view. b. Apertural view; c. Opposite side; « 90 3. Guttulina sp. a. Side view. b. Apertural view. c. Opposite side; « 90 4. Guttulina communis (d’Orbigny) a. Side view. b. Apertural view. c. Opposite side; « 90 Page 251 202 253 254 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 47 PLATE 27 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 47 PLATE 28 NorTH CAROLINA FORAMINIFERA: COPELAND 305 Explanation of Plate 28 Castle Hayne Foraminifera from Natural Well Figure Page 1. Raphanulina gibba (d’Orbigny) 255 a. Side view. b. Apertural view. c. Opposite side; « 90 2. Raphanulina subglobosa, n. sp. 257 a. Side view. b. Apertural view. c. Opposite side; « 90 3. Ramulina globulifera Brady 257 Side view; x 60 4. Nonion danvillensis Howe and Wallace 258 a. Side view. b. Edge view; x 90 306 3ULLETIN 215 Explanation of Plate 29 Castle Hayne Foraminifera from Natural Well Figure Page 1. Nonion mauricensis Howe and Ellis 259 a. Side view. b. Edge view; « 90 2. Nonion planatus Cushman and Thomas 260 a. Edge view. b. Side view; x 90 3. Nonionella jacksonensis Cushman 260 a. Dorsal view. b. Edge view. c. Ventral view; « 90 4. Nonionella spissa Cushman 261 a. Ventral view. b. Edge view. c. Dorsal view; x 90 5. Globorotalia spinulosa Cushman 265 a. Ventral view. b. Edge view. c. Dorsal view; « 90 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 47 PLATE 29 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 47 PLATE 30 NortuH CAROLINA FORAMINIFERA: COPELAND Explanation of Plate 30 Castle Hayne Foraminifera from Natural Well Figure 1. Cancris involutus, n. sp. a. Dorsal view. b. Edge view; c. Ventral view; « 90 2. Valvulineria danvillensis (Howe and Wallace) a. Ventral view. b. Edge view. c. Dorsal view; x 90 3. Valvulineria octocamerata (Cushman and Hanna) a. Ventral view. b. Edge view. c, Dorsal view; « 90 4. Valvulineria texana Cushman and Ellisor a. Ventral view. b. Edge view. c. Dorsal view; « 90 507 308 BULLETIN 215 Explanation of Plate 31 Castle Hayne Foraminifera from Natural Well Figure Page 1. Alabamina mississippiensis Todd ee OF a. Ventral view. b. Edge view. c. Dorsal view; x 90— 2. Cibicidina blanpiedi (Toulmin) ........ Pee A CAI(IL a. Dorsal view. b. Edge view. c. Ventral view; aperture re- constructed; x 90 3. Cibicidina cooperensis (Cushman) Aa 2a ene ipl a. Ventral view. b. Edge view. c. Dorsal view; x 90 | 4. Cibicidina minuta, n. Spheceteh ees sa CRD: a. Ventral view. b. Edge. view. c. Dorsal view; x 90 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 47 PLATE 31 BuLuL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 47 PLATE 32 NORTH CAROLINA FORAMINIFERA: COPELAND Explanation of Plate 32 Castle Hayne Foraminifera from Natural Well Figure 1. Anomalina umbonata Cushman a. Dorsal view. b. Edge view. ec. Ventral view; x 90 2. Cibicides praecipuus, n. sp. a. Dorsal view. b. Edge view. c. _ Ventral view; x 90 3. Eponides cocoaensis Cushman _..... a. Dorsal view. b. Edge view. ec. Ventral view; x 90 509 Page 275 278 279 310 BULLETIN 215 Explanation of Plate 33 Castle Hayne Foraminifera from Natural Well Figure 1 Siphonina danvillensis Howe and Wallace a. Ventral view. b. Edge view. c. Dorsal view; sa90 Globigerina bulloides d’Orbigny ............ a. Ventral view. b. Edge view. c. Dorsal view; 3 90 Globigerina triloculinoides Plummer... a. Ventral view. b. Edge view. c. Dorsal view; X90 Globigerinoides topilensis (Cushman) a. Ventral view. b. Edge view. c. Dorsal view; x 90 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 47 PLATE 33 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 47 PLATE 34 NorTH CAROLINA FORAMINIFERA: COPELAND 311 Explanation of Plate 34 Figs. 1-5—Castle Hayne Foraminifera from Natural Well Figs. 6-9—Duplin Foraminifera from Natural Well Figure Page 1. Orbulina sp. cf. O. universa d’Orbigny 286 Side view; x 90 2. Virgulina sp. cf. V. dibollensis Cushman and Applin 288 a. Side view. b. Lateral view; « 90 3. Siphonodosaria nuttalli gracillima (Cushman and Jarvis) 290 Side view; « 90 4. Angulogerina parvaspinata, n. sp. 291 a. Side view. b. Apertural view; « 90 5. Ellipsonodosaria silesica Jedlitschka 292 Side view; x 60 6. Planispirillina orbicularis (Bagg) 230 a. Ventral side. b. Edge view. c. Dorsal side; « 90 7. Quinqueloculina seminula (Linné) 232 a. Side view. b. Apertural view. c. Opposite side; « 90 8. Textularia cuyleri Davis ........ 235 a. Side view. b. Apertural view; « 90 9. Textularia sp. cf. T. dollfussi Lalicker 236 a. Side view. b. Apertural view; x 60 312 BULLETIN 215 Explanation of Plate 35 Duplin Foraminifera from Natural Well Figure Page 1. Textularia megaloculata, n. sp... vo ae 237 a. Side view. b. Apertural view; a 60 2. Textularia sp... ES a eee EERE a. Side view. b. Apertural view: < 90 3. Robulus americanus (Cushman) ... : z OB ES a. Edge view. b. Side view; x 40 4. Fissurina orbignyana lacunata (Burrows and Holland) ................ 250 a. Side view. b. Apertural view; x 90 5. Pseudopolymorphina rutila (Cushman) .... er: ings (Oreo 251 a. Side view. b. Opposite side; x 40 6. Laryngosigma williamsoni (Terquem) ....... on Meer to, 3 C45) Side view; x 90 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 47 PLATE 85 BuLL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 47 PLATE 36 NortTH CAROLINA FORAMINIFERA: COPELAND Explanation of Plate 36 Duplin Foraminifera from Natural Well Figure 1 Sigmomorphina terquemiana (Fornasini) _. a. Side view. b. Opposite side. c. Apertural view; « 90 Guttulina costatula Galloway and Wissler a. Side view. b. Apertural view; x 90 Raphanulina sp. cf. R. hispida (Terquem) a. Side view. b. Opposite side. c. Apertural view; « 90 Raphanulina sp. cf. R. laeviglobosa ten Dam .... a. Side view. b. Apertural view. c. Opposite side; « 60 313 Page 252 254 256 256 314 BULLETIN 215 Explanation of Plate 37 Figs. 1-4, 6—Duplin Foraminifera from Natural Well Fig. 5—Duplin Foraminifera from Barwick farm Figure 1. Nonion decoratus Cushman and McGlamery a. Apertural view. b. Side view; « 90 ad Elphidium advena (Cushman) a. Edge view. b. Side view; x 90 3. Elphidium compressulum, n. sp. a. Edge view. b. Side view; x 90 4. Elphidium gunteri Coleme ; a. Side view. b. Edge view; x 90 5. Elphidium limatulum, n. sp. _. a. Edge view. b. Side view; < 90 6. Elphidium poeyanum (d’Orbigny) a. Edge view. b. Side view; x 90 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 47 PLATE 37 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 47 PLATE 38 NortTH CAROLINA FORAMINIFERA: COPELAND Explanation of Plate 38 Figs. 1, 2—Duplin Foraminifera from Natural Well Figs. 3, 4—Duplin Foraminifera from Barwick farm Figure 1. Globorotalia menardii (d’Orbigny) a. Dorsal view. b. Apertural view. c. Ventral view; X 90 2. Cancris communis Cushman and Todd a. Dorsal view. b. Edge view. c. Ventral view; >< 90 3. Buccella depressa ANnGdersenie a. Ventral view. b. Apertural view. c. Dorsal \ view; ; described specimen with oblique dorsal sutures; « 90 4. Buccella depressa Andersen ~Y — Wt Page 264 265 269 269 a. Ventral view. b. Dorsal view; illustrating less oblique dorsal sutures; * 90 316 BULLETIN 215 Explanation of Plate 39 Duplin Foraminifera from Natural Well Figure Page 1. Streblus beccarii parkinsoniana (G?Orbigny)) 284 a. Ventral view. b. Edge view. c. Dorsal view; x 90 320 BULLETIN 215 Explanation of Plate 43 Figs. 1, 2, 5-7—Duplin Foraminifera from Natural Well Figs. 3, 4—Duplin Foraminifera from Barwick farm Figure Page 1. Bolivina marginata multicostata Cushman 286 a. Side view. b. Apertural view; x 90 2. Bolivina paula Cushman and Cahill ..... . 287 a. Side view. b. Apertural view; x 90 3. Loxostomum distoloculatum, n. sp. fe pts 287 a. Side view. b. Apertural view; x 90 4. Reussella spinulosa (Reuss) ... , 288 a. Side view. b. Top view; « 90 5. Buliminella elegantissima (d’Orbigny) ee 289 a. Side view. b. Side view; x 90 6. Cassidulina crassa d’ Orbigny | 289 a. Side view. b. Edge view. c. Side view; x 90 7. Angulogerina occidentalis (Cushman) ....... , 291 a. Side view. b. Apertural view; x 90 PLATE 43 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 47 INDEX Number 215 NOTE: The left hand bold face figures refer to the plates. The right hand figures refer to the pages. A advena, Elphidium .. agrestis, Angulogerina Alabamina alabamensis, Spiroplectammina 37 alabamensis diminutiva, Spiroplectammina .... altahumerifera, Lagena .... 25 americanus, Cibicides a0 Robulus amplectens, Raphanulina .......... Angulogerina angulomarginata, Spiroplectammina Anomalina ; apertaexpansa, Quinqueloculina . apertura, Globigerina Astacolus . astutia, Textularia beecarii parkinsoniana, Bolivina brantlyi, Astacolus _. breviforma, Siphotextularia Buccella budensis, Dentalina bulba, Nodosaria .......... Buliminella bulloides, Globigerina .... calomorpha, Nodosaria cancellata, Globigerinoides 23 23 41 31 "93 24 33 42 262 292 269 233 233 243 2795 248 256 291 232 275 231 281 239 237 270 ag | 286 239 234 269 241 243 289 281 243 284 321 Cancris caribbaea, Raphanulina Cassidulina caudata, Guttulina Cibicides Cibicidina cocoaensis, Eponides Marginulina communis, Cancris Guttulina compressulum, Elphidium concisa, Textularia cooperensis, Cibicidina costatula, Guttulina ay: crassa, Cassidulina .... euylert, Textularia danvillensis, Cibicidina Nonion Siphonina Valvulineria decoratus, Nonion deformis, Robulus Dentalina depressa, Buccella cf. dibollensis, Virgulina diminutiva, Spiroplectammina . Discorbis Bren distoloculatum, Loxostomum cf. dollfussi, Textularia . duplinensis, Cibicides Discorbis 38 27 37 23 31 36 43 34 248, 236, 265 256 289 254 276 271 279 240 265 254 262 235 271 254 289 235 272 258 279 267 259 249 241 269 288 233 273 287 238 276 273 eccentricus, Cibicides elegantissima, Buliminella .. Ellipsonodosaria Elphidium ......... Eponides eyrel, Textularia fenestrissima, Lagena ....... Fissurina .. floridana, Discorbis floridanus, Cibicides cf. georgiana, Planulariay --... gibba, Raphanulina . Globigerina ......... af Globigerinoides Globorotalia globulifera, Ramulina ..... gramen, Textularia gunteri, Elphidium .... Guttulina ........ hannai, Textularia hantkeni, Dentalina hexagona, Globigerina . cf. hispida, Raphanulina howei, Fissurina humerifera, Lagena 1 immatura, Globigerinoides inaequalis, Raphanulina INDEX 40 277, 278 43 23 ap Aga 28 28 37 36 26 289 292 262 279 236 244 249 273 276 239 259 281 284 264 297 237 263 254 235 242 282 256 249 244 284 257 inaequalis caribaea, Raphanulina ........ inflata, Angulogerina involutus, Cancers ee 30 irregularis, Guttulina .... isabella conse Magenaee jacksonensis, Dentalinaw ee 24 Nonionella lacunata, Bissurinaw ero laevicostata, Lagena cf. laeviglobosa, Raphanulina laevis, Serpula ....... Laryngosigma ....... limatulum, Elphidium’ — 2) ee lobatulus, Cibicides Nautilus Loxostomum macrastoma, Globigerina ................41 magnoliaensis, Astacolusi soe 24 Nodosaria marginata multicostata, Bolivina Marginulina..-..2 es ; mauricensis, INOnION) ee 29 mauricensis aper ena 7) Quinqueloculina ..... mauryae, Cancris ..... megaloculata, Textularia. .....2:aaeeo 322 256 291 266 254 244 242 260 250 246 256 244 © 245 245 245 243 253 263 277 277 287 282 238 243 286 240 259 231 267 237 menardii, Globorotalia micrus, Nonion minuta, Cibicidina .... mississippiensis, Alabamina moodysensis, Marginulina morsei, Oolina multicostata, Bolivina Lagena natchitochensis, Spiroplectammina nautiloideum, Elphidum) 2.5 Nautilus Nodosaria Nonion Nonionella ....... cr nuda, Polymorphina nuttalli gracillima, Siphonodosaria ce) occidentalis, Angulogerina octocamerata, Valvulineria oligostegia, Nodosaria Oolina orbicularis, Planispirillina orbignyana lacunata, Fissurina Orbulina ouachitaensis, Lagena Pat athe State Ovalis, Robulus Serpula parkinsoniana, Streblus parvaspinata, Angulogerina paula, Bolivina perforata, Planorbulinella planatus, Nonion Planispirillina 295 23 97 34 43 . 30 35 eee 240, 245, 267, INDEX 264 258 272 269 241 241 286 247 234 264 277 243 259 261 251 290 291 268 243 241 230 250 286 246 249 245 270 291 287 280 260 230 Planorbulinella 280 Planularia ...... 239 poeyanum, Elphidium ........ 37 263,264 Polymorphina ..... Dil praecipuus, Cibicides 32 278 protoreticulata, Globigerina .. 42 282 Pseudopolymorphina r 251 pulchra, Sigmomorphina .......27 252 Q Quinqueloculina 231 R Ramulina eae 257 Raphanulinal ee 256 Reussella . 288 Robulus 248 rolshauseni, Siphotextularia 235 rubra, Globigerinoides ....... 42 284 rutila, Pseudopolymorphina 35 251 S sacculiferous immatura, Globigerinoides ...... 284 sagra communis, CanchiSweeee 267 seminula, Quingueloculina sae 282, Senpulapeeees Rcreeey As 245 Sigmomorphina Seat aee 252 silesica, Ellipsonodosaria eee 292 SIpPHOMINas tc eee 279 Siphonodosaria ............... 290 Siphotextularia .............. 234 Spe Guttulinape eee: 74 253 MNES HOUIETENE), < censecensceosee: 35 238 spinulosa, Globorotalia ............ 29 265 Reusselllayenc eee 43 288 Spiroplectammina ..... 233 spirata, lhavenaw eer ee 246 spissa, Nonionella Bee &) 261 stavensis, Guttulinalee cee 254 323 Streblusi 2 oes striata, Lagena ......... subcylindrica, Siphotextularia ... subglobosa, Raphanulina subloba, Truncatulina sublobus, Cibicides subquadrata, Globigerinoides . sulcata laevicostata, Lagena suleata spirata, Lagena . a tenuis ovalis laevis, Lagena Serpula terquemi, Discorbis terquemiana, Sigmomorphina texana, Valvulineria Textularia topilensis, Globigerinoides torsicostata, Magenae ees tortilis, Ware nay eee ia 28 a) 25 39 36 30 33 26 INDE 270 245 234 257 278 278 284 246 246 245 245 273 252 268 237 285 247 247 324 », « translucens, Ephidium triloculinoides, Globigerina Truncatulina ............... truncatum, Loxostomum . Truncorotaloides turritus, Discorbis .... ... 40 umbonata, Anomalina .... oe cf. universa, Orbulinay Vv Valvulineria tee vaughani, Astacolus ... Virgulina ae WwW wallacei, Lagena 2... eee warren, Discorbis williamsoni, Laryngosigma .......... 35 winniana, Marginulina ........... 24 263 283 278 288 285 274 275 286 268 239 288 247 273 253 240 XXXIV. XXXV. XXXVI. XXXVII. XXXVITI. XXXIX. XL. XLI. XLII. XLIII. XLIV. XLV. XLVI. XLVII. Volume I. II. IIT. IV. CNOs; 51402145 ie e4 00% ppe19vplsicete cle a ia Trinidad Globigerinidae, Ordovician Enopleura, Tasma- nian Ordovican cephalopods and Tennessee Ordovician ostracods, and conularid bibliography. INOS: 46-154)" S86 Cppit Si plsy til z2 ee ge ald We G. D. Harris memorial, camerinid and Georgia Paleocene Foraminifera, South America Paleozoics, Australian Or- dovician cephalopods, California Pleistocene Eulimidae, Volutidae, Cardiidae, and Devonian ostracods from Iowa. WNos=- 155" 160) 412pp., 53" ple iax Je ce aoe ee ee Globotruncana in Colombia, Eocene fish, Canadian-Chaz- yan fossils, foraminiferal studies. (Nos, (161-164): 486 )ppi37 (pisvsRy el kode a aN SS Antillean Cretaceous Rudists, Cana] Zone Foraminifera, Stromatoporoidea GINosy 165-176). 2447" pp. 5 OS MpISs okie eel ae Venezuela geology, Oligocene Lepidocyclina, Miocene ostra- cods, and Mississippian of Kentucky, turritellid from Venezuela, larger forams, new mollusks, geology of Car- riacou, Pennsylvanian plants. (Ness 177-183) >" 4482 ppsySOopls: ~\ a 2) es dr Panama Caribbean mollusks, Venezuelan Tertiary forma- tions and forams, Trinidad Cretaceous forams, Ameri- can-European species, Puerto Rico forams. CIN OS LSP 996. peels pls se NANT Son, Me Type and Figured Specimens P.R.I. (NosvA85-192). 33 opp. 35 plein tee On ea ea Australian Carpoid Echinoderms, Yap forams, Shell Bluff, Ga. forams. Newcomb mollusks, Wisconsin mollusk faunas, Camerina, Va. forams, Corry Sandstone. (NO: 193), 673" ppl; (48 pls ateta sa Souls MS foro Rei oy Venezuela Cenozoic gastropods. GNos. 194-198)).).-427-pp.,)39° pls! 4.33. atl i Ae Ordovician stromatoporoids, Indo-Pacific camerinids, Mis- sissippian forams, Cuban rudists. CINgs: h99-203)5. S65 pp, 68 pis! sce ae hy a or Puerto Rican, Antarctic, New Zealand forams, Lepidocy- clina, Eumalacostraca. UN: 204) 25407 pp 63) Pissr ee kA ee Venezuela Cenozoic pelecypods (Nos. 205/201) 0419 ppih 770 pls. eae cece tl el Large Foraminifera, Texas Cretaceous crustacean, Ant- arctic Devonian terebratuloid, Osgood and Paleocene Foraminifera, Recent molluscan types. CNos. 20252144203 pps, 22 soles Gai ics, Sousa trp Ncteeoos see oeesbe ecne oud Eocene and Devonian Foraminifera, Venezuelan fossil scaphopods and polychaetes. PALAEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA (Nos. 1-5). 519 pp., 75 pls. Monographs of Arcas, Lutetia, rudistids and venerids. CNG 6-12)3 2 53.R) pp 37 pls, So Rt TS Nal Rey Heliophyllum halli, Tertiary turrids, Neocene Spondyli, Paleozoic cephalopods, Tertiary Fasciolarias and Paleo- zoic and Recent Hexactinellida. (Nas: 13-25). 5+ 543 ppiy 61 plstiae ke ge les Paleozoic cephalopod structure and phylogeny, Paleozoic siphonophores, Busycon, Devonian fish studies, gastropod studies, Carboniferous crinoids, Cretaceous jellyfish, Platystrophia, and Venericardia. CROs ZOUSU S58 prs. 253 “Plse jevetah cece cB spate vas Set od LoMecssac cm sloanct Rudist studies, Busycon, Dalmanellidae, Byssonychia, De- vonian lycopods, Ordovician eurypterids. 12.00 12.00 13.50 15.00 16.00 16.00 20.00 16.00 13.50 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 21.00 25.00 19.50 CoNDENSED TABLE OF CONTENTS OF BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY AND PALAEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA Vols. I-VI. BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY VIII-XV. See Kraus Reprint Corp. VHS (Ne. 232) 3.730- pp.) 9 OAD Sy soit tarts: each 15.00 Claibornian Eocene scaphopods, gastropods, and cephalo- pods. XVIL (Nos: °59-61)3'<140' pps 48%pls. A242 er Be ee 6.00 Venezuela and Trinidad Tertiary Mollusca. SOVAE .(INos. (62-63).) 2283 (pprsSupls ens ie ee 11.00 Peruvian Tertiary Mollusca. MIVITT. (CONos. 164-67). 286) pps 29 apis... tee ee lls oasandovlealsceee ae eee 11.00 Mainly Tertiary Mollusca and Cretaceous corals. XEX..CNo.-68) 2 (272 ppki24 plsif te...) tee a eee 10.00 Tertiary Paleontology, Peru. XX. (Nos, 69-70C): | 266: pps 26) pls. (oUt a a La a 10.00 Cretaceous and Tertiary Paleontology of Peru and Cuba. XXTes(Nost71672)4-/329 (pps 02. ps tse let ace aa 11.00 Paleozoic Paleontology and Stratigraphy. XOX: \GNos:) 73-76)... 356 pp SV piss ok el ee eee 12.00 Paleozoic Paleontology and Tertiary Foraminifera. XOXTIP A GNos. 927279) 251 pps. 35 (pls. see4 kes cad al ae ee 10.00 Corals, Cretaceous microfauna and biography of Conrad. SXOXTV./ (Nos: :80-87).. 334. pp.5_27 “pls... ol oe ee 10.50 Mainly Paleozoic faunas and Tertiary Mollusca. SOX Vi (Nos: 88-94B)..-; 306pp:, 30Mpisy, Ui. e le ce ee 10.00 Paleozoic fossils of Ontario, Oklahoma and Colombia, Mes- ozoic echinoids, California Pleistocene and Maryland Miocene mollusks. XX VEE -(Nos795-100)5s 420. pp.px58. ples ie. ale ee ee 11.00 Florida Recent marine shells, Texas Cretaceous fossils, Cuban and Peruvian Cretaceous, Peruvian Eogene corals, and geology and paleontology of Ecuador. XAGVAT. *GNos, , 101-108). 93762 pp’ 360 pls: c.o.-ntete end eet eas eee 12.00 Tertiary Mollusca, Paleozoic cephalopods, Devonian fish and Paleozoic geology and fossils of Venezuela. MOXVANT.. (CNos:109-114).-5412 pps, 54. pls) See 1S eee 12.00 Paleozoic cephalopods, Devonian of Idaho, Cretaceous and Eocene mollusks, Cuban and Venezuelan forams. XXX: Nos. 115-116)08 738kppi 52" ples fs. 25 totes oe Se eee ee 18.00 Bowden forams and Ordovician cephalopods. XK "(No.elif). \ 563 spp 65) plea) sane hae ee eee 15.00 Jackson Eocene mollusks. SOCK. (Nog. 118-128), 0458) ppsj27; pls! ooo tse. acks hase eedone eee 12.00 Venezuelan and California mollusks, Chemung and Penn- sylvanian crinoids, Cypraeidae, Cretaceous, Miocene and Recent corals, Cuban and Floridian forams, and Cuban fossil localities. XXXIE | (Nos. 129-133 )53:294 pp.j- 59 Pls.) .--- nice -fageenconaptecnyerdvaneg- chat tepenee 10.00 Silurian cephalopods, crinoid studies, Tertiary forams, and Mytilarca. XXII: | (Nos; 134-139). 448 7pp:, Slaps, vee ee ee eee 12.00 Devonian annelids, Tertiary mollusks, Ecuadoran strati- graphy and paleontology. Ares, 37 3% § BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. ne . VOL. XLVIL a * ~ NUMBER 216 1964 nstitution PALEONTOLOGICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTION 1963-1964 PRESIDE NV) tna oes potas oe 2 fon eee ADE Ae a ree \ ee ee AXEL A. OLSSON VICE-PRESIDENT: -8 (oe le ety Mee Ne Ly eee ee DONALD W. FISHER SEGRETARY=L'‘REASURERL | ciiac. 4M oJooe Se saves oe cerh cay gach Reaiae tows cc eR MT ores ResBecca S. Harris DIRECTORS fo cctoce sso ices Ea a eR beh g aee KATHERINE V. W. PALMER COUNSELK 2 AND 08 0 RET ae aN are A A ON ARMAND L, ADAMS REPRESENTATIVE AUAVAS' Countin soy 2 an ee KENNETH E. CASTER Trustees KENNETH E. CASTER (1960-1966) KATHERINE V. W. PALMER (Life) DonaLp W. FIsHER (1961-1967) WILLIAM B. HeEroy (1963-1968) Resecca S. Harris (Life) AXEL A. Oxsson (Life) Sotomon C. HOLLIsTER (1959-1965) Hans G. Kucier (1963-1969) Joun W. WELLS (1958-1964) BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY and PALAEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA KATHERINE V. W. Patmer, Editor Mrs. Fay Bricecs, Secretary Advisory Board KENNETH E. CASTER Hans KUGLER A. Myra KEEN Jay GLENN Marks AXEL A. OLSSON Complete titles and price list of separate available numbers may be had on application. All volumes will be available except vol. I of Palaeontographica — Americana. Vol. I to be reprinted by Johnson Reprint Corporation, 111 Fifth Avenue, New; York 3, N. Y., U. S. A. For reprint, Vols. 1-6, 8-15, Bulletins of American Paleontology see Kraus Reprint Corp., 16 East 46th St., New York 17, N.Y., U.S.A. Subscription may be entered at any time by volume or year, with average — price of $16.00 per volume for Bulletins. Numbers of Palaeontographica Amer- icana invoiced per issue. Purchases in U.S.A. for professional purposes are deductible from income tax. For sale by Paleontological Research Institution 109 Dearborn Place Ithaca, New York U.S.A. Cte Me 1600 m) siltstone H.? kialagvikense Upper T. tenue - flexicostatus zie. & ~ . (~130m)| Eudmetoceras zZle. sandstone subzone (~ 65m ) E. howelli Middle zone H* howelli (ca.320m) Lower (~ 360m) subzone (~ 295m) (~ 140m) | =a S.sowerbyi SHALE tm Tmetoceras L.concava E howelli E.ct. howelli P.mclintocki mb Tmetoceras, E howelli P.?cf kialagvikense P.mclintocki "“KINGAK P mclintocki lawen (Aalenian) TUXEDNI Oxytoma jacksoni G P.mclintocki s.s L.murchisonae 7 T.scissum zle eens i L.opalinum | A ’ / / P.mclintocki s.s L.comptum 7. 7) a= ee O. jacksoni L.opalinum ie f ; Pseudolioceras ct. lythense / Text—fig. 3. Correlation chart of Lower Bajocian formations in northwestern North America. WILKIE oe | | | | ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN Sol also suggested that this may be a condensed fauna, but he described it under the heading of “Toarcian ?” The E. howelli Zone ammonite fauna was also discussed re- cently by Sato (1957, p. 332), who came to a similar conclusion as Arkell (loc. cit.). Sato returned to the inclusion of £. howelli in “Lillia” [—Phymatoceras], retained Haug’s opinion that E. kialag- vikensis is a near relative of Grammoceras toarciense (d’Orb.) and, consequently, again believed in a Toarcian age for these species. Tmetoceras, and the alleged “Hammatoceras” and “Sonninia” re- ported by Imlay (1952) from the same assemblage at Wide Bay. however, were supposed to come from a younger horizon correlated by Sato with the Lower Bajocian (Aalenian) Hammatoceras Zone of Japan. Sato noted the remarkable resemblance between Imlay’s (1955) Pseudolioceras ct. lythense and P. ct. compactile trom the Toarcian of northern Alaska with his (supposed) Hyperlioceras from the Japanese “Hammatoceras” [—Planammatoceras]| -Tmeto- ceras assemblage. The Japanese “Hyperlioceras” (PI. 53, figs. 7, 8) is here presumed to belong, at least in the main to Pseudolioceras, and the same appears to be true for his “Graphoceras” (Sato, 1958, pl. 13, figs. 11?, 12, 13). The E. howelli Zone only approximately correlates with the Japanese “Hammatoceras zone’, dated as late Early Bajocian (late Aalenian) by Sato (p. 155), v.e. the E. howelli Zone may be slightly younger. No Planammatoceras is known from North America and, alternately, no Erycitoides and E. (Kialagvikes) from Japan. In recent years the Wide Bay area has been mapped intensively by Shell Oil Company (Seattle, Wash.) based on lithogenetic-carto- graphic units. Large accurately collected fossil assemblages were made, of which those from the Kialagvik formation were kindly loaned to the writer by Mahlon V. Kirk, Shell paleontologist. Most of the new stratigraphic and tectonic data are, of course, still con- fidential and cannot yet be published. According to Kirk (priv. comm.), however, the new stratigraphic and paleontologic findings have altered appreciably the geological interpretation by Kellum. Daviess, and Swinney (1945), and Imlay (1952) of the area. Most pertinent information regarding the stratigraphic correlation of the fossil localities and compilation of the sections were kindly made available and are the basis for Text-figures 2 and 5. The 338 BULLETIN 216 Kialagvik/Shelikof formational boundary is now drawn approxi- mately 100-300 m. lower than by Kellum, ef al., and Imlay. It has lost its identity with the supposed Lower Callovian unconformity and, instead, transgresses biostratigraphic units ranging from the top of the E. howelli Zone to the tentatively supposed O. sauzei Zone (Text-fig. 4). Frebold (1959, 1960) extended the known lateral distribution of the Erycitoides-Pseudolioceras assemblage to northeastern Yukon, where E. cf. howelli (White) and Pseudolioceras cf. P. mclintocki (Haughton) occur near Bonny Lake in the northeastern Richard- son Mountains. He also suggested the possible synonomy of P. whiteavest (White), 1889, with P. mclintocki (Haughton), 1858.! The former is here regarded as a subspecies of the latter. P. mclintocki is, however, not restricted to the L. opalinum Zone in which it occurs on Melville and probably also on Prince Patrick Islands (op. cit.), although this may possibly be the case for the restricted species. P. mclintocki whiteavesi is probably younger and a typical member of the EF. howelli Zone assemblage. Leioceras opalinum (Rein.) is unknown from the North American continent. STRUCTURE According to Kellum, Daviess, and Swinney (1945) the Jurassic system of this area is elevated in the S.W.-N.E. trending Wide Bay anticline covering more than 750 square kilometres (Text-fig. 2): but only 75 square kilometres in the southwest are moderately well known and have been mapped on a small scale (op. cit.). The southwestern termination of the anticline is said to be at the head of Kialagvik Creek where large masses of extrusive and intrusive bodies are present. Other igneous intrusives separate this anticline from the Bear Creek-Salmon Creek anticline, its supposed north- eastern continuation, commencing at Portage Bay. Further description of the Wide Bay anticline was given as follows (op. cit., p. 11): The axial part of the anticline is concealed beneath Wide Bay and beneath the alluvium extending southwest from the head of the Bay. The position of the axis and the attitude of its axial plane therefore must be determined from oA 'The original spelling “4. m’clintocki’ followed by Frebold is here cor- rected to P. mclintocki, in accordance with the nomenclatorial regulations. (NW side of Wide Bay ) Moose Cree} 463 Mt. ea al 1 SW i= : (850 ee ) A17 mecaiovle” ape O37. M pajocian 1038 ? 1062 0° (SE side of Wide Bay ) K Mt. FI-'9 W SW L.Call M.Baj SHELIKOF fm _(SOWERB| KIALAGVIK fm. ZONE) L.-Bajoceli54 t. | UPPE “a side of Wide Bay ) 7 : Moose Creek- Mt.Mamie Sect. Ras Mt. Kathleen Sect. Short Creek Mt. Shannon sA6N Sect. Sect. SW (SHELIKOF/KIALAGVIKfm. boundary of Kellum et al: 1945 , ai Aig-9 ot = as 2 gl ll 7, j _ AT! callovian = \ +4608 + 11037 as M. pajocian (Kellum) 1038 eae lee { ae | Moss ee ee SHELIKOF_fm Lean 2 wy = oe —— (Shell Oil Co.) 1 KIALAGVIK tm. oan — 1 (OF TAGE cian & 10) 784456 / 1042 is ee L.Bajo ae 105 4 $eF 13 ea ae eee he — —— a Peer at? E3536 Bmtiowe je ye Kase F37 2h ty, Sp = <4, 7, x = es at x 1 Me \e> Me 7 “4 ae ae < LOWER fe oe 2 i) (SE side of Wide Bay ) x $ \ Mt.Frances Sect. ye ahaa ? WSW L.Callovian = 42334 ENE >= =e M. 4.Bajocian A A441 9 SaUZE| ZONE) an aae- 40 SHELIKOF fm. ( SOWERBY! Horiz.© 1000 2000 3000 KIALAGVIK fm. ZONE) A430, 41546 ie aa : = ; —— L.Baje L154 tenue- Sat ones vert. 2___190 __200__390 OStatu Scale in m. UPP M beg ER HOWELLI zone Text—fig. 4+. Diagrammatical sections of the Kialagvik and basal Shelikof formations of Wide Bay as measured and interpreted by Shell Oil Company Plane of reference is the formational boundary (boundary according to Imlay, 1952, p. 62, and Kellum, ef al., 1945, indicated) ; all additional features such as a number of major faults are omitted. Plot of Shell locations (prefixes A, B, L) by M. Kirk, plot of U.S. Geol. Survey locations (others) by the writer. As is evident from the datum, i.e. the only shown purely lithologic line, the rock- stratigraphic units strongly transgress time, fe. the biostratigraphic boundary lines. However, the record is partly obscured and incomplete ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 339 the stratigraphic position and dip of the beds exposed along the flanks. Dips of 12 to 20 degrees were observed on the southeast flank of the Wide Bay anticline, and 4 to 17 degrees on the northwest flank. The axis trends approxi- mately N50° E along the central part of the Bay, and because of the slightly steeper dips on the southeast flank, the axial plane probably dips steeply to the northwest. At one locality near the head of Kialagvik Creek, unfossiliferous sandstone referred tentatively to the Dactylioceras-Inoceramus sp. C zone {Mid-Bajocian | of the Kialagvik formation is nearly flat and is interpreted to be on the axis of the anticline. The possibility of faulting along the axial part of the anticline is one factor that makes uncertain the exact position of the axis as shown on the map. ... Dips of 6, 7, and 12 degrees to the south and southwest around the nose indicate the plunging end of the fold. From the large number of small faults and the few larger ones observed along the flanks of the Wide Bay anticline, it is evident that the anticline is complicated by a series of transverse displacements. . . . Most of the faults in the area mapped trend northwesterly and dip steeply. Displacements are esti- mated to be as much at 900 feet but the displacements along most faults are much less. The authors then proceed to describe the major faults mapped on the southwest side of Wide Bay. In all faults the northeastern side is said to be downthrown, except for the one just south of Short Creek. Thus a horst is developed in the Short Creek area with a southwesterly adjoining graben. The major structural fea- tures of the anticline, as shown on Kellum’s (et. al.) geological map, were traced on the index map (Text-fig. 2). As stated above, the new extensive field studies carried out by Shell Oil Company have changed this picture appreciably, but the results will not be avail- able for publication for a few years. STRATIGRAPHY The oldest Jurassic beds known in the Alaska Peninsula (Text- fig. 3) are an approximately 700 m. thick sedimentary series inter- bedded with volcanics at Puale Bay (formerly Cold Bay), 70 km. northeast of Wide Bay (see Kellum, ef al., 1945, p. 3, 4). According to Imlay (1952, p. 979) the representation of the Hettangian, Pliensbachian, and Toarcian stages is suggested by ammonite fau- nas. This sequence is probably unconformably overlain by the coarse conglomerate of the Shelikof formation and the Kialagvik formation is missing. The lower Jurassic volcanic series [? Talkeetna formation] apparently underlies the Kialagvik formation in the Wide Bay area. The Kialagvik formation which is known to outcrop exten- sively only in the southwestern part of the Wide Bay anticline con- 340 BULLETIN 216 sists of about 400 to 600 m. argillaceous and arenaceous nonvolcanic sediments. The basal 100 m. unit is poorly exposed near the mouth of Short Creek and is older than any previously described beds from Wide Bay. It appears to be largely pelitic and has yielded only two specimens of large typical Tmetoceras scissum (Ben.) at locality 48 A,-107 (12247). Tmetoceras scissum zonule is tentatively pro- posed for this horizon. The overlying approximately 300-350 m. unit, “chiefly consist- ing of interbedded sandstone and shales” and reported to become “progressively somewhat coarser-grained from the bottom toward the top’, was named the “ ‘Hammatoceras’ zone” by Kellum, et al. (1945, p. 5). “It outcrops almost continuously in the cliffs along the northwest side of Wide Bay from south of Pass Creek to near the southwest end of Wide Bay. . . . Two rather well-defined cycles of sedimentation are included. . . . and each of these is characterized by a faunal assemblage. They are designated as subzones—the lower one the ‘Hammatoceras’ howelli subzone and the higher the Ham- matoceras ? kialagvikensis subzone” (loc. cit.). Almost 300 m. of ‘ probably “largely dark-grey to black shale with platy sandstone” in the lower part, probably becoming “coarse-grained and with more abundant platy sandstone” (loc. cit.) in the upper, were included in the “‘H.’ howelli subzone”’. This “subzone” is equivalent to the Lower, Middle, and probably basal Upper EF. howelli Zone as de- scribed here. However, the supposedly 55 m. of “largely greenish- gray shaly sandstones with concretionary nodules of sandstone up to several feet in diameter” which are exposed “in the low bluffs be- tween Short and Pass Creeks’ and abound in Erycitoides howell (White) were “believed to correspond to the upper part of the section exposed along Short Creek”. Also taking into account the statement that “the basal 500 feet [of the Short Creek section] are stratigraphically lower than strata observed anywhere else on the Wide Bay anticline, as determined by paleontological correla- tion” and Kellum’s (e¢ al.) plot of fossil locations, it appears prob- able that the authors had the “F 12” beds in mind which are here placed in the Middle E. howelli Zone (all quotations, loc. cit.). However, based on stratigraphical correlation by Kirk (priv. comm.) these fossiliferous beds, here included in the E. howell: zonule (nom. nov.) are at least 100 m. below beds exposed sub- ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 341 continuously in the Short Creek section; this ammonite assemblage also differs from any higher one (Text-figs. 5, 12). The FE. howelli zonule is here regarded to form the base of the E. howell: Zone although it appears possible that the zone may extend further downward into the above described poorly exposed unit. Signifi- cantly, Kellum, et al., (1945, p. 6) assumed the correlation here ac- cepted for locality “F 37” which is just “a short distance southwest of the main fossil locality in the bluffs’ and yielded “five species of mollusca. . . . . not diagnostic of the subzone but they do indi- cate the zone” (loc. cit.). ““F 37” is identical to Shell locality A 447 from which typical E. howelli was received and which no doubt is in the same horizon, said to be probably between 6 and 15 m. in Havekmessmas eA 445, vA 444° A446) AT 4e49) 1) 28558 25, F 35,8 48) eos en -99) (dext-figs.2;.7). The uppermost approximately 65 m. of the £. howell: Zone were described as follows (Kellum, et al., 1945, p. 6): The best exposures included in the Hammatoceras ? kialagvikensis subzone were observed along Short Creek but they also crop out in the sea cliff at a number of localities between Short Creek and the end of the sea cliffs near the southwest end of Wide Bay. The observed thickness of the subzone is about 200 feet including interbedded sandstone, shale, and conglomerate. This conglo- merate facies is the dominant character of the subzone. Fossils appear to be most abundant about 150 feet below the lithologic break selected as the top of the subzone. Changes in lithologic character along the beds are an exceptionally common feature of this subzone and intraformational conglomerates were ob- served. All of Kellum’s (et al., 1945) plotted fossil lots from Short Creek, according to their figure 2, are derived from the mentioned single fossiliferous horizon. However, according to their figure 1 the beds exposed in the different outcrops do not all correlate. It is here assumed that at least three horizons are represented and that the mistake occurred in the drawing of the columnar section. It is, therefore, impossible to compare in detail Kellum’s (et al.) interpre- tation of the Short Creek section at this interval with the limited stratigraphic data of Shell Oil Company and U.S. Geological Sur- vey studies available to the author. The statement that “the sequence of lithological units “[of the E. howelli Zone}” implies a regressing sea” (op. cit., p. 16), probably still applies in spite of the stratigraphical modification described above. 342 BULLETIN 216 According to Shell Oil Company’s stratigraphical data (priv. comm. Kirk) and paleontological studies by the writer, the bound- ary of the Kialagvik /Shelikof formations approximately coincides with the top of the E. howelli Zone in the Short Creek and Moose Creek-Mt. Kathleen sections but lies as much as 200 m. stratigraphi- cally higher in the intermediately located Mt. Mammie section. At the southeast side of Wide Bay the formational boundary is between 20 and 70 m. above the top of the E. howelli Zone. Overlying the E. howelli Zone is a unit said to average 165 m. in thickness and to consist of “interbedded sandstone and shales at the base and the sand content is progressively greater upwards”. This unit was called “the most persistent zone in the Wide Bay area” but the authors (Kellum, e¢ al., 1945, p. 7) also stated that “at some places, for example in the Short Creek area and on the south- east side of the Bay. ... the unit [the basal sandy member] is distinctly more shaly” and “for example near the most southerly part of the bay the unit is somewhat conglomeratic’. This is the “Dactylioceras-Inoceramus sp. C zone” of Kellum, et al. (loc. cit.) which was more or less arbitrarily medially subdivided in the lower “Dactylioceras subzone” and the upper “Jnoceramus sp. C subzone”’. However, “Dactylioceras sp. A” [Parabigotites crassicostatus Imlay, 1962] occurs with certainty only near the top of the “subzone” (F 43). This species was said to be accompanied by Pseudolioceras, Phylloceras, Stephanoceras, and Teloceras in other collections from Wide Bay. Imlay (1962) reported P. crassicostatus also from the Tuxedni formation of Cook Inlet, in association with Stephano- ceras and, locally, Otoites, Sonninia, Witchellia, and Lissoceras, and proposed a Middle Bajocian age, probably O. sauzei Zone. In the Kialagvik formation a rich ammonoid assemblage occurs in the lower part of this member mainly consisting of Psewdotoites, Son- ninia, Witchellia, Strigoceras, and Pseudolioceras. This assemblage, apparently overlooked by Kellum, et al., belongs in the S. sowerbyi Zone. In the “Jnoceramus sp. C subzone” the nominal species [J. lucifer Eichw. ?] abounds in certain beds, but only a single “Phyl- loceras ? sp. A” was found. These beds are included in the Kialagvik formation only in the Mt. Mammie section but are elsewhere re- garded as belonging in the Shelikof. ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 345 The thickness of the Shelikof formation was originally esti- mated at 2,000 m. or more by Capps (in Kellum, e/ al., 1945, p. 8) but between 100 and 250 m., possibly as much as 350 m. are now to be added, in accordance with the redefinition of the lower boundary. The formation consists of a 600-800 m. thick shaly lower member with “some limy lenses and concretions,’ an approximately 150 m. thick median member of “massive brown to gray sand- stones with minor amounts of shale and conglomerate,’ and an upper 220-320 m. thick member of ‘‘massive black shale with some limestone lenses and nodules’. These members intergrade not only vertically but also laterally (Imlay, 1952, p. 978). According to Imlay (priv. comm.) the basal Callovian beds, i.e. the “Seymourites- Inoceramus sp. E zone” of Kellum, et al., are characterized by thin interbedded tuffaceous layers, the lowest occurrence of which was then regarded as an isochronous marker of the Kialagvik /Shelikof formations boundary. No unconformity was noticed in any section and an earlier report of a basal conglomerate was regarded as intra- formational (Kellum, et al., 1945, p. 9). Beds representing Upper Bajocian and Bathonian are at least locally missing; in the Anderson Creek section the “ ‘Hammato- ceras’ zone” is almost directly overlain by the “Seymourites-Inocer- amus sp. E zone” as based on faunal evidence (op. cit., fig. 2). At the northeastern end of the area studied, on the northwest side of Wide Bay, the Shelikof formation fills a deep channel in the Kialagvik formation, cut well into the E. howelli Zone. How- ever the age of the Shelikof at that spot appears to be unknown (Text-fig. 4). The middle and upper members of the Shelikof are unfossili- ferous at Wide Bay but have yielded Cadoceras and Pseudocado- ceras at Puale Bay indicating that the formation is wholly of Cal- lovian (probably only Lower and Middle Callovian) age (Imlay, 19025) P= 978). The youngest Mesozoic sediments of the Wide Bay anticline belong to the Naknek formation which overlies the Shelikof with a thick basal conglomerate. The formation includes beds of late Oxfordian and Kimmeridgian, possibly also early Portlandian age. This is based on the presence of Cardioceras near the base, Amoebo- ceras (Prionodoceras) and Buchia concentrica in the middle part, 344 BULLETIN 216 and Buchia mosquensis and B. rugosa in the upper part of the for- mation along the Alaska Peninsula. FAUNAL RELATIONS AND AGE PRE-E. HOWELLI ZONE BEDS—T. SCISSUM “‘ZONULE” The only known exposure (48 A1-107) of the basal Kialagvik formation has yielded Tmetoceras scissum (Ben.) proper, which elsewhere from North America has only been confirmed from otherwise barren beds of nonspecified age in the Lower Hazelton group of British Columbia (“T. regleyz ?”; Frebold, 1951, p. 18). In South America what is probably a 7. scisstum was described, in sup- posed association with Ludwigia (Graphoceras) ct. L. concava (Sow.), from the Argentina Andes (Gottsche, 1878; Tornquist, 1898), indicating late Lower Bajocian (Aalenian). T. scisswm prob- ably ranges in Europe throughout the lower and middle Aalenian (Lower Bajocian), i.e. from the L. opalinum Zone to the L. murchi- sonae Zone, and flourishes in the Upper L. opalinum Zone. A similar range is assumed for the Japanese occurrence; the inclusion of the S. sowerbyi Zone in the age equivalence of the “Hammato- ceras zone’, also yielding ‘““Tmetoceras rectecostatum” [T. scissum]. by Sato in 1958 is certainly erroneous. It is, therefore, not possible to accurately determine the zonal correlation of the T. scissum “zonule”’, and T. scissum probably ranges well into the E. howelli Zone. The writer does not agree with Arkell (1956, p. 585) who stated that the beds with “Tmetoceras regleyt (Thiollier)’, here regarded synonymous with 7. scissum, in Argentina “thus correlate with the 7. regleyi horizon in Canada and the T. scisswm zone of Europe”’.* The fact, however, that Tmetoceras does not accompany “The term “zonule”’, kindly suggested by Mahlon V. Kirk in reading the manuscript as a replacement for ‘beds’, is here applied for minor biostrati- graphic units not sufficiently well known to verify the term “subzone”. It is to be emphasized that the biostratigraphic units mentioned here do not coincide with or parallel lithostratigraphic units. 8The “scissum zone” in Europe is not equivalent to the “Simon” Zone and “Tolutaria zone” [non Am. tolutarium Dumortier] but is in the Upper L. opalinum Zone. While this paper was in press, H. Rieber (1963, p. 70) recog- nized a separate Tmetoceras scissum Zone between the lower L. opalinum and the L. murchisonae Zones. It comprises the upper L. opalinum Zone in Rie- ber’s new restricted sense, and the L. comptum Subzone as here understood is placed in the upper L. opalinum Zone (based on Rieber’s earlier private com- munication), According to Rieber (1963) L. opalinum probably does not range upward into beds with L. comptum. Further studies, particularly outside south- ern Germany, are required. ‘sassolo Aq SadueTIno.0 a[surs ‘ssauyory} AQ pe}vorpul gouvpunqe aanejay ‘Aeg eplAd FO UONLUWIOF YIASe[eIy (uelUajey) UeIDOleg JaMOT 3} Ur satoads prouomWe FO UONNQLYASIP [BIQIAA ayy, *§ “BIF-3X9T, ([AWIZ) MnunjuoumdAjjn “Ye *y9 sp490}]4yG 0210] (499k A ) unuvpsvb ‘d ‘yp SDAIITYISJADT (wey) wanuidjp “7 “Fo (Sapztojom T ) * + od “Aou'ds ‘(saziojam [ ) * I, | ion eee “Aaou'ds ‘anuay (Saplojau T ) “7 =-_ “Aou'dsqns ‘wnjvjsorixap{ 1y41y SDLIIOJIU T SS “AOU'dS “2Y41Y SDLIIOJIU T — — ——— ee ae — So (ayoouag) wnssias SPDAIIOJIMW T (93TU AA ) ISIBVIPLY AL 1YIOJUMII WM SDAIIOIOPNIS | (wyong) suajvajqup (svsar0jajdung) “q te Uae a2 aT + ‘Aou'ds ‘unsouigsoajonu spsgz0jaupny | ] baal ‘Aou'dsqns ‘17yssoanpl wunjoupna “gq ‘Jo SvsIIOJaUpNy | ate ‘Aou'ds ‘snuozsdyo]g SIJISDQG BF #-—- — —|- -|------ te “aou'ds hp] ut Sap ; } =. mae y INOW vim 4OMIT3HS \. “i tiny i a I . BY en Ges Me oh ve, Wan REPO mt ah eee eouRpuUnge sAnelay “seg TIMOT 34} UI sarIdads ([2nI7Z) MNUDIUOUDAIIN * FY “4d SD4990]]4 YG 0210 FF (908A) wnuvpsvb ‘d “$9 Sv4sI1YISIADG (myeyy) wnuidjp - 7 ‘PP (Saptojam 7) 7 “Aou'ds “(sajiojaum 7 ) “—h “Aou'ds ‘anuay (sapiojau yz ) 5 ‘Aou'dsqns ‘wnyojsooixa pf 14414 SDLIIOJI UM T ‘Aou'ds “74414 sp4saz0jaM J (ax90uag) wnss12s sp4sar0jau T (AYA) aavaztyr 1YIOJULJIW SPAIIOIOPNISg (‘wyong) suaprajqup (svsar0jajdung) “7 ‘Aouds ‘wnsouigsoajonu SDAIIOJIMPN ‘Aou'dsqns ‘1ysdomvl wnjaupna +7 ‘PP SvsaI0Jaupngy ‘Aou'ds ‘snwojsdyojig SIJISDQGP *Aou'ds ‘thou SIpIItAT ‘Aou'ds ‘s723] (sayiabojviy) “z ‘Aou'ds ‘snypuigs (saylabvjpiyy) “y (AYA) Sisuayiabopo1y (Say1abv] DIY) “FZ ‘Aou'ds Snsouigsionvg (¢ “Z) Saproqig hag ‘Aou'dsqns ‘snssaadwoo sasa] Saplopinhag “Aou'ds ‘sasa] SapiopIg hag “Aou'ds ‘snpunfoig Sapiopi9 hag (NYA) jemmoy sapropirtag *S9SSOl1d Aq saduariInoz0 9[3urs ‘ssau oPIAA JO UOeUIIO; Prouowwe fo uonqr yryy Aq payeorpur YIASelery (ueluajey) ueIDoleg SIP [BOIIA e4L ‘Ss “BIF-3X9 | EG? = r O66 00 oseecesactsccvcesce é -—-—-— — + _ | | = ae =: ———— = a ee eee = _— ee | ] ae i + ee ae es rd eee ; 9) a =e © < = < 3] (=) See 4 ° 5 Oo et ne g € © om oe =u Ey te o'g | a deh i Spo. t Ceior ee or < mg @ fe uw ae 2 a = a ee > ° c N 3 a 3 : o < a¢ Os o q ¢ AG. <= wo < v eo a nu < re ee < oe Ge ce) Ook wv = oT og pe F a o N + eIR~e > 2), E. (Kialagvikes) kialagvikensis (White), E. (K.) levis, sp. nov. A 10=L543 Same section, ca. 35 m. below top of Kialagvik formation. Erycitoides howelli (White) (>15), E. (Kialagvikes) kialagvikensis (White) (=11), E. (K.) levis, sp. nov. ?, Pseudolioceras mcelintocki whiteavesi (White), Partschi- ceras cf. P. gardanum (Vacek) (3), Holcophylloceras cf. H. ultramontanum (Zittel) (3). Aesth Same section, ca. 15 m. below top of Kialagvik formation. Erycitoides howelli (White), E. (Kialagvikes) kialagvik- ensis (White) (2), Pseudolioceras mcelintocki whiteaves (White), Umetoceras kirki flexicostatum, sp. et subsp. nov. (2), T. (Tmetoites) sp. nov. A 22 Same section, top of sea cliff ca. 95 m. below top of Kialagvik formation. Erycitoides cf. E. howelli (White), Eudmetoceras nucleospinosum, sp. nov. (3), E. (Euaptet- oceras) amplectens (Buckm.), Pseudolioceras mclintocki whiteavest (White) (11). A 85 Near shore between Short Creek and Pass Creek, about 250 m. below top of Kialagvik formation. FE. (Kialagvi- kes) levis, sp. nov. (4+22), E. (K.) cf. kialagvikensis (White), Praestriaptychus antiquus, sp. nov. A 86 3 km. SW of A 85 and about 14 m. lower in section. Erycitoides profundus, sp. nov. (>3), E. teres, sp. nov. (9), Phylloceras ? sp., Tmetoceras scissum (Ben.) (?) (Qaierl): A 250 Near shore, 1.8 km. NE of mouth of Des Moines Creek, position uncertain, between about 20 and 100 m. below channeled top of Kialagvik formation. Tmetoceras (Tmetoites) cf. T. alpinum (Thalmann), Partschiceras cr. BP. gardanum (Vacek). A 443 Sea cliff 0.5 km. SW of mouth of Pass Creek, about 185 m. below top of Kialagvik formation. E. (Kialagvikes) kialagvikensis (White), Pseudolioceras mcelintockt: whi- teavesi (White). A 444 Sea cliff 0.3 km. SW of mouth of Pass Creek, about 180 m. below top of Kialagvik formation. Erycitoides howelli (White) (13), Abbasites platystomus, sp. nov., Pseu- dolioceras mclintocki whiteavesi (White). A 446 Sea cliff 1.4 km. SW of mouth of Pass Creek, about 190 m. below top of Kialagvik formation. Erycitoides howel- li (White) (=8), Pseudolioceras mclintocki whiteavesi (White). A 447 0.3 km. SW and 15 m. below A 446. Erycitoides howelli (White) (=8), E. (Kialagvikes) kialagvikensis (White), Eudmetoceras (Euaptetoceras) amplectens (Buckm.), Pseudolioceras mclintocki whiteavesi (White). 354 BULLETIN 216 A 449 Sea cliff 2.4 km. SW of mouth of Pass Creek, about 220 m. below top of Kialagvik formation. E. (Kialagvike;) pan oes (White) ? (2), Pseudolioceras mclintocki whiteavesi (White). A 454 Short Creek section, about 160 m. below top of Kialagvik formation. Erycitoides pO OIUEES, sp. nov., E. pauci- spinosus, E. teres (4), spp. nov., E. (Kialagvikes) kialag- vikensis (White) (3), FE. (K.) lewis, yp. nov. (2). A 456=L1042 Same section, about 30 m. below top of Kialagvik forma- tion. E. (Kialagvikes) levis, sp. nov. 2? (3), Imetoceras sp. L 154 At shore on south side of Wide Bay 5 km. E. of mouth of Kialagvik Creek, about 60 m. below top of Kialagvik formation. Tmetoceras kirki flexicostatum sp. et subsp. nov., T. (Tmetoites) cf. T. tenuc, sp. nov. L 285 Sea cliff 2.5 km. SW of mouth of Pass Creek, about 245 m. below A 449. Erycitoides howelli (White) (=31), E., sp. nov. aff. E. howelli, Pseudolioceras mclintocki whiteavest (White), Partschiceras gardanum (Vacek) ?, T metoceras cf. T. scissum (Ben.). (L. 543=A 10) e515 South side of Wide Bay, 2.7 km. E. of mouth of Kialagvik Creek, about 330 m. below top of Kialagvik formation. Erycitoides howelli (White). L 556 0.3 km. SW of L 555 and about 15 m. stratigraphically below. Erycitoides cf. howelli (White) . L 1041 Short Creek section, about 16 m. below top of Kialagvik formation. Erycitoides cf. E. howelli (White). (L 1042=A 456) L 1066 Near Short Creek section, 0.4 km. ENE. of L 1041, about 95 m. below top of Kialagvik formation, Erycitoides sp. L 1067 Near Short Creek section, 0.4 km. NE. of A 456, about 135 m. below top of Kialagvik formation. Erycitoides howelli (White) (=2), E., sp. nov. aff. E. howelli, E profundus, sp. nov. (2), E. paucispinosus, sp. nov. U.S. Geological Survey Mesozoic localities (21245-21254 col- lected by Ralph W. Imlay and Don J. Miller, 1948; 19747-19789 by Lewis B. Kellum, 1944).— Field No. Catalogue No. 1 an 19747 Fourth stream cut on south side of Short Creek, (=48A,—86) (=21245) about 1.5 km. above mouth (‘about 1050’ below top of Kialagvik formation”). Erycitoides howelli (White) (>2), E. (Kile kia- lagvikensis (White) (10), (K.) spinatus, sp. nov. (3), Pseudolioceras ee white- avest (White). ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 255 F 13 19748 F 21 19755 F 23 19757 F 35/36 19766 F 37 19767 F 54 19784 F 58 19788 48 A.—86 21245 (Bb 12) (=19747) 48 A,—95 21246 South side of Short Creek at SW end of the amphitheatre at the first rapids on Short Creek (“800' below top of Kialagvik formation’’). Erycitoides ex gr. E. howelli (White), F. (Kialagvikes) levis, sp. nov. (==3), E. (K.) kialagvikensis (White). Stream bed 0.2 km. north of intersection of stream entering Short Creek from the north about 100 m. down stream from the rapids. From a 0.6 m. bed of slabby sandstone which is 8.5 m. below 1 m. sandstone ledge at top of falls (‘6.5’ below top of Kialagvik formation’’). E. (Kialagvikes) kialagvikensis (White), A bbasites, sp. juv. aff. A. platystomus, sp. nov. Float at base of sea cliff between Pass Creek and Short Creek. Collection extends along buffs to the NE of small waterfalls 0.8 km. SW of Pass Creek (“975' to 880’ below top of Kialag- vik formation”). Erycitoides cf. E. howelli (White). Sea cliff about 0.4 km. southwest of mouth of Pass Creek (“about 480’ below top of Kialagvik formation”). Erycitoides howelli (White) G50) are (Kialagvikes) kialagvikensis (White). Sea cliffs about 0.2 km. southwest of F 23 and about 23 m. stratigraphically below (“about 1050’ below top of Kialagvik formation”). F. (Kialagvikes) kialagvikensis (White). Sea cliff behind lagoon 1.6 km. west of mouth of Short Creek; near east end of small water- fall at a prominent ledge opposite tidal flat (“360' below top of Kialagvik formation’). Eryccitoides sp., E. teres compressus sp. et subsp. 10. Siltstone at top of sea cliffs 0.4 km. southwest of mouth of small Creek (Oso Creek nov.) entering Wide Bay between Anderson and Caribou Creek behind large spit, (‘‘760' below top of Kialagvik form.”). Erycitoides sp., Eudmetoceras cf. E. eudmetum jaworskii, subsp. nowv., Pseudolioceras sp. Outcrop on south side of Short Creek, Grey sandstone bed in dark-grey siltstone sequence (“about 1050’ below top of Kialagvik forma- tion). Erycitoides teres, sp. nov. (=3), E., sp. nov. ? aff. E. teres, E. (Kialagvikes) kialagvikensis (White). Sea cliff, 0.3 km. along edge of beach south- west of mouth of Pass Creek, from point N. 50° W. of west end of Hartman Island northeast- ward. Siltstone, sandy siltstone, and sandstone (“about 800’ below top of Kialagvik forma- tion”). Abbasites platystomus, sp. nowv., Ery- cites imlayi, sp. nov., Erycitoides teres, sp. nov. 356 48 A.:—107 48 A.—108 48 A.—105 +8 A,\—109 48 A.—100 21247 21248 21253 21254 ZAZS9) BULLETIN 216 First outcrop on north side of Short Creek, about 0.3 km. from beach. Dark-grey siltstone (“about 2,000’ below top of Kialagvik forma- tion”). DTmetoceras scissum (Benecke) (=2). First outcrop on south side of Short Creek, about 0.8 km. from beach WNW of 48 A:—107. Grey siltstone (“about 1,700’ below top of Kialagvik formation”). Erycitoides cf. E. how- elli (White). Talus at cliff on northwest shore of Wide Bay, 13.5 km. S. 74° W. of west end of Hartman Island (in Shell> section Moose Creek-Mt. Kathleen). Most or all of the fossils are from sandstone exposed at the top of the cliff (“prob- ably about 500’ below the top of the Kialagvik formation”). Erycitoides howelli (White) (=3), E. (Kialagvikes) cf. E. kialagvikensis (White). Above falls on tributary entering Short Creek about 1.5 km. northwest of the beach. Grey, calcareous sandstone overlying a 0.15 m. con- glomerate bed, 1.5—3.0 m. below the top of the sandstone sequence (‘about 600’ below top of Kialagvik formation’). Erycitoides howelli (White) (~3), E. (Kialagvikes) kialagvikensis (White), E. (K.) spinatus, sp. nov., Pseudolio- ceras mclintocki whiteavesi (White), Tmeto- ceras kirki flexicostatum, sp. et subsp. nov., T. (Tmetoites) tenue, sp. nov. (7). Base of sea cliff on northwest side of Wide Bay, 7.3 km. north 101%4° E. of west end of Hartman Island (near Shell loc. A 250). From 0.6 m. limestone bed in siltstone, overlain with angular unconformity by conglomerate (of Shelikof formation). ? Erycitoides sp. PUALE BAY, ALASKA PENINSULA, ABOUT 70 KM. NE OF WIDE BAY Shell loc. B 128: Pseudolioceras sp., Erycitoides sp., E. (Kialagvikes) cf. E. kialagvikensis (White), Tmetoceras (Tmetoites) cf. T. tenue, sp. nov. SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTIONS REPOSITORIES OF TYPES Specimens collected by the U.S. Geological Survey which be- come types by description or figuring are deposited in the U.S. National Museum (U.S.N.M.), Washington, D.C.; types collected by Shell Oil Company geologists are to be located in the type col- lection, University of Washington, Seattle, Wash. (U.W.). ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: \WESTERMANN ahay MEASUREMENTS OF AMMONOIDS With regard to dimensions the usual measurements are taken: diameter in mm. (D), whorl width (W), whorl height (H), and umbilical width (U). The latter three measurements are given in percentage of the diameter at a certain morphogenetic stage. All measurements are made on the internal mold (‘‘steinkern’’) because the test is rarely preserved. The ornament was registered as the fre- quency of primary (P) and secondary (S) costae per halfwhorl. Full whorl frequencies would not account sufficiently for morphogenetic changes and these halfwhorls generally coincide with the intervals for dimensional measurements. TERMINOLOGY OF THE SEPTAL SUTURE The terminology here applied essentially accords with the terminology applied by Schindewolf (1954 and many other refer- ences) and the writer (1956a and earlier). It differs from common current usage (Arkell, 1957, p. 196) in the English-speaking coun- tries in the application of the lobal terms external (E) and internal (I) as opposed to “ventral (V)” and “dorsal (D)’, respectively, and also in being based on the morphogenetical and not morphological principle. ‘This mainly applies to the umbilical lobes (U,-U;). partly also called “lateral lobes” in English literature. The usage olf external and internal instead of “ventral” and “dorsal” is in conse- quence of the fact that, in the living Nautilus pompilius L., dorsal coincides with posterior (“backwards” against the last septum) and ventral with anterior (“forwards” of the peristome) (Mutvey, 1957. text-fig. 2). Owen in 1860 (see op. cit., p. 228) pointed out that fossil nautiloids may be coiled “upward or downward”, 7.e. forward or backward, and the position of the siphuncle is variable (op. cit.. text-fig. 5). This orientation of the body in regard to the shell was recently confirmed on fossil nautiloids based on muscle impressions (Mutvey, 1962); at the same time ammonoids were regarded to be more similarly constructed to the nautiloids than previously sup- posed (1962a) and probably to be oriented similarly (Mutvey, discussion at Pal. Ges. meeting, Tubingen, 1962) (Westermann, 1964b). The recent Russian point of view that Mesozoic ammonoids do generally not possess a lateral lobe L (Ruzhencev, 1960) is not dis- cussed here. BULLETIN 216 Oo Or oe) Suborder AMMONITINA Hyatt, 1889 Superfamily HILDOCERATACEAE Hyatt, 1867 Family HAMMATOCERATIDAE Buckman, 1887 Subfamily HAMMATOCERATINAE Buckman, 1887 (Including Erycitidae Spath, 1928, and, probably, Podagrosiceratidae Maubeuge and Lambert, 1955) Genus ERYCITOIDES Westermann, gen. nov. Type species, Ammonite (Lillia) howelli White, 1889. Genus diagnosis—Highly evolute planulates, whorl section rounded to subrectangular, minute blunt solid keel, may become obsolete on body chamber; ornament as in Erycites with long pri- maries and more or less projecting secondaries, often fasciculate or with lateral spines or tubercles; septal suture as in Hammatoceras, includes macroconchs with simple aperture and microconchs with lappets. Age and distribution.—Late Lower Bajocian (late Aalenian), Alaska Peninsula, Cook Inlet, Arctic slope of Alaska and Yukon; Kialagvik and basal Tuxedni formations, ““Kingak shale.” Remarks and comparison.— “Am. (Lillia) howell” and “Am. (Lillia) kialagvikensis,’ White sp., were assigned to Hammatoceras by Pompeckj (1900), though the second species only tentatively, and to Erycittes by Imlay (1952, 1955). However, Arkell (1956, p. 538) stated that they are “probably referable to none of these genera,” inferring that they belong to a yet undescribed genus. The genus is morphologically intermediate between Erycites Gemmellaro, 1886, which it resembles in the costation, and Ham- matoceras Hyatt, 1865, which it resembles in the septal suture®; the whorl section is more commonly rounded-suboval, as in Erycites, than subtriangular, subtrapezoidal or subrectangular, as in Ham- matoceras; the keel is stronger than in the first but weaker than in the second genus. Planammatoceras is distinguished by the much higher and apparently always hollow-floored keel, the generally smooth body chamber and the (always ?) Hammatoceras-like nu- cleus with short or absent primaries. Eudmetoceras resembles Eryci- 6As a corollary, this may support Arkell’s opinion (1957, p. L267) to in- clude the “Erycitidae” Spath, 1928, in the Hammatoceratinae. ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 359 toides in the costation of the nucleus but differs in a similar way, though even more strongly. Breydia differs in the stronger orna- ment, is more involute and stout, possesses a stronger keel and a less retracted and simpler septal suture, but it may be the most closely related European form. Breydia has been known trom the L. opalin- um Zone of Dorset, but the writer could extend the known range up to the Upper L. murchisonae Zone from fieldwork near Beaminster, Dorset (1962). Significantly, this genus also includes a “micro- conch” species, 7.c. B. newtoni (Buckman), on which the writer was able to find large lappets (specimen in Geol. Survey Museum, Lon- don). The phymatoceratinae differ in the short or absent primaries, the “non-retracted”” umbilical lobe, and the large straight “second lateral lobe’. This subfamily includes Phymatoceras Hyatt, 1867, (syn. Lillia Bayle, 1878) to which originally both of the type species were referred. The generic discrimination from Erycites, most closely re- sembling Erycitoides in dimensions and ornament, depends upon the taxonomic significance of the sutural pattern of Erycites versus the common pattern of the Hammatoceratinae as presented in Erycitoides. These patterns were given family rank by Spath (1928, see footnote). A survey of all described Hammatoceratinae has now established the high significance of the relative size of the external (“ventral”) lobe E: all species classified as Erycites, because of their blunt or obsolete keel and their long primaries, exhibit an un- usually short E, occasionally combined with a reduced E/L-saddle, while all high-keeled species, with solid or with hollow-floored keel, have a large “normal” E and E/L-saddle. Apparent exceptions are “Erycites” baconicus and “E.” eximius, Prinz spp., from the Lower Bajocian of the Bakony Mountains in Hungary, which have the second type suture, typical for hammatoceratids, but according to the original (and only) figures resemble otherwise typical Erycites found in the same beds. However, according to current studies of the Bakony material by B. Geczy (priv. comm., 1961), the two named species, and only these, are believed to have orig- inally carried a strong keel as is indicated by conellae on the inter- nal molds, and are consequently referred to Planammatoceras. The large species of the E. howelli group, now comprising four species, are usually associated with much smaller species of the E. 360 BULLETIN 216 kialagvikensis group, though the latter ones are mostly less abun- dant. The phragmocone of the latter group much resembles the inner whorls of the first at comparable size, but correspondance within probable synpatric populations at the species level has been found so far only for the two named species which are the most abundant ones; it is suggested for E. teres and E. levis, spp. nov., also found associated. As now known, the large forms had a simple and the small forms a complicated aperture with large lappets. The flexuous shape of the costae on the last whorl of the small species is considered to result from the laterally projected peristome during mature growth finally resulting in the lateral lappets. There can be little doubt that this is another typical case of dimorphism, dis- playing macro- and microconchs, so commonly observed among Ammonitina (Arkell, 1957, p. L 87; Makowski, 1962, 1963; Callo- mon, 1963). Few microconchs with lappets have hitherto been known in the hammatoceratids. The lowest possible category is at- tributed to the microconch and macroconch groups, 7.e. that of congeneric subgenera. The often much less abundance of the supposed microconchs such as in the FE. howelli beds appears to be militate against di- morphism (proportion of | : 15). This and the fact that the micro- conch is unknown from northern Alaska and Yukon where the macroconch occurs can probably be explained with differential postmortem transportation and preservation, as well as with chance and bias towards the large forms during collection of the often rare specimens. Furthermore, ecological factors may be involved. Subgenus ERYCITOIDES (ERYCITOIDES) Westermann, subgen. nov. Diagnosis.—Large Erycitoides with simple aperture. Age and occurrence.—As for genus. Erycitoides (Erycitoides) howelli (White), 1889 Pls. 44-58, Text-figs. 6-15 1889. Ammonites (Lillia) Howelli, sp. nov. White (Alaska Peninsula), U.S. Geol. ‘Sur, Bull= 51), ps 63 (498), plt 12) ties. 1-2) pla t4ihicsl=se 1900. Hammatoceras Howelli (White), Pompeckj (Alaska), Russ. K. mineral. Ges, Veth., ser 2, vol: 38, p. 275. ‘White's original collection (U.S.G.S. Mesozoic loc. 20109) includes 17 E. howelli, 4(+1)? P. 2kialagvikensis, and 3 P. mclintockit whiteavesi, and is the typical association of the E. howell: zonule. ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 56] 1945. “Hammatoceras”’ howelli (White), Kellum, Daviess, and Swinney (Wide Bay anticline), U.S. Geol. Sur., Prelim. Rept., pp. 5, 6, figs. 4A, B. 1952. Erycites howelli (White), Imlay (Correl. chart), Geol. Sur. Amer., Bull., vol. 63, p. 978. (?) 1955. Erycites howelli (White), Imlay (north. Alaska), U.S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Pap., 274-D, p. 90, pl. 13, figs. 12, 13. (?) 1961. Erycites cf. E. howelli (White), Frebold (Can. Arctic), Geol. Soc. Canada, Bull. 74, p. 7, pl. 5, fig. 2 [already reported, idem, 1960, Geo. Soc. Canada, Bull. 59, p. 4]. Lectotype (here).—“A. (Lillia) Howelli” White, 1889, pl. 12, figs. 1, 2 [plastotype, here, Pls. 44 & 45, figs. la, b]. Well-preserved internal mold, parts of penultimate halfwhorl and peristome ab- sent. Repository: U.S.N.M., 132022. Locus typicus—Wide (formerly Kialagvik) Bay, probably sea cliff between mouth of Pass Creek and Short Creek, U.S.G.S. Mes- ozoic locality 20109. Stratum typicum.—Kialagvik formation, almost certainly low- er part, basal E. howelli Zone, E. howelli zonule. Diagnosis.—A large species of Erycitoides with shallow wide umbilicus, generally compressed-oval whorl section, rather coarsely and completely costate. Age.—Late Early Bajocian (late Aalenian), E. howelli Zone. Material_—Approximately 110 specimens from the Shell col- lection and 60 from the U.S.G.S. collection, from many localities throughout the E. howelli Zone of Wide Bay. (Specimen number iieparenthesis): Ay, WA7 (7), A8 (==27), AQ (+2), Al0—1543 (15), All, A22 (?), A444 (=13), A446 (==8), A447 (238), A454, Bese (9) E07, E12) E13. (2),\ E23 (@); F35=36) (50), 48A,— 105 (>3),—109 (~3), 20109 (17)* (see Text-fig. 5). Taxonomy and occurrence.—Both of White's “‘syntypes’ ap- parently came from the same stratigraphical interval as did prob- ably the few other forms originally described from Wide Bay. If so this interval is almost certainly identical with the FE. howelli zonule in the basal Kialagvik formation yielding highly abundant F. how- elli [ (the lower “‘Hammatoceras’ howelli: subzone”’ of Kellum, Daviess, and Swinney (1945)]. The smaller specimen, now a para- type, (PI. 56, figs. 1-3) is a fully septate inner whorl and is regarded 362 BULLETIN 216 as conspecific with the large lectotype which has a complete body chamber. The relatively coarsely ribbed and tuberculous inner whorls of the paratype intergrade with typically spinose nuclei as well as with finely costate nuclei such as the holotype and sub- fasciculate forms. All these forms, differing greatly in the ornament and also in the relative dimensions of the inner whorls have to be considered as variants of a single chronodeme. E. howelli was recorded in similar association from the basal members of the Tuxedni Bay, northeastern Alaska Peninsula (Im- lay; 1952;"p..981). E. howelli also occurs occasionally in the “Kingak shale” of the Lenning and Sadlerochit River Valleys of the Arctic slope of Alaska (Imlay, 1955), associated with Pseudolioceras of indetermin- able specific identity. Tmetoceras sp. was reported in the subsur- face of the same area. This suggests the presence of the same faunal association in northern Alaska as on the Alaska Peninsula. The more abundantly occurring Pseudolioceras mclintocki (Haugh- ton) is, in the same area, locally associated with a bed of Oxytoma jacksoni Pompecky which is found in similar abundance in the L. opalinum Zone of the Canadian Arctic Islands (Frebold, 1957) and may mark a lower horizon in Alaska equivalent to the L. opalinum Zone. ‘The same association of Erycitoides cl. E. howelli and Pseudolioceras sp. indet. was recently reported near Bonny Lake in the Richardson Mountains, Yukon ‘Territories (Frebold, 1960, 1961). Description—The_ protoconch is long-ellipsoidal (0.35>< 0.6 mm.). The first (larval) whorl is strongly depressed; the second whorl grows rapidly, its oval section measures twice as much in width as in height. The siphuncle moves from a central position throughout the first whorl] to near the external margin during the second whorl. The third whorl remains broadly ovate but becomes slightly “cor- onate” by the development of lateral bullae or fine spines, of which there may be seven or eight present per halfwhorl at a width of 2 mm., corresponding to a diameter of 3 mm. Towards the end of the fourth whorl, at about 5 mm. diameter, the whorl section be- comes less depressed, now about one and one-half times as broad as high, and low secondaries develop, about 2-3 per primary. There is a smooth external median band already at this early stage. At the ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 363 same time the septal suture begins to “retract”. The ontogeny can be regarded as entering the ephibic stage at this size, after having passed through the neanic (juvenile) stage. ‘The sequence and size interval of growth stages largely resembles the Stephanocerataceae with regard to shape and ornament (Westermann, 1954, 1958). At a diameter varying from 13 to 20 mm, the whorl section be- comes subcircular (W—H=5 to 6 mm.) and during further growth assumes a generally more or less markedly oval shape mostly with some slight trapezoidal trend. The umbilical width increases slightly and gradually, from approximately 30-359 at a diameter between 5 and 10 mm. to a range of 30-40°% at 20 mm., and 35-50%, during further growth (Text-fig. 8b). However, from 40 mm.D up to the end of the phragmocone the relative umbilical width mostly does not change significantly within a single specimen. Thus there is a great range of intraspecific variation in umbilical width at any one stage. The thickness (relative whorl width) of the conch de- creases in average linearly throughout the ephibic stage, from about 50% at 10 mm. D, to 35-40% at 20 mm., to 30-37% at 40 mm., and finally to 26-33°% at 80 mm. near the end of the adult phragmocone. The whorl section shows a slightly positive regression up to 80 mm. diameter (H/W=—0.9 (0.8)—1.25 at 40 mm.; 1.0—1.35 at 80 mm.), but remains subsequently rather constant in height/width ratio up to the aperture (Text-fig. 8a). Thus again, there is much varia- tion. The whorl sides are usually gently rounded up to the umbili- cal seam, at least up to 30 mm. diameter. Thereafter the sides often become laterally more or less markedly flattened and usually slightly converging, and, consequently, a well-rounded umbilical angle and a narrow umbilical wall may develop which is never steep. More likely is a gradual increase in convexity of the flanks towards the umbilical seam and the umbilicus is typically shallow, large, and smooth, Between 15 and 20 mm. diameter the keel appears as a low ridge within the smooth siphonal area. Because the keel is partly superficial, 7.e. largely caused by thickening of the test, there may be hardly any trace at this stage on the internal mold. During fur- ther growth the keel usually reaches the thickness and height of the blunt secondaries, at the most semicircular in cross section. The 364 BULLETIN 216 a) Text-figs. 6a-c. Cross-sections of Erycitoides howelli (White), body chambers hachured. a) Lectotype (Pls. 44, 45), b) another “average” specimen, from loc. A447, c) coarsely costate and spinose variant, from loc. L285 (Pl. 53, fig. 1). All from the Lower E. howelli Zone of Wide Bay, X 0.8. internal mold varies from the near-absence of a keel to a thin, sharp keel comparable to a secondary. The test may be more than twice as thick in the keel than in the rest of the conch, reaching approximately 2 mm. Usually the superficial keel is only rather poorly separated from the external part of the whorl, which may thus occur somewhat fastigate. In the internal mold the keel is —_———————————— ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 365 Text-fig. 7. Aperture of Erycitoides howelli (White), lateral and extrenal view (Pl. 46). The constriction is mainly owing to thickening of the test partly preserved at the right side. From loc. A444 in the basal E. howelli Zone. Wide Bay. clearly separated from the often slightly tabulate whorl. Beside the keel there remains a broad smooth band on the internal mold which is somewhat reduced on the test. The ornament of the early ephibic whorls is highly variable and only the complete integradation evident from the large sample brought the author finally to the recognition of only a single species (Text-fig. 12). Between about 10 and 40 mm. diameter there may be only 7 to 10 (or 11) strong primaries per halfwhorl (visible in umbilicus) which often rise on the whorl sides to heavy bullae or high spines, or there may be up to 17 only moderately strong or weak primaries per halfwhorl without any bullae, spines, or tubercles, sometimes without clear primary-secondary differen- tiation, v.e. subfasciculate costation. Usually the primaries are rectiradiate or prorsiradiate and terminate on the middle of the flanks. ‘Tubercles or spines are just beside the umbilical seam of the subsequent whorl. Only about 10°, of the sample has this coarsely costate, mostly spinate, adolescent stage. The secondaries usually arise by bifurcation, rarely by tri-furcation, and by inter- calation. Yet on nearly every fifth specimen there is a trend to- wards fasciculation: the secondaries may arise on the inner part of the sides from very near a primary. There are 20 to 40 rectiradi- ate or slightly prorsiradiate secondaries per halfwhorl, their strength varying in reverse to their frequency. They usually pro- ject slightly before ending rather abruptly beside the smooth 366 BULLETIN 216 2 5 14 20 30 50mm H Text-figs. 8a, b. Scatters for a) whorl height X width and b) diameter X umbilical width of Erycitoides howelli (White) from the basal E. howelli Zone (circles, open for spinose variants), lower Upper E. howell: Zone (tri- angles) and uppermost (squares) E. howelli Zone of Wide Bay. Crossed sym- bols indicating apertures: many specimens measured at size intervals, some “growth lines’ indicated (L—lectotype). The spinose variation has slightly more depressed and evolute whorls (measured intercostally) ; there is a weak trend from subcircular and moderately involute to slightly compressed and little involute whorls, except for the strongly depressed juvenile whorls (W and H 5 mm.) (see Text-fig. 6). For Text-figure 8b see page 367. medial zone. The ventral angle enclosed by the secondaries varies from less than 140° to 170°. On the test the smooth zone may be almost missing. Beyond 40 mm. diameter and up to the aperture lateral spines or tubercles are invariably absent and the costae are less variable in frequency and strength (10-15 prim./half whorl). The pri- maries are strong, usually extending somewhat to the outer side of the whorl and often markedly bullate. The secondaries do not ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 367 30 20 uo Cod 10 20 30 50 100 150 200 250mm Text-fig. 8b. For explanation see page 366 change significantly in frequency, relative strength and position, and again, they sometimes arise already on the inner flank. The angle between the right and left secondaries varies greatly be- tween 105° and 180°, i.e. the secondaries may reach the keel highly acutely or perpendicularly, with the great majority between 65° and 85°. During morphogeny this angle may either remain constant, de- crease, or increase (Text-fig. 11). This is significant, because taxo- nomical significance is often attributed to this inter-costae angle. The adult body chamber, commencing at approximately 75 to 145 mm. diameter, though mostly between 90 and 110 mm., varies little in length about three-fourths whorl, and reaches a 368 BULLETIN 216 | | | | | 15 | HM spinose | | | | tuberculous | | | 10 5 Y) Y O S S) =) T o c 10 5) 8 10 12 14 16 primaries / 5 whor| at 30mm D Text-figs. 9a, b. Frequency histograms for primaries/halfwhorl (P) at 30 mm. diameter (thin line at 70 mm.) of Erycitoides howelli (White): a) for Shell Oil Company and b) for U.S. Geol. Survey collections; both from Wide Bay. Spines are associated with low frequency and coarse costation, while tubercles take an intermediate position in the essentially unimodal infraspecific Variation. ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 309 secondaries Pelt p eggs : -* 2 ate Seat 400 one FOO, primaries E ae OS.) La : costae / 3 Whor! 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 100 150 mm b) secondaries ss A443-9,L285 a - a A443 -9,L285 primaries costae /4whor! 10 20 50 100 150mm D Text-figs. 10a, b. Scatter for costae frequency (P-S)/halfwhorl X diameter (a) and “handdrawn” central lines (b) of Erycitoides howell: (White); from the E. howelli zonule (circles, open for spinose variants), lower (triangles), and upper Upper E. howelli Zone (squares) of Wide Bay. Most specimens meas- ured at half whorl intervals, partly indicated by “growth lines’? (L—lectotype). There is a marked infraspecific evolutionary trend to increase frequencies of primaries and secondaries from base to top of the E. howelli Zone. diameter of 120 to 240 mm. with the bulk between 140 and 180 mm. The umbilical width increases at a somewhat higher rate than before, resulting in 40-559 at the aperture, while the rates for whorl height and width decrease. The result is a highly evolute planulate, further emphasized by more marked flattening of the flanks, with more or less slight convergence. This may give rise to or strengthen the development of a distinct umbilical wall. The keel flattens and becomes obsolete on the internal mold. This 370 BULLETIN 216 180° 180° Hehe 150° & 103) Cc is} iS) 9° a 5° O-_ 120° 120° 90° 90° 10 20 30 40 50 100 150 200mm Text-fig. 11. Scatter for costae-angle X diameter of Erycitoides howelli (White) from the basal (circles) and Upper (triangles) E. howell: Zone. Crossed symbols indicating body chambers, circles apertures. Most specimens measured repeatedly at intervals, all ‘growth lines” indicated (L=lectotype; P=paratype). The angle between the external terminations of the secondaries shows exceptionally great and irregular variation throughout growth. results in a somewhat fastigate or tabulate “‘venter’” and in a whorl section varying from a high oval to a more or less subrec- tangular or subtrapezoidal shape. The long primaries and the secondaries usually become in- creasingly wide and blunt, with a spacing of up to 10 mm. for secondaries, because there is generally little change in costae fre- quency. In the uppermost part of the E. howell: Zone, however, sev- eral specimens occur with densely spaced secondaries, which may be subfasciculate, and the primaries may become almost obsolete. They are considered here to be variants of the single species E. howell. The secondaries usually project upwards to the aperture and cor- respondingly, the inter-costae angle decreases to 90-160°. The body chamber bears 11 to 17 primaries and 26-38 secondaries per half- whorl. ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 371 A Nie B ay c zone | loc. | coarse-spinose “YB | ‘median IF] fine -fascic. | UPPER | L543 + RACV ETE) AA | AB) i == } | MIDDLE | | Z4 6) [a | | LOWER | 443-9 | ‘L285 4 as ps JEEPS AS a Sal eS DDN Or ae Text-fig. 12. Successive morphotype distribution for Erycitoides howelli (White) according to three major costation types with intermediates. Sample sizes indicated of measured well preserved (above lines) and of fragmentary specimens (in parentheses below line) of the Shell lots, and of the U.S. Geol. Survey lots from the E. howelli zonule (below line, open.) Typically, spinose variants are restricted to the lowest EF. howelli Zone, the E. howelli zonule, fas- ciculation becomes dominant in the Upper F. howelli Zone. But, because of the remaining intensive overlap of the morphotype groups, no subspecies were dis- tinguished. Ur | ) i mi hs G WS a 1 U L E b) Po "by ©)) b) ; d) ea EG as Un e) | d) Text-figs. 13a-d. Morphogeny of whorl section and septal fluting in FEryci- toides howelli (White), a specimen from loc. A446 in the E. hoqwelli zonule of Wide Bay. At diameters of a) 3.5 mm., b) 9 mm., c) 20 mm., d) 100 mm.; magnifications indicated; solid lines for saddle axes, dashed lines for lobe axes. The first saddle axis corresponding to E/L is incomplete; a somewhat cruciform axial system develops (first whorl not preserved). Text-figs. 14a-e. Early development of the septal suture in FErycitoides cf. E. howelli (White), a specimen from loc. A444 in the E. howelli zonule of Wide Bay. At diameters of a) 1 mm. (% whorl), b) 2 mm. (2d whorl), c) 2.5 mm., d) 3.5 mm., e) 5.0 mm.; different magnifications (first sutures miss- ing). The umbilical lobes develop in normal, i.e. “orthochron” sequence, Us is derived from a saddle and not yet “retracted” at 5 mm. diameter. 372 BULLETIN 216 CO a) b) 3) Text-figs. 15a-c. Adult septal sutures of Erycitoides howelli (White), three specimens from the E. howelli zonule of Wide Bay. At diameters of a) about 120 mm. (=46 mm. whorl-height, loc. A444), b) 75 mm. (=28 mm. whorl- height, loc. L285), c) 70 mm. (=23 mm. whorl-height, loc. L285). Internal parts of sutures unknown. Us becomes increasingly oblique, Us is “retracted” but its original development from a saddle is not totally obscured. All X 1.6. Preceding the aperture is a broad oblique constriction which is defined on the internal mold. This is due to an internal thickening of the test up to 5 mm. which follows the outline of the peristome. The costation of the internal mold is usually strongly reduced in the constriction but there is apparently no change superficially. This thickened test, presumably for the strengthening of the aper- ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 3/9 ture, is a reliable indicator of the maturity of the shell in the com- mon cases in which the peristome itself is lacking. he simple peri- stome consists of a “ventral” lappet and moderately sinuous lateral margins which are retracted towards the umbilical seam (Text-fig. i Pls 46). The development of septum and suture almost certainly commences, as is customary in Jurassic ammonites, by ‘orthochrony’, internal lateral lobe’? U, is originally present and the “ec 14a ware umbilical seam lies on the adjoining saddle (Westermann, 1958). The further development of the septal structure resembles most the euflexulate-euflexudisculate patterns of the early perisphincts Leptosphinctinae. It is distinguished, however, by the slight dom- ination of the second instead of the first saddle axis and the cor- respondingly somewhat larger second (L/U,,) than first lateral saddle (I/L) of the suture; their proportions are reversed in the Leptosphinctinae. Finally L/U, becomes closely attached to the third lateral saddle (U,/U3;), poorly separated by Uy, which is reduced to the size and attitude of an accessory lobe (saddle inden- tation). The external lobe E(“V”) is large and deep throughout growth, almost as deep as the lateral lobes. The supposed origin of the umbilical lobe U, from a “saddle-splitting” is manifest in its high position only during the neanic stage. At the beginning of the ephibic stage, at a diameter of about 5 mm., the “‘suspensive lobe” begins to retract, as do the internal umbilical lobes. The adult suture is typified by the “normal” size of E, the high L/Us saddle, the strong reduction of U. and the strongly retracted Us, result- ing in a V-shaped ‘saddle boundary’ (Sattelgrenze, Hélder, 1955. peo): At least six specimens associated with large ones are immature forms (locs. A 444, L 285, A 449). The conchs are only between 45 and 65 mm. in diameter and the partly preserved body chambers do not show the usual deviation in shape and costation. Yet the last sutures are insufficiently preserved. A large specimen of typical E. howelli (A 444, pl. 8, figs. la, b) displays the pathological abnormality known as ‘forma abrupta’ (Holder, 1955, p. 64). Commencing at a diameter of 32 mm. or earlier, and remaining to the aperture at 150 mm., the keel is shifted to the right. On the right flank only primaries are pres- 374 BULLETIN 216 ent, while the secondaries of the left flank are extended over the “venter.”’ The costae meet the medial zone perpendicularly and are only slightly projected before the aperture. Yet the septal suture is in almost normal position, with E only slightly shifted in the same direction. The keel coincides with the main accessory lobe of the E/L saddle. Interrelation of morphological features—The samples are in- sufficient for multi-variate statistical analysis of measured mor- phological features, but some significant trends are evident from the scatter diagrams and frequency polygons (Text-figs. 8-12). The dimensional proportions and the costations of the shell do not vary independently. This is mainly based on a comparison of the highly variable immature growth stages of the large composite sample from the fossiliferous £. howell: beds. A negative correlation between umbilical width and height/ width ratio of the whorl is, of course, expected because whorl height is part of the diameter. Similarly, common sense can compre- hend certain features of the costation, such as the usual combina- tion of well-defined bifurcation with high strength differentiation between primaries and secondaries and of subfasciculate irregularly branching costae with little difference in strength; or the often occurrence of nodes, tubercles or spines on the summit of primaries, here the point of furcation, when they are strongest developed, i.c. at lowest frequency. These observations may give us valuable hints towards the origin and growth control of costae. More sur- prising is the positive correlation of costae strength with the rela- tive umbilical width (U/D+100) and the corresponding negative correlation with the whorl height. Thus the coarsely costate, often spinate forms (morphotype A, Text-fig. 12) have extremely evolute whorls with well-rounded, subcircular-ovoid sections (measured between the costae), while the relatively finely costate average forms (morphotype B) are less evolute, with slightly compressed whorl section, and somewhat flattened sides. ‘This correlation is consistent with the assumption that only a single species, a chrono- deme, is present in the sample which includes the coarsely costate variants. No explanation for this correlation is yet suggested. Morphological trends ——Throughout the 300-350 m. thick E. howelli Zone an intra-specific trend is established towards more WESTERMANN ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITE: J OST — geo th +£ Ig +¢ i s StTe9 Tg'Bo £1 It +£ OS 0s (‘uise.1yd ) (yjed)s — og Bo II It GE $°6C 66 (uude.syd ) (-yjyed)s OST BO Og eo + [89 — SVLG Ge StI BO (‘yo Apoq) j/s StI gg'BO £1 S'9¢ 9¢ STE OL fe s = g¢°Bo SI SE €¢ cE 0OT (“wise.yd ) s OgTBo +£°B9 9T St a3 97 SOT (‘de seou) j $9 97 1) GA) SE 9¢ LE 4 Fe J/S = = a 6 C'6E S'6E c€ “c s OF] 6c 89 cl 6¢ 9¢ Ze 79 (‘wise.1yd ) }/S SOT 9¢°BO 91 — 9¢ ce 8Z rn s = — cl 6£ 6¢ SIE 9+ ff s 09T SE €] 6£ St $97 06 (uisesyd ) s Stl ras all Oreo +¢ STE 8E ee s StI gE7Bo IT OF Ze 87 001 (‘wide1yd ) s OtT eo a3 cl ct a3 97 BD +21 (‘yo Apoq) s StI O€ IT/O1 SSE LE cE 9 7, Ss —_ _ — O+ cg Bo ep2e) OT (‘wise.syd ) s a a) SE ST th 67 BO €7'B9 09T (‘de seo) s — — al O+'BO — — SEeO A s St Led Il 6£ a3 S'S 86 (‘yo Apoq) s SZ 97 All S'Cb 8c RO 1ZB9 O9T (a1njtede ) u — — 11/01 Lgeo — — $7eo ef u/s 091 6c BO cl 67+ +¢ a3 +¢ Y s 09 Ig t1/ET SO Ig 62 St (‘wide.1yd ) s SOT [ge ra S'8g-BO — — +9°B9 (‘uide.1yd ) s OFT — — O+ St 67 Orr (‘yo Apoq) s Sel Og £1 ft Ig £'+7Z Zs (a1nj1ade ) ad Ay a[sue S Al Aa) “LH MA “wu -ABISOQ -9RISOD suameds paimsiy jo syuauainsrayy @ ‘SIF ‘TS ‘Id I 315 ‘TS ‘Id 0S ‘Id + SIF ‘8+ Id € SIF 8+ '[d Z ‘SIF ‘8+ ‘Id Lt ‘Id 9b Id adAyeled ad4j0199'T ) TIN ZC Buu y/s Sol (as at sé 8 STE IS J Se Gl) (a3 cl cf I+ SE LI fi 3/8 OST Oy eo 91 ce 9§ 9¢ SZ (suise.ayd ) s/} OLT LEG €l 6£ +E +E v4 (‘w3e.1y4d) j/s 09T eo ge BO SI = =e = 09 Fs S O9T Bo 6£ aE Ly eo gE eo = 98 (‘wide.yd ) J ae < TT eo or = == +2 x S OST eo ce cl 6£ £¢°eo — 08 (‘uise.syd ) u/s/J aa = ia ras Syiks 9¢ rae } Sol He cl +é SOF SCE LE (‘uide.1yd ) u/s => — +I 6£ Of 6C tt ‘“ S Sel oy BO wal Silke 123 cf 99 (wse.iyd ) =a: = ¢¢°Bo 9 a) = = = QOL Bo (‘yo Apoq) ds Sel aa) ZI 8+ ce It £7 x ds — = cl Sty ct Sie 9+ 6 S Ocl L iat Lt S0f S0e 86 (user ) ds — — 6 ¢g'eo — — StI W ‘ds = — 8 Ste = == £C “ ds O9T co 89 6 8t $8 Of et ‘ ds/s CET eo 97 v9 OT 6+ 67 O¢ ZS (aise. ) Ss Sst — IT $f Ot Clr scl «“ s OLI ¢g'BO Zl'eo — 9o°BO og'eo Zt Bo (curde.yd ) a = = 6 ct fe 6¢ 81 “ ds O8T 1c 6/8 cg 89 Saige) gf eo 1 ae) (uise1yd ) f/s — — =~ =. = rae rl “ s — = cl 8 SOF +e LE « s OST 67 cl 9¢ RE Og BO 99 (cuse.yd) RUS ieee s d % 0 “DH 6A “wu d -9BISOQ -aBISOD ) 7( Q7 J sudturoads poinsty Jo SJUIWIIINSBI]A) ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 3 ~I ~l finely costate forms. However, this trend occurs by shifting the wide range of morphological variation present in every larger sample, representing a chronodeme, similar to that recently presented by Silberling (1962, pp. 155, 159) on Ceratitina. This results in the transgression of the original range for costae density (or frequency) mainly of the secondaries, the omittance of the extremely coarsely plicate and mostly spinose variants, and in the dextral shift of the mode which still, however lies well within the original range. Thus an approximate overlap of 50°% in gross morphology exists between the oldest and the later and latest chronodemes which, after several attempts by the author towards taxonomical differentiation, are now considered to be conspecific and consubspecilic (Text-fig. 12). Erycitoides (Erycitoides?) sp. nov.?, aff. E. howelli (White), juv. Pl. 54, figs. 3, 4 Two small, well-preserved specimens with halfwhorl fragments of body chambers as internal molds, from Shell locality L 1067, E. teres-profundus zonule (Middle E. howell: Zone), Wide Bay (PI. 54, figs. 3a, b). This is possibly an adolescent coarsely costate and spinate variant of Erycitoides howelli, although the whorls are more evolute and the lateral spines stronger. The last septal sutures de not appear to be approximated. The secondaries are much stronger and more projected, though mainly on the phragmocone. The medial smooth zone is broader and the body chamber more depressed than in E. paucispinosus, sp. nov. An extremely small, well-preserved specimen with three-fourths whorl incomplete body chamber, from Shell locality L 285, EF. howelli zonule (basal E. howelli Zone), Kialagvik formation, Wide Bay (PI. 54, figs. 4a, b). This specimen resembles the specimens above except for the smaller size and may possibly be another adolescent. The secondaries are strongly projected only up to the beginning of the body chamber where they become straight and rectiradiate, though they are slightly projected again near the end. Measurements.— D mm. W% H% U% P S (a) (body ch.) +0 36 31 45 - 23 (b) (body ch.) 24+ 33 31 44 21 8-9 (end phr.) 30 37 33 45 7-8 20 8-9 18 39 33 42 8-9 20 378 BULLETIN 216 Erycitoides (Erycitoides) profundus Westermann, sp. nov. Pl. 58, fig. 2; Pl. 59, figs. 1-3; Pl. 60, fig. 1; Text-figs. 16a, b Holotype.—Pl|. 59, figs. la, b; a fully septate internal mold, nucleus missing, partly corroded. Repository: U. W., 16606. Locus typicus.—Shell locality 11067, Lower Short Creek, Wide Bay, Alaska Peninsula. Stratum typicum.—Middle E. howelli Zone, Kialagvik forma- tion. Age.—tLate Early Bajocian (late Aalenian), E. teres-profundus zonule. Diagnosis.—A large species of Erycitoides s.s., umbilicus small and deep, steep umbilical walls, coarsely costate. Material—2 (--fragments) from L1067, 1 (++) fragment from A454, 3. (+ poor fragments) from A86. All from the Middle E. howelli Zone of Wide Bay. Description.—A distinct umbilical wall develops at a diameter of 20-30 mm. which meets the umbilical seam perpendicularly or, in maturity, often with marked overhang. The largest width of the whorls is near the rounded umbilical margin. The externside (‘venter’’) becomes more acutely rounded at maturity than in FE. howelli and the keel more prominent. ‘The whorl section is more or less markedly subtrapezoidal during adolescence and rounded subtriangular during maturity. The moderate umbilical width of the nucleus (34-36°,) generally decreases slightly on the penulti- mate whorl. The umbilicus, therefore, appears much deeper throughout ontogeny than in E. howelli. The costation is intermediate in character between E. (s.s.7) paucispinosus and E. howell. There are only 8-11 strong primaries carrying strong lateral spines on the nucleus. The spines become obsolete already at a diameter of approximately 30 mm. Strong secondaries arise by clear bifurcation or lateral intercalation in a frequency of more often three than two per primary. The costae are typically straight and slightly prorsiradiate up to the immedi- ate vicinity of the keel. There is only a narrow medial smooth zone. almost obliterated on the test. The phragmocone grows to a diameter of more than 160 mm. ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 379 b) x Text-figs. 16a, b. Cross-section (X 0.6) and septal suture (X 1.4 at D—65 mm.) of Erycitoides profundus, sp. nov.; holotype, totally septate, from loc. L1067 in the Middle E. howelli Zone of Wide Bay (PI. 59, fig. 1). and the largest fragment of a body chamber measures 70 mm. in height and width at the aperture, corresponding to a diameter of the conch of approximately 220 mm. Body chambers are poorly preserved (mainly locality A 86). The secondaries increase in fre- quency (36-38) more than the primaries (12-13) so that there are regularly three secondaries per primary. ‘The secondaries are more narrowly spaced than in E. howelli, and project increasingly though moderately, decreasing the intercostae angle to 130°-150°. The ventral smooth zone remains narrow. The keel becomes obsolete only near the aperture. The left half of an aperture with peristome is well preserved on an internal mold of a fragmentary body chamber probably be- longing to this species (PI. 60, fig. 1). The strong oblique constric- tion cuts off three secondaries under an angle of approximately 45°. The peristome is sinuous with a broad “ventral” lappet and _re- traction as in E. howelli. 380 BULLETIN 216 The suture resembles that of E. howelli but appears to be some- what more intensely frilled. Measurements.— Costae- Dmm W% H% U% 1p S angle Holotype (phragm.) 106 34 39 34 13 ca.36 150 PL, Si, sales 7 (begin, of body ch.) ca.115 ca.36 ca.42 ca.37 ca.1l ca.43 159 PA, Be, sae, Y ( phragm.) 73 34 41 32 13 36 135 Pie See hies ss (phragm.) 44 36 38.5 35 11 29 160 y 36 a= = 34 10/11 ca.26 ca.165 Erycitoides (Erycitoides) teres Westermann, sp. nov. Pl. 60, figs. 2-6; Pl. 61, figs. 1-3; Text-fig. 17 Holotype.—P1. 60, figs. 5a, b; incomplete, fully septate, slightly laterally compressed specimen, nucleus missing, two inner whorls with test, fragment of late whorl as internal mold. Repository: WW. 6012: Locus typicus.—Shell locality A 454, lower Short Creek Valley, Wide Bay, Alaska Peninsula. Stratum typicum.— (Lower) Middle EF. howell: Zone, Kialag- vik formation. Diagnosis.—A small (?) species of Erycitoides s.s. with steep umbilical wall, greatly reduced primaries and densely spaced fine secondaries. Age.—Late Early Bajocian (late Aalenian), Middle E. howelli Zone, EF. teres-profundus zonule. Material—Holotype and three small fragmentary specimens from A 454; fragments of three mature specimens from 48 A,-86 (21245) (=F 12), near or identical to A 454; six (-+-3) fragmentary specimens from A 86. All from Middle E. howelli Zone of Wide Bay. Description.—The early ephibic stage is observed on three small specimens associated with the holotype which are almost cer- ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 381 a) b) €) e Text-figs. 17a-c. Cross-sections of Erycitoides teres, sp. nov.; a) holotype, body chamber and preceding fragment of phragmocone post-mortem compressed, loc. A454; b) body chamber and slightly deformed phragmocone, loc. A86; c) E. teres compressus, subsp. nov., holotype, wholly septate, loc. A22. a) and b) from the Middle, c) from the Upper E. howelli Zone of Wide Bay. All X 0.75. tainly adolescents of this species. At 12 mm. diameter the inner flanks carry a large number of fine somewhat irregular costae be- lieved to include primaries and extended secondaries. Between 20 and 30 mm. diameter the whorl section is well rounded and prob- ably subcircular. Densely spaced fine sigmoid secondaries (ca. 30/ halfwhorl) extend irregularly onto the inner flanks as intercala- tories or fasciculately join the similarly weak primaries. The subse- quent whorls show only low broad undulations on the inner flanks. Thus the inner flanks visible in the umbilicus regularly become more or less nearly smooth at 25-35 mm. D. If obscure primaries re- main there are approximately 12-15 per halfwhorl. Simultaneously the secondaries straighten out and a steep finally “overhanging” um- bilical wall develops the more compressed whorl section. The rela- tively prominent keel is accompanied by narrow smooth zones. The mature phragmocone has about 40-45 extremely densely spaced blunt straight secondaries per half whorl which are slightly prorsi- radiate and enclose an angle of 145-160°. No projection has been observed on the phragmocone. The body chamber is unknown. The septal suture, as preserved on the holotype, resembles £. profundus. It is more intensely frilled than in EF. howelli and is shorter. Comparison.—Because of the resemblances in shape and suture 382 BULLETIN 216 this species is believed to be nearest related to E. profundus with which it is associated. Though EF. teres is clearly distinguished in the much finer costation and the reduced primaries of adolescents and matures, E. howelli differs similarly and also in the more oval whorl section. Afleasurements.— D mm. W% H% U% Holotype (phragm.) 80 35 42 30—35 ts Gass Gaesi/i ca.43 — Erycitoides (Erycitoides) teres compressus Westermann, sp. et. subsp. nov Pl. 61, fig. 4; Text-fig. 17c Holotype.—Pl. 61, figs. 4a-f; a well-preserved though incom- plete phragmocone as internal mold (coll. Imlay, 1948). Repository: WES.N. ME 13228: Locus typicus.—U.S.G.S. Mesozoic locality F 54 (19784), Sea Cliff 1 km. west of mouth of Short Creek, Wide Bay, Alaska Penin- sula. Stratum typicum.—Probably Upper E. howelli Zone. Age.—Late Early Bajocian (late Aalenian), FE. howell: Zone. Material—Holotype only. Diagnosis —A strongly compressed subspecies of E. teres with primaries obsolescent throughout adolescence and maturity. Description.—The_ well-preserved nucleus shows subcircular whorl section at 12 mm. diameter. Subsequently the whorls become increasingly compressed; the sides become flattened parallel to one another; a narrow steep, rounded umbilical wall develops, while the externside becomes more and more somewhat narrowly round- ed. The flanks converge only slightly against the end. ‘The umbili- cus remains relatively narrow. ‘The keel becomes prominent against the end of the preserved phragmocone, and the adjoining smooth zones are consequently more and more reduced. The costation of the late neanic and early ephibic whorls consist of widely spaced but weak slightly nodose primaries and extremely fine straight and rectiradiate secondaries. Between 12 ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 383 and 20 mm. diameter the primaries are obsolescent. The inner flank remains smooth or carries only irregular blunt ribs or bullae corresponding to slight fasciculation of extended fine secondaries. The adolescent and mature secondaries are densely spaced, approxi- mately 40 per halfwhorl, markedly prorsiradiate and somewhat pro- jected. Body chamber and aperture are unknown. According to the size (approximately 85 mm. complete) and probably also to the straight costae this specimen belongs to Erycitoides. The septal suture is highly complex. E is unusually short for this genus, about two-thirds of the length of L. The “second lateral lobe’’ Us is relatively large and only slightly oblique. The umbilical lobe U. is large and moderately retracted. Comparison.—This subspecies resembles E. teres s.s. in the cos- tation except for the probably even more reduced primaries; it dif- fers in the more compressed whorl section with consequently almost parallel flanks and much narrower umbilical wall, and probably also in the somewhat narrower umbilicus. This form is reminiscent of Erycites leptoplocum (Vacek) from which it is distinguished in the wider spaced and more re- duced primaries, in the more prominent keel, and in the longer external lobe. Another homeomorph is Planammatoceras tenerum (Vacek), which, however, has a high hollow-floored keel and a deeper external lobe. There is no doubt that this form belongs to Erycitoides and that similar shapes and costations have evolved independently in the different genera. Measurements of holotype (phragmocone ).— D mm. W% H% U% Ip Ss 62 31 41.5 31 — 42 +5 31 43 52 27 35 41 3235 — ca.32 Wy 41 44 S\A4e5) ca.10 ca.30 Erycitoides (Erycitoides?) sp. nov. ? (juv.), aff. E. teres, sp. nov. Pl. 61, figs. 5a, b A single small internal mold with test at umbilicus, U.S.G.S. Mesozoic locality 48A,-86 (21245—F 12), Middle E. howelli Zone of Wide Bay. 381 BULLETIN 216 The specimen has a diameter of only 36 mm. at the end of the 1 whorl body chamber, though the aperture is missing. ‘The ap- proximated last septal sutures and the slight egression of the body chamber suggest maturity. According to the straightness of the costae, up to the end of the preserved body chamber, the aperture was almost certainly simple. The last whorl of the phragmocone, ceasing at 20 mm. dia- meter, is moderately evolute and subcircular-subquadrate in_ sec- tion. The whorl sides are slightly flattened and slope rather gently but increasingly steeply towards the umbilical seam situated on the middle of the preceding whorl and in contact with its lateral tubercles. The long body chamber becomes gradually much high- er and compressed developing a markedly subtriangular section with steep though rounded umbilical well and converging flanks. The externside becomes narrowly rounded. The solid keel is relatively sharp and prominent and accompanied by only narrow smooth zones. The costation consists of distantly placed blunt primaries, bear- ing lateral tubercles on the nucleus, and becoming irregular, some- what bullae-like and ventrally extended on the body chamber. The umbilical slope is almost smooth. The moderately strong secondar- ies are born by irregular bifurcation, and by fasciculation and weak intercalation on the inner flanks. The costation of the body chamber is rectiradiate and straight except for some slight pro- jection. The septal suture is only known on the inner flanks. It is here simple and strongly “retracted” and agrees well with the suture of other Erycitoides species at equivalent size. Comparison.—This species appears to be much smaller than any described species of Erycitoides s.s. It resembles otherwise most E. teres, sp. nov., in the narrow umbilicus, the development of an umbilical wall, the reduction of the primaries and the prominent keel with narrow smooth zones. However, the adolescent stage of E. teres is insufficiently known. This species is more evolute and has weaker primaries than other species of the subgenus. ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 385 Measurements on body chamber.— D mm. WH H% U% Ie S 36 33 42 34 10-12 31 22 34 34 32 11-12 — Erycitoides (Erycitoides ?) paucispinosus Westermann, sp. nov. IPL Bye anes GE Holotype.—PI. 54, figs. 5a, b; partly compressed and slightly exfoliated internal mold, neanic whorls and parts of body chamber missing. Repository: U.W., 16587. Locus typicus.—Shell locality A 454, Short Creek valley, ap- proximately 1.5 miles upstream, Wide Bay, Alaska Peninsula. Middle FE. howelli Zone, E. teres-profundus zonule, Kialagvik formation, Stratum lypicum. Age.—Late Early Bajocian (late Aalenian), E. howell: Zone. Material.—The holotype, and a small internal mold with one halfwhorl body chamber, right side strongly corroded, from loc. L. 1067; both from the Middle E. howelli Zone. Diagnosis.—A small species of Erycitoides (s.s. ?) with moder- ately strong densely spaced costae and few well-defined strong lateral spines. Description.—Both specimens are small, highly evolute planu- lates, the phragmocones terminating at 22 and 24 mm. diameter, respectively. The umbilicus is shallow and almost smooth. The whorl sides slope gently towards the umbilical seam. The last whorl of the phragmocone is subcircular in section and embraces the preceding whorl almost up to the lateral spines. The body chamber is one whole whorl long on the holotype which at the end only shows indications of approaching the aperture. Traces of the um- bilical seam indicate a similar length for the body chamber of the second specimen. The body chamber egresses gradually, finally be- coming advolute and _ slightly compressed oval. The relatively strong solid keel, well separated from the evenly rounded extern- side, is present at least on the last halfwhorl of the phragmocone and on the whole body chamber. The earliest observed whorl, at the beginning of the ephibic 386 BULLETIN 216 stage and the penultimate whorl of the phragmocone display only five lateral tubercles per halfwhorl ceasing at about 8 mm. diameter. They are only moderately strong on the holotype but may be called spines on the paratype. On the ultimate one and one-half whorls of the phragmocone there are distantly spaced blunt pri- maries gradually increasing in strength and irregularly on the holo- type. Most primaries have lateral spines and bifurcate and _ tri- furcate into blunt moderately strong and rather densely spaced secondaries. The primaries and secondaries are straight and recti- radiate and leave only a narrow smooth band beside the relatively strong keel which markedly protrudes above the costae. On the long body chamber the primaries become more irregular in strength and flatter towards the umbilical seam, and only 5-8 spinous primaries per halfwhorl remain near the middle of the whorls. Almost com- pletely faded primaries may be visible in the wide interspaces. The secondaries are densely and similarly spaced up to the end of the body chamber. Primaries and secondaries remain essentially straight and the primaries become only slightly prorsiradiate and the sec- ondaries somewhat projected. There are 26 to 30 secondaries per halfwhorl, born by bi- and tri-furcation. Others apparently inter- calate on the inner flanks but probably belong mostly to and partly consist of faded primaries. The smooth band beside the keel widens markedly. A small part of the aperture with shallow faint constriction and possibly the peristome appear to be preserved, though poorly, on the left of the holotype. Because of the absence of rursiradiate costation the aperture was probably simple. Also, the body cham- ber of E. (Kialagvikes) is always highly compressed and laterally flattened but subcircular on this specimen. The septal suture is exactly as in Erycitoides of comparable size. Comparison.—Erycitoides paucispinosus resembles most ado- lescents of coarsely costate and spinate FE. howelli, though it is distinguished in the more densely spaced rectiradiate secondaries, the stronger and more irregularly reduced primaries and the more prominent keel accompanied by narrower smooth zones. It is also strongly reminiscent of Planammatoceras (2) diadematoides (Mayer) and related evolute, coarsely costate and spinose forms, ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 5387 such as P. rugatum (Buckman), P. lorteti (Dumortier), P. fossai (Merla), P. ? buxtorfi (Renz), and P. dolium (Buckman). This species group is similar in age but clearly distinguished (so far as known) in the high and hollow-floored keel. The only described spinate Erycites is E. robustus Merla from the Toarcian of Italy which possesses a typical Erycites suture. ‘There is no serious doubt that these similarities are due to convergence and that E. pauci- spinosus 1s Closest related, and probably a phyletic derivative of E. howelli. ATeasurements.— D mm. H% W% U% Pp S Holotype (body ch.) ca.38 ca.35 ca.32 ca.50 — ca.32 ca.24 ca.34 ca.34 ca.40 6 ca.30 Paratype (body ch.) 32 33 35 45.5 7-8 26 Aptychus of Erycitoides s.s. “Genus” PRAESTRIAPTYCHUS Trauth, 1927 Type species, P. gerzensis Trauth, 1930, emend. Westermann, 1954 (p. 125) [the lectotype (Trauth. 1930, fig. 14) chosen by S. D. Moore and Sylvester-Bradley, 1957 is atypical]. Praestriaptychus (subgen. nov. ?) antiquus Westermann, sp. nov. PING2 fig; El ovoydis ele A pair of similarly sized valves apparently belonging to a single diaptychus were found in the umbilicus of a specimen of Eryci- toides (Kialagvikes) cf. E. kialaguvikensis (White) from Shell locality A 85 in the Middle E. howelli Zone, late Early Bajocian. The di- mensions of the single valves are aproximately 12><16-17 mm. and thus obviously not referable to the small &. (Kialaguikes) which is the only abundant associate in this bed. Yet a single poor whorl fragment, measuring 20-25 mm. in height, of an- Erycitoides s.s. sp. indet., comes from the same assemblage. Based on recent recon- structions of the original orientation of aptychi in the body cham- bers (Westermann, 1954, p. 126, and Schindewolf, 1958, p. 23) the corresponding whorl section can be estimated to be approximately 388 BULLETIN 216 fe ek Text-fig. 18. Podagrosiceras athleticum Maubeuge and Lambert; holotype, newly prepared, ventral view of body chamber (?); X 2. “Aalenien”, territory of Neuqten, Argentina. a) b) c) Text-figs. 19a-c. Cross-sections of Erycitoides (Kialagvikes) spp., from Wide Bay. a) E. (K.) kialagvikensis (White), complete specimen, loc. I° 59 in basal Upper E. howelli Zone (PI. 63, fig. 1), X 0.9 b) E. (K.) Levis, sp. nov., almost complete specimen but partly post-mortem compressed, probably from loc. A9 in Middle FE. howelli Zone (PI. 64, fig. 9), X 1.8 c) E. (K.) spinatus, sp. nov.,” holotype, well-preserved specimen with beginning of body chamber, loc. A8 in basal Upper E. howelli Zone (Pl. 64, fig. 1); XK 1.8. 25 mm. wide and more than 20 mm. high, depending on the in- volution of the whorls. The valves closely match in shape Praestriaptychus gerzensis Trauth as figured from body chambers of Normannites spp. from the Middle Bajocian of NW. Germany (topotypes, Westermann, ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 389 =e) SS 1b Text-figs. 20a-d. Complete apertures, with lateral lappets, of Erycitoides (Kialagvikes) spp. from the E. howelli Zone of Wide Bay. a) E. (K.) cf. spinatus, sp. nov., loc. 48 Ai-86 (21245) (Pl. 64, fig. 5); KX 1.1. b-d) E. (K.) kialagvikensis (White), lateral and external views, loc. A8& (PI. 62, fig. 5); X 1.1 d) Ditto, single specimen, loc. L1067 (U.W., 16666) ; X 2. 1954, p. 126, pl. 33, figs. 1-7). They differ in the absence of “orna- ment.” Description.—The general outline of the valves is probably 390 BULLETIN 216 moderately elongated and subrectangular. The inner margin is straight and curves gently into the lateral margin. The apical angle is 95-100°. The outer margin is unknown. The valve is gently and almost evenly convex. A narrow deep harmonic furrow is present on the internal mold of the left valve. The thin calcareous test is largely preserved on the right valve; outside and inside are totally smooth. The visible fine con- centric structure is owing to internal growth structures of the translucent test. A thin chitinous underlayer is indicated by black remnants. No punctation is visible. Comparison.—P. antiquus ditfers from all described species of this ‘genus’ in total absence of corrugation or striation. In shape and probably also in shell structure this species resembles P. ger- zensis Trauth, 1930, emend. Westermann, 1954, P. anglicus ‘Trauth, 1930, from the Callovian (prob. conspecific), and P. fraasi Trauth, 1930, from the Upper Jurassic. It is significant that the “ornament” varies considerably in all species. Thus P. fraasi may be superficially smooth though concentric folds are still present on the inner sur- face. Remarks.—This is not only the first reported aptychus from the Middle Jurassic of America but also the first one referable to Hammiatoceratidae. This family is classified among the Hildo- cerataceae which usually possess a Cornaptychus or Laevicornapty- chus. Praestriaptychus has been described from the Middle Bajocian to early Cretaceous Normannites, Itinsaites, Parkinsonia, Keppler- ites, Kosmoceras and perisphintids (Westermann, 1954, Trauth, 1927, 1930, 1931, 1937). They all are considered as descendents of Hammatoceratinae which subfamily includes forms intermediate be- tween the keeled harpoceratids s./. and the stephanoceratids s.l. and possibly perisphinctids s./., without keel (Arkell, 1957, Westermann, 1956). This is especially true for certain species of Erycites, a close relative of Erycitoides, which rather by definition are referred to this and not to stephanoceratid genera. Smooth aptychi were said to be typical for the boreal realm, where they occur sparsely and ribbed or thick-shelled aptychi are absent (Gasiorowski, 1962, p. 9): The discovery of the stephanoceratacean and perisphinctacean Praestriaptychus in Erycitoides gives further support to the hypo- thesis that Hammatoceratinae of the Erycitoides—Erycites group ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN SOT are at or near the root of the named important Middle and Upper Jurassic (and basal Cretaceous) superfamilies. Repository.—U.W. 16618. Subgenus ERYCITOIDES (KIALAGVIKES) Westermann, subgen. nov. Type species, Am. (Lillia) kialagvikensis White, 1889. Diagnosis.—Dwart Erycitoides with lateral lappets, body cham- ber costae usually rursiradiate. Age and occurrence.—Late Early Bajocian (late Aalenian), throughout E. howelli Zone of Kialagvik and Tuxedni formations, Alaska Peninsula and Cook Inlet (southern Alaska). Description and comparison.—The subgenus includes rather coarsely spinose forms as well as finely costate forms with obsoles- cent primaries or fasciculate costation and all intermediaries, yet all are highly evolute and compressed and grow only to a diameter of 25-60 mm. The phragmocone may resemble tnmature Eryci- toides s.s. so that identification of E. (Kialagvikes) then depends on the presence of flexuous costae, which however, do not normally develop clearly before the last one-fourth to one-half whorl of the adult phragmocone. The body chamber is almost always clearly dis- tinguished by the falcoid or rursiradiate costae and growth lines, indicating the gradual development of lateral lappets. This subgenus closely resembles and appears closely related to Podagrosiceras Maubeuge & Lambert, 1955, which was described with a single species P. athleticum and based on a single incomplete specimen from the uppermost Toarcian or (early ?) Lower Bajocian of Neuquén territory, Argentina. The writer recently reinvestigated the holotype. Additional preparation showed that the external (“ventral”) features, originally known only from the fragment of the body chamber, are developed in the same way on the penulti- mate whorl and are not owing to senility; i.¢., a keel is totally miss- ing and the costae alternate regularly. The septal suture is as in typical Hammatoceratinae with ‘retracted’ umbilical elements. The aperture is unknown. Because of the “ventral” features Poda- grosiceras is regarded to be generically distinguishable from Ery- citoides which has always a keel. (Westermann, 1964a). In general appearance this subgenus also resembles the son- 592 BULLETIN 216 niniid Pelecodites (including Maceratites and Nannoceras Buck.) from the S. sowerbyi Zone from which it is distinguished by the “retracted” umbilical lobes, the generally stronger and more clearly furcating costae with more pronounced distal terminations, and the much weaker keel. The costation may be more like Poecilomor- phus, another sonniniid, which is however, much stouter and possesses a bisulcate venter. There is also a strong resemblance mainly in the body chamber with certain Graphoceratidae such as Darvellella and Pseudographoceras, which also have lappets; but they do not carry straight bifurcate costation often present in £. (Kialag- vikes) or lateral spines on the phragmocone. Finally the trend to- wards fasciculate costation is reminiscent of Phymatoceratinae though here never as fully developed. All compared forms differ significantly in the nonretracted umbilical lobe. There remains then no doubt that the only near relative of this subgenus is Erycitoides s.s. The two genera which are almost always found associated, give the firm impression of representing sexual dimorphs, “macroconchs” and “‘microconchs’’ respectively, as they are known from most Middle and Upper Jurassic ammonite families. The list of such families now also include the Hammato- ceratidae. Erycitoides (Kialagvikes) kialagvikensis (White), 1889 Pl. 62, figs. 1-6; Pl. 63, figs. 1-7; Text-figs. 19-21 1889. Ammonites (Lillia) Kialagvikensis White (Alaska Peninsula), U.S. Geol. Sur., Bull. 51, p. 69 (499), pl. 13, fig. 7. 1900. ? Hammatoceras kialagvikensis (White), Pompeckj (Alaska), Russ. K. mineral Ges. Verh., ser. 2, vol. 28, p. 275. 1945. Hammatoceras ? kialagvikensis (White), Kellum, Davies, Swinney (Wide Bay), U.S. Geol. Sur., Prim. report, p. 6, fig. 4C, D. 1959. Erycites kialagvikensis (White), Imlay (correl. chart), Geol. Soc. Amer., Bull., vol. 63, pp. 978, 980. Holotype.—PI. 19, figs. la. b (plastotype); “A. (Lillia) Kialag- vikensis” White, 1889, pl. 13, fig. 7. Internal mold of mature speci- men, ultimate one-half whorl of phragmocone preserved but al- most completely compressed, body chamber complete but right side deformed. Repository: U.S.N.M., 132030. Locus typicus—Wide Bay [formerly Kialagvik or Wrangel ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 593 Text-figs. 21a, b. Septal sutures of Erycitoides (Kialagvikes) spp., from Wide Bay. a) E. (K.) kialagvikensis (White), near end of large phragmocone at 28 mm. diameter, loc. L543 in the Upper E. howelli Zone (PI. 63, fig. 2); X 4. b) E. (K.) levis, sp. nov., 1/4 whorl before end of phragmocone at 16 min. diameter, incomplete, reversed. Umbilical lobes only slightly ‘retracted’, later sutures be- come finally “non-retracted”’, loc. A9 in the Middle FE. howelli Zone (PI. 64, fig. DT OXe 8: Bay], probably sea cliff between mouths of Pass Creek and Short Creek, Alaska Peninsula, U.S.G.S. Mesozoic loc. 20086. Stratum typicum.—Probably E. howelli zonule, Lower E. how- elli Zone, Kialagvik formation. Diagnosis.—A relatively large species of E. (Kialagvikes); lat- eral spines or nodes, if present, restricted to nucleus, costae mostly straight except for body chamber. Age.—tLate Early Bajocian (late Aalenian), E. howelli Zone. Material? Two body chamber fragments from A 449, frag- ments from A 443, A 447, one from each 19766 (E 35/36), 19767 (F 37) (i.e. rare in the Lower E. howelli Zone); 4 fragments from A 7, 5 fragments from A 9, 2+ from A 454, 8-+fragments from A 8, fragment from A 5, 1-+-fragment from A 10, 1--fragment from A 11, 11+from L 543; (i.e. abundant in the Middle and Upper E. howelli Zone). Remarks.—The holotype is so poorly preserved and the de- scription so incomplete (defined to the body chamber) that the species name might have to be declared a ‘nomen dubium’ if abundant forms undoubtedly conspecific had not been found subse- 394 BULLETIN 216 Text-fig. 22. Composite cross-section of Erycites fallifax Arkell [E. fallax auct.], topotype from Cape St. Vigilio, Lago de Garda. From complete body chamber and last phragmocone whorl of Vacek’s specimen figured on PI. 58, fig. 2, and from 2 unfigured nuclei of Vacek’s collections. Thick test of aper- tural constriction partly preserved; X 1. Text—fig. 23. Cross-section of Erycites imlayi, sp. nov., holotype. Complete specimen with test remains at apertural constriction, loc. 48 Ai-95 (21246) in the E. howelli zonule of Wide Bay (PI. 65, fig. 1); X 1. See page 400. quently in the same faunal association at or near the type locality. E. (K.) kialagvikensis accompanies the much larger Erycitoides how- elli and Pseudolioceras mclintocki whiteavesi in most fossil horizons throughout the E. howell: Zone. Despite the poor preservation of the only two specimens avail- able at that time, White was convinced that this species closely resembled Erycitoides howelli “in general form and aspect.” White ascribed the only differences to the costation which was said to be flexuous, with fewer secondaries (or intercalatories) and with ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 395 the greatest strength near their termination, as opposed to E. how- clli. Yet the specimens were considered to be immature and the aperture described as unknown, though a part of the peristome which clearly indicated lappets, is preserved on the holotype. On the other hand the supposed diagnostic characters, such as few secon- daries and the position of their greatest strength, are only apparent or nontypical. Subsequently received knowledge of the phragmo- cone, aperture, and septal suture suggests that this species is the corresponding “microconch” to Erycitoides howell. E. (K.) kialagvikensis is so far only known from Wide Bay (formerly Kialagvik Bay) and the Iniskin Peninsula, both in south- ern Alaska. This does not, however, exclude the possibility of their occurrence in northern Alaska and northeastern Yukon from where E. howelli is reported, because the phragmocones of the former may be mistaken for nuclei of the latter species, and so far finds of Erycitoides in these areas have been scarce and poorly preserved. The same holds true, of course, for other species of Erycitoides s.s. and E. (Kialagvikes). Description —The juvenile whorl section is depressed suboval, becomes subcircular in the early ephibic stage at 10-15 mm. dia- meter, and is more or less strongly compressed suboval and often subrectangular in the adult shell. The whorl sides of the late phragmocone and of the body chamber may be more or less flat- tened and usually converge slightly. A poorly defined umbilical wall may develop on the body chamber but is absent on the phrag- mocone. The fine blunt solid keel and the accompanying smooth zone are present throughout the ephibic stage and mostly up to the aperture. The umbilicus of the mature whorls is extremely wide, 40 to almost 50% of the diameter, and shallow. The ornament develops at approximately 3.5 mm. diameter; about 12-14 blunt lateral nodes are mostly present on the first ephibic whorl ending at 7-8 mm. diameter. On the next whorl these may strengthen to spines or remain blunt and extend towards the umbilical seam into primaries or become more like bullae, at a frequency of 8-11 per halfwhorl. Some specimens, however, appear to be smooth at least on the inner side of the whorls up to this stage. At a diameter of approximately 10 mm. the lateral spines, nodes, or bullae are generally reduced and 9-12 blunt primaries 396 BULLETIN 216 are present on the halfwhorl ending at about 15 mm. diameter. The primaries become subsequently more densely spaced at frequencies of 12-15 per halfwhorl on the last whorl of the phragmocone. Some lateral tubercles may be present irregularly on every other or third primary or so. At about 10 mm. diameter secondaries mostly develop by irregular bifurcation, mostly markedly fasciculate, and as intercalatories, often arising on the inner flank. The costa- tion at this stage is strongly reminiscent of subfasciculate variants of E. howelli. Usually rectiradiate and projected ‘it becomes more or less strongly flexuous only at the end of the phragmocone at 20-25 mm. diameter. There are 14-17 primaries and 28-32 secondar- ies per halfwhorl on the body chamber; they become increasingly flexuous up to the aperture with typically rursiradiate and pro- jected secondaries indicating the gradual development of lateral lappets. By reduction of the primaries mainly on the inner parts of the flanks proceeding from the umbilical shoulders and by ex- tended secondaries the differentiation of costae in primaries and secondaries becomes often obscure. There is still much variation in strength and curvature of the costae. On the first halfwhorl of the body chamber the rursiradiate secondaries project only mod- erately and reach the keel zone approximately perpendicularly; before the aperture, however, their curvature more than outweighs the increased rursiradiate deflection resulting in a marked _ pro- jection. The secondaries do not decrease in strength up to their sudden termination at the medial smooth zone which is generally rather broad on the internal mold, yet mostly narrow on the test. ‘The body chamber varies little about a length of three-fourths whorls. The final diameter lies usually between 40 and 55 mm., rarely as little as 30-35 mm. and as large as 60 mm. At the aperture the last costae are laterally strongly projected and on the internal mold markedly flattened. This feature and a minor constriction on the flanks adjoining the peristome on the internal mold is probably owing to an internal thickening of the test. The peristome has straight and long (ca. 10 mm.) yet narrow and simple lateral lap- pets with parallel borders. There is also a broad, much shorter “ventral” lappet. Except for the lateral lappets the peristome is rather reminiscent of Erycitoides s.s. The septum and suture resemble those developed in young ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 397 Erycitoides s.s. The little frilled suture displays a deep external lobe E, a large and broad (‘‘Ist’’) lateral lobe L and a greatly reduced oblique second umbilical (‘‘lateral’”’) lobe Uy. The L/Us saddle is slightly higher than the E/L saddle and forms a complex with the U./U; (third lateral) saddle. The third umbilical lobe Us; is strongly retracted. Holotype.—tt is larger than average and the preserved ultimate halfwhorl phragmocone commences at 28 mm., the usual mature diameter. The phragmocone is strongly deformed by lateral com- pression, yet rather densely spaced moderately strong and slightly flexuous primaries can be distinguished. The three-fourths whorl body chamber is of compressed suboval section and bears 14-15 rather weak primaries and approximately 30 secondaries per half- whorl. The costation is flexuous, markedly fasciculate and_re- duced on the umbilical slope obscuring the identity of the pri- maries. The fine blunt keel and the smooth adjoining band con- tinue up to the aperture which is indicated by fragments of the peristome. Measurements.— Dmm. H% W% U% P S holotype (aperture) 55 32 25 42 14-15 ca.30 (phragm.) S37/ 1. hypotype (aperture) 46 33 27 45 15-16 31 (phragm. ) 30 35 28 41 14 ca.28 4 Zi 36 32 38 12 — a 11 50 ca.53 37 7- 8 — 2. hypotype (aperture) ca.43 ca.30 == ca.45 13 29 (phragm. ) 39 31 28 39 11 -— 20 _ _— _ 12-13 -—— 15 _ — — 9 _- 10 —_— —_— _— 9 —_— Erycitoides (Kialagvikes) spinatus Westermann, sp. nov. Pl. 64, figs. 1-6; Text-figs. 19c, 20a Holotype.—P1. 64, figs. la, b; almost complete internal mold with test remains on nucleus. Repository: U.W., 16624. Locus typicus——Shell locality A 8, Moose Creek-Mt.-Kathleen section, Wide Bay, Alaska Peninsula. Stratum typicum.—Near base of Upper E. howelli Zone, Kialagvik formation. 398 BULLETIN 216 Age.—Late Early Bajocian (late Aalenian), Middle and Upper E. howelli Zone. Diagnosis.—A strongly spinose though generally finely costate species of E. (Kialagvikes). Material—The holotype + 1 almost complete internal mold with test in umbilicus, from A8; two incomplete internal molds+-1 body chamber fragment from F 12 (=48A,-86, 19747, 21245); one small incomplete and compressed internal mold from 48A,-109 (211254). Description —The juvenile whorls, up to about 10 mm. dia- meter, resemble the finely spinose variants of E. (K.) kialagvikensis. In E. spinatus, however, this ornament is retained up to the body chamber and strongly elevated primaries or bullae, often with tubercles are present up to the aperture. On the nucleus the costae are only of moderate strength, the primaries rather widely spaced and the secondaries, born by tri-furcation and intercalation, are usually densely spaced. On the larger specimens the costation be- comes much stronger at 20-25 mm. diameter and mainly the sec- ondaries become wider spaced. The body chamber becomes increasingly compressed and the costae rursiradiate in differing degrees. The aperture has simple large lateral lappets as in E. kialagvikensis. The septal suture is identical to that of E. kialagvikensis. Remarks.—The holotype and the single specimen from U.S.G.S. locality F 12 (PI. 64, fig. 5) are doubtless identical. Both specimens appear to be mature at a final diameter of about 30 mm., the whorls are strongly compressed and somewhat fastigate on the holotype, and the secondaries remain fine and densely spaced up to the end of the halfwhorl preserved body chamber. ‘The other four specimens differ in the coarser secondaries and in the less de- fined, more elongated or thicker spines. They are possibly not conspecific and perhaps are extreme variants of E. kialagvikensis. Comparison.—E. spinatus is distinguished from E. kialagvi- kensis in the retention of the lateral spines. Erycitoides (s.s.2) pauci- spinosus is more depressed and has probably a simple aperture; this species may be the corresponding ‘macroconch’ dimorph. ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 399 Measurements.— Demme W% U% P S Holotype (body chamber) 28 30 25 43 8 32 (phragm. ) 20 3255 30 41 7 ca.22 10 35 40 37 9 -— (A 8) (body chamber) 41 ca.32 ca.26 48 13 29 (phragm. ) 31 33 30 45 ii yea-Z5 25 36 ca.34 41 11 —_ 15 —_ — a 9 — 10 _— _— — 10-11 _— 7 _ _ _— 10 — Erycitoides (Kialagvikes) levis Westermann, sp. nov. Pl. 64, figs. 7-12; Text-figs. 19b, 20b, c. Holotype.—PI. 64, figs. 7a-e; almost complete internal mold. Repository: U.W., 16626. Locus typicus.—Shell locality A 456, lower Short Creek Valley, Wide Bay, Alaska Peninsula. Stratum typicum.—About base of upper third of the Upper E. howelli Zone, Kialagvik formation. Age.—Late Early Bajocian (late Aalenian), (Middle and Upper) FE. howelli Zone. Material_—One from A 9, two from A 454, four (+2?) from A 85 (Middle £. howelli Zone); ? two (+1) from A 456, ? one from L 543 (near top of Upper £. howelli Zone), Wide Bay; one from B 128 Puale Bay. Description.—The adult size of this species is only 25-35 mm. and accordingly, the phragmocone does not exceed 25 mm. The evolute whorls become compressed-ovate generally at or before a diameter of 10 mm. The adult whorl section is, therefore, mostly strongly compressed, the sides somewhat flattened and the extern- side acutely rounded. The keel of the preserved internal mold is weak, sometimes obscure, and may resemble a slightly acute “ven- ter.” The early ephibic stage (approximately 4-10 mm.) is laterally smooth or may bear an irregular broad undulation, obscure blunt primaries or even blunt nodelike elevations. Subsequently weak 400 BULLETIN 216 more or less flexuous costae develop. There are about twice as many secondaries as primaries which arise irregularly by fascicula- tion. The weak secondaries are more or less strongly projected and die out somewhat gradually, leaving a broad smooth medial zone. As usual the costae decrease laterally in height in approaching the aperture. The primaries may fade, commencing from the umbilicus, and the inner third of the flank may thus become smooth on the last halfwhor] of the body chamber. Remarks.—The aperture and its peristome apparently re- semble E. kialagvikensis, so do the septum and suture, though the “sutural lobe’ U, may be comparitively little retracted on small specimens. This species is somewhat reminiscent of certain dwarf Grapho- ceratinae and Phymatoceratinae rather than the younger Hamma- toceratinae. Yet, it is doubtless a near relative of E. (Kialaguvikes) kialagvikensis, which it resembles in the outer whorls and the suture. Genus ERYCITES Gemmellaro, 1886 Type species, &. fallifax Arkel, 1957 [Am. fallax Benecke, 1865, non Guerange, 1865]. See Text-fig. 22, page 394. Erycites imlayi Westermann, sp. nov. Pl. 65, figs. 1, 2; Pl. 75, figs. 2a-c; Text-figs. 23, 24 Holotype.—Pl. 65, figs. la-e; phragmocone with test, slightly compressed, lett umbilicus not preserved, complete body chamber as internal mold with test remains (Coll. Imlay and Miller, 1948). Repository: U.S.N.M. 132 039. Locus typicus.—U.S.G.S. Mesozoic locality +8A,-95 (21246), sea cliff southwest of mouth of Pass Creek, Wide Bay, Alaska Pen- insula. Stratum typicum.—E. howelli conule near base of E. howelli Zone, Kialagvik formation. Age.—Late Karly Bajocian (late Aalenian), Lower E. howelli Zone, E. howelli zonule. Derivatio nominis.—In honour of R. W. Imlay, U.S. Geological Survey (see Preface). ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 401 a) b) Text-fig. 24a, b. Erycites imlayi, sp. nov., loc. 48 A:-95 (21246) in the E. howelli zonule of Wide Bay. a) Septum at 50 mm. diameter, saddle axes indicated by solid lines, lobe axes by dashed lines; 1st saddle axes, corresponding to the 1st lateral saddles (E/L), fuse centrally; X 1. b) Complete septal suture at 35 mm. diameter, composed from holotype (solid line, reversed) and paratype (pointed line) ; X 1.5. Material.—The holotype and a second, almost complete speci- men with both umbilici preserved, phragmocone with test, half whorl of body chamber as internal mold. From 48A,-95 (21246), basal E. howelli Zone, E. howelli zonule, Wide Bay, Alaska Penin- sula. (See also Appendix), Diagnosis—A medium-sized species of Evycites with moder- ately evolute and depressed-oval (ellipsoidal) whorls of the phrag- mocone. Costation moderately coarse, no tubercles; keel minute and only superficial, partly obsolescent. Description.—The neanic whorls are evolute, apparently sub- circular and smooth. The last two whorls of the phragmocone, com- mencing at approximately 15 mm. diameter, are moderately and slightly increasingly evolute (U=28-37%) and of rather broad- oval section (W/H=1.4-1.7) with narrowly rounded to almost evenly rounded whorl sides. The umbilical slope is markedly to strongly convex and meets the umbilical seam at about 40-70° to the symmetry plane of the conch. The largest width of the whorls lies at or only slightly below the middle of the sides. ‘The two speci- mens differ markedly in whorl section and umbilical width but are here considered variants of a single species. ‘The phragmocones terminate at 52 and 53 mm. respectively. (See also Appendix). The body chamber egresses, its section becomes finally almost subcircular with slightly flattened and somewhat converging sides 402 BULLETIN 216 and high-rounded externside. The three-fourths whorl body cham- ber of the holotype bears a simple aperture with greatly thickened (3 mm.) test, marked on the internal mold as a strongly oblique, broad constriction, and a slightly trumpet-shaped peristome. The final diameter is between 90 and 95 mm. The costation of the phragmocone, commencing at approxi- mately 10 mm. diameter, consists of 11-13 markedly prorsiradiate straight primaries which reach gradually moderate strength on the middle of the sides, i.e., over the largest whorl width or slightly above. They bifurcate and, rarely, tri-furcate into straight recti- or somewhat prorsiradiate blunt secondaries which only rarely arise by intercalation. There are between 30 and 38 secondaries per halfwhorl. They are medially interrupted causing a rather broad smooth band, 114-2 plicae distances in width. On the test, but not on the internal mold, of the ephibic stage (preserved above 30 mm. diameter only) a minute ribbon-like keel or an extremely blunt medial elevation is present for short intervals only. Else- where the externside is smoothly rounded superficially as is usual on the internal mold. On the body chamber the costation becomes blunter though clearly discernible up to the aperture in similar frequencies of pri- maries and secondaries as on the late phragmocone. The widely spaced secondaries become stronger prorsiradiate and somewhat projected; they end gradually and alternately along the median line but may finally be continuous near the end of the body cham- ber, though largely reduced in elevation. The internal mold sug- gests that a keel was absent also on the test. The septum (Text-fig. 24a) belongs to the planulate main- type (Westermann, 1956, 1958) and possibly to the ‘normal ortho- chrone’ division as is suggested by the seemingly nonretracted ne- anic suture visible on the umbilicus of the large specimen, though the “‘sutural lobe” is strongly retracted at least commencing from 10 mm. diameter (Text-fig. 24b). This is strongly reminiscent of Erycitoides. The outer (lateral) saddle axis, corresponding to the L/U, (second lateral) and the dominant I/U, (internal lateral) saddles, is the major structure. A small inner (central) semi-axis builds a chevron beside the small (outer) rudimentary central lobe axis, Corresponding to the small E/L (first lateral) saddle and ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 403 external lobe E. The shallow inner part of the central lobe axis is subdivided by a pair of minute subparallel axes corresponding to the trifid shallow internal lobe I (Text-figs. 24a, b). The septal suture is characterised by the short external lobe E, hardly half the size of the large lateral lobe L. The E/L saddle is small and oblique though its adapertural ‘boundary’ is not much below that of the large L/U saddle. The second umbilical lobe U, (“second lateral’) is small and oblique, U; strongly ‘retracted’. The internal suture, hitherto unknown from Erycites, is character- ised by a greatly dominating (second ?) ‘internal lateral” saddle (2 U,/U;) and a strongly reduced inclined “Ist (?) internal later- al” lobe (U,?) (which at its outer flank appears to separate a small inclined Ist lateral saddle). The supposed first lateral lobe is analo- gous to a large ‘accessory lobe’ (incision, indentation), but probably equivalent to the ‘hanging’ Jobe usually called U, in Stephanocera- uids (Westermann, 1956, 1958). The internal lobe | is as short as f. ‘Vhe internal part of Us is also strongly ‘retracted’. Septum and suture agree in every significant detail with those studied by the author on topotypes of Erycites fallifax, kindly loaned by the Geologische Bundesanstalt, Wien, and with external sutures figured from other species of the restricted genus by Prinz (1904), Meneghini (1915), Merla (1934), and others. Comparison.—This species is more evolute (at least the nucle- us), has more depressed whorls (Text-fig. 22) and is coarser costate than E. fallifax Arkell [=E. fallax Benecke, 1865, non Gueranger, 1865; see figures of topotypes in Vacek, 1886, pl. 15], E. sphaero- conicus Buckman, possibly only a globose variant of the former, and £. amelus (Gregorio). E. imlayi is more involute and depressed than FE. gonionotus (Benecke), FE. crassiventris, E. rotundiformis. F. brevispina, E. elaphus, Merla spp., E. schafarziki [E. intermedius and E. retrorsicostatus, Prinz spp., are incompletely known and _pos- sibly conspecific with the latter]. “E.” baconicus and “E.” eximius Prinz spp., belong to the Hammatoceras-Eudmetoceras group. Remarks.—A restudy of a number of E. fallifax from the type locality, all from Vacek’s collection, including his originals, kindly received on loan from the Geologische Bundesanstalt Wien, shows that the keel is always minute and often only superficially present. The internal mold may only display a smooth median band or its 404 BULLETIN 216 central part may be slightly raised into a blunt hardly separated “keel” and this may change repeatedly throughout at least the two ultimate whorls of the phragmocone. Thus there is a continuous eradation in this respect from Erycites to Abbasites. Abbasites is, however, distinguished in the whorls section which is more com- pressed with a narrowly rounded or sharp lateral (not umbilical) edge. The holotype somewhat resembles Abbasites in the whorl shape while the other specimen has evenly rounded sides. However it possessed a minute keel and the same planulate septal and sutural pattern as latter specimen. Measurements.— D mm. W% HR U% 1B S W/H Pl. 64, fig. 1 (aperture) 93 33 29 39 14 ca.36 Ue LS) (phragm. ) 54 52 37 37 13 ca.38 1.4 39 60 38 31 13 38 1.6 29 70 41 30 12 —_ Mey Pl. 64, fig. 2 (body ch.) 67 38 35 37 11y% 30 ited (phragm. ) S252 Ab aesGne aay | lS == Sis 37 52 37 31 13 35 1.4 29 55 40 28 13 ca.30 1.4 Genus ABBASITES Buckman, 1921 Type species, Abbasites abbas Buckman, 1921 [=? A. cestiferus (Brasil) 1895] Abbasites is here distinguished generically from Erycites on the grounds of its significantly different septum (and suture) which is of the planulate type in Erycites but typically of the bullate type in Abbasites. In the inner suture this is mainly evident in the single dominant saddle in the former and the subequal pair of saddles in the latter, The external suture is distinguished in E which is very short in Erycites but long in Abbasites. These are differences not or not sufficiently observed before. Abbasites platystomus Westermann, sp. nov. Pl. 66, fig. 1, 2, Text-figs. 26a, b. Holotype.—PI1. 66, figs. la-c; a well-preserved, uncompressed ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 405 25 26a) 26b) Text-fig. 25. Cross-section of Abbasites abbas Buckman, plastotype, complete; EXGOR 7c Text—fig. 26. Abbasites platystomus, sp. nov., holotype, loc. A444 in the E. howelli zonule of Wide Bay (PI. 66, fig. 1). a) Cross-section with septum, saddle axes indicatel by solid lines, lobe axes by dashed lines; X 0.7 b) Septal suture at 38 mm. diameter, slightly simplified, costation indicated. X 2. internal mold, nucleus and body chamber missing. Repository: U.W., 16632. Locus typicus.—Shell locality A 444, at sea cliff approximately 0.5 km. southwest of mouth of Pass Creek, Wide Bay, Alaska Penin- sula. Stratum typicwn.—Lower Kialagvik formation, £. howelli zonule at base of L. howelli Zone. Age.—Late Early Bajocian (late Aalenian), E. howelli Zone. Material.—Besides the holotype, a poorly preserved nucleus, compressed except for ultimate 14 whorl, from U.S.G.S. Mesozoic locality F 21 (19755) at Short Creek, Upper E. howelli Zone. Diagnosis.—A cadicone species of Abbasites with greatly de- pressed, evolute whorls. Description.—The whorl! section of the phragmocone is more than twice as broad than high. The sharp lateral edge comprises a right angle and is situated at half whorl height. The broad extern- side is gently and evenly rounded, the inner sides grade into the vertical umbilical wall. The deep umbilicus measures in width more than 40% of the diameter. 406 BULLETIN 216 The ornament consists of 12-15 rectiradiate primaries per half whorl which arise progressively distantly from the umbilical seam, strengthen rapidly and carry tubercles, later bullae-like extended, on the lateral edge. The densely spaced secondaries arise by bifur- cation and, more rarely, tri-furcation. They become progressively prorsiradiate beyond a diameter of about 10 mm., and irregularly alternate, comprising an increasingly distinct angle at the narrow smooth median band. Commencing at 20-25 mm. diameter the sec- ondaries become externally increasingly convex and medially more and more almost continuous. At the end of the preserved phragmo- cone the secondaries are continuous though partly somewhat flat- tened approximately describing a caternary curve. The septum is of the bullate structural main type typified by two subequal pairs of saddle-axes (Text-fig. 26a). The suture (Text- fig. 26b) displays the unique features of E. abbas; the E/L saddle is unusually small, yet E is nearly as deep as L, Uy is strong and lies on the umbilical edge, the U./U, saddle is relatively large and U, narrow and not markedly retracted. The internal suture displays two subequal lateral saddles separated by a deep vertical OF Comparison.—The original size of the holotype was at least 60 mm. D and thus much larger than the English species A. abbas (Text-fig. 25) and A. aegrotus, Buckman spp. which also have no lateral tubercles or bullae. The American species is much more depressed and evolute than the English ones, the types of which are said to come from the upper L. murchisonae Zone, L. bradfor- densis Subzone. This species is almost homeomorphic to certain species of the circumpacific Pseudotoites fauna from the directly overlying beds of the early S. sowerbyi Zone. These forms, however, display the “normal” septal suture with large E and adjoining saddle, and continuous secondaries throughout. This resemblance almost cer- tainly reflects a physic relationship. Remarks —TVhe occurrence of Abbasites, described from the generally condensed Upper L. murchisonae and G. concavum Zones of southern England (Buckman, 1921, Bomford, 1948) and now identified in the condensed Cape St. Vigilio beds of the southern Alps (late L. jurense to early S. sowerbyi Zones), near the base and ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 407 near the top of the E. howelli Zone is suggestive for a late Lowe Bajocian age of the American sequence. The reference of ‘Coclo- ceras’ modestum Vacek (1886) and ‘C. modestum compressum Prinz (1904) to Abbasites by Geczy (1961) cannot be confirmed, though this relationship seems as probable as with Docidoceras, suggested by Arkell (1956); it is in accordance with the Erycites-type suture. The species occurs in the Cape St. Vigilio beds and also, mainly in the T. scisswm zone, of the Bakony Mountains, Hungary. A bbasites cf. A. aegrotus (Buckman) is identified from untigured specimens in Vacek’s collection from Cape St. Vigilio, kindly loaned by the Geologische Bundesanstalt Wein. “Erycites cestiferum” Brasil (1895) is probably identical with 4. abbas; it was described from the G. concavum Zone of Normandy. Measuremenits.— DD mms Wi% H% U% 1 S Holotype (phragm. ) ca.44 75 34 44 ca.15 ca.40 7% 28 79 33 42 12 —_— ca.20 ca.90 ca.43 oe caali2 ca.28 E. abbas (body ch.) 28 65 36 34 15 ca.35 eH 23 74+ 37 34.5 E. aegrotus (body ch.) 21 83 AES 26 ca.16 ca.35 Genus EUDMETOCERAS Buckman, 1920 Type species, E. eudmetum Buckman, 1920. Taxonomy.—The taxonomy of the Hammatoceratinae is in a poor state mainly with regard to those early Bajocian poorly de- fined species described or attributed to the ‘genera’ Eudmetoceras, Parammatoceras, Planammatoceras, Euaptetoceras, all of Buck- man, 1920-25. The author attempts some clarification of their taxonomic status mainly based on a comparative study on the holotypes of the type species which could be studied, together with all of Buckman’s rich collection in the Geological Survey of Great 408 BULLETIN 216 Britain in summer 1962. The same survey had also kindly furnished the principal plastotypes prior to this visit. Eudmetoceras.—E. eudmetum is a large, evolute, compressed form with flattened sides and a steep, sharply separated umbilical wall typically developed during maturity. The keel is high, hollow- floored and well separated. The costation of the nucleus is char- acterised by strong and sharp primaries, some of which grow especially high and carry at irregular intervals nodes or spines ad- joining to and often “impressed” into the succeeding umbilical wall. On the holotype the primaries of the nucleus are born at the umbilical seam and are almost entirely of similar strength carrying only few weak nodes. The umbilical slope begins at 50 mm. dia- meter and is always smooth. Topotypes, however, have much more dissimilar early primaries which may be born at some distance from the umbilical seam and rise steeply to uneven spines. The secon- daries are strong but blunt, usually almost straight, slightly pror- siradiate and distally somewhat projected. Many of the secondaries are most nearly in a straight line with the primaries and extra strong thus producing the illusion of “long primaries” often stated as typical for Eudmetoceras. Long intercalatories and fasciculation of extended secondaries are typical for the early mature stage, be- fore the costae flatten and become finally obscure on the whorl sides. The septal suture is typically hammatoceratid with strongly retracted umbilical elements. The early whorls significantly resemble early and intermediate stages of Sonninia, especially those of S. (Euhoploceras) of the lower S. sowerbyi Zone, with the exception of the suture which is non- retracted in Sonninia. Eudmetoceras eudmetum has only been known from the “Eudmetoceras hemera’” of the G. concavum/S. sowerbyi Zone boundary of Dorset, England. However, a single specimen in the Buckman collection labelled “Sonninia (Parammatoceras), from the L. murchisonae Zone of Sherborne, Dorset,’ appears to be identical with Eudmetoceras eudmetum. E. eudmetum may consequently have a range similar to that suggested for E. amaltheiforme. The nearest relative from Europe is probably E. insignoides (Quenstedt), 1886, redescribed and refigured by Dorn (1935, p. 21, pl. 1, fig. 3; text- fig. 1, fig. 5, 6); it is known only in a single specimen which, accord- ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 409 ing to Quenstedt, originated in the G. concavum Zone or 5S. sower- byi Zone of Scharzingen in the Swabian Alb. Some irregularity of the primaries is present in the adolescent stage according to recent restudy of the holotype by the author. The nearest resemblance, however, is found in the Argentine and Alaskan forms described below. Eudmetoceras (s.s.) ch. E. eudmetum has now been identilied in a single specimen from the S. sowerby: Zone of Wide Bay. E. (Euaptetoceras) Buckman, 1922.—The type species, E. cuaptetum Buckman, 1922, is regarded as synonymous with E. amaltheiforme Vacek, 1886, from the condensed beds of Cape St. Vigilio in the Alps. The type species of Paraminatoceras Buckman, 1925, P. rugation Buckman, 1925, is indistinguishable according to the writer's study of the holotypes. Thus Parammatoceras becomes a synonym of Luaptetoceras and not of Planammatoceras as sug- gested by Arkell (1957, p. L 267). “P. rugatum” was said to come from the L. murchisonae Zone of Dorset, one or, may be, two zones below the “Eudmetocera hemera’. This slight age difference was probably responsible for their generic discrimination by both Buck- man and Arkell. E. amaltheiforme reaches as large a size as Eb. cudmetion and is characterized by involute compressed whorls of rectangular trapezoidal section with a high vertical sharply separated umbilical wall and a high hollow-floored keel. The body chamber egresses appreciably, but the umbilical margin remains sharp. The costa- tion resembles that of £. eudmetum with its steeply rising primaries carrying some irregular nodes and spines “impressed” in the sub- sequent umbilical wall; again, some primaries may be born off the umbilical seam already before the early introduction of the always smooth vertical umbilical wall. The costation becomes reduced and the sides smooth at a somewhat earlier stage than in /. eudinetion. The body chamber is missing in the holotype and incompletely preserved in the other specimens. The septal suture is moderately “retracted” much more clearly than in “P. rugatum’’; this difference is not regarded as systematic since “retraction” is often reduced or obscured on involute forms. E. amaltheiforme is also known trom the G. concavum Zone of the Swiss Jura where it is associated with E. amplectens (Buckman) (Maubeuge, 1955, p. 33 pl. 6, figs. 3-5). 410 BULLETIN 216 “Hammatoceras” sieboldi (Oppel), 1882, the holo-plastotype of which, said to have come from the L. miurchisonae Zone of Aalen, Wiurttemberg, was kindly furnished by W. Barthel from the Univer- sity of Munich, appears to be a rather typical Ludmetoceras (Euaptetoceras). The nucleus, up to a diameter of 40-45 mm. is char- acterized by heavy lateral nodes on the internal mold probably cor- responding to nonpreserved spines on the test, which were “im- pressed” in the subsequent ventical though rounded umbilical wall. At this stage primaries are obsolescent; they develop later, rather strongly concurrently with the fast reduction of the nodes/spines. This phyletic relationship is strongly suggested by Vacek’s (1886, pl. 11, figs. 6-7, pl. 12, fig. 1) assemblage from Cape St. Vigilio. The specimen figured on his plate XII, figure I is a typical E. sieboldi but not the specimens figured on plate XI, figures 6-7 as suggested by Arkell (1957, p. 176). The latter ones, however, closely resemble and are certainly conspecific with £. amaltheiforme and especially “Parammatoceras rugatum”, a probable synonym. They differ only in the stronger reduced primaries and stronger nodes/spines on the early nucleus up to 20-25 mm. diameter. It was, however, shown above that such deviation also occurs within Ewdmetoceras s.s. Con- sequently, “H.” steboldi and a number of described related species, not mentioned here, belong to Eudmetoceras (Euaptetoceras). Eudmetoceras amplectens (Buckman) resembles E. amalthei- forme (Vacek) in whorl shape but differs in the thinner and often longer primaries which may become obsolescent. E. amplectens may, therefore, resemble also “Hammatoceras” klimakomphalum Vacek, originally described from the Cape St. Vigilio beds, which is now considered to be a Strigoceras (subgen. noy.?) on the strength of its “lanceolate” whorl shape and the occurrence of strongly flexed growth lines and spiral striae on Wide Bay specimens from the S. sowerbyi Zone (described in part II of this monograph). When preserved without the hollow-floored keel, E. amplectens may also resemble Bradfordia or Oppelia. Other Eudmetoceras species are distinguished from £. amplectens in the well-defined umbilical mar- gin which is usually well-rounded here; however, test and internal mold differ in this respect because the test may be thickened along the margin. The variation in costation of E. amplectens, particularly with ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 411 regard to the primaries, was observed within, supposedly, a single sample from Bradford Abbas, Dorset, in the Buckman collection (Geol. Sur. London). The complete gradation from forms without primaries, t.e. typical E£. amplectens, to those with blunt long pri- maries on the inner whorls, labelled “Eudmetoceras aff. amalthei- forme” by Buckman, was already recognized by that author and the specimens consequently included in a single genus; certainly a splitting” pur- ‘é significant fact in the light of the extreme generic sued by him. A co-variation of costation and whorl section can be observed; the primaries strengthen and lengthen towards the um- bilicus with the sharpening of the umbilical margin which finally also becomes costate. Eudmetoceras (Euaptetoceras) amplectens is known from the G. concavum Zone and/or H. discites Subzone of Dorset, England, and from the G. concavum Zone of southeastern France, northwest- ern and southwestern Germany, and northern Switzerland. ‘The same species is described here from the lower and upper FE. howelli Zone of Wide Bay. Planammatoceras Buckman, 1922.—The type species is P. plani- forme Buckman, 1922, here regarded synonymous with P. planin- signe and P. tenuinsigne, trom the Cape St. Vigilio beds of the southern Alps. P. planinsigne probably also occurs in Japan and appears to be confined to the L. murchisonae Zone. The type species is characterized by median-sized moderately evolute com- pressed-oval whorls. Umbilical wall and margin are missing or insignificant and mainly present only on the internal mold. The thin keel is high and hollow-floored. The thin even primaries arise near the umbilical seam and reach only up to one-third to two- fifths of the sides, where they may either continue into one of the generally thinner and much more frequent secondaries, as on the holotype of “P. planiforme” or reduce rather suddenly and give rise to a number of equal secondaries, as in the holotype of P. tenuinsigne. Weak lateral tubercles or nodes may be present as on the holotype of P. planinsigne. There is a lateral reduction of the costae only at the end of the body chamber. The subsequent umbili- cal seam lies well outside the point of costae division. The aper- ture is simple. Other species of Planammatoceras appear to be P. procerin- 4]? BULLETIN 216 signe (Vacek) and P. “lorteti’”” (Vacek), non Dumortier [=P. vaceki Roman, 1923, non Prinz, 1904, non Brasil, 1895], which seem to be more evolute and strongly costate members of the same variate species group (superspecies) including the type species, all from Cape St. Vigilio. The much smaller and on the sides almost smooth P. tenerum (Vacek) from the same beds appears to be from just another irradiating trend of this group. It certainly would be an artificial separation of an approximate phyletic unity to assign these species to different genera as was done by Arkell (1956, p. 177). The study of Vacek’s specimens, probably all derived from a single lenticular though condensed rock body, strongly suggests this. Because of a number of described species not mentioned here which seem to occupy an intermediate morphological position be- tween typical Planammatoceras and Eudmetoceras, the author is awaiting further intensive study of the whole subfamily before tak- ing a definite stand as to whether the former is to be regarded as a separate genus or merely as a subgenus of Endmetoceras. On first sight the evolute Eudmetocevas s.s. and the involute E. (Euaptetoceras) may appear to be corresponding groups of di- morphs. However, the similar often large sizes and also the similar apertural shapes of the subgenera make this improbable. Also, both subgenera are not clearly morphologically separated and some species or species groups may possibly include such a variety of forms that it appears at least regionally, as for example perhaps in S. America, impossible or inconvenient to apply this subgeneric division. Subgenus EUDMETOCERAS (EUDMETOCERAS) Buckman, 1920 Eudmetoceras (Eudmetoceras) eudmetum jaworskii Westermann, subsp. nov. 21878. Harpoceras aff. variable d’Orb., Gottsche (Espinazito), Palaento- graphica, Suppl. III, Lief. 2, Abt. 3, p. 12, pl. 1, figs. 9a, b. 1962a. Hammatoceras lotharingicum Benecke, Jaworski (Prov. Mendoza), Actas Acad. Nac. Cienc., vol. IX, text-fig. 7, pl. II, figs. 6a, b; pl. IV, fig. 12: Holotype—“Hammatoceras lotharingicum Benecke”’, in Jaw- orski (Op. ctt.), fig. ple Ul miess Galo: Paratype.—Ibid., pl. 1V, fig. 12. ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 415 Locus typicus. orski (op. cit.), Province Mendoza, Argentina. Cerro Tricolor, locality 18, section 12 of Jaw- Stratum typicum.—Horizon 2, “Murchisonae-Concava zone” of Jaworski (op. cit.). Age.—In the proximity of the G. concavum—S. sowerbyi Zones boundary (equivalent), probably G. concavum Zone, Bayjocian. Diagnosis.—A highly compressed, strongly costate, and spinose subspecies of £. eudmetum of probable moderate size. Remarks.—The holotype was accompanied by Ewdimetoceras Beebe Cente (Jaworski), “ontannesia” austroamericana Jaworski, and Leptosphinctes (Praeleptosphinctes) jaworskiit Westermann, a fauna rather unsuitable for age correlation. The paratype came from the lower part of Jaworski’s horizon 9, section VI, locality 7 at Arroyo Blanco in the same Province, and was associated with E. gerthi and Strigoceras (s.s.) ch S$. klimakomphalum — (Vacek) [“Oppelia moerickev” Jaworski]. From the upper part of the same horizon were described “Sonninia” fastigata ‘Tornquist, “S.” zitteli Gottsche, and “S.” mammilifera Jaworski, an assemblage of the S. sowerbyi or O. sauzei Zone. Thus a pre-S. sowerbyi or S. sowerbyi Zone age is suggested for the Ewdmetoceras bearing beds. Eudmetoceras (Eudmetoceras) cf. E. eudmetum jaworskii Westermann, subsp. nov. PING tieSa lass Material and age.—A single tragmentary phragmocone internal mold with test remains (U.S.N.M., 132042) from U.S.G.S. locality F 85 (19788), from a bed just above the sea cliff between Anderson and Caribou Creeks, Wide Bay, Alaska Peninsula. This horizon thus correlates with A 22, approximately 2 km. southwest, and belongs in the Eudmetoceras zonule of the Upper E. howelli Zone. Description.—The small preserved part of the penultimate whorl, corresponding to a diameter of around 20 mm., shows widely spaced strong lateral spines “impressed” into the umbilical wall of the ultimate whorl, at a frequency of only approximately live per halfworl. The internal mold displays only round heavy tubercles, but the test shows that the high spines were filled with secondary test substance about a millimeter thick. At this stage the whorl section is depressed-oval, possibly somewhat subtriangular, with a 414 BULLETIN 216 well-separated hollow-floored keel. Primaries were probably blunt or obsolescent at this stage. The fragment of the ultimate whorl corresponds to a diameter of the phragmocone from about 30 to 45 mm. though the external part above approximately 40 mm. is missing. The whorl section is slightly compressed suboval to subtriangular with a thin well sep- arated hollow-floored keel. There are seven or eight straight slightly prorsiradiate primaries, corresponding to a frequency of eight or nine per halfwhorl and extending up to the middle of the sides. The primaries are strongest on the first quarterwhorl where they grow laterally into strong bullae on the internal mold which apparently correspond to spines. At an estimated total diameter of 40 mm. the primaries weaken abruptly and tend to extend onto the outer whorl without much change in strength; bullae or spines are absent. There are three or four somewhat rusiradiate moderately strong secondaries per primary on the first quarterwhorl of this fragment which arise by irregular bi- and tri-furcation and rarely by inter- calation. They are restricted to the outer side of the whorl and project slightly before fading, leaving a narrow smooth band _ be- side the keel. On the remainder of the fragment the secondaries extend weakly onto the inner whorl side and the costation becomes irregularly subfasciculate. The septal suture is typically “hammatoceratid” with strongly retracted umbilical elements, narrow oblique Us, deep E, and is intensively frilled. Comparison.—The penultimate whorl at about 20 mm. dia- meter resembles Eudmetoceras nucleospinosum, sp. nov., except for the even coarser ornamentation. The next whorl, however, is distinguished from that species by the persistence of the strong lateral tubercles or spines and the presence of well-defined strong primaries; fasciculation is also present but commences at about 40 mm. diameter (instead of 20-25 mm.). Up to this size the specimen resembles immature “Parammatoceras rugatum” (Buckman) of the “P.”” sieboldi (Oppel) group, which is known to abound in the L. murchisonae Zone in Europe. The total appearance of the speci- men, however, shows a perfect resemblance to Argentinian speci- mens described by Jaworski (1926) as “Hammatoceras lotharingi- cum.” It is more coarsely costate than its spinose near relative of ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 415 Eudmetoceras eudmetum and the associated E. gerthi (Jaworski) which also has markedly falcoid costae. Eudmetoceras (Eudmetoceras) nucleospinosum, Westermann, sp. nov. Pl. 66, figs. 3-5, Text-fig. 27a Holotype.—P1. 66, figs. 3a, b; well-preserved nucleus with one- fourth whorl fragment of mature phragmocone. Repository: U.W. 16633. (Paratype: Pl. 23, fig. 5; right external mold of one-fourth whorls of mature phragmocone. Repository: U.W. 16635.) Locus typicus.—Shell locality A 22, north of mouth of Alai Creek, west shore of Wide Bay, Alaska Peninsula. Stratum typicum—Upper E. howelli Zone, Eudmetoceras zonule, Kialagvik formation. Ave.—Late Lower Bajocian (late Aalenian), Upper £. howell Zone. Diagnosis. A compressed, involute species of Eudmetoceras s.s. with spinose nucleus and fasciculate costae on outer whorls; pri- maries reduced. Material_—Vwo inner whorls and one external cast of the ma- ture phragmocone from A 22. Description.—The whorls of the nucleus at about 20 mm. diameter are moderately evolute and of broadly rounded subtri- angular section. The hollow-floored keel is high and narrow. There are 5-6 strong lateral spines, somewhat clavate in the internal casts of one specimen, “impressed” in the umbilical wall of the subse- quent whorl. The moderately strong secondaries are straight and markedly prorsiradiate. They arise by tri-furcation and prob- ably also by intercalation. Primaries are obsolescent. This early ephibic stage resembles typical Sonninia ex gr. S. sowerbyi (Miller) from the S$. sowerbyi and O. sauzei Zones and also spinose Planam- matoceras? (“Parammatoceras’) ex gr. sieboldi (Oppel), such as P. megacanthum (Brasil), P. baconicum (Prinz), P. diadematoides (Meyer), P. buxtorfi (Renz), “P. rugatum” (Buckman), and P. liebi Maubeuge (1955a, pl. 6, fig. 1) [=P. vaceki Prinz, 1904, non Brasil, 1895] from the T. scissum (2), L. murchisonae and G. concavum Zones of Europe. During further growth, however, there is an abrupt change of shape and ornament; the whorls become high-subrectangular with 416 BULLETIN 216 I) in, b) Text-fig. 27a. Cross-section of Eudmetoceras nucleospinosum, sp. nov., para- type, septate, loc. A22 in the Upper FE. howell: Zone of Wide Bay; X 0.9. a Text-fig. 27b. Septal suture of Eudmetoceras gerthi (Jaworski), from Jawor- ski (1926, pl. 4, fig. 29), Cerro China (loc. 6), Argentina; X 1.7. subparallel sides and steep umbilical wall with a narrowly rounded umbilical margin. After about 40 mm. diameter the whorls become much more involute. The costation consists of densely spaced essen- tially rectiradiate slightly flexuous, distally moderately projected ribs, which later fade near the umbilical edge. At least at the be- ginning of this stage elongated primaries can be distinguished. Most costae however, are continuous, and more or less clearly irregularly fasciculate somewhere on the inner whorl sides. There are only few clear intercalatories. The largest preserved phragmocone measures 90 mm. in diameter. The keel is high and hollow-floored up to the end. The ephibic phragmocone resembles liudmetoceras such as E. insignoides (Quenstedt), EL. eudmetum Buckman, E. gerthi (Jaworski), and £. (Euaptetoceras) euaptetum (Buckman) from the early S. sowerbyi Zone and G. concavum Zone of Europe. The septal sulture shows a strongly retracted U, and a small oblique Us, typical of the Hammatoceratinae. Grammoceratidae, Phymatoceratinae, and Sonniniidae with which it is in part homeo- morphous, have straight sutures and a larger Uy. Comparison.—The irregularly spinous ornamentation of this species resembles typical Ludmetoceras and E. (EKuaptetoceras). E. nucleospinosum is distinguished from all described species of Eudmetoceras in the absence of well-defined primaries on the inner whorls up to 20-25 mm. in diameter, and the presence of few ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 417 strong spines only at this early stage. Consequently, before studying the largest of the three specimens, the author had assumed a closer relationship of this species to “Parammatocevas,” although in com- parable forms the lateral tubercles or spines regularly remain on, or migrate to the middle of the sides of the mature whorls, and sec- ondaries are defined to the outer flanks. In specimens studied, how: ever, the costae become irregularly subfasciculate as is common in mature Lidmetoceras. Another diagnostic feature is the well-sep- arated steep umbilical wall of the strongly compressed whorls. Subgenus EUDMETOCERAS (EUAPTETOCERAS) Buckman, 1922 (Syn. (?) Parammatoceras Buckman, 1925) ed Type species, Euaptetoceras euaptetum Buckman, 1922 [ amaltheiforme (Vacek) 1886]. Diagnosis.—An involute subgenus of Ludmetoceras. Primaries thin, long and of even strength, may be obsolescent, without nodes /spines, or with weak nodes-tubercles of even strength. Eudmetoceras (Evaptetoceras) amplectens (Buckman), 1886 Pl. 67, figs. 2a-c; Pl. 68, figs. la-c; Text-figs. 28-29 1889. Hammatoceras amplectens, sp. noy. Buckman (Dorset), Q.J.G.S., vol. 45, p. 662. 1920. Eudmetoceras amplectens (Buckman), Buckman (Dorset), Type Am., III, pl. 180 A (holotype), pl. 180 B, fig. 1 (holotype), 2. 21940. Hammatoceras sp. Althoff (Germany), Palaeontogr., vol. 85, B, p.38, last paragraph. 1955. Eudmetoceras amplectens (Buckman), Maubeuge (Swiss Jura), Mem. Suissse palaeont., vol. 71, p. 34, pl. 6, figs. 4, 5. 1957. Eudmetoceras amplectens (Buckman), Lieb (Swiss Jura), Ber. schweiz. palaeont. Ges., vol. 50, p. 580 (specimens seen). Material—One modestly preserved large specimen with frag- mentary, somewhat compressed inner whorls and incomplete body chamber, from A 447 in the E. howell: zonule; one well-preserved totally septate internal mold with test remains from A 22 in the Eudmetoceras zonule. Description.—Both specimens are almost certainly identical though their preservations differ. Late neanic and early ephibic whorls can be partially observed in the specimen from A 447. The whorl section is broadly ovate at 4-5 mm. diameter, at 8-10 mm. it is probably subcircular and possesses a thin sharp keel. These 418 BULLETIN 216 Text-fig. 28. Composite cross-section of Eudmetoceras (Euaptetoceras) amplectens (Buck.) ; well-preserved phragmocone from loc. A22 in the Eudmeto- ceras zonule (PI. 68, fig. 1), body chamber from loc. A447 in the E. howell zonule of Wide Bay (Pl. 67, fig. 2); X 0.6. early whorls are evolute and rather thin. At 13 mm. the whorl sec- tion is somewhat compressed suboval and no costation is yet dis- cernible, though some fine ornament may be present and obscured by the poor preservation. The other specimen, from A 22, shows well the whorl section of the phragmocone beyond 16 mm. di- ameter. The sides become flattened and converge only slightly ex- cept for the outer one-third which slopes to the rounded extern- side; the umbilical slope remains rather gentle and grades well rounded into the sides. As the height increases rapidly the whorls become more and more involute and compressed. The keel is high, well separated, and hollow-floored. Near the end of the phragmo- cone, at approximately 80 mm. diameter, the umbilical width is 10-12%. At slightly over 20 mm. diameter there are densely spaced fine rectiradiate and only slightly projected, apparently regular ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 419 costae on the outer half of the whorl. The inner half is smooth or broadly and bluntly undulated. The umbilical slope is always smooth. From 50-60 mm. diameter both specimens display slightly rursiradiate and markedly projected blunt secondaries which arise somewhat irregularly just before or on the centre of the sides where some irregular branching from highly obscure primaries may be present, only to be seen in oblique illumination. Subsequently the inner two-thirds of the sides become completely smooth and only short blunt moderately projected and regular costae, at a frequency of about 40 per halfwhorl, remain on the converging parts of the sides. The phragmocones of the two specimens are at least 100 and 110 mm. in diameter, respectively. The fragment of the single body chamber from locality A 447 reaches a diameter of at least 165 mm. The umbilical seam egresses moderately and mainly the outer part of the whorl is rather strongly inflated. The externside grows acute with the reduction of the keel (Text-fig. 28). The septal suture (Text-lig. 29) is intensively frilled with a linear saddle boundary. The umbilical elements gradually diminish in size and are somewhat oblique and slightly “‘retracted’’; L is large, U, is only half the size of L. This suture is identical to that of the holotype, as figured by Buckman (1920). Other occurrences and age.—The well-preserved phragmocone described here, perfectly resembles the holotype and topotypes from Bradford Abbas, Dorset, England, which were originally said to have come from the G. concavaum Zone (Buckman, 1889), later (idem. 1920) proposedly corrected to “Discites zone” (a subzone of the S. sowerbyi Zone). Though it is probably true that, as least, the host of the Sonninia (Euhoploceras) species, also originally described from the G. concavum Zone by Buckman (in “Inferior Oolite Ammo- nites’), originated in the only later separated “Discites zone” (see also Arkell, 1954, 1956), this is doubtful for the Ewdmetoceras as- semblage, especially for “E. amplectens” and “E. euaptetum.” Both biostratigraphic units are thin almost everywhere in Dorset, often condensed, and generally of the highly fossiliferous, extremely shal- low environmental type which suggests a good proportion of allo- chthon material (see also Bomford, 1948). Dorset is not regarded as the area where the accurate stratigraphic level of rare early Ba- 420 BULLETIN 216 Text-fig. 29. External septal suture of Eudmetoceras (Euaptetoceras) amplectens (Buckman), at 77 mm. diameter, from loc. A22 in the Eudmetoceras zonule of Wide Bay (PI. 68, fig. 1); X 1.5. jocian species, such as Eudmetoceras amplectens, can with certainty be determined. In the thick Lower Bajocian section near Lérrach, upper Rhine Valley, a typical Eudmetoceras amplectens was recently found by K. Hoffmann (priv. comm.) in the G. concavum Zone. The identity could be conlirmed by a plaster cast of this specimen in the Natur- historisches Museum Basel. In the Basal Jura a “Eudmetoceras Zone/Subzone” was distin- guished by Lieb (1954, 1957), between “Obere Concavazone” and “Disciteszone”, at Sespen, near Oberfrick. In the Ghei section E£. (Euapletoceras) amplectens is relatively frequent in Lieb’s (1951, 1954, 1957, p. 679) “Eudmetoceras-Discites-Zone”’, just above the beds with Graphoceras concavum and well below the S. sowerbyi Zone but occured supposedly together with Hyperlioceras discites. The author confirmed the specific identity at this occurrence in 1962 under the kind guidance of Dr. F. Lieb. Maubeuge (1955, p. 34, pl. 6, figs. 4, 5) described and figured two specimens near to this species but apparently transitional to the typical E. amaltheiforme from the G. concavum Zone of Le Coulou, Underviel, and Lang- matt, also in the nothern Swiss Jura. They were supposedly asso- ciated with E. amaltheiforme (pl. 6, figs. 2, b, 3a, b). According to Elmi (1962, Jura coll.) and Maubeuge (priv. comm.) Our species occurs in eastern and southeastern France also in the G. concavum Zone and, significantly, below H. discites which, in turn, is said to appear there well below Sonninia spp. Comparison.—E. amplectens is usually distinguished from E. ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 402) amaltheiforme in the absence of prominent primaries and of a sharp umbilical margin. However there appears to be some inter- gradation between both forms (Bradford Abbas sample) in both features. However, these “‘species’”” have not yet been found asso- ciated in thick, noncondensed sequences. Some weak primaries cer- tainly may exist, mainly superficially, on E. amplectens although they rarely extend onto the umbilical margin. In Strigoceras ct. klimakomphalum (Vacek) from the S$. sowerbyi Zone of Wide Bay and Argentina (“Oppelia moericker’) the primaries extend onto the well-developed umbilical margin. Because of the strongly com- pressed involute whorls, the high hollow-floored keel and the ob- solescent primaries L. amplectens is almost homeomorphous with early European Strigoceras and Praestrigites with more “lanceolate” whorl shape, which are generally included in the superfamily Hap- locerataceae. The spiral fluting or strigation typical for Strigo- ceratidae may be totally absent in species of the early Middle Ba- jocian. R. Imlay (priv. comm.) also observed under the binocular some fine striae on some of the U.S.G.S. specimens of S. (?) cf. kli- makomphalum from the S$. sowerbyi Zone of Wide Bay. However, similar striae traces are also present on one specimen of Ludmeto- ceras nucleospinosum. All strigoceratids are distinguished in the typically discoidal involute inner whorls with subtriangular section while the species studies has rather evolute and rounded inner whorls. Family HILDOCERATIDAE Hyatt, 1867 Subfamily HARPOCERATINAE Neumayr, 1875 Genus PSEUDOLIOCERAS Buckman, 1889 Type species, Ammonites compactilis Simpson in Buckman. 1889. Pseudolioceras mclintocki (Haughton), 1858 1858. Ammonites m’clintocki (Haughton), Haughton (Canadian Arctic), Roy. Dublin Soc., Jour., p. 244, pl. 9, figs. 2-4. Pseudolioceras mclintocki whiteavesi (White), 1889 Pl. 68, fig. 2; Pl. 69, figs. 1-6; Pl. 70, figs. 1-4; Pl. 71, figs. 1-2: Text-figs. 30-31. 1889. Ammonites (Amaltheus) Whiteavesi, sp. nov., White (Alaska Penin- sula), U.S. Geol. Sur., Bull. 51, v.69 (499), pl. 13, figs. 1-5. 499 BULLETIN 216 1945. Harpoceras whiteavesi (White), Kellum, Daviess, and Swinney (Wide Bay anticl.), U.S. Geol. Sur., Prelim. Rept. ? 1955. Pseudolioceras whiteavesi (White), Imlay (N. Alaska), U.S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 274-D, p. 89, pl. 12, figs. 15, 16 [—=? P. mclintocki s.s.] Lectotype —Herewith designated, ‘A. whiteavesi’ White, PI. 55, figs. 1-3. (Plastotype here, Pl. 68, figs. la-c.) Repository: U.S.N.M., 132023: Material—Nine mature and two immature from A 443, L 285 (howelli zonule); one from A 454, one mature and one immature from A 449, A 8, nine mature + two immature from A 22, one mature from A 543, one immature (?) from A 11 (Middle and Upper FE. howelli Zone). Remarks.—Frebold (1957, p. 7, 1960, p. 20) recently rede- scribed P. mclintocki based on probable topotypes from near Point Wilkie on Prince Patrick Island, Canadian Arctic, collected by T. Tozer of the Geological Survey of Canada. The species occurs there abundantly and is sometimes accompanied by Leioceras opalinum (Rein.) and Oxytoma jacksoni (Pompeckj). The same fauna occurs also on nearby Melville Island while L. opalinum is missing from similar fanules of Mackenzie King Island (op. cit.). Frebold (1960, p. 28) also suggested that the range-zones of L. opalinum and P. mclintocki are not identical but rather overlap, though the mutual age relationship is yet unknown. The association of P. mclintocki s.s. with Erycitoides or Tmetoceras, however, has not yet been established. Frebold (1960, p. 4; 1961, pp. 7-8) recorded Erycitoides ex gr. FE. howelli with Pseudolioceras of indeterminable specific identity from the Richardson Mountains, N.E. Yukon. In northern Alaska rather poorly preserved specimens of Pseudolioceras were re- ferred to “P. whiteavesi” (Imlay, 1955), the only sufficiently known Bajocian species of this genus in America at that time. A study of Imlay’s material showed, however, that an umbilical ridge is prob- ably absent and that the costae are less f[lexuous on immature speci- mens than on P. meclintocki whiteavesi. The association with Oxytoma jacksoni (Pompeckj) may suggest an early Lower Bajocian age (L. opalinum Zone) for this fauna which would then correlate with the occurrence in the Canadian Arctic (Frebold, 1957). Eryci- toides cl. E. howelli was reported from a nearby outcrop with Pseudolioceras ct. mclintocki of indeterminable subspecific affinity ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 423 20 50 100 150mm Text-fig. 30. Scatter of umbilical width X diameter for Pseudolioceras melin- tocki whiteavest (White), with freely drawn “growth line’. Some specimens measured at intervals (L=lectotype, P=paratype). The relative umbilical width decreases during growth from about 25 to 13 percent of the diameter. All from the E. howelli Zone of Wide Bay. L E a) ! | Text-figs. 31a, b. Juvenile and adult septal sutures of Pseudoloceras mclintocki whiteavesi (White), from loc. A22 in the Eudmetoceras zonule of Wide Bay. At diameter of a) 5 mm. (X 40) and b) about 60 mm. (X 2). in only roughly the equivalent stratigraphic level, and Tmetoceras is only known isolated from a well (Imlay, 1955). Based on well-preserved topotypes of White’s “dim. (Amal- theus) whiteavest” trom Wide Bay (“Kialagvik Bay’) and of Haugh- ton’s “Am. m’clintocki” from Prince Patrick Island as recently de- scribed and figured by Frebold (1957), both forms are here consid- ered to be conspecific but subspecifically distinct. The diagnostic feature is the umbilical margin which is raised into a narrow ridge in the first form while it is not raised above the level of the sides in the second. This ridge was first regarded to be due to compaction 494 BULLETIN 216 of the sediment; however, further study has shown that most speci- mens are not deformed and that the features occur regularly in all adults of Pseudolioceras throughout the known Lower Bajocian sec- tions of the Alaska Peninsula. Since all other characters are seem- ingly identical, the two forms respectively from south Alaska and from the Canadian Arctic Islands (and north Alaska ?) are regarded as chronological and (or ?) geographical subspecies. P. mclintocki whiteavesi is slightly younger than P. mclintocki s.s. as is evident by the co-occurrence of Leioceras opalinum (Rein.) with the restricted species and Tmetoceras, Abbasites, and Eudme- toceras with P. m. whiteavesi. Description.—The neanic stage of the shell has broadly sub- oval, moderately evolute whorls which become increasingly com- pressed. At about 2.5 mm. diameter the whorl section passes through subcircular into a high-suboval shape which becomes markedly triangular at 6-7 mm. The flanks are well rounded up to the umbilical seam until a steep umbilical wall with a sharp edge develops at about 15 mm. This edge, between 25 and 40 mm. (45 mm.) diameter, develops into a narrow ridge, essentially by the development of a depressed zone on the inner third of the whorl sides, analogous to the development of Graphoceras concavum (Sow.). The keel is originally solid and low and becomes high and hollow-floored at about 10 mm. D. The umbilicus is unusually large for Pseudolioceras though the shell becomes increasingly more in- volute. Up to a diameter of about 30 mm. the umbilical width is 20-259); on medium-sized specimens this measure decreases to 14- 21°%, and on fully grown shells to approximately 13-15%. However. complete specimens are rare and no aperture was observed. The adult phragmocone varies in diameter between 65 and 115 mm.: the complete body chamber of over halfwhorl can be estimated at 100 to 150 mm. in diameter or more. The typically falcate costation develops at a diameter of 12- 15 mm. The costae are generally strong and rather widely spaced, though this varies considerably. The straight strongly prorsiradiate inner part of the costae is always clearly developed up to the um- bilical ridge which is serrate on the test. The narrowly rounded backward-turn on the middle of the sides leads into the strongly concave thick outer part of the costae. They are always strongly ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 425 projected and reach the near proximity of the high keel in a highly acute angle. A narrow smooth keel band is almost restricted to the internal mold. Intercalatories are rare and, if present, weak and restricted to the middle of the sides. The proportions of the body chamber, as yet insutfficiently known, are essentially as in the mature phragmocone with the seeming exception of some swelling mainly in the outer part of the whorls. There is, however, a marked change in costation, which becomes gradually falcoid and much less flexuous up to almost straight. The inner part of the costae fades and only fine growth striae remain, while the outer part becomes much more widely spaced and finally obsolescent forming low undulations. ‘The end of the body chamber, not preserved on our specimens, was probably completely smooth. The septal suture (Text-fig. 31) resembles that of P. melintocki sa (Er cebold, 1960, p.°20, pl. 8, fig. 3a, pl. 10) and the nearest re- lated species, such as P. beyrichi (Schloenbach, 1865, pl. 27, fig. 40). Frebold’s interpretation of the first deep lateral indentation as an extremely large accessory lobe of the E/L saddle (as opposed to a reduced L), is confirmed by ontogenetic studies. Comparison.—This subspecies differs from P. mcelintocki s.s. apparently only in the development of an umbilical ridge. P. me- lintocki is larger than any other described species of Pseudolioceras though P. beyricht (Schloenbach) 1865, from the Toarcian-Bajocian boundary of Germany, significantly the youngest species in Europe, comes close to it. P. beyrichi is distinguished from P. whiteavesi (subspp.) in the almost smooth inner flanks, in the whorl section with its maximal width much more externally, and the smallei umbilicus. Its near relation is evident in the strongly falcate costae which reach up to the keel. Another large relative is P. lythensc (Young and Bird), 1828, from the Lower Toarcian of England, which approximates P. mcelintocki in size and umbilical width, but differs in thicker whorls and the costation which is falcoid, less flexuous, and generally less projected and distally shorter. ‘The many other described Toarcian species from Europe are much smaller and generally much more involute; their costation is weaker on the inner flanks or not typically falcate, and there are usually smooth keel bands. 426 BULLETIN 216 Measurements.— Dmm U% W% Lectotype 90 15.5 24.5 68 15.5 26.5 Paratype 30 20 28 Subfamily TMETOCERATINAE Spath, 1936 Genus TMETOCERAS Buckman, 1892 Type species, dm. scissus Benecke, 1865. The genus comprises the subgenera T’metoceras (Lmetocevas) and T. (Tmetoites), subgen. nov., the macroconchs and the micro- conchs, respectively. Dimorphism.—The co-occurrence of small ammonites with lappets and large ones with simple aperture resembling one another in other respects is commonly, though not by all authors,’ regarded as a result of sexual dimorphism and has been observed within the great majority of Middle and Upper Jurassic families. Thus Arkell (1957, p. L 90), in the latest thorough revision and diagnosis of most Jurassic genera, stated that there are only few families of this age in which no lappets have been reported, such as the Macro- cephalitidae. Until the new findings described herein, several sub- families of the Hildoceratidae, including Tmetoceratinae, and at least typical Hammatoceratidae, had to be added to this group. From both latter families microconch species are described which at least in part appear to resemble co-occurring macroconch species on the specific level while others apparently do not. Signi- ficant results, however, can only be based on large hypodigms still wanting. Although there can be no doubt that microconchs usually represent adults and not immatures of macroccnchs (Westermann, 1956, p. 17; Arkell, 1957, p. L87) careful consideration has to be SThe writer (1954, p. 68; 1956, p. 17) stated his disbelief in the general acceptance of sexual dimorphism for most of these morphic pairs because the resemblance is rarely on the specific level. This can be formulated differently: if micro- and macroconch differ significantly also in other characters but size and body chamber, such as for example the style of costation or the whorl shape of inner whorls, then their specific relationship cannot be established on morphological grounds. However, the possibility of costation being strongly involved in dimorphism has just recently arisen in studies of goniatites (Wal- liser, summary, 1962). ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN aye) a) b) Text-figs. 32a, b. Aperture of Tmetoceras scissum (Benecke), large complete specimen from loc. 48 Ai-107 (21247) in the basal Kialagvik formation of Wide Bay, approximately 100 m. below base of E. howelli Zone. a) Right lateral and b) external view (PI. 72, fig. 1); X 1.2. Text-fig. 33. Aperture of Tmetoceras (T'metoites) tenue (?), sp. n0V., post- mortem compressed specimen from loc. B128 in the (Upper) E. howell: Zone olPuale Bay. (PIn.73, fig. 2); Sct. given in interpreting those specimens which show strongly rythmi- cal (‘segmental’) growth by the presence of constrictions and similar features. Unrestricted generalisations may be falacious. If the body chamber of the microconch does not differ significantly from the inner whorls of the macroconch, except of course for the aperture, and if the constrictions of these inner whorls show curved growth lines preceded by increasingly convex costae, like on the body chamber of the microconch, there remains some possibility that the lappets were indeed periodically resorbed or overgrown. Such a development would leave evidence similar to that shown on the microconch specimens of T. (Tmetoites) tenue (Plate 75, fig. 5) and the macroconch specimen T. kirki flexicostatum (Plate 72, fig. 10). Under the assumption that these microconchs are fully grown the mentioned specimen of 7. tenue, which has strongly convex lira on a former constriction, must have possessed lappets, though pos- sibly short, already once before at an earlier stage, and at least some macroconch specimens of 7. kirki must have had the tendency for lateral lobature, which is the beginning of lappet development. at adolescent growth stages. Based on the same considerations the specimen of T. tenue figured on Plate 73, figure 1, may have been immature because its apertural features preserved resemble those to be inferred to have existed on the specimen of figure 5, at a stage when the constriction, now in the middle of the body chamber, was at the aperture. On the other hand, the small specimen of figure 2 bearing large lappets and strongly convex last costae, appears 428 BULLETIN 216 fully grown. However, it has also to be taken into account that the small lappet shown in figure 1 may have been in the process of growth or that it has inconspicuously broken off postmortally along the growth lines, as probably occurred also on lappets of other genera (Westermann, 1956, p. 19). The only microconchs of Tmetoceras figured previously appear to be ‘“Helicoceras alpinum” Thalmann (1924) from the Aalenian (Lower Bajocian) of the Swiss Jura and “T. aff. Gemmellaroi Fu- cini” described by Burckhardt (1903) from Argentina. In the Upper E. howelli Zone of Wide Bay a number of “dwarf Tmetoceras microconchs bearing lappets occur together with Tmetoceras macroconchs of two to four times their size. As usual, there is some difficulty in assigning specific equivalence of contemporaneous micro- and macroconchs and the typical distantly costate T. tenwe clearly appears to have no macroconch equivalent. However, a similar (phylogenetic ?) trend is probably present in both subgenera, i.e. the progressive thinning and, partly, also the reduction of spacing of the costae. It is to be kept in mind that the faunas are incompletely represented and that the Upper E. howell Zone, although more than 100 m. thick, probably represents only a relatively short time interval. From the basal part of this inter- val (Shell locality A 8) came the coarsely costate specimens de- scribed as Tmetoceras (Tmetoites) tenue (?) and T. (Tmetoites) cf. T. alpinum (Pl. 72, figs. 7, 11) which were associated with T. (Tmetoceras) kirki s.s. From the uppermost beds came the typical T. (Tmetoites) tenue and the extremely densely costate T. (Tme- toites), sp. nov., the latter one of which strikingly resembles 7. (Tmetoceras) kirki flexicostatum found in the same bed (T. tenuwe- flexicostatum zonule). But T. tenue does not resemble any known macroconch though there is much variation in the characteristic costae features probably with some overlap to T. kirki s.s. which may persist up to the topmost beds of the E. howelli Zone. Subgenus TMETOCERAS (TMETOCERAS) Buckman, 1892 Tmetoceras (Tmetoceras) scissum (Benecke), 1865 Pl, 72, figs. la, b, 2a, b; 1865. Ammonites scissum Benecke (Stidalpen, Cape St. Vigilio), Geog. Pal. Beitr., 1, p. 170, pl. 6, figs. 4a, b. 1874. Ammonites Regleyi Thiolliere, M., Dumortier, Depots Jurass. Bassin du Rhone, vol. IV, p. 119, pl. 31, figs. 8, 9 [photo of holotype, as T. scissum in Roman and Boyer, 1923, pl. 6, fig. 6]. ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 429 1878. Cosmoceras Regleyi (Thioll), Gottsche (Argentine Cordillery), p. 16, ple Il, fies 3. fisp: juv. Pil. 1883. Cosmoceras Hollandae Buckman (Dorset), Proc. Dorset Field Club, vol. IV, pl. 1, fig. 2, non “YT. Hollandae var.” pl. 2, fig. 2; [refigured in Buckman, 1892, pl. 48, figs. 4-7]. 1886. Parkinsonia Regleyi (Thioll.), Gregorio (Monte Erice, Sicily), Mem. R. Acad. Sci. Torino (2), vol. 37, pl. 2, fig. 9 [sp. juv.]. 1886. Simoceras scissum (Benecke), Vacek (Cape St. Vigilio), Abh. K.K. Reichsanst., 12, p. 103, pl. 16, figs. 15-17. 1892. Tmetoceras scissum (Benecke), Buckman (Inf. Ool. Am.), Pal. Soc. vol. 45, p. 273, pl. 48, figs. 1-9. 1898. Tmetoceras circulare Buckman (Inf. Ool. Am. Suppl.), Pal. Soc. vol. 52. 1904. Parkinsonia (Tmetoceras) scissa (Benecke), Prinz (Bakony), Mitt. K.K. Ung. geol. Anst., 15 (pl. 16, fig. 2a, b), pl. 20, fig. 3a-c. 1923. Tmetoceras scissum (Benecke), Roman and Boyer (Lyonnais), Trav. lab. Geol. Lyon, IV, p. 38, pl. 6, figs. 6, 7, 8? [sp. juv.?]. 1933. Tmetoceras scissum (Benecke), Arkell, Jurassic System in Gr. Britain, pl. 33, fig. 4. 1954. Tmetoceras recticostatum Sato (Japan), Jap. J. Geol. Geogr., 24, p.118, pl. 13, pars. (?) 1955. Tmetoceras scissum (Benecke), Maubeuge (Swiss Jura), Mem. Suisse) Ral; ps 17; pl. 2, fig. La-c: Diagnosis—An almost advolute species of Tmetoceras S.s., subcircular to moderately compressed suboval whorl section and strong rectiradiate costae, externally always broadly interrupted, and prominent. Septal suture relatively complicated. Age (general)—Probably at least throughout early Early Ba- jocian (Aalenian), but “acme” clearly in upper L. opalinum range- zone in Europe, z.e. the L. comptwm Subzone or T. scissum Zone (Rieber, priv. comm.). Material—One large complete specimen, partly laterally de- formed; two large body chamber fragments as internal molds and umbilical impression, probably of single specimen; both from 48A,- 107 (21247), basal part of Kialagvik formation, 80-120 m. below base of E. howelli Zone. Deformed (?) fragments of probably single specimen from L 285, basal FE. howelli Zone; one (?) incomplete specimen and (?) body chamber fragment, both deformed internal molds with test remains, and one small lateral imprint from A 86, Middle E. howelli Zone. All Wide Bay, Alaska Peninsula. Taxonomy and constrictions.—The identity of Tmetoceras scissum and T. regleyi (Dumortier), 1874° supposedly distin- "The first description of the species is from Dumortier (1874, p. 119), who attributed the name to Thiolliere based on an unpublished manuscript. Dumortier (/oc. cit.) wrote: “unhappily our friend was surprised by death before he was able to publish the description.’ Consequently the first de- scribing author is Dumortier and not Thiolliere as often inferred. 430 BULLETIN 216 guished essentially only in the respective presence or absence of constrictions, was originally advocated by Buckman (1892, p. 273). generally criticized as a typical taxonomical “splitter”, though the same author later (1898) separated both species on other grounds. The English and French representatives of Tmetoceras are generally smaller than the Mediterranean forms with constrictions typically developed on the last 1 to 114 whorls. Buckman (1892, p. 273) be- lieved that this stage had not been reached in the “regleyi” forms. However, English specimens do frequently exceed 25-35 mm. in diameter at which stage constrictions are clearly present on typical T. scissum according to the figures given by Benecke (1865, pl. 6), Vacek (1886, pl. 16), and Prinz (1904, pl. 20). In checking through the Geological Survey of Great Britain and British Museum (Natur- al History) collections in London in summer 1962 the writer ob- served three large body chambers among a total of approximately 20 Tmetoceras specimens from Dorset which had indisputable con- strictions strongly developed on two of them. These specimens were probably known to Buckman but remained undescribed presum- ably because of their incomplete preservation. Another specimen from Dorset bearing two clearly marked constrictions at 30 and 40 mm. diameter, respectively, is in the Royal Ontario Museum, ‘Toronto, Ontario. A similar case of supposed absence of constrictions was reported from British Columbia by Frebold (1951) who discriminated Tmetoceras regleyi from T. scissum solely on absent constrictions. However, on the only figured body chamber (PI. 57, fig. 1) several strong constrictions are clearly present, also observed on a rubber mold of this specimen kindly furnished by Dr. Frebold. Also some relatively small specimens of “T. recticostatum” Sato (1954) from Japan, here at least largely included in T. scisswm, appear to be constricted, Tmetoceras scissum was reported, but neither described nor figured, to occur together with T. regleyi in the Swiss Jura Moun: tains by Lieb (1951, 1954) and “typical” T. scisswm was described from the same area by Maubeuge (1955, pl. 2. fig. 1) without men- tion of constrictions. According to the tigure some weak constric- tions appear to be developed on the ultimate whorl of the large specimen. Lieb (priv. comm, 1962) based his specific discrimina- ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 431 tion on dimension and costation characters following Buckman (1898). A restudy of the relevant specimens by the writer in summer 1962, however, revealed that the Swiss form shows a mode of mor- phological variation resembling the English sample mentioned above and that consequently also the known Swiss T’metoceras be- long to the single species 7. scissum. In the collections of the University of Lyon, among Dumor- lier’s original material from the type locality of 7. regleyi at Ville- bois (Ain) in the southern French Jura, is a specimen labelled “Tmetoceras regleyi Thiollier” which has typical constrictions and is in any respect a typical T. scissum. Constricted specimens of Tmetoceras were also reported trom Kspinazito Pass, Argentina (Tornquist, 1898, p. 13, 14), but only a small apparently incomplete unconstricted specimen probably belonging to 7. scissum was figured (Gottsche, 1878, p. 16, pl. 2, fig. 3); again, significantly found associated.!" The fauna from Wide Bay includes seven more or less complete shells of Tmetoceras s.s. from four horizons, one of them below and three in the upper part of the E. howelli Zone. The single large and complete T. scissum bears constrictions from at the most 35 mm. diameter up to the aperture (PI. 72, fig. 1); the two body chamber fragments of another specimen from the same lot show three strong constrictions, the first of which corresponds to approximately 35 mm. diameter (fig. 2); one specimen of T. kirki has constrictions only on the body chamber (fig. 4), another one only on the phrag- mocone from I4 mm. to 20 mm. diameter (fig. 10). The presence or absence of constrictions often appears to be a matter of arbitrary decision because they simply consist of a deepening and broadening or broadening of the intercoastal spaces which, in itself, are gen- erally of extraordinary depth. This agrees with the (adult) aper- tural constriction which is of simple circular shape on the fully pre- served specimen of T. scissum (PI. 72, fig. 1). The constrictions are rarely continuous over the externside except for the strong ones which are mostly the last one to three developed in approaching the _ 1While this paper was in press two fragments of large typical Tmetoceras scissum, strongly constricted, from the ‘““Aalenian” (? Los Molles formation) of Picun Leufu in Neuquén, Argentina, were received through the kind auspices of Dr, Camacho (Repositary: La Plata University, Dept. Geology, 0149) 432 BULLETIN 216 adult aperture (see also Vacek, Prinz, loc cit.). Consequently only especially strong constrictions are not obscured by the costation (strictly speaking, plication) on the internal mold, mainly if post- mortem deformation has taken place. It may, therefore, be assumed that the status of constriction development is not of a present- absent, i.e. qualitative nature, but of the quantitative type. They are always present, at least potentially, at some ontogenetic stage, though of highly differing degree of strength probably of an inter- grading quantitative series. There may well be some yet unknown environmental factor involved in the development of constrictions oe since they reflect “segmental”, discontinuous growth. There is a complete morphological intergradation between ad- volute subcircular and distantly costate whorls, i.e. Tmetoceras circulare Buckman 1898, and markedly involute, compressed, and densely costate whorls, i.e. T. regleyi (Dum.), with intermediate “typical” T. scissum (Ben.), in samples from single chronodemes studied by the writer in Europe in 1962, including the one col- lected at Burton Bradstock, Dorset. ‘This fact was already noted by Buckman (1892), and it follows that these names only designate morphotypes. Tmetoceras scissum and T. regleyi are, therefore, considered variants of a species which displays much and regionally somewhat differing (partly phenotypic ?) variation. Age.—The total vertical range of T. scissum as here defined is certainly not restricted to the T. scissum Zones of the European standard zonal sequence as presented by Arkell (1956, 1957). The T. scissum Zone is not equivalent to the C. simon zone or “Sinon- Tolutaria zone” but to the upper L. opalinum range-zone, the L. comptum Subzone (costosum zone auct.)'! The “scissum bed” at Burton Bradstock dated as “top of the opalinum zone” already by Buckman (1892, p. 273). The writer found in the same bed at this locality a typical assemblage of the L. comptum Subzone: large Leioceras opalinum (Rein.) and L. ex gr. L. comptum (Rein.)— costosum (Quenst.) beside T. scissum. Buckman (loc. cit.) also stated the occurrence of T. scissum, of the “regleyr’’ morphotypes, from the lower L. murchisonae Zone, though based on insufficient strati- 11See footnote 3. ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 435 graphical evidence. The same stratigraphical position holds for the excellent Swiss sections in the Jura Mountains described by Lieb (1954, 1957) where a similar assemblage is clearly overlain by beds with Costileioceras sinon (Bayle) if there is no condensation. This sequence also exists in the Swabian (Rieber, 1963) and in the French Jura (Enay and Elmi, 1960, 1962). The first occurrence of Tmetoceras cl. T. scisstan in Europe is probably already in the “meneghinic” zone (approximately equiva- lent to the upper L. jwrense Zone of N.W. Europe). upper Toarcian, of the central Apennine (Fossa-Mancini, 1915), southern Switzer- land (Renz, 1920), and Portugal (Perrot, 1955), in association with Dumortieria or Catulloceras (see also Donovan, 1958). The writer collected Timetoceras aff. T. scissum (possibly intermediate to Catulloceras) in beds identical with or only a few feet above beds carrying Dumortieria near Buggio, Umbria, and observed a com- plete morphological intergradation between Catulloceras and Tmetoceras within a supposed chronodeme collected by C. Renz in the Canton Tessin, Switzerland, now in the Basle Museum (kindly shown to the writer by C. Renz, in 1962). The latest European occurrences of Tmetoceras ct. T. scissum were reported from the L. murchisonae Zone of Caen, Calvados, France, by Brasil (1893) and from supposedly Middle Bajocian beds of the Central Apennine (Fossa-Mancini, 1915; see Donovan, 1958). M. Rioult kindly demonstrated the absence of Bajocian beds older than the L. murchisonae Zone in Brasil’s locality to the writer in 1962. However, the specimens have not been well enough de- scribed or figured and their specific identity is dubious. Bomford (1948) reported rare “Tmetoceras sp. juv. atf. scisswm” from the (upper) L. murchisonae Zone and, possibly, G. concavum Zone of Beaminster, Dorset, England. The writer was unable to find any new specimen while re-collecting this section in 1962 but did re- study Bomford’s youngest specimen from “bed 4.” It is a small form belonging to a new species possibly of the subgenus Tmetoceras (Tmetoites), characterised by compressed rectangular advolute whorls bearing densely spaced fine costae which are externally in- terrupted by a broad smooth band. In the Andes of Argentina, at the Espinazito Pass, Tmetoceras cf. T. scissum occurs just below beds of the S.sowerbyi Zone 434 BULLETIN 216 (Gottsche, 1878) (footnote 10) and is said to be associated with Graphoceras cl. G. concavum (Sow.) (Tornquist, 1898). Though the specific identity of the latter is uncertain from the description (Arkell, 1956, p. 585), H. Rieber, the authority on the Swabian Graphoceratidae (priv. comm., 1962), does not deny Tornquist’s identification and firmly believes that it represents the G. concavum Zone (or possibly the H. discites Subzone of the S. sowerbyi Zone). This is the only described occurrence of Tmetoceras ck. T. scissum as late as the G. concavum Zone, significantly directly underlying the S. sowerbyi Zone just as at Wide Bay. Graphoceratidae are ex- tremely rare in the Americas, and none has yet been reported from North America. From Oregon Lupher (1941) reported “Tmetoceras nn. sp.” and “cf. 7. scissum” from near the base of the Weberg formation. In the upper range of their occurrence they are said to be associated with Praestrigites cf. P. deltotus (Buckman), typical for the G. concavum Zone of England, and “Sphaeroceratids n. gen., similar to Emileia”’, possibly belonging to Erycites or Abbasites. This se- quence is overlain by beds containing Sonninia (Euhoploceras), Witchellia, and Docidoceras, all typical for the S. sowerybi Zone. The re-study of Lupher’s section by the writer in 1963 confirmed the stratigraphic sequence and the representation of the S. sowerbyi Zone by the upper Weberg formation but failed to yield any ammonoids from the lower part of the Weberg formation from which Lupher reported the Tmetoceras specimens. The only Canadian occurrence of Tinetoceras scissum is known from the Hazelton group in Whitesale Lake map area in British Columbia, where it is found stratigraphically isolated, and only tentatively supposed *‘ ‘Polymorphites’ ct. senescens Buckiman’, probably a pathological specimen of Tmetoceras, is associated (Fre- bold, 1951). Imlay (1952, 1955) reported Tmetoceras sp. juv. from the Arctic slope of Alaska, where it probably occurs in the same interval as Erycitoides cl. E. howelli (White) and Pseudolioceras melintocki (White), as on the Alaska Peninsula. At Wide Bay T. scissum occurs in the T. scisswm “zonule” 80- 120 m. below the E. howell: zonule i.e. the lowest known range of the E. howelli Zone, in beds of post-Toarcian age lacking other ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 455 ammonites, and probably also in the Lower and Middle E. howelli Zone. Here occur also rare Abbasites, Erycites, and Eudmetoceras (Euaptetoceras) amplectens (Buckman), all typical for the late Early Bajocian (late Aalenian) and the latter probably also for the lowermost S$. sowerbyi Zone of northwest Europe. Thus the three occurrences of Tmetoceras in the Americas 7.¢. Espinazito, central Oregon, and Wide Bay, which can tentatively be dated according to the European zonal succession, appear to be of late Early Bajocian (late Aalenian) age. In Japan Tmetoceras scissum [“T. recticostatum” Sato, 1954a] occurs in the Hosoureites and Hammatoceras zones (Sato, 1958), the former including forms here tentatively suggested to belong to Pseudolioceras (Sato, 1954, pl. 13, figs. 11?, 12, 13), the latter typical Planammatoceras and “Parammatoceras”’ auct. of the L. murchi- sonae Zone (Santo, 1954b). The range of T. scisswm is, therefore, probably from the L. opalinuwm Zone to the L. murchisonae Zone. Description.—The whorls of the two single large specimens are almost advolute and change in section from moderately compressed oval of the last phragmocone whorl, only preserved on the complete specimen, to subcircular at the body chambers of both specimens. The strong costae are straight and radial throughout development. ending abruptly in elongated projections beside the median groove. On the last two whorls of the phragmocone the number of costae increases from 17 to 21 per halfwhorl, remaining extremely stout with deeply rounded interspaces on test and internal mold. The body chamber is only one-third whorl long on the complete speci- men. Four or five constrictions are moderately developed on the last whorl of the phragmocone, the first one possibly at 26 mm. but certainly at 35 mm. diameter. They are arranged in irregular quadrants, and probably all restricted to the whorl sides, and marked by deepening of the interspaces only. The constrictions are strongly developed and continuous on both body chambers, respect- ively. On the complete specimen the costae become markedly curved, projected, and approximated at about 2 cm. before the peristome. The aperture has an especially strong and broad con- striction followed by a markedly raised subcontinuous collar. The peristome is again somewhat constricted and probably of simple shape, though its external part is incomplete. The total diameter is between 50 and 65 mm. 436 BULLETIN 216 La Text-figs. 34a, b. Incomplete septal’ sutures of Tmetoceras scissum (Benecke), single specimen from loc. 48 Ai-107 (21247) in the basal Kialagvik formation of Wide Bay. a) At 35 mm., b) at 45 mm. diameter, U, large and frilled (PI. HPs vege, 1) iv) | ! =— — ! 7 Text-figs. 35a, b. Fluting of immature septa of Tmetoceras spp., Upper le howelli Zone of Wide Bay; saddle axes indicated by solid lines, lobe axes by dashed lines. a) T. (Imetoites) tenue, sp. nov., at 3 mm. diameter, b) T: (Tmetoceras) cf. T. kirki, sp. nov., at 8 mm. diameter. Both magnified. Comparison.—There is a complete resemblance of the speci- mens studied with “typical” Tmetoceras scissum as figured from Cape St. Vigilio by Benecke and Vacek (see synonymy). The writer originally included all macroconch specimens from Wide Bay in this species. Extensive study and collecting of the ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN European representatives of this species in summer 1962, however, resulted in the specific discrimination of most representatives from the E. howelli Zone as T. kirki, sp. nov. This is based on the gen- erally weaker irregularly curved costae, their obsolescent “ventral” groove which may be replaced on the body chamber by subcontinu- ous chevrons, and finally the even more simplified septal suture of the latter. Measurements.— D mm. W% H% U% P Pl. 29, fig. 1 (aperture) 65 27.0 26.1 Sales 25 Tmetoceras (Tmetoceras) kirki Westermann, sp. nov. Pl. 72, figs. 4-6, ? 7, 8-10; Text-figs. 35, 36 Holotype.—PI. 72, figs. da, b: well-preserved internal mold of almost complete specimen, undistorted, last costae pathological. Repository: U.W., 16648. Locus typicus.—Shell locality A 8, Moose Creek-Mt. Kathleen section, Wide Bay, Alaska Peninsula. Stratum typicum.—Upper Kialagvik formation, near base of Upper E. howell Zone. Derivatio nominis.—For Mahlon V. Kirk, Paleontologist, Shell Oil Company, Seattle, Washington (see preface). Diagnosis.—An advolute to slightly involute species of Tmeto- ceras s.s., moderately to densely spaced more or less irregularly flexu- ous costae, externally only narrowly interrupted and sometimes subcontinuous, strongly compressed oval whorls, and a very sim- plified septal suture. Age.—Upper E. howelli Zone, late Early Bajocian (late Aalen- ian), probably equivalent to the G. concavum Zone. Remarks.—As stated above, this species was originally thought to belong to Tmetoceras scissum but finally discriminated, based on the features given in the diagnosis. The septal suture studied only just recently finally gave convincing evidence (Text-figs. 34-37), Marked constrictions are missing on most specimens. al- though diameters appear large enough. They are, however, present 438 BULLETIN 216 a) b) Text-figs. 36a, b. Septal sutures of Tmetoceras kirki, sp. nov., from Upper E. howelli Zone of Wide Bay. a) T. cf. kirki, complete immature suture at $ mm. diameter corresponding to septum of Text-fig. 35 b. b) Holotype, at 28 mm. diameter. Both magnified; U. small and simple. on the body chamber of the holotype and, remarkably, only on the nucleus of another specimen (PI. 72, fig. 10). Constrictions appear to vary strongly and irregularly, possibly with little genetic depend- ence, and are here consequently not regarded as of much taxonomic value. The whorl section is more compressed and externally more narrowly curved than in at Jeast most examples of T. scisswm. The septal sutures of three specimens, ?.e. all which could be observed, are simpler than in the complete specimen of T. scisswm and than sutures figured by other authors of any Tmetoceras macroconch of comparable size. Tmetoceras kirki is only known from the upper part of the £. howelli Zone of Wide Bay, and two stratigraphical subspecies are distinguished. There is a clear evolutionary trend in the intensification of the specific “diagnostic” characters, t.e. away from T. scissum-like ancestralship, ending in T. kirki flexicostatum, subsp. nov. Tmetoceras (Tmetoceras) kirki kirki Westermann, sp. et subsp. nov. Pl. 72, fig. 4-6; Text-figs. 35, 36. Diagnosis.—A subspecies of T. kirki with moderately spaced CO ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 439 strong costae which usually become strongly flexuous only on the body chamber. Material—TVhe holotype and two incomplete imprints, Shell locality A 8, basal Upper £. howelli Zone, Wide Bay. Description.—The holotype is the only well-preserved specimen of the species, but the significant costae features are evident also in the postmortem more or less strongly compressed specimens. The fact that the costae of many similarly deformed European T. scissum remain straight and, further, that the costae are flexed also on unde- formed whorl sectors of 7. kirki s.l. are all evidence for the origin- ality of this flexure. The shell is only of medium size (approximately 45 mm, diameter) and consists of almost advolute or only slightly involute, rather strongly compressed oval whorls, throughout the neanic and ephibic development (juvenile to mature, from about 3 mm. diameter to the aperture). The externside is narrowly rounded to subacute but may be partly weakly grooved. There are 12 to 16 moderately strong, sharp, more or less markedly irregularly curved, and often somewhat differently spaced costae per half!whorl on the inner whorls up to about 20 mm. diameter. Single costae may be obsolescent resulting in greatly enlarged interspaces which may be called constrictions, although they do not “constrict” the whorl by a deepening of the interspaces and are externally discontinuous. Subsequently, during maturation, the costae frequency increases to about 20 to 24 per halfwhorl and the curvature becomes obvious. On the body chamber the (intercostal) whorl section becomes sub- acute and the costae more projected until they finally become continuous in chevrons on the holotype. There are several strong constrictions on this almost entire body chamber measuring hall- whorl in length. The strong costae anomality at the end is almost certainly due to a bite injury by a scavenger. The septal suture of the holotype (Text-lig. 36) is characterised by a small U. (‘second lateral lobe’) and the almost nonexisting subdivision of the whole inner part of the external suture, com- mencing with the tip of L. Comparison.—T. kirki proper is morphologically intermediate, regarding the mode of costation, between T. scissum with strong 440 BULLETIN 216 straight costae and T. kirki flexicostatum with weak strongly Hexu- ous costae. Measurements.— D mm. W% H% U% P Holotype (body ch.) 43 B55 2) 46.5 22 (phragm. ) 31 Oi 32 45 19 id 21 31 39 39 16 a eS 27) 34 ca.40 14 Tmetoceras (Tmetoceras) kirki flexicostatum Westermann, sp. et subsp. nov. Pl. 72, figs. 8-10; Text-fig. 37 Holotype—P1|. 72, fig. 8; almost complete internal mold. postmortem compressed at differing degrees, some test remains. Repository: U.S.N.M., 132050. Locus typicus.—U.S.G.S. Mesozoic locality 48A,-109 (21254), on tributary of Short Creek, Wide Bay, Alaska Peninsula. Stratum typicum.—Upper Kialagvik formation, LE. tenwe- flexicostatum zonule at top of E. howelli Zone. Derivatio nominis.—Selfexplanatory. Diagnosis—A_ subspecies of T. kirki with densely spaced strongly flexed costae. Age.—Late Early Bajocian (late Aalenian), uppermost E. howelli Zone, T. tenue-flexicostatum zonule; probably equivalent to the European G. concavum Zone. Material—The holotype; one right imprint of large almost complete specimen, somewhat distorted and compressed, from L 154, one well-preserved phragmocone, internal mold, and one fragmentary left imprint, from A I]. All from T. tenue-flexicosta- dum zonule at top of E. howelli Zone, Wide Bay. Description.—The advolute or highly evolute whorls are com- pressed-oval in section. ‘The umbilical width of the shell is approxi- mately 48-50 percent of the diameter which reaches the large size of 55-60 mm. There are 14 to 20 densely spaced thin and sharp costate per halfwhorl on the nucleus commencing at 3-4 mm. diameter and increasing to 25-30 on the last whorls. The costae are always markedly and often strongly curved throughout morpho- ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 44] ON op 2 Text-fig. 37. Mature septal suture of Tmetoceras kirki flexicostatum, sp. et subsp. nov., holotype, from the T. tenue-flexicostatum zonule of Wide Bay, at 36 mm. diameter. Magnified. geny, generally with lateral convexity. The degree of curvature 1s often arranged in 1/3 to 1/4 whorl cycles; in each whorl segment the costae become increasingly convex and the last costa often be- comes obsolescent representing a kind of constriction, similar to that sometimes seen on T. kirki s.s. Although compressed, the body chamber of the holotype shows a narrowing and finally almost dis- appearing interruption of increasingly projected costae. The septum is well preserved on the specimen of Plate 72, fig- ure 10. The “centrally supported” structure is dominated by a pair of cruciform saddle and lobe axes. The suture is extremely simple with strongly reduced U,, and U,,, (“2d and 3d lateral”) according to the septal structure of the almost advolute whorls. From the same horizon as T. kirki flexicostattwm comes a much more coarsely costate large phragmocone which resembles T. scis- sum more than T. kirki (Pl. 72, fig. 7). However, the costae of the nucleus are convexly curved. Further material is needed to reveal if this is a variant of T. kirki or of T. scisswm, which probably per- sists into the E. howelli Zone. Comparison.—This subspecies is much more finely costate than T. kirki s.s., especially on the inner whorls. The costation is similar as in T. diffalense (Gemmellaro, 1886), Bonarelli, 1893 [syn. T. gemmallarot (Fucini), 1894] from the “murchisonae” Zone of the Central Apennine and the condensed Lower Bajocian (Aalenian) of Sicily. “Cosmoceras Hollandae var.” (Buckman, 1883, pl. 1, fig. 2; 1892, pl. 48, figs. 4-7, the holotype by original designation, a syno- 442 BULLETIN 216 nym of T. scissum) is probably the microconch species correspond- ing to 1. diffalense and is also said to originate in the L. murchison- ae Zone (Sherborne, Dorset). Both species, the latter not yet named, differ in the narrower umbilicus and higher whorls (U=40-42°%, H—35-38%, as compared to 48-50% and 28-32%, respectively) as well as in the strong external median (‘ventral’) groove and the more frilled septal suture. It is, nonetheless, of great interest that the morphological trend, in regard to the costation of T’metoceras in Europe was similar to that in south Alaska. This species resembles completely Prinz (1904, only pl. 16, fig. 3) hand-drawn figure of a “T. scisswm” trom Hungary. But this fauna needs photographic reproduction. Measurements.— D mm. W% H% U% P Holotype (body ch.) 49 —_— 28.5 48 26 pl. 29, fig. 9 (body ch.) 54 — 28 50 28 pl. 29, fig. 10 (phragm.) Sey 28) 32 49 18 Subgenus TMETOCERAS (TMETOITES) Westermann, subgen. nov. Type species, 7. tenue Westermann, sp. noy. Diagnosis.—Small Tmetoceras with lappets; the microconch. Tmetoceras (Tmetoites) tenue Westermann, sp. nov. Pl. 73, figs. 1-9; Text-figs. 33, 35a Holotype.—Pl. 73, figs. la-d; internal mold of 11% ultimate whorls with peristome, somewhat deformed by lateral compression; nucleus as right impression. Coll. Imlay and Miller, 1948, Reposi- tory: U.S.N.M., 132051. Locus typicus——U.S.G.S. Mesozoic locality 48A,-109 (21254), at a tributary about | mile upstream Short Creek, Wide Bay, Alaska Peninsula. Stratum typicum.—Top of E. howelli Zone (“Approximately 600’ below top of Kialagvik formation”, according to U.S.G.S.), T. tenue-flexicostatum zonule. Derivatio nominis.—Tenuis-e: thin, tine, slender; in accord- ance with the thin widely spaced costae. ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN aos Age.—Late Early Bajocian (late Aalenian) Upper (top) E&. howelli Zone. Diagnosis—A species of T. (Tmetoites) with thin costae and wide flat interspaces usually bearing growth striae and often minute folds. Matervial——The holotype; two poorly preserved internal molds with body chambers, respectively, one well-preserved phragmocone, two good and one poor fragment, all somewhat deformed, 48A,- 109 (21254); (?) one almost complete specimen and (?) one well- preserved phragmocone fragment from A 8; (?) two poor impres- sions from L 154. All from T. tenue-flexicostatum zonule from the Upper E. howelli Zone, of Wide Bay. One complete but strongly depressed specimen with peristome from B 128, (Upper) E. how- elli Zone of Puale Bay, Alaska Peninsula. Description.—This species is apparently highly variable in size (12-30 mm. diameter), whorl shape and, to a less extend, in the costation, similar as Tmetoceras scissum (see Buckman, 1892. Frebold, 1951). However, the samples are not sufficient to exclude the possibility that two or three subspecies or even species are pres- ent, The whorls are slightly involute to advolute and generally more or less strongly compressed-oval though this is partly due to postmortem compression; the two best preserved specimens from A 8, however, are almost circular in whorl section. The dimen- sional proportions do not appear to change significantly through- out at least the two ultimate whorls. The juvenile whorls are smooth up to a diameter of 2.5-3.5 mm. Then appear densely spaced (12-14 halfwhorl) only moder- ately strong, straight or slightly sigmoid, usually rectiradiate simple costae, which carry distally a weak tubercle and fade in a short projection on the smooth gently rounded externside. The length of this densely costate juvenile stage apparently varies from a full whorl to near absence, usually ceasing at 4.5-6 mm. diameter. The ultimate one to almost two whorls have unusual widely spaced thin and relatively weak costae with interspaces several times as broad. The flat interspaces display fine parallel growth striae on well-preserved relatively large specimens, and more rarely also minute ridges which are apparently reduced costae. The costae are 444 BULLETIN 216 rectiradiate and usually slightly sigmoid or simply adaperturally convex, though this is often clearly evident only on the body chamber. As usual, the costae reach maximal height near their dis- tal termination where a tubercle or spine is present which may point slightly backwards. There is often a fine rapidly fading for- ward projection beside the flattened or grooved smooth median zone, though the costae are abruptly truncated on the ultima'e whorl of larger specimens. Near the aperture the costae may form a low continuous chevron over the externside. The peristome is preserved on a small (B 112) and on a larger (48A,-109) specimen. The last few costae become laterally increas- ingly convex indicating the gradual growth of lateral lappets which simply project from the last costa. The size of the lappets is 1><2.7 at the 12 mm. large specimen, but only 22 mm. at the specimen measuring 30 mm. in diameter. It is possible, however, that the latter (only the right lappet preserved) is broken off along the growth lines. Septum and suture are exactly as in Tmetoceras kirki. The septal structure develops early from a planulate-like into a spiru- late-like type with dominant cruciform axes. However, the ele- ments are not homologous to Spiroceratidae because L (‘Ist lateral lobe’), reduced in the latter, appears to be here dominant. Comparison.—The costae of T. tenwe are much finer and more distantly spaced than in T. alpinum. The latter species is also dis- tinguished by the rounded and totally smooth interspaces. T. (T’metoites) sp. nov. A has much more densely spaced and projected costae. Measurements. — Dmm W% H% U% P Holotype (aperture) ca.30 — ca.30 ca.40 15 [Pile 73h, voyee, 1 (phragm.) ca.22 — — — 11 a ca.16.5 —_ —_— —_— 8-9 4 11 — — — 8 Als WEIS ate (5 7 {(joobeevedoat)) 55 — 33 45 12-13 2 11 _ — ca.43 11-12 a 7.5 —— — — 13 a3 4.8 —_— —_— _ 13 PA Wsi5 eee f (body ch.) ca.25 — — ca.46 15 ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 445 PAL WSs OY) (body ch.) ca.29 — — ca.50 15 (phragm.) ca.22 —_ — ca.45 12 a Gaalise5 — —_ —_ 12 Pins. figs 5 (body ch.) ca.21 — — — 15 (phragm.) ca.12 Carli$-5) ‘ca.25 — 8- 9 Pl. 73, fig. 7 (body ch.) 1325) encaez5e50 icav29-5 48 13-14 (phragm.) 10.0 31 33 41 — a 7.0 33 36 40 13 (from A 8, Zz ca.15 30 33 — ca.11-12 no fig.) } ca. 8-9 — — — — Pls Ga, 1 7 (aperture) ca.11 =e — i 13-14 Tmetoceras (Tmetoites) cf. T. alpinum (Thalmann), 1924 Pl. 73, figs. 1la-d 1924. Helicoceras alpinum Thalmann (Berner Oberland), Mitt. Naturforsch. Ges. Bern. 1923, p. XXII, text-fig. on p. XXIII. Material.—A_ single, laterally somewhat compressed, almost complete small specimen, phragmocone partly only as a right im- print, from A250 in the (Middle or) Upper E. howelli Zone of Wide Bay, Alaska Peninsula. Holotype—The species was based on a single fragmentary specimen 9.5 mm. in diameter, from the ‘Eisensandstein-Schichten des Pletsbaches bei Mirren (Berner Oberland).’’ The specimen is also somewhat distorted so that Thalmann believed that it was helicogyr, though not so strongly as in “Helicoceras” teilleuxi d Orbigny with which it was thought to be most nearly related. The description mentioned further: the presence of distal tubercles on the slightly retrojected costae; the interspaces on the whorl sides are double as broad as the costae and totally smooth; a “relative” broad smooth “ventral” furrow; on the umbilical edge the costae bend backwards, slightly S-shaped; septal suture not preserved. The aperture is missing though the preserved ultimate halfwhorl almost certainly represents the almost complete body chamber, in agree- ment with the strongly increasing convexity of the last costae. Ac- cording to the figure (3) the costae are strong and the inter- spaces rounded, from at least 3 mm. diameter to the end of the preserved body chamber. Description.—The whorls of the single specimen are subcircu- 446 BULLETIN 216 lar except for the postmortem compressed parts, and probably advolute. Strong markedly adaperturally convex costae commence already at 2.5 mm. diameter. There are constantly about 12 costae per halfwhorl on the phragmocone and 14 on the halfwhorl body chamber. All interspaces are well rounded and smooth. The ex- ternal part of the whorl is visible only on the body chamber. The costae are here adapically overturned, building almost a shingle- like structure, probably owing to the lateral postmortem compres- sion of the high costae. Only the bullae-like tubercles and their short extension are projected. Owing to the compression the shape of the external interruption and groove cannot be accurately ob- served. The end of the body chamber on the preserved right side shows the strongly increasing convexity of the last few costae, indi- cating the gradual development of the lateral lappet, which is part- ly visible on the impression. The maximal diameter is only 14 mm. Comparison.—This specimen almost exactly resembles the holotype, which is obviously distorted. This species is distinguished from T. tenue and T. sp. nov. A by the much coarser and earlier commencing costae. 7. alpinum appears to be the “microconch” of Tmetoceras (s.s.) kirki found in beds of similar age. Measurements.— D W% H% U% Pp Holotype (body ch.) 9.5 S25) 30(+) — 12-13 (acc. ‘Thalmann 2 5 — — — 12 + photo) I WA, ane ali (Aperture) 14 ca.21(+) ca.32(—) ca.50 14 (phragm. ) 5 ca.38 36 —_ 11-12 Tmetoceras (Tmetoites) sp. nov. A Pl. 73, figs. 10a-d 1903. Tmetoceras aff. Gemmellaroi Fucini, Burckhardt (Andes), Palaeont., 50, > All, ol AA soeee 6b OS, Material.—A_ single small well-preserved complete specimen with aperture, from A 11, T. tenue-flexicostatum zonule at top of the E. howelli Zone, Wide Bay, Alaska Peninsula. Repository: U.W., 16657. ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 447 Description —TVhe whorls are advolute and strongly com- pressed oval at least from 3 mm. diameter up to the aperture at 16 mm. The juvenile whorls are smooth; the unusually dense and thin costation develops clearly at 4 mm. diameter. There are 16-17 straight and only slightly prorsiradiate costae per halfwhorl which become somewhat sigmoid on the ultimate three-fourths whorl and laterally markedly convex at the end of the exceptionally short body chamber (just over one-fourth whorl). The costae are distally moderately projected on most of the ultimate whorl and fine com pressed nodes or spines are present. The moderately deep external furrow of the late phragmocone becomes obliterated on the body chamber where an extremely thin extension of the costae finally may build a chevron-like crossing of the highly rounded “‘venter.” Comparison.—The Alaskan specimen appears identical with Burckhardt’s “Tmetoceras aff. Gemmellarov’ (see syn. list) from Barda Blanca, Rio Grande area, in the Andes. The single specimen came from the upper part of beds with Meleagrinella substriata which at Espinazito directly underlie the “Sonninia beds” and yield Tmetoceras cf. scissum and Graphoceras cf. concavum. This unnamed new species is much more densely costate and probably also more compressed than T. alpinum (Thalmann) and T. tenue. It appears to be the “microconch” to T. (Tmetoceras) kirki flexicostatum with which it was found in the same bed. Measurements.— D mm. W% H% U% P (Aperture) 16 27 31 49.5 17 (phragm. ) 12 30 35 49 16 a 8 _ — — ca.16 Suborder PHYLLOCERATINA Arkell, 1950 Superfamily PHYLLOCERATACEAE Zittel, 1884 Family PHYLLOCERATIDAE Zittel, 1884 Subfamily PHYLLOCERATINAE Zittel, 1884 Genus PARTSCHICERAS Fucini, 1923 Type species, P. monestieri Breistrotfer, 1947. Partschiceras cf. P. gardanum (Vacek), 1886 Pie 74: figs: 1-3) PIS 76 Material.—Three well-preserved internal molds of incomplete 448 BULLETIN 216 phragmocones with test remains: two from L 543, slightly laterally depressed by deformation; one from A 250 uncompressed; one (?) poorly preserved fragment from L 285; mostly from the Upper E. howelli Zone, Wide Bay. (See Appendix) Description.—The phragmocone is extremely involute (convo- lute) and its whorl section compressed ellipsoidal with slightly flat- tened sides and a narrow rounded and partly “overhanging” um- bilical wall. The whorl section of the nucleus, as observed in the polished section of the specimen from A 250, is circular at a dia- meter of 6 mm. and subsequently becomes gradually compressed until it is just 114 times as high than broad at the end of the pre- served phragmocone (about 60 mm. diameter). Constrictions are absent and the internal mold is smooth. Fine somewhat prorsiradiate lirae distally developing into blunt fine radial folds are present superficially. The septal suture displays three large “lateral saddles” (not preserved on umbilical slope) all of which are slender and typically diphyllic. (See Appendix) Comparison.— The specimens resemble Partschiceras gardanv) Vacek as figured from the Lower Bajocian of Cape St. Vigilio in the southern Alps (Vacek, 1886, p. 70, pl. 6, figs. —3). The alpine form may differ slightly in somewhat more compressed whorls and stronger folds. Genus HOLCOPHYLLOCERAS Spath, 1927 Type species, Am. zignodianum dOrb., 1848. Holcophylloceras cf. H. ultramontanum (Zittel), 1869 Pl. 74, figs. 4-7 Material—Three complete or almost complete internal molds: two from A 8 and one from A 10, more or less strongly deformed, some test remains; one undeformed fragment of a body chamber from L 543. All from the Upper E. howelli Zone of Wide Bay. Description The phragmocone is poorly preserved. The body chamber is involute though originally less apparent, and its whorl section is somewhat rectangular with a rounded steep rather narrow umbilical wall. The two small specimens from A8, 33 mm. and 42 ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 449 mm. in diameter, have body chambers about two-thirds whorl in length and their apertural structure possibly suggests that the, were adult. The larger specimen from A 10 (54 mm. diameter) with halfwhorl body chamber and the fragment from A 543 suggest a final diameter of about 60 mm. The body chambers display deep falcate constrictions which are laterally strongly bent forward and distally strikingly projected. They cross the externside more shallowly in narrowly curved to angular chevron-fashion enclosing an angle of 80-100°. Between the constrictions are falcoid lirae which laterally and distally are gen- erally more gently curved than the constrictions and which finally become weak folds on the outer part of the large specimens. The preserved lateral parts of the septal suture on the speci- men from A 10 shows simple diphyllic saddles. Comparison.—The specimens agree well with H. ultramon- tanum (Zittel), reported from the Lower Bajocian of the Balkan Peninsula, the Alps, the Central Apennines, and recently also from the Lower Bajocian of Japan (see Vacek, 1886, pp. 65-66, pl. 5, figs. 15-20; Sato 1957, p. 342). The (Middle ?) and Upper Jurassic H. mediterraneum (Neumayr) [= ? H. zignodianum dOrb.] is dis- tinguished in the straight or only slightly projected constrictions and lirae as well as in the ovate whorl section. H. torulosuwm (Torn- quist) from the Middle Bajocian of Espanazito, Argentina, is a near relative of H. mediterraneum. Genus PHYLLOCERAS Suess, 1865 Phylloceras ? sp. From locality A 86 comes a single large poorly preserved frag- ment belonging to a phragmocone of approximately 120 mm. dia- meter. The umbilical slope is missing. The surface is smooth ex- cept for densely spaced (ca. 5 per cm.) radial lirae which cross the externside straight and in undiminished strength. APPENDIX] LOVSYSTEMATIC, DESGRIPTION After this monograph was finished and in the hands of the editor, three specimens from the same sequence were identified 450 BULLETIN 216 by the author in the collections of the California Academy of Sci- ences (C.A.S.), San Francisco, California, which have important taxonomical bearing on, or supplement, the aforementioned Wide Bay fauna from the Kialagvik formation. These specimens are (1) Harpoceras (Harpoceras?) sp. indet. from the E. howelli zonule, be- lieved to be derived from the Toarcian, (2) Erycites imlayi, sp. nov, from the £. howell: zonule which closely resembles the holotype of the apparently varying species, and (3) Partschiceras gardanum (Vacek), subsp.?, which now permits specific identification of the Alaskan Partschiceras. The author wishes to express thanks to Dr. L. G. Hertlein for the loan of the specimens. Family HILDOCERATIDAE Hyatt Subfamily HARPOCERATINAE Neumayr Genus HARPOCERAS Waagen The type species by subsequent designation is Am. falcifer J. Sowerby from the H. falzifer Zone. The genus is generally believed to be restricted to the Lower Toarcian (Arkell, 1957, p. L 256). Harpoceras (Harpoceras?) sp. indet. Jee Wie sassy, Ie, 10 1929. Grammoceras cf. saemanni (Dumortier), Frebold (Spitzbergen), p. 263, ple 2 ehigs. 6, 7: 1960. Grammoceras? sp. indet., Frebold (Canadian Arctic), p. 23, pl. XII, figs. SenG ai: Material.—A single phragmocone, parts of the “‘venter” missing and surface partly corroded; in contrast to the rich co-occuring fauna, the specimen gives the striking impression of reworking. The specimen comes from the California Academy of Sciences, Loc. 29016: the ‘Type locality of the Jurassic Kialagvik formation; dark greenish-grey medium-grained sand and sandy shale from the west shore of Wide Bay just south of the mouth of Pass Creek .. . [associated with] ammonites, gastropods, bivalves and fossil wood. Field No. 81”. This is almost certainly the FE. howelli zonule, E. howelli Zone. Description.—The whorl section is at first compressed suboval with gently sloping inner flanks, but at about 12 mm. diameter be- comes subrectangular. ‘Thus, 114 ultimate whorls are about twice as high as broad, the tanks are flat and well separated from the ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 45] almost vertical umbilical wall by a sharp umbilical margin which, on the ultimate halfwhorl, develops into a raised rim. The “‘ven- ter’, visible only on the ultimate whorl, is somewhat flattened and has a narrow moderately high solid keel with semi-circular section on the internal mold. The umbilicus is of moderate similar width throughout the ultimate three whorls and later typically “stepped”. The costation is typically falcate and strong on all three ulti- mate whorls with the number per halfwhorl increasing from 12 to 18. The costae are regular and never fasciculate. They commence at some distance from the immature umbilical seam and later di- rectly at the umbilical margin, project forward onto the middle of the flank where they turn sharply backward, continue up to the shoulders and bend here strongly forward, terminating at the smooth keel zone under an angle of approximately 45 degrees. ‘The costae reach their greatest strength on the shoulders. They appear densely spaced on the inner whorls of the phragmocone. The septal suture is simple and nonsuspensive with straight saddle boundary. Remarks.—This specimen agrees in all observed details with the forms described by Frebold from condensed middle and upper Toarcian beds of Spitzbergen and from the upper Toarcian of Cornwall and Ellesmere Islands, Canadian Arctic (see synonymy). Frebold originally believed the Spitzbergen forms to be closely affliated with Grammoceras saemanni (Dum.) but later noticed that they differ from Grammoceras in the more sharply bent and less numerous costae and the narrower umbilicus. Therefore, in the author's opinion, these forms are much closer to typical Har- pocervas and, indeed, strongly reminiscent of H. falcifer. On Ellesmere Island, this species occurs together with Pseudo- lioceras ex gr. P. compactile (Simpson) and Catacoeloceras polare (Frebold), a faunule characteristic of the uppermost Toarcian of east Greenland and Prince Patrick Island, and superjacent to beds with Dactylioceras commune (Sow.) which can be correlated with the H. falcifer Zone. The beds with Harpoceras described herein can, therefore, be dated as probably lower L. jurense Zone, but the upper H. falcifer Zone also has to be considered. From North Alaska, a similar succession of dactylioceratid and 452 BULLETIN 216 Pseudolioceras ex gr. compactile faunules has been described (Im- lay, 1955), but no harpoceratids were reported. Significantly, the only evidence of Toarcian strata in south Alaska is from the Puale Bay (and Alinchak Bay) just east of Wide Bay (Imlay, 1952). The Wide Bay specimen described above from the exception- ally fossilferous E. howell: zonule is believed to have been derived from reworked ‘Toarcian beds of the vicinity. Acknowledgment is made to Dr. H. Rieber, Ziirich, the author- ity on Graphoceratidae, who convinced the author that this speci- men is not a Ludwigia s.l. (as originally suspected). Measurements (in mm.).— D H% W% U% ( phragm.) 50 20 12 ca.14 Family HAMMATOCERATIDAE Buckman Subfamily HAMMATOCERATINAE Buckman Genus ERYCITES Gemellaro Erycites imlayi Westermann, sp. nov. Pl. 65, figs. 1, 2; Pl. 75, figs: Za-¢ A complete specimen with largely preserved aperture and test comes from the FE. howelli zonule, E. howelli Zone, of the same locality as the Harpoceras described above (C. A. S. Loc. 29016). This specimen agrees in detail with the holotype described in the main part of this monograph. The whorl section is depressed with narrowly rounded flanks at about three-sevenths whorl height. The specimen deviates slightly in the somewhat narrower umbili- cus. The septal suture shows the same reduction of the “ventral” elements, which is diagnostic for Erycites, and the same weak costae interruption with obsolescent keel; the test of the end of the phrag- mocone displays increasingly flattening costae which are subcon- tinuous, comprising an obtuse angle, but on the internal mold of the body chamber a faint ridge rises from the smooth ‘“‘ventral’’ band. me The test is unusually thick and reaches 1.5 mm. already on the inner flanks of the phragmocone and 3.2 mm. at the sides of the aperture. ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 453 Of special interest is a spiral grooving observed on the internal mold of the body chamber. It is best developed on the right side where a broad groove adjacent to the umbilical seam is accompan- ied by several lirate fine undulations on the inner flank. Although best seen along the middle third of three-fourths whorl body chamber, this structure appears to be present on its whole length. The internal mold of the phragmocone is unknown. Measurements (in mm.).— D Je B% U% P S W/H (aperture, test) 87 38 31 40 13 31 1.2 (phragm., test) ca.52 ca.59 ca.37 ca.31 13 ca.36 1.4 (int. mold) ca.56 ca.46 ca.34 ca.40 13 ca.36 1.35 Family PHYLLOCERATIDAE Zittel Subfamily PHYLLOCERATINAE Zittel Genus PARTSCHICERAS Fucini Partschiceras gardanum (Vacek), 1886, subsp? : Pl. 74) figs. 1522.32 Pl. 76, figsna-0 A single large specimen came from California Academy of Sciences, Locality No. 29017, a “cliff exposure on the west shore of the south end of Wide Bay, inside hook made by long sand spit; Kialagvik formation (Field No. 99)”. This is somewhere between the eastern termination of the Moose Creek-Mt. Kathleen section and shell locality A 86, where the sea cliff exposes the middle and lower Upper E. howelli Zone, 1.c. the T. teres-profundus to Eudme- toceras beds. The specimen is fully septate at 92 mm. diameter, un- compressed with most of the test preserved; the septal suture, um- bilicus and some inner whorls are well exposed. This form is identical with the fragmentary smaller specimens described in the main part of this monograph and can, with some confidence, be identified with Partschiceras gardanum (Vacek) from the Alps and western Tethys. However, like the other Alaskan specimen, this phragmocone is slightly distinguished in the more inflated whorls, 7.e. the larger relative whorl-width, and probably also in the ovoid rather than ellipsoidal whorl section. The Alaskan BULLETIN 216 eee Or eo form may, therefore, be a geographical (? and chronological) sub- species of the Tethyan species. This specimen totally resembles the type specimen in_ the superficial costation which is slightly prorsocostate and somewhat irregular. The specimen shows costae irregularity mainly at a diameter of 67 mm. which may be regarded as owing to “segmental growth”. The septal suture has typically diphyllic saddles and agrees well with Vacek’s figure 1 la. Measurements (in mm.).— Dmm. H% W% U% (phragm.) 92 57 38 4.5 51 65 41 5 ” ca.30 ca.62 ca.42 ca.5 REFERENCES Althoff, W. 1940. Die Ammonitenzonen der oberen Ludwigienschichten von Bielefeld. Palaeontographica, vol. xciiA, pp. 1-44, pl. 1-6. Arkell, W. J. 1933. The Jurassic system in Great Britain. Clarendon Press, Oxford, xiit> 681 pp., 41 pl. 1950. Two early-named valid species of English Upper Jurassic ammonites. Geol. Mag., vol. Ixxxvii, pp. 265-266, 1 pl. and Playford, P.E. 1954. The Bajocian ammonites of Western Australia. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, vol. 237 B, pp. 547-604, pl. 27-40. 1956. Jurassic geology of the world. Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh-London, 806 pp., 46 pl. in Arkell, B. Kummel, and C. W. Wright. 1957. Mesozoic Ammonoidea. Treatise Inv. Pal., vol. 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Zur Kenntniss der Jura- und Kreide-formation von Caracoles (Bo- livia). Neues Jahrb. Min. Geol., B.-B. i, pp. 239-301, pl. 9-14. ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 46] Sylvester-Bradley, P. C. 1958. The description of fossil populations. Jour. Paleont. vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 214-235. Thalmann, H. 1923. Helicoceras alpinum nov. spec. aus dem Bajocien des Pletschbaches bei Miirren (Berner Oberland). Mitt. Naturf. Ges. Bern, (nat paged). Tornquist, A. 1898. Der Dogger am Espinazito-Pass, nebst einer Zusammenstellung der jetzigen Kenntnisse von der argentinischen Juraformation. Pal. Abh. Jena, vol. viii, Heft 2, pp. 135-204, pl. i-x. Trauth, F. 1927. Aptychenstudien, I, Uber die Aptychen in allgemeinen. Ann. natur- hist. Mus. Wien, Band 41, pp. 171-259 (no illust.). 1930. Aptychenstudien III-V, Ibid., vol. 44, pp. 329-411, pl. 3-5, fig. 1-2. 1931. Aptychenstudien VI-VII, Ibid., vol. 45, pp. 17-136, pl. 1. 1937. Die Praestriaptychi und Granulaptychi des Oberjura und der Unter- Kreide. 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The significance of septa and sutures in Jurassic ammonite syste- matics. Geol. Mag., vol. KCV, No. 6, pp. 441-455. 1958b. Ammoniten-Fauna und Stratigraphie des Bathonien NW-Deutsch- lands. Beihefte Geol. Jahrb., Heft 32, 103 pp., 49 pl. 1964 a. The Hammatoceratid Podagrosiceras athleticum Maubeuge et Lambert from the Lower Bajocian (Aalenian) of Central Neuquén, Argentina. Ameghiniana, (in press). 1964. b. The terminology of the ammonoid septal suture. Jour. Paleont., vol. 38, no. 5 (in press). White, C. A. 1889. Mesozoic molluscs from the southern coast of the Alaskan Peninsula, U.S. Geol. Sur., Bull. No. 51, pp. 64-70, pl. xti-xiv. Zittel, K. A. von 1869. Bemerkungen tiber Phylloceras tatricum Pusch sp. und einige andere Phylloceras-Arten. Jahrb. K. K. Geol. Reichsanst., vol. xix, p. 59-68, 1 pl. 1884. Handbuch der Palaeontologie. Abt. 1, Band 2, 893 pp. 1109 figs. (cephalopods, pp. 329-522). 462 BULLETIN 216 RUSSIAN SUMMARY Pe3snmMe: KanmarBpukckad POpMalWA MpenactTaBnaert | co6of HuxHue 300-600 uw. cpemHet wu BepxHeit Wpckoh KracTWMYecKOH cCepHU, OOHAKeHHOHM B AHTHKAHHAINM WHpOKOrO 3a7HBa YIOKEHA JIHTOMAUHEBHMU U3SMEHEHHAMH HU HAapyWeHHAMH. TpaHuuy c BHuUenexameh MeNHKOBCKON gmopMaunel Temepb OTHOCAT K cpemaHeMy BatouvaHy: ona uMeeT CHAbHO BHPDaKeHHHM rerepoxpoOHHHi xapakTep. Ba3saAbTHHe 100 M. conepxaT HanOomee PaHHM Tmetoceras scissum (Ben.). ; HafineHHh B CaholuwvaHeBOM MepHore. 30HA Howelli, novi TOAWMHOH OKONO 300 M. CONeEPKHT OoratTHe U XOpOWO COXpaHHBUHeECA AMMOHHTOBNeE HAaKONIeCHHA Cc XxapaKTeEPHHM HOBHM POAOM raMMaTOKepaTHy Erycitoides MW HOBHM MOApONOM B, (Kialagvikes), KOTOpHeE BMECTeE COCTOHT H3 ABYX CTapHxX HM NATH HOBHX BHTOB: HOBHMH THNAMH TaKk-Ke ABJAWTCA BUIH Erycites, Abbasites, Tmetoceras WM Tak-xKe NOAPAL T, (Tmetoites) . AenaeTtca nompasK_ere- Hue creqywilve 3OHYAbs Howelli, teres-profundus, BHudmetoceras, et tenueflexicostatum oTa | PayHAasHReMUuecKaA AAA ANACKH UH ceBeDHOrO | WKOHa. HaxoxgeHve 3ecb xe EspponeAckKux H | ApreHTHHCKHX Eudmetoceras (Euaptetoceras ) | amplectens (Buck.), & eudmetum jaworskii nov. WY Abbasites yKa3HBawWT H&a TO YTO 30Ha Howelli OTHOCHTCA K MO3QHEMY PaHHeMy Bbahto- UHAaHCKOMY MO3qHeMy A@AGHHAaH MeEPHOLY 3O0HH | Howelli. ABHHe NONOBHeE THMOMOPDHHeE. POPMN TauMatTo-= | KepaTHHOB UH TMETOKEPAaTHHOB KOTOpPHE AO VTHX | mop He OHM UMUSBeECTHH NoABeprawTtTcaA NoApa3- HReCEACHHWH H&A MORPOAbe JlaeTcaA onmucaHHe mNepBoro Hammatoceratidae aptychus, Praestriaptychus antiquus sp. nov. SSE PLATES 464 BULLETIN 216 Explanation of Plate 44 Natural size if not otherwise indicated. Figure Page Erycitoides howelli (White) ¥ 360 Lectotype. Internal mold with some test remains at umbilical seam and aper- tural constriction. Kialagvik formation, almost certainly E. howell: zonule, Wide Bay (label marked ‘‘Wrangel Bay’’) ; see Plate 64, figs. la, b. U.S.N.M. 132022. : BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 47 PLATE 44 PLATE 45 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 47 ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 465 Explanation of Plate 45 Natural size if not otherwise indicated Figure Page 1-2b. Erycitoides howelli (White) 360 Kialagvik formation, almost certainly from FE. hoawelli zonule, Wide Bay (labels marked “Wrangel Bay”). 1 a,b. Lectotype, external views (see Pl. 44). 2 a,b. Paratype (‘cotype” White’s) ; inner whorls as internal mold with test remains: primaries coarser than on lectotype and partly tuberculous. U.S.N.M. 132032. 466 BULLETIN 216 Explanation of Plate 46 Natural size if not otherwise indicated. Figure Erycitoides howelli (White) Internal moll of average specimen, with peristome. Kialagvik formation, 444 in E. howelli zonule, Wide Bay. U.W. 16566. Page 360 Loc. A BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 47 PLATE 46 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 47 PLATE 47 ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 467 Explanation of Plate 47 Natural size if not otherwise indicated. Figure Page Erycitoides howelli (White) . ' a ERY oe . 360 Internal mold with test remains of phragmocone and 1/3 body whorl; primaries thickened, secondaries weakly subfasciculate on nucleus, fine on body chamber. Kialagvik formation, Loc. A 446 in E. howelli zonule, Wide Bay. U.W. 16567. 468 BULLETIN 216 Explanation of Plate 48 Natural size if not otherwise indicated. Figure Page 1-4b. Erycitoides howelli (White) .... be ; Re, SOU Kialagvik formation, E. howell: zonule, Wide Bay. 1. External view, whorl sections and septa of specimen figured on Plate 47. 2. External view of finely costate inner whorls, septa and whorl sections of internal mold. Loc. A 446. U.W. 16568. 3. As before, totally septate, but test preserved on upper part of figure exhibiting prominent superficial keel. Loc. A 444. U.W. 16569. 4 a,b. Lateral, external, and septal view on fully septate fragment with subfasciculate fine costa- tion. Loc. A444. U.W. 16570. 48 PLATE 7 ‘ NT., VoL. 4 50 R. PALE 4 BULL. AME BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 47 PLATE 49 OX Se! b+ . nee! ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 469 Explanation of Plate 49 Natural size if not otherwise indicated. Figure Page Erycitoides howelli (White) 360 Specimen with 3/5 whorl preserved body chamber, with test; evolute, com- pressed variant with long primaries. Kialagyik formation, Loc. A 447 in E. howelli zonule, Wide Bay. U.W. 16571. 470 BULLETIN 216 Explanation of Plate 50 Natural size if not otherwise indicated. Figure Page Erycitoides howelli (White) a ae. 360 Internal mold with incomplete aperture, test remains on prominently keeled penultimate whorl and apertural constriction. Whorl section, costation, and keel resembling FE. profundus. Kialagvik formation, Loc. L 285 in the &. howelli zonule, Wide Bay. U.W. 16572. 50 u PLATE lod ( R. PALEONT., VOL. 4 = wh BULL. AME BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 47 PLATE 51) ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 7a) Explanation of Plate 51 Natural size if not otherwise indicated. Figure Page 1-3. Erycitoides howelli (White) ................... ae 360 Kialagvik formation, E. howelli zonule, Wide Bay. 1 a,b. Pathological specimen with costae type “stadium abruptum”; keel displaced, right secondaries missing; internal mold with 1/4 whorl body chamber. Loc. L 258. U.W. 16573. 2 a,b. Inner whorls, largely with test, of a typical specimen; keel prominent, dissected. Loc. L 258. U.W. 16574. 3. Inner whorls, internal mold, with fine subfasciculate costae on the nucleus; strongly “retracted” umbilical lobe faintly visible. Loc. A 444. U.W. 16575. 472 BULLETIN 216 Explanation of Plate 52 Natural size if not otherwise indicated. Figure Page 1-6. Erycitoides howelli (White) ............. ay es 360 Kialagvik formation, E. howelli zonule, Wide Bay. 1 Small, but apparently adult specimen with 3/4 whorl body chamber and partially preserved aperture; last two sutures somewhat approximated ; costation fine and partly subfasciculate. Loc. A 449. U.W. 16576. 2. Inner whorls of compressed variant with average costation; internal mold, suture partly visible. Loc. L 285. U.W. 16577. 3 a,b. Inner whorls of round-whorled specimen with fine costation which is subfasciculate on the nucleus, internal mold with suture. Loc. A 444. U.W. 16578. 4. Inner whorls fragment of compressed specimen with typical costation, partly subfasciculate on nucleus. Loc. I. 285. U.W. 16579. 5. Adolescent specimen with 1 whorl body chamber (1/4 whorl preserved on impression only) ; last sutures not approximated, strongly “retracted”; phragmocone with test, body chamber largely as internal mold; strong and distantly spaced primaries carry lateral spines on inner whorls, the secondaries are restricted to the outer flanks; the whorls are subcircular and scarcely involute. Loc. L 285. U.W. 16580. 6. Probably not fully grown specimen with approximately 1/2 body chamber; test largely preserved on inner whorls exhibiting moderately strong primaries with lateral tubercles weaker than in Figure 5. Loc. F 23 (19757). U.S.N.M. 132024. BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 47 PLATE 52 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 47 PLATE 53 ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 473 Explanation of Plate 53 Natural size if not otherwise indicated. Figure Page 1-2b. Erycitoides howeili (White) 360 Kialagvik formation, E. howelli zonule, Wide Bay. 1 a,b. Fully septate internal mold of spinose and coarsely costate variant with somewhat triangular whorl section and prominent keel. 1a<0.8. Loc. L 285. U.W. 16581. 2 a,b. Not fully grown specimen (sutures not approximated) of same variation, largely with test, mainly phrag- mocone deformed by lateral compression; 3/5 body chamber. Probably same locality. U.W. 16582. 474 BULLETIN 216 Explanation of Plate 54 Natural size if not otherwise indicated. Figure Page 1-2. Erycitoides howelli (White) pee. ae ee 360 1 a,b. Adolescent specimen of the spinose, evolute variation with 3/5 whorl body chamber, partly with test, deformed. Kialagvik formation, FE. how- elli zonule (Shell coll.), Wide Bay. U.W. 16583. 2. Inner whorls of spi- nose variant. Kialagvik formation, Loc. A 454 in E. teres-profundus zonule, Wide Bay. U.W. 16584. 3-4. Erycitoides sp. nov.?, aff. E. howelli (White) ss laitetsn ee 377 3 a,b. Internal mold with few test remains; “whorl body chamber. Kialag- vik formation, Loc. L 1067 in E. teres-profundus zonule, Wide Bay, U.W. 16585. 4 a,b. Small (adolescent ?) specimen with more than 34 whorl body chamber, with test. Kialagvik formation, Loc. L 285 in E. howelli zonule, Wide Bay. U.W. 16586. 5-6. Erycitoides paucispinosus Westermann, sp. nov. .............. OD 5 a,b. Holotype; internal mold with over 1 whorl body chamber (partly missing), parts of aperture probably preserved. Kialagvik formation, Loc. A 454 in E. teres-profundus zonule, Wide Bay. U.W. 16587. 6 a,b. Internal mold with some test and % whorl body chamber; right side largely missing. Kialagvik formation, Loc. L 1067 in FE. teres-profundus zonule, Wide Bay. U.W. 16588. BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 47 PLATE 54 PLATE 55 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 47 ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 4 a | or Explanation of Plate 55 Natural size if not otherwise indicated. Figure Page 1-4. Erycitoides howelli (White) | : 360 Kialagvik formation, Loc. A 8 in Upper E. howell: Zone (float), Wide Bay. 1. Internal mold with somewhat deformed body chamber fragment, possible not fully grown; inner whorls with irregular, generally strong primaries and lateral spines, but the costation is laterally weak on the ultimate whorl of the phragmocone. U.W. 16789. 2 a,b. Internal mold of com- pressed and involute inner whorls; tubercles present on the nucleus; on the last whorl the costae became fine and irregularly fasciculate; the keel is prominent. U.S. 16790. 3. Phragmocone with beginning of body chamber, test preserved on inner whorls; costation typically fasciculate. U.W. 16791. 4. Internal mold of phragmocone, laterally compressed by deformation; costation showing defined primaries and secondaries as in typical E. howelli, though somewhat finer. U.W. 16792. 176 BULLETIN 216 Explanation of Plate 56 Natural size if not otherwise indicated. Figure Page 1-8b. Erycitoides howelli (White) 360 Kialagvik formation, Upper E. howelli Zone, Wide Bay. 1. Internal mold of inner whorls, somewhat deformed; costae somewhat fasciculate. Loc. A 8. U.W. 16593. 2 a,b. Internal mold of inner whorls; fine lateral tubercles present on the nucleus, keel prominent. Loc. A 8. U.W. 16594. 3 a,b. Internal mold of inner whorls; nontuberculate, keel obsolescent. Loc. A 8. U.W. 16595. 4 a,b. Internal mold of inner whorls; whorl section compressed, somewhat rectangular, costation fasciculate, keel blunt and weak. Loc. A 8, U.W. 16596. 5 a,b. Internal mold of inner whorls, slightly deformed; whorl section subcircular, primaries strong and with tubercles on nucleus, costae fasciculate on last whorl. Loc. A 8. U.W. 16597. 6. External view on nucleus with prominent keel, whorl section and septum of internal mold. Loc. A 8. U.W. 16598. 7. Internal mold of inner whorl fragments; costation fine and _ sub- fasciculate. Loc. L 543. U.W. 16599. 8 a,b. Phragmocone, largely with test, costation typically fasciculate except for ultimate 1% whorl; keel prominent only superficially. Loc. L 543. U.W. 16600. BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 47 PLATE 56 T laf ) a ho BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 47 PLATE 57 ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 177 Explanation of Plate 57 Natural size if not otherwise indicated. Figure Page 1-3. Erycitoides howelli (White) 360 Kialagvik formation, Wide Bay. 1 a,b. Internal mold with 14 whorl body chamber, somewhat deformed: probably fully grown; costation irregularly subfasciculate on nucleus, nontuberculate, fine and laterally almost obsolescent on outer whorls, secondaries remarkably densely spaced on body chamber. Near top of EF. howelli Zone. Loc. L 543. U.W. 16601. 2. Septal sutures at approximately 150 mm. diameter. Loc. A 444 in E. howelli zonule. U.W. 16602. 3. Polish- ed cross section, showing test thickening in keel; X 2.1. Same locality. U.W. 16603. 478 BULLETIN 216 Explanation of Plate 58 Natural size if not otherwise indicated. Figure Page 1. Erycitoides howelli (White) ss ; . .. 360 Fragmentary internal mold with apertural constriction, inner whorls deformed, fully grown; primaries weak but long, secondaries densely spaced on body chamber. Kialagvik formation. Loc. L 543 near top of E. howelli Zone, Wide Bay. U.W. 16604. 2a,b. Erycitoides profundus Westermann, sp. nov. 378 Fragmentary internal mold of phragmocone and beginning of body chamber which is deformed by lateral compression. The densely spaced secondaries almost reach the rather prominent keel. Kialagvik forma- tion. Loc. A 86 in the EF. teres-profundus zonule, Wide Bay. U.W. 16605. BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 47 PLATE 58 PLATE 59 4 AMER. PALEONT., VOL. BULL. i eee, A ee eerie ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN zh Explanation of Plate 59 Natural size if not otherwise indicated. Figure Page 1-3b. Erycitoides profundus Westermann. sp. nov. ; 378 Kialagvik formation, FE. teres-profundus zonule, Wide Bay. 1 a,b. Holotype; internal mold with test remains of phragmocone, partly strongly corroded; prominent solid keel of test partly pre- served (1b). Loc. L 1067. U.W. 16606. 2 a,b. Internal mold with test on inner whorls, totally septate (see Pl. 57, fig. 2). Loc. A 454. U.W. 16607. 3 a,b. Inner whorls with test, partly corroded. Loc. L 1067. U.W. 16608. 480 BULLETIN 216 Explanation of Plate 60 Natural size if not otherwise indicated. Figure Page 1. Erycitoides cf. E. profundus Westermann, sp. nov. aeouG End of body chamber with complete (left) peristome, internal mold. Kialagvik formation. Loc. A 454 in E. teres-profundus zonule, Wide Bay. U.W. 16609. 2-6. Erycitoides teres Westermann, sp. nov. | 380 Kialagvik formation, FE. teres-profundus zonule, Wide Bay. 2. E. cf. E. teres, fragment of phragmocone with test remains. Loc. 48 As-86 (21245( (=F12). U.S.N.M. 132025. 3 a,b. B. cf. E. teres, juv.? (or inner whorls); test largely preserved. Loc. A 454. U.W. 16610. 4. E. teres (?), 34 whorl body chamber and end of phragmocone, in- ternal mold, strongly compressed by deformation. Loc. A 7. U.W. 16611. 5 a,b. Holotype, fully septate, inner whorl with test, compressed by deformation; thin prominent costae on innermost whorl, becoming blunt and laterally almost obsolete on next whorls. Loc. A 454. U.W. 16612. 6. E. cf. E. teres, phragmocone fragment. Same locality as fig- ure 2. U.S.N.M. 132026. BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 47 PLATE 60 PLATE ¢ BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 47 ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 481 Explanation of Plate 61 Natural size if not otherwise indicated. Figure Page 1-3b. Erycitoides teres Westermann, sp. nov. 380 Kialagvik formation, F. teres-profundus zonule, Wide Bay 1. E. teres (?), internal mold of phragmocone fragment, somewhat compressed. Loc. 48 Ai-86 (21245) (=F12). U.S.N.M. 132027. 2. Fragmentary internal mold of phragmocone, strongly compressed by deformation. Loc. A 86. U.W. 16613. 3 a,b. fragmentary inter- nal mold of phragmocone with some test remains, not deformed except for exposed parts of inner whorls; polished cross section (3b). Loc. A 86. U.W.-16614. 4a-f. Erycitoides teres compressus Westermann, subsp. nov 382 Holotype; internal mold of phragmocone, minor test remains. + d-f. Inner whorls of same specimen. Kialagvik formation, Upper F. howelli Zone, Wide Bay. Loc. F 54 (19784). U.S.N.M. 132028. 5 a,b. Erycitoides sp. nov.?, juv. aff. E. teres sp. indet 383 Almost complete internal mold, phragmocone largely with test, last sutures not approximated, body chamber, aperture missing. Kialagvik formation, F. teres-profundus zonule. Wide Bay. Loc. 48Ai-86 (21245) (=F12). U.S.N.M. 132029. 482 BULLETIN 216 Explanation of Plate 62 Natural size if not otherwise indicated. Figure Page 1-6c. Erycitoides (Kialagvikes) kialagvikensis (White) 392 Kialagvik formation, Wide Bay. 1 a,b. Holotype (plastotype) ; adult specimen, 34 whorl body chamber with partially preserved aperture, only right side deformed, ultimate 1% whorl of phragmocone strongly compressed by deformation. Wide Bay (labelled “Wrangel Bay”), E. howelli Zone, E. howelli zonule. (U.S.G.S. Loc. 20086). U.S.N.M. 132030. 2 a,b. Complete body chamber with test, peristome missing, phragmocone as im- print or strongly deformed (compressed); externside smooth, finally crossed by weak chevrons. Loc. F 37 (19767), E. howelli zonule. U.S.N.M. 132031. 3. Internal mold with test on phragmocone, complete with peristome; costation irregularly fasciculate on phragmocone. Loc. 48 Aj-105 (21253) in Upper E. howelli Zone. U.S.N.M. 132032. 4 a,b. Internal mold with test remains, complete with peristome; costation fasciculate, keeled up to aperture. Loc. A 11 in E. tenue-flexicostatum zonule. U.W. 16615. 5 a-d. Internal mold with complete peristome, phragmocone strongly deformed, body chamber slightly deformed; 5aX0.9; 5 c,dX2: lateral and external lateral view of same aperture showing right and left lappet. Loc. A 8 in upper EF. howell: Zone. U.W. 16616. 6 a-c. Internal mold with complete peristome featuring large spoon-shaped lappets; body chamber slightly, phragmocone strongly deformed; costation largely flattened by deformation; 6cX2. Loc. L 543 in Upper E&. howelli Zone. U.W. 16617. 7. Praestriaptychus (subgen. nov.?) antiquus Westermann, sp. nov. 387 Holotype, almost complete right valve with test remains, superimposed on fragment of left valve; found in association with body chamber of E. kialagvikensis but obviously too large. (See Pl. 73, figs. 12 a,b). Loc. A 85 in the F£. teres-profundus zonule. U.W. 16618. “BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 47 PLATE 62 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 47 PLATE 638 ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 483 Explanation of Plate 63 Natural size if not otherwise indicated. Figure Page 1-7b. Erycitoides (Kialagvikes) kialagvikensis (White) 392 Kialagvik formation, Wide Bay. 1 a,b. Well-preserved complete specimen, largely with test. Costation typically fasciculate. Loc. F 59 (19789) in Upper EF. howelli Zone. U.S.N.M. 132033. 2 a,b. Complete deformed specimen with traced septal suture; costation subfasciculate. Loc. L 543 in Upper E. howelli Zone. U.W. 16619. 3 a,b. Complete large deformed body chamber with test remains. Loc. A 10 in Upper E. howelli Zone. U.W. 16620. 4+ a,b. Almost complete compressed variant with fasciculate costation. Loc. A 447 in E. howelli zonule. U.W. 16621. 5 a,b. Complete small finely spinose variant; phragmocone with test, body chamber as internal mold. Loc. A 454 in FE. teres- profundus zonule. U.W. 16622. 6. Completely finely spinose variant, internal mold, deformed; nucleus with lateral spines, ultimate 1/2 whorls with subfasciculate costation. Loc. A 8 in Upper E. howelli Zone. U.W. 16623. 7 a,b. Same variant; almost complete internal mold, not deformed. Loc. F 35 (19766) in E. howelli zonule. U.S.N.M. 132034. 184 BULLETIN 216 Explanation of Plate 64 Natural size if not otherwise indicated. Figure Page 1-6. Erycitoides (Kialagvikes) spinatus Westermann, sp. nov. 397 Kialagvik formation, Middle (F12) and Upper F. howelli Zone, Wide Bay. 1 a,b. Holotype; internal mold of phragmocone and ™% whorl in- complete body chamber. Loc. A 8, U.W. 16624. 2. Rubber cast of natural impression. Originally identified as “Hammatoceras” (Im- lay, 1952, p. 978, para. 68). Loc. F 12 (19747). U.S.N.M. 132035. 3. E. spinatus (?); almost complete specimen with test, largely com- pressed by deformation. Possibly an adolescent E. howelli. Originally identified as “Sonninia sp.’ (Imlay, 1952, p. 978. para. 68). Loc. 48 Ai-109 (21254). U.S.N.M. 132036. 4 a,b. E. spinatus ? Almost com- plete, slightly deformed internal mold with 14 whorl body chamber, test remains. Possibly an extreme spinose variant of E. kialagviken- sis. Loc. A 8. U.W. 16625. 5 a,b. E. spinatus ? Internal mold of body chamber fragment with complete peristome bearing a large spoon- shaped lateral lappet. Loc. 48 Ai-86 (21245 = F12). U.S.N.M. 132037. 6. Cf. E. spinatus. Internal mold of fragmentary phragmo- cone and 1/4 body chamber, laterally compressed by deformation. Same location as fig. 5. U.S.N.M. 132038. 7-12b. Erycitoides (Kialagvikes) levis Westermann, sp. nov. 399 Kialagvik formation, probably all from EF. teres-profundus zonule, Wide Bay. 7 a-e. Holotype; internal mold of compressed phragmocone fragment and 3/5 whorl body chamber with aperture; 7aX1; 7b 1.2; 7cX1.8: internal mold; 7d1; 7eX1.9: rubber cast of natural mold, reversed, with lappet. Loc. A 85. U.W. 16626. 8. Fragment with beginning of body chamber, test. Loc. A 454. U.W. 16627. 9 a,b. Internal mold, almost complete but aperture missing; keel partly exaggerated by slight lateral deformation. For cross section see Text-figure 19b. Loc. A 9 (?). U.W. 16628. 10. Same, with almost total resemblance ; 1.2. Loc. A 9. U.W. 16629. 11. Strongly laterally deformed in- ternal mold, apparently with complete peristome; lappet either not yet developed or broken off parallel to growth lines; few blunt bullae on the inner whorls. Loc. A 85. U.W. 16630. 12 a,b. E. levis ?; almost complete well-preserved specimen, with test on phragmocone, 3/5 whorl body chamber as internal mold; costation weak, fasciculate. This is possibly an extreme variant of E. kialag- vikensis. Loc.“A 454. U.W. 16631. BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 47 PLATE 64 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 47 PLATE 6} ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 485 Explanation of Plate 65 Natural size if not otherwise indicated. Figure Page 1-2c. Erycites imlayi Westermann, sp. nov. Ae 400 Loc. 48A;-95 (21246). Kialagvik formation, E. howell: zonule, Wide Bay. 1 a-e. Holotype; complete internal mold, test remains with almost 3/4 whorl body chamber, aperture with fragment of thick test in broad construction (la). 1c. Inner whorls after removal of ultimate whorl. 1 d,e. External views of same internal mold with test remains and plaster cast of its impression showing fine superficial keel. U.S.N.M. 132039. 2 a-c. Incomplete specimen with 4 whorl body chamber, in- ternal mold, phragmocone largely with test. 2 c. External view of phragmocone, with test in upper part, after removal of body cham- ber. U.S.N.M. 132040. 486 BULLETIN 216 Explanation of Plate 66 Natural size if not otherwise indicated. Figure Page 1-2c. Abbasites platystomus Westermann, sp. nov 405 Kialagvik formation, E. howelli Zone, Wide Bay. 1 a-c. Holotype; totally septate internal mold with some test; the secondaries simply alternate externally on the penultimate whorl, 1 b. And are continuous on the ultimate whorl, 1 c. Septum bullate (1b, see Text-figure 26). Loc. A 444 in E. howelli zonule U.W. 16632. 2 a-c. A. platystomus (?); two fragments of single deformed in- ternal mold; externside partly broken (2b). Top FE. howelli Zone. Loc. F 21 (19755). U.S.N.M. 132041. 3-5. Eudmetoceras nucleospinosum Westermann, sp. nov. 414 Kialagvik formation, all from Loc. A 22 in the Eudmetoceras zonule of Wide Bay. 3 a,b. Holotype; probably totally septate, well-preserved fragment, partly with test. U.W. 16633. 4 a-d. Totally septate internal mold, ultimate 1/4 whorl on the left side (4b) with test; 4dx2, showing high hollow-floored keel. U.W. 16634. 5. Paratype; rubber cast of natural mold, with approximately 1/4 whorl body chamber. U.W. 16635. BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 47 PLATE 66 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 47 PLATE 6 ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 487 Explanation of Plate 67 Natural size if not otherwise indicated. Figure Page la,b. Eudmetoceras cf. E. eudmetum jaworskii Westermann, sp. nov. 412 Fragmentary internal mold of phragmocone with few test remains; hollow-floored keel broken off. Kialagvik formation. Loc. F 58 (19788) in the Eudmetoceras zonule, Wide Bay. U.S.N.M. 132042. 2 a-c. Eudmetoceras (Euaptetoceras) amplectens (Buckman) 416 Large almost complete specimen, partly with test, first half of body chamber largely missing. 2 b. Body chamber fragment removed. 2c. Poorly preserved nucleus visible. Kialagvik formation. Loc. A 447 in the FE. howell: zonule, Wide Bay. U.W. 16636. 488 BULLETIN 216 Explanation of Plate 68 Natural size if not otherwise indicated. Figure Page 1 a-c. Eudmetoceras (Euaptetoceras) amplectens (Buckman) ............ 416 Well-preserved phragmocone, test remains mainly in hollow-floored keel. 1 c. Cross section showing high hollow-floored keel. Kialagvik formation, Loc. A 22 in the Eudmetoceras zonule, Wide Bay. U.W. 16637. 2. Pseudolioceras mclintocki whiteavesi (White) _. onal Internal mold of phragmocone (suture visible) and imperfect begin- ning of body chamber with test. Same locality and horizon. U.W. 16638. BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 47 PLATE 68 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 47 PLATE 69 ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 489 Explanation of Plate 69 Natural size if not otherwise indicated. Figure Page 1-6. Pseudolioceras mclintocki whiteavesi (White) 490 Kialagvik formation, E, howelli Zone, Wide Bay. 1 a-c. Lectotype; (plastotype), totally septate specimen, test largely pre- served. Probably from E. howell: zonule (labelled ‘““Wrangel Bay”, U.S.G.S. loc. 20110C). U.S.N.M. 132043. 2. Plastotype of White’s (PI. 13, fig. +) small ‘“co-type’; inner whorls, showing development of umbilical ridge. Same locality, U.S.N.M. 132044. 3. Body chamber of adolescent specimen, incomplete internal mold, laterally deformed. Loc. A 11 in the T. tenue-flexicostatum zonule. U.W. 16639. 4. Inner whorls with test remains, somewhat deformed; umbilical edge de- veloped near end, typical costation and high keel present. Loc. A 446 in the E. howelli zonule. U.W. 16640. 5. Phragmocone, some test pre- served, hollow-floored keel partly broken off; costation rather fine and umbilical edge developing late. Loc. A 22 in the Eudmetoceras zonule. U.W. 16641. 6. Internal mold of densely costate phragmocone. Loc. F 58 (19788) in the Eudmetoceras zonule. U.S.N.M. 132045. 49() BULLETIN 216 Explanation of Plate 70 Natural size if not otherwise indicated. Page Figure 490 1-4b. Pseudolioceras mclintocki whiteavesi (White) . Kialagvik formation, Upper E. howelli Zone, Wide Bay. 1. Body chamber, largely with test, laterally deformed. Loc. 48 A:-100 (21259). U.S.N.M. 132046. 2 a,b. Natural cross-fracture of phragmo- cone with beginning of body chamber; 2 bX2.5, showing hollow- floored keel. Loc. L 543. U.W. 16642. 3 a,b. Totally septate internal mold with test remains. Loc. A 22. U.W. 16643. 4 a,b. Same preser- vation and locality. U.W. 16644. BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 47 PLATE 70 PLATE 7 ‘ NT., VOL. 4 PALEO oR LL. AME e Btu ALASKAN BAJOCIAN AMMONITES: WESTERMANN 49] Explanation of Plate 71 Natural size if not otherwise indicated. Figure Page 1-2b. Pseudolioceras mclintocki whiteavesi (White) |. 490 Kialagvik formation, E. howelli Zone, Wide Bay. 1 a,b. Fragment of phragmocone (inner whorl with test) and de- formed body chamber (largely with test). 1 a. Showing growth striae. 1 b. Showing whorl sections with umbilical edge and septa of phragmocone. Loc. A 22 in the Eudmetoceras zonule. U. W. 16645. 2 a,b. Internal mold of incomplete, largest specimen with only 1/4 whorl fragment of body chamber, hollow-floored keel partly pre- served. 2 b. Cross-fracture. Lower FE. howell: Zone. Loc. L. 285 in the E. howelli zonule. U.W. 16646. 492 BULLETIN 216 Explanation of Plate 72 Natural size if not otherwise indicated. Figure Page 1-2c. Tmetoceras scissum (Benecke) _. Eee . 428 Kialagvik formation, Wide Bay. 1 a,b. Complete internal mold of large specimen, with aperture and several constrictions indicated by arrows, slightly laterally exfoli- ated; whorl section of body chamber subcircular, of phragmocone compressed oval. Loc. 48 Ai-107, approximately 100 mm. below base of E. howelli Zone. U.S.N.M. 132047. 2 a-c. Two body chamber frag- ments, internal molds, and lateral impression of inner whorls, almost certainly belonging to a single specimen; whorl section sub- circular, constrictions indicated by arrows. Same locality and hori- zon. U.S.N.M. 132048. aa, b. Tmetoceras ‘sp. jJUV-s.2...-:3- a Be eee Cae eee 428 Kialagvik formation, Wide Bay. Phragmocone (and beginning of body chamber?) with test, coarsely costate, whorl section almost subcircular. Loc. 1. 543 in the Upper E. howelli Zone. U.W. 16647. 4-6. Tmetoceras kirki kirki Westermann, sp. nov. . en aoe 439 Kialagvik formation, Wide Bay. 4 a,b. Holotype; internal mold of almost complete specimen with several constrictions, i